Tailwind CSS Vertical Alignment
Last Updated :
23 Mar, 2022
This class accepts more than one value in tailwind CSS. All the properties are covered in class form. It is the alternative to the CSS vertical-align property. This class is used to specify the vertical alignment of the table-box or inline element.
Vertical Alignment classes:
- align-baseline: It aligns the element baseline corresponding to the baseline of the parent. This might vary according to the browser. It is the default value.
- align-top: Aligns the element’s top corresponding to the top of the tallest element on its line.
- align-middle: Aligns the element’s middle corresponding to the middle of the parent.
- align-bottom: Aligns the element’s bottom corresponding to the top of the shortest element on its line.
- align-text-top: It aligns the element top corresponding to the top of the parent’s font.
- align-text-bottom: Align the element’s bottom corresponding to the bottom of the parent’s font.
<element class="align-{Vertical Alignment}">...</element>
<!DOCTYPE html> < html > < head > < link href = "https://unpkg.com/tailwindcss@^1.0/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel = "stylesheet" > </ head > < body class = "text-center mx-4 space-y-2" > < h1 class = "text-green-600 text-5xl font-bold" > GeeksforGeeks </ h1 > < b >Tailwind CSS Text Overflow Class</ b > < div class = "mx-4 h-24 rounded-lg grid grid-cols-2 text-left " > < p > < img src = class = "inline-block align-baseline" > align-baseline </ p > < p > < img src = class = "inline-block align-top" > align-top </ p > < p > < img src = class = "inline-block align-middle" > align-middle </ p > < p > < img src = class = "inline-block align-bottom" > align-bottom </ p > < p > < img src = class = "inline-block align-text-top" > align-text-top </ p > < p > < img src = class = "inline-block align-text-bottom" > align-text-bottom </ p > </ div > </ body > </ html > |