Tree Data Structure
Last Updated :
21 Mar, 2025
Tree Data Structure is a non-linear data structure in which a collection of elements known as nodes are connected to each other via edges such that there exists exactly one path between any two nodes.
Basics of Tree Data Structure
Binary Tree
- Binary Tree Guide
- Applications and Advantages of Binary Tree
- Properties of Binary Tree
- Tyes of Binary Tree
- Inorder Traversal of Binary Tree
- Preorder Traversal of Binary Tree
- Postorder Traversal of Binary Tree
- Level Order Tree Traversal
- Height or Depth of a Binary Tree
- Height and Depth of Node
- Level of a Given Node in Tree
- Search a Node in Binary Tree
- Find the Parent in Binary Tree
- Insertion in a Binary Tree
- Deletion in a Binary Tree
- Enumeration of Binary Trees
- Find all Leaf nodes
- Binary Tree (Array implementation)
Binary Search Tree
- Binary Search Tree Guide
- Applications of BST
- Insertion in Binary Search Tree
- Searching in Binary Search Tree
- Binary Search Tree (BST) Traversals – Inorder, Preorder, Post Order
- Deletion in Binary Search Tree
- More Problems on Binary Search Tree
AVL Tree
- AVL Tree Data Structure
- What is AVL Tree | AVL Tree meaning
- Insertion in an AVL Tree
- Deletion in an AVL Tree
- Weak AVL or Rank Balanced Trees
- Insertion, Searching and Deletion in AVL trees containing a parent node pointer
- AVL with duplicate keys
- Count greater nodes in AVL tree
- How to insert Strings into an AVL Tree
- Minimum number of nodes in an AVL Tree with given height
- Optimal sequence for AVL tree insertion (without any rotations)
- Different shapes of AVL possible at height h
Red-Black Tree
- Introduction to Red-Black Tree
- Red-Black Tree Definition & Meaning in DSA
- Insertion in Red-Black Tree
- Red-Black Trees | Top-Down Insertion
- Deletion in Red-Black Tree
- Applications, Advantages, and Disadvantages of Red-Black Tree
Ternary Search Tree
- Ternary Search Tree
- Ternary Search Tree meaning & definition in DSA
- Ternary Search Tree (Deletion)
- How to implement text Auto-complete feature using Ternary Search Tree
- Longest word in ternary search tree
n-ary or Generic Tree
- Generic Trees(N-ary Trees)
- What is Generic Tree or N-ary Tree
- Depth of an N-ary Tree
- Children of a Node in an N-ary Tree
- Find Siblings in an N-ary Tree
- Mirror of n-ary Tree
- Diameter of an N-ary Tree
- Level Order Traversal of N-ary Tree
- Sum of all elements of N-ary Tree
- Serialize and Deserialize an N-ary Tree
B Tree
- Introduction of B-Tree
- What is B-Tree? | B-Tree meaning
- Insert Operation in B-Tree
- Delete Operation in B-Tree
- B-Tree Insert without aggressive splitting
B+ Tree
- Introduction of B+ Tree
- What is B+ Tree | B+ Tree meaning
- Insertion in a B+ tree
- Deletion in B+ Tree
Other types of Trees
- Ternary Tree:
- Interval Tree:
- 2-3-4 Tree:
Trees vs other Data Structures
- Difference between graph and tree
- Comparison between Heap and Tree
- What is the difference between Heap and Red-Black Tree?
- Difference between Binary Search Tree and Binary Heap
- Difference between Stack and Tree
- Difference between an array and a tree
Comparison among different Tree Data Structures
- Difference between General tree and Binary tree
- Difference between Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree
- Difference between Binary tree and B-tree
- Difference between B tree and B+ tree
- Difference between Full and Complete Binary Tree
- Difference between Binary Search Tree and AVL Tree
- Red Black Tree vs AVL Tree
Problems based on Tree Data Structure
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