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Type of Teeth and Their Functions

Last Updated : 06 Jun, 2024
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The types of teeth in humans play different roles such as cutting, shearing, grinding, crushing, and tearing of food. The types of teeth and their functions are essential for understanding how we chew food and break it down for digestion. Teeth are calcified structures, which help vertebrates to bite food in smaller pieces to swallow them.

In this article, we will cover types of teeth and their functions in the human body.

Teeth in Humans

A tooth is a hard, calcified structure present in many vertebrate jaws (or mouths) that is used to break down food. Some animals, especially omnivores and carnivores, use their teeth for defensive purposes, to rip food, to help capture or hurt prey, to scare other animal, or to carry prey for their young.

Gum tissue covers a tooth's roots. Instead of being built of bone, teeth are composed of a variety of tissues with different densities and hardnesses that come from the ectoderm, the outermost layer of the embryonic germ layer. There are many different types of teeth in humans such as:

  • Incisors
  • Canines
  • Premolars
  • Molars

Types of Teeth in Humans

The following are the types of teeth in human:


The Latin verb "to cut" is the source of the name "incisors," which are tools used to bite food. These are the front teeth, used for cutting and chopping food into smaller pieces. There are a total of

Eight Incisors: In the adult human mouth, four on the top and four on the bottom.


Canines are small and pointed teeth on the side of our incisors, which resemble vampire fangs. They help in tearing food. Canines only rip despite their appearance as an excellent cutting tooth since they are positioned behind the incisors.

Four Canines: Each adult human has four canines, two on the top and two on the bottom.


Also known as bicuspids, premolars are located behind the canines and have flat surfaces with ridges. They help in grinding and crushing food.

Eight Premolars: Adults typically have eight premolars, four on the top and four on the bottom


Positioned at the back of the mouth, molars are the largest and strongest teeth, designed for grinding and crushing tough or coarse food.

Twelve Molars: Adults have a total of twelve molars, including four wisdom teeth or third molars that may erupt later in life..

Wisdom Teeth

These referred to as "third molars." These teeth are the final ones to develop permanently and are located deep within the jaw. Wisdom teeth usually emerge between the ages of 17 and 25. However, not everyone develops wisdom teeth, and their eruption can cause issues such as crowding or impaction. Many people undergo wisdom teeth extraction to prevent complications.

Type of Teeth and Their Functions

As discussed above, human mouth contains different types of teeth. Each of these type of teeth in humans have their own unique function. Let's read it in detail.

  • Cutting: Incisors are specialized for cutting and chopping food into smaller, bite-sized pieces at the front of the mouth.
  • Tearing: Canines have pointed edges that help in tearing and ripping food, particularly meat and tougher textures.
  • Grinding: Premolars and molars have flat surfaces with ridges, ideal for grinding and crushing food into finer particles.
  • Crushing: Molars, being the largest and strongest teeth, are primarily responsible for crushing tough or coarse food to help in digestion.
  • Holding: All types of teeth play a role in holding food in place during chewing, ensuring efficient breakdown before swallowing.
  • Initiating Digestion: The mechanical action of chewing by teeth begins the process of digestion by breaking down food into smaller pieces, making it easier for enzymes to further digest in the stomach and intestines.
  • Speech Articulation: Teeth also play a crucial role in speech articulation by helping to form certain sounds and words through their contact and interaction with the tongue and lips.

Type of Teeth Diagram

The following is a labelled diagram of types of teeth in human:


Anatomy of Tooth

There are two primary structures in a tooth:

  • Crown: This is the area of the tooth that is visible above the gum line. The dental crown is covered in enamel, a tough, protective material.
  • Root: The root basically works by providing proper strength so that our teeth can sustain for a longer time. It is held in place in our jaw by this portion of our tooth. Our gums conceal the root, so we can't see it. Our tooth's root secures it to the periodontal ligament.

Structure of Tooth

Teeth are composed of 4 different layers, including:

  • Enamel: Every tooth has this coating on the outside for protection. Enamel acts as a barrier against microorganisms that cause cavities. In a human body, enamel is the toughest material.
  • Dentin: Dentin is the layer that lies just beneath the enamel. Enamel is stronger than dentin. Risk of cavities increases when dentin is exposed by lost enamel.
  • Cementum: Teeth roots are covered in cementum. It helps in securely anchoring tooth in the jaw along with the periodontal tissues.
  • Tooth pulp: This is the tooth's deepest layer. It is made up of connective tissues, blood vessels, and nerves.
Structure of Teeth

Diphyodonts and Polyphyodonty


Diphyodonts are mammals that develop two sets of teeth throughout their lifetime, including deciduous (baby) teeth and permanent teeth. This phenomenon is common among most mammals, including humans, and serves essential functions in chewing, digestion, and overall oral health.


Polyphyodonty refers to the continuous replacement of teeth throughout an organism's life. This phenomenon is commonly observed in many non-mammalian vertebrates, including fish, reptiles, and amphibians. Unlike humans, who are diphyodonts and typically only have two sets of teeth (deciduous and permanent), polyphyodonts continuously regenerate their teeth to compensate for wear and tear or damage. This adaptation allows polyphyodonts to maintain functional dentition over their lifespan, ensuring efficient feeding and survival in their respective environments.

Babies Teeth

When infant is born, they do not have any teeth because their food source is milk. As they start to grow milk teeth will start to develop and by the age of six milk teeth get replaced by permanent teeth. Babies’ teeth include:

  • Eight incisors – There are four incisors in the lower jaw and four in the upper jaw.
  • Four canines – There are two canines in the lower jaw and two in the upper jaw.
  • Eight molars – There are eight molars total—four in the lower jaw and four in the upper jaw.

A person will also have a mixture of permanent and milk teeth throughout this stage. As a result, this phase is known as the mixed stage.

Conclusion - Type of Teeth and Their Function

In conclusion, teeth in humans serve various vital functions beyond mere mastication. From helping in speech articulation to digestion, each type of tooth plays a specific role in ensuring efficient chewing and digestion of food. Understanding the anatomy and functions of teeth, from incisors to molars, provides valuable insight into oral health and overall well-being. With a comprehensive understanding of teeth and their functions, we gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity and importance of dental health in humans and other organisms.

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FAQs - Type of Teeth and Their Function

What are the 4 Teeth and Their Functions?

The four types of teeth are incisors, canines, premolars, and molars, each with specific functions in chewing and biting.

What are the Five Functions of Teeth?

The five functions of teeth include cutting, tearing, grinding, crushing, and holding food during chewing and digestion.

What is the Function of Incisors?

Incisors function in cutting and chopping food into smaller, manageable pieces.

What is the Function of Premolars and Molars?

Premolars and molars grind and crush food, helping in the digestion process.

What is the Canine Teeth Function?

Canine teeth help in tearing and ripping food, particularly meat and tougher textures.

Where Can I Find the Types of Teeth Diagram?

You can find the type of teeth diagram at the top of this article.

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