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TypeScript Constraints

Last Updated : 07 Nov, 2023
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TypeScript constraints are used in generic type declarations to restrict the types that can be used as type arguments for the generic. Constraints allow you to specify that a generic type parameter must meet certain criteria, such as implementing a particular interface, having a specific method, or extending a specific class. This ensures type safety and enhances code predictability.


function functionName<T extends ConstraintType>(param: T): ReturnType {
// Function implementation


  • T is the generic type parameter.
  • extends is used to specify the constraint.
  • ConstraintType is the type or interface that T must extend or implement.
  • param is the parameter that must be of type T.
  • ReturnType is the return type of the function.

Example 1: In this example, we are getting some parameters and we are restricting that parameter, which means the parameter value can be anything other than a number. and it returns the output according to their length method.

function whatIsLength<Type extends { length: number }>
    (x: Type, y: Type) {
    if (x.length >= y.length) {
        return ("x is larger than y");
    } else {
        return ("x is smaller than y");;

const ans = whatIsLength([4, 0], [8, 9, 0]);

const ans1 = whatIsLength("abcde", "bb");


"x is smaller than y" 
"x is larger than y"

Example 2: In this example, we are giving numbers as a parameter and it is throwing error as numbers do not have length method. this is how we can limit the type.

function whatIsLength<Type extends { length: number }>
    (x: Type, y: Type) {
    if (x.length >= y.length) {
        return ("x is larger than y");
    } else {
        return ("x is smaller than y");;

const ans = whatIsLength([4, 0], [8, 9, 0]);

const ans1 = whatIsLength("abcde", "bb");

// Errror as values are number 
// and they do not have length method
const ans2 = whatIsLength(10, 12);


"x is smaller than y"
"x is larger than y"
Argument of type 'number' is not assignable to parameter of type '{ length: number; }'.

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