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Using Extractors with Pattern Matching In Scala

Last Updated : 02 Aug, 2019
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Scala Extractor is defined as an object which has a method named unapply as one of its part. Extractors can be utilized in Pattern Matching. The unapply method will be executed spontaneously, While comparing the Object of an Extractor in Pattern Matching.

Below is the example of Extractor with pattern matching.
Example #1:

// Scala program of extractors 
// with pattern matching 
// Creating object 
object GfG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        // Assigning value to the 
        // object 
        val x = GfG(25
        // Displays output of the 
        // Apply method 
        // Applying pattern matching 
        x match
            // unapply method is called 
            case GfG(y) => println("The value is: "+y) 
            case _ => println("Can't be evaluated"
    // Defining apply method 
    def apply(x: Double) = x / 5
    // Defining unapply method 
    def unapply(z: Double): Option[Double] =
        if (z % 5 == 0
        else None 


The value is: 1.0

In above example, object name is GFG also we are using unapply method and applying case class with match expression.

Example #2:

// Scala program of extractors 
// with pattern matching 
// Creating object 
object GFG
    // Main method 
    def main(args: Array[String]) 
        val x = GFG(15)
        x match
            case GFG(num) => println(x + 
                        " is bigger two times than " + num)
            // Unapply is invoked
            case _ => println("not calculated")
def apply(x: Int) = x * 2
def unapply(z: Int): Option[Int] = if (z % 2 == 0
                                    Some(z/2) else None


30 is bigger two times than 15

When comparing an extractor object using the match statement the unapply method will be automatically executed.
Note: A Case class already has an Extractor in it so, it can be utilized spontaneously with Pattern Matching.

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