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September 04, 2024 |200 Views

How to create popup message using Alerter Library in android

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How to Create Popup Message Using Alerter Library in Android

Want to add sleek and customizable popup messages to your Android app? In this tutorial, we’ll guide you through implementing popup messages using the Alerter library in Android Studio. The Alerter library allows developers to display lightweight, easy-to-customize alerts that enhance user interaction and provide important information without disrupting the user experience.

Introduction to Alerter Library

The Alerter library is an Android library that provides an easy way to display alert messages on top of the current activity. Unlike traditional Toasts or Snackbars, Alerter alerts offer more customization, including options for animations, colors, icons, and timeouts. These alerts are perfect for showing notifications, warnings, confirmations, or any other temporary message that needs user attention.

Why Use the Alerter Library?

Using the Alerter library for popup messages offers several benefits:

  • Highly Customizable: Customize the alert’s appearance, including colors, icons, and animations.
  • Non-Intrusive: Alerts appear on top of the current activity without blocking user interaction with the underlying content.
  • Easy to Implement: The library is simple to set up and integrate, with minimal coding required.

Setting Up the Project

To get started, set up your Android project in Android Studio:

  1. Create a New Project: Start a new Android project or open an existing one in Android Studio.
  2. Add Alerter Dependency: Add the Alerter library dependency to your project’s build.gradle file.

Step 1: Add Alerter Dependency

In your build.gradle (Module: app) file, add the following dependency under the dependencies section:


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dependencies {    implementation 'com.github.tapadoo:alerter:7.2.4' }

Sync your project to download the Alerter library.

Implementing Popup Messages Using Alerter

Follow these steps to create and display popup messages using the Alerter library in your Android app:

  1. Create a Basic Alert: Set up a simple alert with a message and a title.
  2. Customize the Alert: Add customizations such as background color, icons, duration, and animations.
  3. Handle User Actions: Optionally, add actions like buttons or callbacks to handle user interactions.

Step 1: Create a Basic Alert

In your Activity or Fragment, use the Alerter library to display a basic alert:


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import android.os.Bundle; import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity; import com.tapadoo.alerter.Alerter; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        setContentView(R.layout.activity_main);        // Display a basic alert        Alerter.create(this)                .setTitle("Alert Title")                .setText("This is a simple alert message using the Alerter library.")                .show();    } }

  • Alerter.create(): Initializes a new alert attached to the current Activity.
  • setTitle() and setText(): Set the title and message of the alert.
  • show(): Displays the alert on the screen.

Step 2: Customize the Alert

You can customize the alert by setting properties like background color, icon, and duration:


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Alerter.create(this)        .setTitle("Connection Error")        .setText("Unable to connect to the server. Please try again later.")        .setBackgroundColorRes(R.color.red) // Set the background color        .setIcon(R.drawable.ic_warning)    // Set an icon for the alert        .setDuration(5000)                 // Display duration in milliseconds        .enableSwipeToDismiss()            // Allow the user to swipe the alert away        .setOnClickListener(view -> {            // Handle click event            Alerter.hide(); // Hide the alert when clicked        })        .show();

  • setBackgroundColorRes(): Changes the background color of the alert.
  • setIcon(): Adds an icon to the alert message.
  • setDuration(): Sets how long the alert will be displayed before disappearing automatically.
  • enableSwipeToDismiss(): Allows the alert to be dismissed by swiping.
  • setOnClickListener(): Adds a click listener to handle user interactions.

Step 3: Handle User Actions

You can further enhance the alerts by adding custom actions like buttons or callbacks:


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Alerter.create(this)        .setTitle("Action Required")        .setText("Please review your settings.")        .setBackgroundColorRes(R.color.blue)        .addButton("Review", R.style.AlertButton, view -> {            // Handle the button click            // Redirect the user or perform an action            Alerter.hide(); // Hide the alert when the button is clicked        })        .setDuration(7000) // Set the alert duration        .show();

  • addButton(): Adds a custom button to the alert, allowing the user to perform actions like navigating to another screen or dismissing the alert.
  • Custom Button Styles: Style your button using custom styles defined in your resources.

Enhancing Your Alerts

To make your alerts even more engaging, consider adding:

  • Animations: Use built-in animations or custom animations to enhance the appearance of the alert.
  • Sound and Vibration: Add sound or vibration feedback when alerts are shown for critical notifications.
  • Queueing Alerts: Manage multiple alerts by queuing them up instead of showing all at once.

Applications of Popup Messages

Popup messages with the Alerter library can be used in various scenarios, including:

  • Error Notifications: Alert users to errors like connection failures or form validation issues.
  • Success Messages: Provide feedback for successful actions like saving data or completing a task.
  • Informational Alerts: Display important information or updates within the app without redirecting the user.


By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to create and customize popup messages in your Android app using the Alerter library. This feature not only enhances the user experience by providing timely and relevant feedback but also improves the overall responsiveness of your app. Whether for critical alerts, success messages, or simple notifications, Alerter offers a versatile and easy-to-implement solution.

For a detailed step-by-step guide, check out the full article: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-create-popup-message-using-alerter-library-in-android/.

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