What is Git?
Git is a tool used to keep track of changes to files, especially the code of the projects. It is termed a distributed version control system because of its behaviour to allow multiple people to work on the same project, even if they are not connected to a common server.
It was created by a person named Linus Torvalds in 2005 for the development of the Linux kernel. In this article, we will discuss Git, its features, advantages, and disadvantages.
What is Git?
Git is a tool that helps you manage changes to your code over time. It keeps track of every little change or update you make, you can always look back at previous versions or undo mistakes if needed.
Features of Git
- Version Control System: Git keeps track of every change you make to your project files. You can go back to previous versions is any requirement arises.
- Repositories: A Git repository (or repo) is like a project's central hub where everything related to your work is stored and managed. There are two main types:
- Local Repository: This is a copy of the repository which is stored in your computer. You can work on your project and make changes here.
- Remote Repository: This is stored on a server, like GitHub, where you and others can share and work on a project.
- Commits: Every time you make changes and save them in Git, these are called commits. The repository keeps track of all the commits you have made.
- Branches: A repository allows you to create Branches and work on new features and fixes. For example, you can have a "main" branch for stable code and a "feature" branch for new features you're developing.
- Merging: Once you are done with the branches you have made, you can merge those branches into main branch. This adds the changes you have made in the rest of the project.
- Cloning: Cloning is a process of making a complete copy of Git repository. It's like copying the entire project from central location ( like website) to your own computer.
Reason to Choose Git
- Distributed System: Every developer has a complete local copy of the project, allowing for offline work and increased resilience.
- Performance: Git is fast and efficient, handling large projects with ease.
- Branching and Merging: Git's lightweight branching and easy merging facilitate parallel development and feature isolation.
- Collaboration: Tools like GitHub enhance team collaboration, code reviews, and project management.
- Track Changes: Git tracks changes and maintains a history, making it easy to revert to previous versions.
Steps to Setup a Git
- Install Git: Download and install Git from the official Git website.
- Configure Git: Set up your username and email.
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com" - Create a Repository: Navigate to your project directory and initialize a Git repository.
git init
- Make Your First Commit: Add files to the staging area and commit your changes.
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
Basic Git Commands
git init:
Initializes a new Git repository.
git init
- git clone [URL]: Clones a remote repository to your local machine.
git clond [url]
- git add [file]: Stages changes to be committed.
git add [file]
- git commit -m "message": Commits the staged changes with a message.
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git push:
Pushes your commits to a remote repository.
git push origin branch-name
git pull:
Fetches and merges changes from a remote repository to your local repository.
git pull origin branch-name
git status:
Shows the status of changes in your working directory.
git status
Advantages of Git
- Distributed System: Everyone has the complete project history on their computer, so you can work offline and there's no single point of failure.
- Fast: Git handles large projects quickly and efficiently.
- Branching and Merging: You can create branches to work on new features and merge them easily, without affecting the main project.
- Collaboration: Git makes it easy for teams to work together, review each other's code, and manage projects.
- Change Tracking: Git keeps a record of all changes, so you can go back to previous versions if needed.
- Free and Open Source: Git is free to use and has a large community for support.
Disadvantages of Git
- Learning Curve: Git can be complex to learn, especially for beginners.
- Complex Commands: Some commands and operations can be difficult to understand and remember.
- Merge Conflicts: Resolving conflicts when merging branches can be challenging.
- Storage: The local repository can take up significant space on your computer.
- Setup and Configuration: Initial setup and configuration can be time-consuming.
- Not Ideal for Large Binary Files: Git is less efficient at handling large binary files (e.g., videos, images).
Git Workflow
A Git workflow is a set of guidelines for using Git in a structured and efficient manner. Here’s a simple and common Git workflow:
- Clone Repository:
git clone git@github.com:username/repository.git
- Create Branch: git checkout -b feature-branch-name
- Check Status:
git status
- Stage Changes: git add filename or git add .
- Commit Changes:
git commit -m "Add feature X"
- Push Branch: git push origin feature-branch-name
- Create Pull Request: On Github/other service
- Update Local Repository: git checkout main, git pull origin main
- Delete Branch: git branch -d feature-branch-name, git push origin --delete feature-branch-name
Git - FAQ's
What is Git and why is it used?
Git is a Distributed version control system that allows multiple people to work on the same project without interfering with each other's changes. It helps manage and track changes to code, facilitate collaboration, and allows for efficient handling of project histories.
What is branches in Git?
Branches is a way to manage and organize different lines of development within a project. It allows you to work on different versions of your project simultaneously. Each branch represents separate line of development.
What is Repository in Git?
A repository is a storage space where your project's files and their history are kept. It contains all the files and directories related to your project, as well as the history of changed made to them. Repositories can be local or remote.
What is a Pull Request(PR) in Git?
A Pull Request(PR) is a request to merge changes from one branch into another, typically from a feature branch into the main branch. It allows team members to review and discuss the changes before they are intgrated into the main code.
What is the difference between Git and Github?
Git is the version control system that tracks changes in your code and allows you to manage different versions. Github, on the other hand, is a web-based platform that uses git to provide cloud storage for repositories, along with collaboration tools.