Images shortlisted for POTY, 2020
- A: Adam Ward to AJD
- Alan Hughes
- A: Alan Murray-Rust to Andrew Abbott
- A: Andrew Curtis to Andy Waddington
- A: Anne Burgess to Arthur C Harris
- B
- C
- D: D Riddell to David Kemp
- D: David Lally to Derek Harper
- D: Des Blenkinsopp to Dylan Moore
- E to F
- G
- H
- I: Iain Russell to Ian Hawfinch
- I: Ian Paterson to Ian Taylor
- J: Jacqueline Barber to Jerzy Morkis
- J: Jim Barton to John Ferguson
- J: John H Darch to John Winder
- J: Jonathan Billinger to J Thomas
- J: Julian P Guffogg to Julian Paren
- K
- L
- M: M J Richardson to Martyn Pattison
- M: Mary and Angus Hogg to michael ely
- M: Michael Garlick to Mr Ignavy
- N
- O
- P: P L Chadwick to Peter Jeffery
- P: Peter McDermott to Pierre Marshall
- R: Rab McMurdo to Richard Humphrey
- R: Richard Law to Roger A Smith
- R: Roger Cornfoot to Ruth Sharville
- S
- T
- V to W
- Leaderboard
A: Adam Ward to AJD
Adam Ward (6363) 18

Adrian S Pye (46997) 8

Ajay Tegala (20422) 2

AJD (50660) 1

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