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The Carntogher Way

11 days ago
Carntogher Summit
Images of the Carntogher Way / Sl� an Chairn, a walking trail near Maghera. The full walk follows a loop but I chose to walk to the summit of the mountain and then return the same way. See LinkExternal link for information. You can see this trip plotted on a map on the Geo-trips page Link .
geo-trip walk

A winter train trip on the Kyle Line

2 months ago
View from the train at Badicaul
My wife and I celebrate each of our birthdays with a train journey from our local station of Dingwall. At Dingwall two lines diverge - the Far North Line to Wick and Thurso, and the Kyle Line to Kyle of Lochalsh LinkExternal link. January 10 is my wife�s birthday and this favours the winter trip to Kyle of Lochalsh where the whole route there and back can be accomplished in daylight if you stay in Kyle for just over two hours in the middle of the day. The...
geo-trip train ride

The Wildcat Trail around Newtonmore

6 months ago
Path to the Craggan Viewpoint above Newtonmore
The Wildcat Trail around Newtonmore is promoted in the leaflet Newtonmore Paths and on two websites. Newtonmore Paths is one of a series of leaflets under the general title of Cairngorm Paths. Six Newtonmore Paths are listed and the Wildcat Trail is the longest and described as strenuous. According to the leaflet The Wildcat Trail is an iconic orbital path through woodland, moorland and alongside rivers, offering wonderful views. Narrow uneven earthy paths, some rough, stony and...
geo-trip walk

Portadown loop cycle

9 months ago
Old signpost near Loughgall
40km cycle around north County Armagh, starting and ending at Portadown. Highlights included Dan Winter's cottage near Loughgall, Castledillon Obelisk and the former Richhill Railway Station. The route contains a surprising number of short, steep hills. You can see this trip plotted on a map on the Geo-trips page Link .
geo-trip cycle ride

A walk across London

12 months ago
Millennium Bridge and St Paul's Cathedral
On Saturday I travelled down to London on the train; I had booked a ticket to see the Holbein exhibition in the Queen�s Galley beside Buckingham Palace. My ticket was for entry at 3:15 in the afternoon. Arriving at Paddington Station with no plans for the morning and walking down into the underground to catch a tube train I was thinking of maybe going to Kensington and visiting one of the museums, but then I thought it is a reasonable day weather-wise, it�s not raining, which is a rarity...
geo-trip walk

Following the old railway, now NCN5 near Seahill and Flint

19 months ago
Sustrans milemarker by NCN5 at Deeside Industrial Estate
From our holiday cottage near Seahill, we followed the old railway line on our bikes, crossed the Dee and continued to Flint. Partway through the weather turned to rain. Being an old railway, this was a flat route, with some gentle undulation near Flint You can see this trip plotted on a map on the Geo-trips page Link .
geo-trip cycle ride

Cul Beag from the A835

21 months ago
Looking over Cìoch a' Chùil Bhig on the north ridge of Cùl Beag
C�l Beag is a less popular destination for walkers than its neighbour C�l M�r. C�l M�r has a good access path from the A835 which rises steadily until the final stiff climb to its summit. Once at C�l M�r's summit there are a range of ridges to explore and this makes for a great day out. In fact one of my images from C�l M�r has been my most viewed on Geograph and the day spent on the hill was one of the finest of my trips in recent years. So, C�l Beag became an obvious target when my...
geo-trip walk

The Bealach Path and Killiecrankie Loop

30 months ago
Descending from the Bealach na Searmoin
The Bealach Path and Killiecrankie Loop Saturday 6 August 2022 This walk to Killiecrankie over the hills from Pitlochry and then back by the River Garry is described in a number of trail guides. The route receives acclaim with high star ratings. So, it was no surprise that Jo and Richard Doake were able to persuade Scotways (The Scottish Rights of Way and Access Society) to lead this route for a sociable walk for its members. The route details were: 8.5 miles/14km; 530 m ascent; and...
geo-trip walk

The Far North Line - from Brora to Wick, January 2022

37 months ago
Loch Meadhoin
The journey Each year my wife and I take a train trip to celebrate our respective birthdays. Living near Inverness and with my wife�s birthday falling on January 10 we usually head west to Kyle of Lochalsh. The Kyle line is particularly striking with snows on the highest peaks and the journey can be done in daylight. See for example Link. However this year we repeated the journey made exactly ten years earlier to take an Away Day on the train from...
geo-trip train ride

A traverse of the Malvern Hills

39 months ago
View north from Jubilee Hill
For anyone living in the counties of Herefordshire or Worcestershire the line of the Malvern Hills is a familiar sight on the horizon. In fact, the hills form part of the boundary between these two counties, the southern slopes of Chase End Hill, the most southerly of the hills, is in Gloucestershire. The origin of the name Malvern is probably from the ancient British moel-bryn, meaning "Bare-Hill", The Malvern Hills are formed around 680 million years ago. The hills are the eroded...
geo-trip walk

Meal a' Bhuachaille circuit, Glenmore

41 months ago
Scots Pine of some antiquity
This GeoTrip is a walk of a published route on the WalkHighland website and the paragraph that follows is from there. [i]Meall a' Bhuachaille is a great choice for a first hill walk in the Cairngorms, being easily accessible and having the benefit of great paths to the summit as well as superb views. Here is a chance to experience the beauty and wildness of the Cairngorms without the length and remoteness of some of the Munro walks. The walk described offers great variety, with ancient...
geo-trip walk

2021 summary

41 months ago
Market Place, Uttoxeter
As the season draws to an end here is my annual summary of my photographic activity. Lockdown held back my usual routine till the end of March, so again sent me in a small circle around home covering less-visited areas until I was set free again Photo Photo Photo Photo, plus our bagpipers who put on a performance for charity Photo. Over the winter three pre-Worboys signs had turned up, so as soon as March ended I was off to get them all including one in...
lockdown 2021

Anniversary of Edward Jenner's first smallpox vaccination

45 months ago
Dr Jenner's House
If ever we needed a reminder of the importance of vaccination it is now with the world fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo The events which took place 225 years ago today in Berkeley, Gloucestershire were a milestone in medical history. In was on 14 May 1796, that Edward Jenner administered the first smallpox vaccination, a step which eventually resulted in the eradication of smallpox almost two centuries later. Edward who was a physician in Berkeley had noticed that...
edward jenner berkeley smallpox

Lockdown story

52 months ago
High Street, Bridgnorth
I usually make plans for each year for the photo season, roughly when the clocks go forward till when they go back, based on new map records and areas. The easiest new record was going to be my 20th myriad, SH in mid Wales. Then came the lockdown when we couldn't go out for more than about an hour, so on local duties. I covered every area I'd rarely visited Photo Photo Photo Photo Photo, and as a result of the added time managed a couple of POTY...

Cul Mor from Knockan

53 months ago
On the nose of Sron Gharbh
The Walk Highlands website provides a suggested itinerary for climbing C�l M�r, and this was mostly followed for this Geotrip. The walk uses the Stalkers Path from Knockan that crosses Meallan D�omhain and climbs C�l M�r by the North East ridge. The walk then heads North West along the spur over Sron Gharbh until the terrain descends abruptly at a nose. This point provides a memorable view over Loch Sionasgaig and Stac Pollaidh. The return is made along the spur to the bealach separating...
geo-trip walk

The Braes Loan Trail

55 months ago
The Braes Loan Trail
You can see this trip plotted on a map on the Geo-trips page Link The Braes Loan Trail incorporates several historic elements going back to the 12th century and beyond. Part of the trail is believed to be an old pilgrim's route which used to pass through Markinch and along which Edward I led his invading army into the village in 1296. The trail also makes use of old cattle routes used to drive cattle to and from grazing at 'The Mires', a once-boggy area...
braes loan trail markinch geo-trip walk

A short walk to Myreside Pond

56 months ago
Myreside Pond
You can see this trip plotted on a map on the Geo-trips page Link There is a video of this location available on YouTube LinkExternal link My wife first mentioned this pond to me one evening whilst we were reminiscing over old times and I was intrigued by the name she gave it - 'Scabanory' - and what she told me about childhood memories of catching tadpoles, minnows, etc. It has been many years since her last visit and...
leven myreside pond scabanory scabbie norrie

The Grantham Canal

56 months ago
Lorry on the bridge
The slight easing of the Covid-19 restrictions allowed a relief from a very routine daily round in the urban environment for getting essential exercise, with an opportunity to get out into the countryside. The early part of May 2020 has produced significantly fine weather. The canal towpath has been developed as a multi-user route and is a popular place - not too many at the time I was taking my walk. The walk can be seen as a Geo-trip here Link
grantham canal multi-user route coronavirus-covid-19

Railways of Chasewater 1

57 months ago
Former bridge support, Brownhills
As many of my fellow geographers know, Birmingham and the Midlands has a rich history of railways. Subsequent to their demise before/since Mr Beeching, many have now become fabulous oasis from the (once) fast pace of the city and of life in general. Fast forward to the present worldwide lockdown, and I chose to get some early morning exercise visiting the area north of Brownhills to search out such railway relics, whilst enjoying a short hour and a half's walk in the sunshine and with...
lnwr mr footpath circular walk short walk former railway track chasewater brownhills brownhills station a5 m6 toll

Ilkley to Eastby

57 months ago
River Wharfe heading towards Bolton Priory
Starting from the Old Packhorse Bridge in Ilkley, which coincides with the eastern end of the Dales Way proper. The route basically follows pastures beside or close to the River Wharfe to reach the village of Addingham. Once passed a caravan site, the long distance path follows pastures through wonderful scenery dominated by Beamsley Beacon to the east. On reaching the B6160 a path has been created in fields parallel to the road, to keep walkers safe from speeding traffic. After Bolton...
geo-trip walk

Half a season

57 months ago
Swan on the Welsh harp, Kingsbury
My photo season begins in April and ends in October, when I can travel as far as possible in a day to make my map records and collect pre-Worboys signs. Luckily I did two such trips just before the clocks went forward, and means the road signs which I consider a priority as so many are gone if you wait a day too long, are up to date. Each year I list the next trips, using the map to see the next record I can get without being stranded in the middle of the night off the A1 in Lincs...
lockdown coronavirus local photos

Strath Halladale

57 months ago
You can see this trip plotted on a map on the Geo-trips page Link .
geo-trip walk

2019 summary

61 months ago
Belle Vue Street, Filey
2019 was probably my busiest Geograph year. I reached 18th on personal points (I didn't aim to, I just went out most weeks), and went further in a day and back in Britain than I have in my whole life (although Brussels is the record). In fact it was because the Eurotunnel was on partial running through August as it was so hot and told passengers not to travel if possible I chose Yorkshire as an alternative. It was a good idea in principle, but I didn't allow long enough to get there as...
malvern filey rain mid-wales

One last look at the cooling towers

62 months ago
Cooling towers of Ironbridge Power Station
I was in Ironbridge back in the summer and whilst visiting some of the museums I took a couple of photographs of the cooling towers of the Ironbridge Power Station which ceased generating electricity in 2015. Knowing the towers were to be demolished during the coming winter I thought it would be good to return when the leaves have fallen thus hopefully getting a better view of them. I�ve been thinking over visiting in recent weeks but the dull and very wet weather of November had put me...
geo-trip walk

Circular walk by the River Beauly from Black Bridge

62 months ago
Riverside path near Groam of Annat
A circular walk beside the River Beauly above Lovat Bridge used to be possible by parking a car near Lovat Bridge at the entrance to the estate. The Laird has now closed the logical car parking area, and the walk now is best made by parking at Black Bridge. The full circle is over 9 km if one extends the route into the woodland that adjoins the Balblair Quarry. In fact the best part of the walk is the section in Balblair Wood. The route along the river is very quiet. I have been in the...
geo-trip walk

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