Grid reference SP2967
near to Old Milverton, Warwickshire, England
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The A46 crossing over the A429 Warwick Road
Village Hall, Old Milverton
The village hall was built by the Heber Percy estate for the villagers of Old Milverton. Most of them worked directly or indirectly for the Heber Percys, many as servants at Guys Cliffe House, others for tenant farmers of the estate. See... (more)
Field by Old Milverton
Church of St James, Old Milverton
Built 1879-80 as a replacement for the earlier, ruinous, church, in late 13th century style. Listed Grade II.
Mill weir, Saxon Mill, Warwick
Looking east along the weir on the River Avon
A429 joins A46 near Gaveston's Cross north of Warwick
Warwick-Saxon Mill
View of the footbridge from the car park.
Leaving the A46 northbound at Gaveston's Cross
St James, Old Milverton: churchyard (c)
Old Milverton church
Seen from the footpath to Guy's Cliff
A46 at the A452 junction
The Saxon Mill
Public house and restaurant along Coventry Road in Guys Cliffe.