Shared description

Path from the Binn Royd track to North Dean Road

This path has two branches at the western (Binn Royd track) end, and is shown on the 1850 six-inch map. The northern branch starts in Norland and leaves the track to go over a stile hemmed in by a tall conifer hedge. This is Sowerby bridge FP83. It goes across pasture to a footbridge over Maple Dean Clough, where it crosses into Greetland and becomes Elland FP01. The 1850 map has the caption 'Ford' here. It then climbs up a grass slope to meet the other branch, which starts through a field gate and crosses the stream by a ford. There is a better place to cross a short distance upstream. On the left, near to the gate, there is a stone, captioned on large-scale OS maps, inscribed 'F9'. The stone looks like an old gate post, possibly re-used. The path climbs up a grass slope and looks in places as if it was terraced for carts. It is very wet just before meeting the other branch.
The path goes through a narrow gateway into a walled lane and continues through a holly tunnel. There are some very muddy sections. The lane goes to Tinker Hey, but the southern part is fenced off, disused and overgrown. This might have been the original access to the farm before North Dean Road was constructed; Tinker Hey is a 17C house but the farmstead could be much older. A stile on the east side leads to a path along the edge of a pasture field. There is then a series of stile of the stone squeeze type until stone steps are reached climbing up the North Dean Road.
This path appears to be well-used, and a jogger passed me whilst I walked it. This was in winter and the muddy and wet sections might not be so bad at other times of year.
by Humphrey Bolton

Created: Mon, 9 Feb 2015, Updated: Mon, 9 Feb 2015

20 images use this description: (all images taken in 2015)

SE0722 : Maple Dean Clough from the footbridge by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Stile on Sowerby Bridge FP83 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Stepping stones upstream of ford on Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Elland FP01 in a holly tunnel by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Muddy section of Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0822 : Steps at the eastern end of Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Stile on Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Sowerby Bridge FP83 at the Binn Royd track by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Stone near Elland FP01 and Sowerby bridge FP149 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Northern branch of Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0822 : Stile on Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Ford on Elland FP01 (western branch) by Humphrey Bolton
SE0822 : Stile on Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Elland FP01 at the Binn Royd track by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Gateway on Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0822 : Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Footbridge over Maple Dean Clough by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton
SE0722 : The west branch of Elland FP01 by Humphrey Bolton

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