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Snow and cold weather in Kenilworth December 2010
On the night of Monday 6th /Tuesday 7th December the area experienced a dramatic hoar frost - photos of this can be found here: Link
Ten days later the area had a much heavier fall of snow - there were light snow showers on Friday 17th December which made little impact, but further snow which started falling on the morning of Saturday 18th December and continued throughout most of the day quickly built up to a thickness of about 3 inches. This snow had not been forecast by the BBC weather service who had predicted the northern edge of the snow band would not reach further north than about Oxford.
Most roads in and around Kenilworth were affected by the snow - although gritting did take place even the major roads were not completely cleared for a couple of days. However places just a few miles further north such as Coventry and North Warwickshire had little snow by comparison and most roads there were kept clear.
Warwickshire has light falls of snow most years, but it usually thaws and disappears within a day or two. This year an unusual weather front hanging over the British Isles and bringing cold air from the Arctic ensured that temperatures stayed below freezing, dropping to an overnight minimum of -10.8 degrees C at Bablake weather station in Coventry on 20th December - the coldest temperature recorded there since 1981.
A further snowfall on 22nd December brought the total lying snow to a thickness of about 4 or 5 inches. The snow that had originally fallen on 18th December did not start to thaw until the afternoon of 24th December in a few spots which caught the sunshine. With temperatures in most of the area staying below zero, most of the snow remained. Bablake weather station reported that it was the coldest Christmas Day since 1964 and there was still 2 or 3 inches of snow on Abbey Fields on Boxing Day. However on 27th December the thaw started in earnest and the snow quickly melted away.
Bablake Weather Station reported on 28th December that week 51 2010 was the coldest and driest week 51 on record in Coventry and that December 2010 "is destined to be described as 'historic', and certainly the coldest December in Central England since 1890."
33 images use this description: (all images taken in 2010)
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