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Featured Stock: Our Marvellous Marble Top Furniture
Browse some of our favourite pieces. We hope you are doing well! It is time again for us to to share some of our standout stock for you to explore. If you have ever visited the third and fourth floors of our warehouse, you may know that we have an extensive selection of marble-top furniture.…
New Whytock & Reid Stock!
Browse our fantastic range of pieces by the iconic Edinburgh furniture maker. As you might know, we have great admiration for Whytock & Reid furniture due to the quality of the cabinetmaking, the finest woods, and the designs of Sir Robert Lorimer. So much so, that in 2022 we bought the name to promote and…
Antique Smalls, Small Enough for Christmas Stockings!
We can’t quite believe it, but the holidays are fast upon us! Thinking about the ideal gifts for loved ones is always a task, so to help you out we wanted to share some antique inspiration from the warehouse.
Featured Stock: Antique Music Stands
This week we want to show you another collection of unique antiques – that being our music stands. Music stands are fantastically functional pieces, designed to hold sheets of music upright and in position for ease of reading while playing. Because users will be moving between seating and standing positions while practicing or performing, most…
Featured Stock: Pretty Pairs of Antique Lamps
Browse our stock of lovely lighting to brighten your home. We hope you are all well. We are glad to be bringing to you another ‘featured stock’ post. As you may know we store such a vast amount of antiques, so it is always good to focus on different categories from time to time. Lately,…
Featured Stock: Impressive Antique Wall Mirrors
We hope you are well! For this post we have decided to share some of the impressive wall mirrors we have in stock at the moment. We have a wealth of sizes, styles, and functions, from which we have compiled a selection our larger wall mirrors below. So, if you are looking for something smaller,…
Featured Stock: Antique Cabinets & Credenzas
At the end of last year, our team of French polishers were busy cleaning and waxing many of our cabinets and credenzas, bringing them back to their former glory. We thought we simply must share these with you! See below to browse some of these (in stock at the time of publishing), or click here…
Featured Stock: Antique Card Tables
Browse and learn more about our quality card tables. The weather is getting colder and we are spending more time indoors, so we have just the antiques for you. Perhaps you are looking to spend a little less time in front of the television or scrolling the socials, and are looking for something a touch…
Tips & Techniques to Look After Your Antiques!
The Second Installment of Helpful Hints from Yours Truly. The sun is peeping out now and again, and between showers we are having a good old Scottish summer here in Edinburgh! On that note, we actually want to share some helpful information on sunlight and the environmental conditions in your home when it comes to…
Tips & Techniques to Look After Your Antiques
Helpful Hints from Yours Truly. We have been looking through our archives and came across an old manual of ours full of information on how to look after your antique furniture. It is a resource that is too good not to share – we hope you find it useful! We have picked out 5 topics…