Author Topic: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!  (Read 4032 times)


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #50 on: March 11, 2022, 10:24:39 PM »

Denzel: "Do I look gay to you?"
Law Student: "Do I look gay to you?"


Dave D

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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #51 on: March 11, 2022, 10:29:08 PM »
Matt are you confusing �checking a man�s oil� with anal sex?

We are talking about fossil fuel not filling a man�s anus with the AIDS.

The Scott

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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #52 on: March 11, 2022, 10:30:33 PM »
Oil comes from "bodybuilders" of the  last few decades.   


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #53 on: March 11, 2022, 11:15:17 PM »
Yup I understand there is absolutely zero way we can be incorrect. There have been multiple experiments on helium in zero gravity situations. We can make these truths based on our research from 10,000 light years away.
Our Sun is only 8.3 light minutes away. Not 10,000 light years. You're right some of the other massive stars are very far away. Betelgeuse for example is 642.5 light years away. It might not even exist anymore. If it went supernova 400 years ago we would still not know for another 242.5 years. Since Betelgeuse is a lot more massive than the Sun it will have a shorter lifespan.

Here is a size comparison between the Sun, Jupiter, Earth and a few other planets.

Now here is a size comparison between the Sun and Betelgeuse!

Betelgeuse on the left and VY Canis Majoris on the right!

VY Canis Majoris compared to our Sun. Now our Sun will have a much bigger radius when it becomes a red giant. The Sun could reach all the way to the Earth at that stage. But the mass will be lower. VY Canis Majoris is not the heaviest known star. And not even the biggest by diameter. VY Canis is 6000 light years from Earth.

VY Canis Majoris is an extreme oxygen-rich red hypergiant or red supergiant and pulsating variable star 1.2 kiloparsecs from the Solar System in the slightly southern constellation of Canis Major. It is one of the largest known stars, one of the most luminous and massive red supergiants, and one of the most luminous stars in the Milky Way.

VY Canis Majoris is a red giant star located in the constellation Canis Major. Measuring between 1800-2100 times the size of the Sun, astronomers think that this star is at the end of its life, and will explode as a supernova in the relatively near future.

While it is thousands of times larger than our Sun it only has 17 times the solar-mass.

VY Canis Majoris is apparently the sixth largest known star.


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #54 on: March 11, 2022, 11:23:34 PM »
Here is Jupiter next to the Earth.

Jupiter is way more massive than Earth. And yet small compared to the Sun. Jupiter does not have enough mass to become a star. It is a gas giant though. It would have to be I think 80 times more massive before nuclear fusion can occur. At that mass it would be a small red dwarf star. Our Sun is over 1000 times heavier than Jupiter and has a diameter that is 9.731 times greater.

Here is a cool video of someone in Poland that zoomed into Jupiter with a camera.


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #55 on: March 11, 2022, 11:27:58 PM »
How big can stars get?

Today, it�s thought stars can�t be more massive than 150 times our sun�s mass. But, for a while, scientists thought they had found something even bigger in the star cluster Pismis 24.

Pismis 24 lies 8,000 light-years away in the direction of the constellation Sagittarius. A star in its midst � Pismis 24-1 � was thought to be 200 to 300 times our sun�s mass. But, in 2007, this object was revealed to be not one but three stars, orbiting each other.

In 2009, EarthSky spoke with Jesus Maiz Apellaniz, an astronomer with the Andalucia Institute of Astrophysics in Spain. Maiz Apellaniz said that stars like those in this system are bright, a million times or more brighter than our sun. But this sort of star can be hard to find. They�re short-lived and far away, in this case about 8,000 light-years from Earth.

He added that the birth place for stars are usually clouds that have large amounts of dust, and dust obscures the light from the stars and makes them very hard to detect.

Each of the stars in Pismus 24-1 are still very massive, between 60 and 100 times as massive as our sun. But theories suggest that a star can�t be more massive than 150 solar masses.

With this system now known to be several stars instead of one, the star �Eta Carinae� remains a good candidate for the title of most massive star known. It�s somewhere around the theoretical mass limit of 150 solar masses.,limit%20of%20150%20solar%20masses.


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #56 on: March 11, 2022, 11:29:02 PM »

Stars that don�t go supernova or (rarely) hypernova usually collapse into black holes, but there are certain stars doomed to turn into these monsters their entire lives.

Those stars that do morph into black holes usually go through the death throes of a core-collapse supernova � but some are too enormous for even that. They directly collapse into the invisible mouths of the universe, slowly drawing dust and gas and the occasional passing star towards them with their massive gravity.

New research led by Junjie Mao of Hiroshima University, recently published in Astrophysics of Galaxies, has found that there may be even more of these stars than we thought.

While a core-colllapse supernova is the phenomenon thought to turn most stars into black holes after their last gasp, there is a limit for how huge stars that go through this can be. A star that keeps fusing more and more elements needs to keep generating heat somehow. It keeps fusing heavier elements until iron, because fusion would require too much energy after that. This is why its core collapses it and tears it to shreds.

�Massive stars above 27 solar masses might end up as black holes (there are other alternatives like faint supernovae,� he told SYFY WIRE. �As long as nothing is fighting back against gravity and winning, one would form a black hole during the core collapse of a massive stars.�

Mao saw that instead of occurring in stars of 9-40 solar masses as previously thought, core-collapse supernovas probably only happen in stars that are 9 to anywhere between 23 and 27 solar masses. Because supernovas vomit out huge amounts of matter as well as light, he and his team were able to figure this out by looking at the elements released, such as oxygen and iron. Depending on how massive the star that went supernova was, it�s going to release different amounts of various elements. Measuring the ratios of these elements gave an idea of mass.

N6946-BH1 was the first star that ever observed turning directly into a black hole. At around 25 solar masses, it fits with Mao�s predictions, and it was seen brightening as it might have before a core-collapse supernova from 22 million light years away. That was predictable. What was not so predictable was that it just seemed to fade into nothingness after that. With other possible causes ruled out, scientists surveyed the region surrounding the star in infrared to make sure it wasn�t hiding in interstellar dust. Nothing. It is thought to have darkened into a black hole.

�Using a multi-temperature thermal plasma model helped our observations because by nature, the hot atmospheres of starburst galaxies have multiple temperature components,� Mao said. �If we only counted the number of elements in one or two of those components, we might not have gotten the numbers right.�

While observing a pair of galaxies, known as Arp 299, on a collision course, Mao�s team expected it to be teeming with stars � and supernovas. You do tend to get more supernovas than usual when two galaxies are about to crash into each other. If these supernovas were core-collapse supernovas, there were amounts and ratios of certain elements which would give that away. Something weird showed up. Despite the ratios of neon to oxygen and magnesium to oxygen being close to the Sun�s, of the expected ratio of iron to oxygen was way off. Too low.

Though this research cannot completely confirm that all stars which are smaller than the previously assumed upper mass limit can go straight from star to black hole, it is onto something. There is a chance that some elements produced by supernovas have been overestimated or underestimated. Mao is eager for future missions that will have an even better eye for which stars go straight to black hole form.

�Our current study is partly limited by measurement errors,� he said �I�m looking forward to measurements with future space missions like the NASA-JAXA mission XRISM, the Chinese HUBS mission, and the ESA Athena mission.�

Phantom Spunker

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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #57 on: March 11, 2022, 11:29:25 PM »


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #58 on: March 11, 2022, 11:41:33 PM »

Video does not play. What country? I will need to use a VPN.


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #59 on: March 12, 2022, 12:45:18 AM »
Based on the info we have, how fossil fuels are formed  and the size of the earth are there any educated estimates of how much fossil fuel, specifically oil, is available?

Much more than the atmosphere can handle. 


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #60 on: March 12, 2022, 01:05:57 AM »

Disgusting sodomite.

Accusations like that are not those I would tolerate in person. Nothing short of an apology would be accepted, and that would only START the process of me letting go of what you said to me.

Accusing me of anti-homosexual sentiments just for RAISING AWARENESS of the disproportionately high risk of contracting HIV from receiving anal sex?


You're quoting 14 year old postings.  And getting quite angry about them.  None where I say anything about transmission rates or the other things you wrote above.

Here is the thing.  I reply to the board.  Over the almost 20 years on getbig, I don't keep track of who is writing what.  You give me a name, and I might be able to say yes or no they're on getbig.  But I wouldn't be able to tell you what their primary message is.   When I reply, I'm not writing to that person.  I'm writing to the board.  Im writing to the lurkers.  There is all this hate being spewed, and I just write to say no that's not all there is.

Accusing me of anti-homosexual sentiments just for RAISING AWARENESS of the disproportionately high risk of contracting HIV from receiving anal sex?

In 2008?  Every gay guy knew how HIV was being transmitted.  The vast majority of gays were using condoms for anal sex at that time.  Then a few years later, PrEP came along (Pre Exposure Prophylactic, taking Truvada or similar med daily when negative to prevent infection) did the gays mostly stop with the condoms.

In the 2008 thread you reference above, you were upset that a billboard was showing non-stereotypical people as having HIV.


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #61 on: March 12, 2022, 01:48:38 AM »
You told me that AIDS doesn't disproportionately impact the homosexual male population.
No I did not.  Above you pointed to a January 2008 thread.  I reviewed it.  No where in there do I say that.  Nor did I ever believe that.    The thread you link to was you complaining about a billboard campaign pointing out that many types of people get HIV.

And that was my only intention - and you chose to deride me as perpetrating gay hate.

How did I deride you?  in that thread or any other can you find me calling you anything?

Also, the idea of gay men falling apart with AIDS is bullshit. From what I can tell, a lot of 1980's homosexuals were killing themselves with methamphetamines - possibly due to the stress of being given a death sentence which wasn't even accurate.

There is no evidence to support this claim.

To be clear - you had the audacity of accusing me of homophobia for simply stating a medical fact on HIV transmission?

All I was trying to do was raise awareness about HIV transmission, Tim.

Again, where did I call you anything?  Pointing out that your "facts" are not true, or don't mean what you think they mean, is not calling you homophobic or even deriding you. And in that thread you were not raising awareness about HIV transmission. You were saying "It's all the gays"

If someone would make a post that I felt was misinformation or disinformation, if I believed that it was serious enough I would reply.  Not to convince the person who wrote it, but to inform other readers, especially those who never post, lurkers.

In the almost 30 years of getbig and before it, I don't believe I've every called anyone a name.     On (Usenet, before the web, ask your parents), I was the first openly gay regular poster.  My motivation was simple:  to tell lurkers that yes there are gay athletes, and it's okay.  I never got into name calling.  I just replied to other posts with facts.  Now you can debate me on those facts.  That's what these boards are for.  But I would never took those debates personally.

Phantom Spunker

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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #62 on: March 12, 2022, 02:50:06 AM »
Video does not play. What country? I will need to use a VPN.

Oh really? That's interesting. It's a US uploader but maybe I'm blocked from sharing videos because of where I am. It's just that short meme of the guy from The Office screaming 'Shut up about the sun!'


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #63 on: March 12, 2022, 03:27:25 AM »
some stars are bigger than others

So fucking what?

We have telescopes that can pick out stars billions of miles away yet we cant see a moon buggy that was left on the fucking moon

Dave D

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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #64 on: March 12, 2022, 06:47:08 AM »
Our Sun is only 8.3 light minutes away. Not 10,000 light years. You're right some of the other massive stars are very far away. Betelgeuse for example is 642.5 light years away. It might not even exist anymore. If it went supernova 400 years ago we would still not know for another 242.5 years. Since Betelgeuse is a lot more massive than the Sun it will have a shorter lifespan.

Here is a size comparison between the Sun, Jupiter, Earth and a few other planets.

Now here is a size comparison between the Sun and Betelgeuse!

Betelgeuse on the left and VY Canis Majoris on the right!

VY Canis Majoris compared to our Sun. Now our Sun will have a much bigger radius when it becomes a red giant. The Sun could reach all the way to the Earth at that stage. But the mass will be lower. VY Canis Majoris is not the heaviest known star. And not even the biggest by diameter. VY Canis is 6000 light years from Earth.

VY Canis Majoris is an extreme oxygen-rich red hypergiant or red supergiant and pulsating variable star 1.2 kiloparsecs from the Solar System in the slightly southern constellation of Canis Major. It is one of the largest known stars, one of the most luminous and massive red supergiants, and one of the most luminous stars in the Milky Way.

VY Canis Majoris is a red giant star located in the constellation Canis Major. Measuring between 1800-2100 times the size of the Sun, astronomers think that this star is at the end of its life, and will explode as a supernova in the relatively near future.

While it is thousands of times larger than our Sun it only has 17 times the solar-mass.

VY Canis Majoris is apparently the sixth largest known star.

Sorry bro I was referencing an old article about watching a star form with th ALMA telescope from 10,000 light years. The sun is much closer for studying.

Being we can split an atom I wonder how long it is before we can form a small star (something the size of a quarter)?


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #65 on: March 12, 2022, 07:30:18 AM »
I have many friends who have been HIV positive for over 20 years

LMAO!! No shit.

Disgusting degenerate sodomite.

It sickens me to know that at any given moment, your penis is covered in stool.


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #66 on: March 12, 2022, 07:39:27 AM »
A major cause of the world's problems is that we like to divide the world into "them" vs "us".  It is easy to dismiss other people's problems when you see them as a "them".  It is easy to start wars with people when you see them as a "them".   It is harder to do when you see them as part of "us".


It seems to me that you saw Wiggs welcomed back here to such excitement and joy that you felt the same warm thoughts would be extended to you.

It almost brings a year to my eye, frankly, Wiggs being back.

The reason why that's not the case from me is because you are part of the same Global-Homo Marxist push that is making the quality of life of ALL PEOPLE [of all races/orientations] go down.

I think I've said everything I have had to say to you by now, Tim. There is an Ignore feature here, and I can use it. I don't want to be needlessly cruel to you.

That being said - accusing me of hating homosexuals for simply raising valid factual information on the risks of HIV due to anal sex? Shame on you!

I also want to point out...I am definitely against the organized LGBT community now.

I don't think it's fair to accuse me of hating gays, precisely. But however close I am to that, you are a large cause of it.

Here, Tim - one of your leftist Marxist heroes. Please read the comments:

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #67 on: March 12, 2022, 08:31:35 AM »

Disgusting sodomite.

Accusations like that are not those I would tolerate in person. Nothing short of an apology would be accepted, and that would only START the process of me letting go of what you said to me.

Accusing me of anti-homosexual sentiments just for RAISING AWARENESS of the disproportionately high risk of contracting HIV from receiving anal sex?


Matt Canning you are a cock smoking closet homo phaggot.

Tell Bast to pull his cock out and then get off the internet and go spend some time with your kids.

You fucking degenerate weirdo.


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #68 on: March 12, 2022, 08:46:10 AM »
Much more than the atmosphere can handle.

lol - you just keep making up shit as you go along. Where the fuck do you think the plants that comprise the fossil fuels got the CO2 they used for photosynthesis? The atmosphere at the time.

You are dumber than fuck all.


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #69 on: March 12, 2022, 09:49:29 AM »
Getbiggers are themselves fossils.

Nothing personal, Wes.

The Scott

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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #70 on: March 12, 2022, 09:59:03 AM »
One supposes that having one's anus regularly pounded does cause gas to be produced at an alarming rate.  It's time to take nellie homosexuals (i.e., E.B., Eternal Bottoms) such as Tim and Vincenzo off the Endangered Feces List and set them to producing metric tons of pure, natural gas from their ass.

Whatcha' say Timmeh?!  Step up to the plate buttwheat and schwiiiiiiiiig!


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #71 on: March 12, 2022, 10:03:59 AM »


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #72 on: March 12, 2022, 10:08:03 AM »


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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #73 on: March 12, 2022, 10:23:55 AM »
Getbiggers are themselves fossils.

Nothing personal, Wes.

Walter Sobchak

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Re: Oil does not come from fossils, this is total bullshit!
« Reply #74 on: March 12, 2022, 10:34:01 AM »

Wes, why does Matt Canning like getting his shit stabbed by other men�s penises?

I mean, other than him being a bedwetting little closet phaggot.