IFRS 17/IND AS 117 Implementation in Non-Life Industry


General Insurance Council proposes to hold lectures (VC and physical) on certain aspects of this subject by calling appointed actuaries/CFO’s/Project heads on topics that would be relevant to this subject. Watch this space.

It has come to our notice that the Institute of Actuaries of India (IAI) in collaboration with Casualty Actuaries Society in USA has arranged for a training course that is basically a foundation course in IFRS 17.

This course can be done in 6 months and is an online course,  and can be accessed by the participant at his/her own convenience. The cost of this training is roughly Rs 85,000. At the end of the course, all participants would have to pass a test and a certificate of completion would be given to them by IAI.

 It is requested that companies nominate their Accounts/Technical officials for this course so that trained resources are made available to them for the implementation of IFRS 17/ Ind AS 117.

Members may also contact Hiten Kothari (Appointed actuary, HDFC Ergo) at 7208807975 or Sharad Ramnarain (Appointed Actuary – New India (8108839845) for further details. Members are requested to take advantage of this opportunity.



