Latest Gisborne Herald news

Remembering Pat Hall: A life devoted to nursing, politics and theatre
Pat Hall helped others at work, in plays and through politics.

‘Different boat’: Gisborne Council grapples with speed rule changes
The council's bylaw process complicates implementing the new speed limits.

50 years at the port...and still loving it
' the end of the day, it’s still about people. That’s what I love about this job'

‘Came well prepared’: Unusual gas water heater theft caught on camera in Gisborne
The alleged thief came with tools to remove the water heater from the wall.

Gisborne mayor supports four year terms, scrapping postal voting
Electoral reform group suggests moving back to booth voting to boost voter turnout.

Soaked: Gisborne cops bursts of rain; watch in place
The MetService was bang on with a 'heavy rain at times' forecast for the Gisborne district

Golden harvest: Signs good for grain maize
Early days but grain maize harvest yields above average so far

Gisborne vineyard’s harvest success despite owner’s motorcycle accident
The Wright's harvest show goes on with a little help from family and friends.

Multidisciplinary artist Jamie Berry to unveil new public artwork in April
The pou will display projections, reflecting on Aotearoa's history and identity.

How a physiotherapist found serenity and success in painting
'It's my essence': Artist blends trauma care with painting.

Art exhibition, heavy metal music and Teddy Bear’s Picnic
New art exhibition, heavy metal and Smash Palace and last chance to see Badjelly the Witch

Gisborne’s DrainWise redirects downpipes to prevent sewage spills
The council removed 25 downpipes from November 2024 to January 31.

‘So much generosity in Gisborne’: Two women moving to support Cancer Society
Jane Wilkie lost her 31-year-old son Matt to bowel cancer in 2022.

Farming Women Tairāwhiti seeks members for discussion group
FWT group inclusive of women at all stages of their farming lives

Noddy Halley top dog three times at Whatatutu trials
A 'well-deserved' life membership for Graeme Cook after 25 years with the club.

Tolaga Bay’s Tau up for Ahuwhenua Young Māori Farmer Award
Puatai Station head shepherd carving out impressive career.

Bullets fired into packed rural pub near Wairoa, police investigate gang links
Police are searching for a white hatchback seen in the area before the shooting.

‘A great save’: Māhia gorse fire came within 5m of building
'We stopped the fire from reaching those houses, which was great.'

Council announces rural road closures for essential works
Monkey comb an 'incredibly tricky pest to eradicate.'

Seaweek celebrated at Pouawa marine reserve
Diving, sandcastle, artwork and sausages enjoyed at snorkel day.

First overseas kiwifruit shipment loaded at Gisborne’s Eastland Port
First of five ships took away 980 pallets of kiwifruit.

From Lightning God to High Five: Two Rocket Lab missions in three days
Missions 61 and 65 launch in close succession from Rocket Lab's Mahia pad.

Night vision: $27k goggles huge boost to rescue chopper
Rapid Relief Team donation for vital piece of rescue equipment welcomed.

Gisborne highway speed review a ‘relief’ and ‘fantastic news’
NZTA will conduct speed reviews on roads with automatic reversals in Gisborne.

‘Dark mystery’: Vigil marks missing woman’s birthday, 5 years after disappearance
The gathering's organiser hopes a ceremony will be held annually until Jamie is found.

100 years ago: Nepia, Mill and the legendary 1924 Invincibles
The 1924 Invincibles won all 32 matches in Britain, France and Canada.

HSOB centenary fully booked, All Blacks triallist Peter Blair to attend
Club legend Blair is the oldest person registered for HSOB's 100th.

Informing New Zealand Beef programme proving its worth
There has been a substantial increase in awareness of INZB tools in the industry: Jenkins

Anchors aweigh: Cruise season a success despite finale fizzer
Thousands of passengers enjoyed Gisborne experience during 16 ship visits.