The prospect of losing your breasts to surgery might sound scary. But to cut out breast cancer—or in some cases prevent it—more than 100,000 US women get some form of a mastectomy each year. And many of those women bare their mastectomy scars (whether on social media or in their private lives) with pride and love. “My scars tell me it’s okay not to run from pain and fear—that they are most often gifts in ugly wrapping paper,” says breast cancer survivor Jen Rozenbaum. “Once you get through the pain, there is tremendous beauty on the other side.”
Here, 13 women share how they came to embrace their mastectomy scars post-surgery. Spoiler alert: It wasn’t always easy or automatic, they say. But today they’re wearing them like a badge of honor.
I was diagnosed in December of 2019 with breast cancer, and a mastectomy was just part of my treatment plan. I love my scars because they are part of me, and I am on a life-long mission of self-love. I didn’t want them, but there is a certain beauty to them: proof of an interesting life. And sometimes I don’t love them. Sometimes they remind me of deep trauma and intense pain and unforgettable loss. In those moments, I am learning to sit with my feelings of discomfort. I’m learning to welcome and accept my scars as part of my journey and part of my wholeness. —Kira Hodgson
I had my mastectomy on February 15, 2017. I’ll never forget the day it was time to remove the bandages and see my scar for the first time. My anxiety grew with each layer being removed. When we got to the last piece, I almost passed out. It took about a year for me to remember how beautiful I still am, and how beautiful my scar is. Every October I make posts with a message about staying healthy while providing facts about breast cancer. So many people began sending me private messages. Some thanked me for sharing information, and others opened up to me about deep fears because they felt that I was someone they could relate to. I know now that I was meant to help women who have made the decision to live “flat” see how beautiful they always will be. —Amber Dawn Rice
I found out I was BRCA1+ in July of 2019 and decided to get a preventative double mastectomy. I feel like there are still periods of mourning, as I’m learning my new shape and trying to figure out who I am without breasts. But overall, I just feel a sense of relief. I made a choice that ensures I will be here for my husband and my family. I also love fashion. So for me, learning to love my scars wasn’t that hard, because I had a closet full of clothes that I was excited to wear in new ways. —Casey Somerville
I had a bilateral mastectomy after being diagnosed with breast cancer on August 16, 2018. Embracing my scars has been a long process. Waking up with a different body after 34 years is scary. I walked around my house for about an hour a day with no shirt on trying to get used to them. Then my husband and I began going to remote places, and I wanted to capture every new adventure that beating cancer gave me, so we started flashing the camera—discreetly of course. It made me proud to bare them. And then the most amazing opportunity happened: I got to carry a baby, who is now two years old and the love of my life! I’ve started writing about breast cancer for a media company full-time, and I am thriving! I can help empower other women by loving myself and hoping they will get to that place too. —Maggie Rose Hundshamer Moshier
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in January of 2019. It felt surreal because I was 22. I had a mastectomy. It’s taken a lot to love my scars. As I was recovering, it was really rare to hear stories about life after cancer—hopeful ones, at least. I sought out stories that didn’t involve fear, doctors, or pink everywhere. I went to therapy to heal my relationship with my body and my trauma. Testing my strength both physically and mentally, I also began competitively powerlifting and rediscovered a love and appreciation for my body. Next, I decided to dive into my profession. I switched careers and went back to school to earn my master’s degree in education and started teaching kindergarten. Every day, I get to spend time with brilliant and kind little minds. Lastly, I fell in love with a partner who has consistently validated and praised my strength, my struggle, and my character; I never thought a love like this would be possible with all these scars. I’ve had two biopsies since my mastectomy; both times I felt an overwhelming fear that cancer was back. I’ve spent long days stressing about my health and future, having hard conversations with loved ones about the “game plan” if the tests came out positive. I have spent days in bed fearing the worst, and times when I avoided looking in the mirror. But healing is not linear. It is not always easy to understand, but it is always worth it. This life that I get to live is one that I never thought I’d get to have, and to know that I fought, physically and mentally, to be here makes everything worth it. —Maxine Faustino
I was diagnosed with stage IV breast cancer in January of 2019, de novo. We didn’t know a person could be stage IV from the get-go, and we were shocked and devastated. We went into our initial consultation confident that I could be treated and left realizing that I could die within five years. Though mastectomy is not standard-of-care for stage IV, a loophole allowed us to proceed, and I believe it is one reason I’ve been stable all these years. My scars cover my entire torso, tripling after multiple surgeries, including reconstruction, reduction, and correction. Loving my scars remains an ongoing process of acceptance. This is the first summer I wore a bikini in a long time—and I wore it proudly, with the knowledge that being alive is more important than anything. I have a wonderful life and I want to be in it. That’s what matters most. —Allison Kay Bannister
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2018. To have the best chance of getting rid of cancer entirely, a mastectomy was necessary. Learning to love my body and scars has been a process. I’ve had some heart-to-heart conversations with myself by way of positive affirmations. I say aloud daily, “I like you and I always will. I love you and I always will. You are beautiful just as you are.” It took me a while to believe it, but now when I see myself in the mirror, I see beauty, strength, and courage. —Monica Brooks
I was diagnosed at the end of 2018 with breast cancer. I’ll never forget the day my breast surgeon called me with my MRI results. She said the tumors were large and widespread, including in my nipple, so there was no way to save any part of my left breast. I would need a mastectomy. I was devastated and terrified. Reading Audre Lorde’s The Cancer Journals helped me decide not to get a breast implant. I’m committed to the practice of loving my full self—including my scars. I care for my well-being through rest, alone time, exercise, laughter, and time in nature. I massage the area around my scar and send love to that area. And I’m a big believer in the healing power of selfies. —Sara Spriggs
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in July of 2017, I didn’t know how bad the cancer was. Would I live or die? But once I saw doctors and we had a plan in place, survival mode kicked in and I was ready to fight. In August 2017, I had a bilateral mastectomy, followed by eight rounds of chemotherapy. I absolutely adore my scars. They are a gift for me. They serve as a constant reminder that I can do hard things. Any time I doubt myself, all I have to do is look down and I am reminded that the things in life that change us and help us grow are usually the most painful. —Jen Rozenbaum
One night, I decided to check my breasts and to my surprise, I found a lump—which led to a breast cancer diagnosis in January of 2018. I went through many rounds of chemotherapy. I tested positive for a mutation called PALB2, which prompted me to have a full hysterectomy—as well as a double mastectomy with reconstruction. I went through four reconstructive surgeries to get to where I’m at today. Once healed, I decided to empower others by sharing my scars because they tell a powerful story—my story. Many people contacted me, thanking me for being courageous. That made me think I went through this for a reason: to empower, educate, and advocate for myself and others. My scars are the tools that I use to help others. —Erika Silver
I was diagnosed with breast cancer on January 10, 2017, and on the day before my 28th birthday, I had my left breast removed. I’m going to be honest: It’s taken me a while to accept and love my scars. It wasn’t until recently that I’ve been proud of them and able to show them off. I’ve been on a long, hard journey, and that came with a lot of self-love and healing. I also have an amazing support system behind me, pushing me to stay positive. I’ve accepted that I will no longer look down and see my breast, but a beautiful scar—a scar that saved my life. —Katelyn Broad
I found a lump in my right breast that was diagnosed as breast cancer in August of 2019. At the time I was also 15 weeks pregnant. To continue with my pregnancy and treat the cancer, my only option was to have a mastectomy. Losing my breast was really tough. I was embarrassed, I couldn’t bear to look at myself, and there was a period where I didn’t hug anyone in case they could feel the physical difference. But over time I have been sharing my story, and knowing that I am helping others who are in a similar position has been hugely beneficial. I have learned to love my scars, and I am so proud of my body and what it has been through. —Lizzi England
Jillian Kramer is a journalist who writes about health, wellness, science, and adventure. She taps into a broad network of doctors, scientists, and medical experts to write in-depth service articles for leading publications, including Glamour, The New York Times, Scientific American, Travel + Leisure, EatingWell, and Food & Wine.