Donald Trump

GQ has given Donald Trump a makeover and it's pretty epic

Just goes to show - money can't buy you style.
Image may contain Donald Trump Tie Accessories Accessory Human Person Suit Coat Clothing Overcoat and Apparel

Hey everybody, happy Friday. This video will instantly brighten your day because even though we have Donald Trump in power of the Oval office (which is just the worst!), American GQ has given the leader of the free world a makeover, and quite frankly, they've trolled him in the best way possible.

Image may contain Tie Accessories Accessory Suit Coat Clothing Overcoat Apparel Donald Trump Human and Person

The video wizards have sorted out Donald Trump's lack of style, his orange face, his hair and even his small hands. Genius.

We wonder if Donald is on the phone to a new stylist as we speak.


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Image may contain: Face, Human, Person, Kylie Jenner, and Hair
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