Stara Glass announces its engagement in the LIFE SUGAR project, co-financed by the LIFE instrument of the European Union (LIFE19 CCM/IT/001314), leading a pool of highly specialized companies (Johnson Matthey, KT-Kinetics Technology (KT), Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, Università di Genova), with the goal of designing and demonstrating before the end of 2023 a technology that would allow an air/fuel glass furnace to reach the lowest energy consumption physically achievable. Such an important consumption reduction naturally comes with an equal reduction of CO2 emissions.
Besides using the Centauro technology with its high performance heat recovery system to preheat combustion air at the levels of the best regenerative furnaces, and a performing insulation, this extraordinary energy efficiency goal will be pursued by recovering all residual waste gases heat to convert a part of the natural gas into hydrogen, thanks to an innovative technological embodiment of steam/methane reforming.
Visit the project website and get in contact with the project coordinator to be updated about our results and stay informed about our solutions for the sustainability of glass production.
Soon on line:
For more information about this project, please contact Ernesto Cattaneo, LIFE SUGAR Project Manager and Stara Glass Head of Innovation Projects, at [email protected]