The NHS in Gloucestershire has taken additional measures to respond to the coronavirus outbreak.

Isolation wards have been set up at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital and Cheltenham General Hospital for people who are unwell and have suspected or confirmed Covid-19.

Visiting restrictions have been put in place in hospitals and at five mental health and learning disability inpatient units.

Patients with symptoms are being encouraged to use the NHS 111 online service instead of booking an appointment at their GP surgery or hospital. However, face-to-face consultations will continue “where appropriate”.

“Essential community services” are being prioritised, meaning some non-urgent work will be postponed.

Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust is writing to some patients who receive regular care at home to let them know that the Trust may need to cover their visits or treatment using alternative qualified staff or in different ways.

The Trust is reviewing plans for routine operations over the coming weeks, but at this point, planned operations are continuing as normal.

The Trust said they are “rapidly accelerating alternative ways of providing hospital outpatient appointments,” however based on the care required, some patients will still need to attend in person.

Cheltenham General Hospital

If patients have not been contacted directly by the team that manages their care to make any other arrangements at this point, they should plan to attend as normal.

Speaking on behalf of the NHS in Gloucestershire, Urgent Care Lead at NHS Gloucestershire Clinical Commissioning Group and local GP, Dr Jeremy Welch said: “The NHS has been planning extensively over recent weeks. We want to be open and honest with the public in Gloucestershire about the precautionary and responsible steps we are taking with patient care and safety at the centre of our decisions.

“As the Chief Medical Officer has said, as the coronavirus situation develops, routine services will come under pressure, but the NHS is adapting to ensure essential services continue.”

Local care and service advice is available from and the ASAP Glos NHS App.

How to prevent it

This is the advice from Public Health England:

For all cases, PHE carry out a robust process of contacting people who may have had close contact with the confirmed cases. Close contacts are given health advice about symptoms and emergency contact details to use if they become unwell in the 14 days after they had contact with the confirmed case. This tried and tested method will ensure that any risk to them is minimised and the wider public is protected.

In most cases, Covid-19 is mild but everyone should remain vigilant and carry on with good washing of hands and related personal hygiene measures, which include:

Giving your hands a good wash with soap and water is the most effective action you can take (but hand gels can be a good substitute).

  • Maintaining personal hygiene when coughing or sneezing is also important – use a tissue rather your hands and then throw it away.
  • It is good general practice to use cleaning wipes to give your keyboard, desk, phone etc. the once over on a regular basis.

If someone is feeling unwell and has the symptoms set out on the public health website they should not go to their Drs or a hospital. They should visit the NHS’ 111 website or ring them on 111 to get further advice.

Keep up to date with advice via the NHS’ corona virus web pages.