MemberMothra LarvaeJan-29-2014 1:38 PMI was just viewing a few videos on the old Godzilla's and I happened to notice that The all had sharp pointed ears see:
But this newest version doesn't have visible ears like the rest. What does anyone think about that. I personnally like the way the ears made him look but I can live without the pointed visible ones

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-29-2014 1:50 PMi also like the ears but as far as i know reptiles dont have ears so they probably got rid of them because of realism

MemberTitanosaurusJan-29-2014 2:19 PMWell, after the original Gojira passed on (bless his soul!), the new Showa-era Godzilla was shown not to have any external ears either.

MemberBaragonJan-29-2014 2:40 PMactually i think he could have ears like a lizards ears
"i dont know what weapons will be used in world war 3 but i know what wil be in world war 4...sticks and stones"Albert Eienstien

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-29-2014 3:21 PMI personally have always hated the visible ear lobes look. I prefer the no visible ears look such as the way he looked through the 60's and 70's. I have abosolutely no problem with this earless design for the 2014 film.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-29-2014 7:42 PMI have see all the Godzilla mobvies, I like the Millenium Godzilla the most, and it does has ears, too. Remember, Godzilla is not a dinosaur or a reptile. It is an unique creature, and has some catlike and bearlike features.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-29-2014 8:14 PMThroughout the entire Showa series, save for the first two movies (Gojira and Godzilla Raids Again), Godzilla had no ears at all.
It's not that strange that this one doesn't appear to have any ears.

MemberMothra LarvaeJan-29-2014 11:11 PMI didn't notice the change and I don't mind and I like the ears because it makes Godzilla more unique.

MemberMothra LarvaeSep-30-2021 4:41 AMLizards dont have visible ears that protrude. Neither did Dinosaurs, they just have/had ear “holes”, no flaps. So it makes no sense to have given him ears and looks ridiculous with them.

MemberGiganSep-30-2021 8:03 AMIt may not be scientific but when is a giant reptile attacking a city scientific.
I like the ears. They make him look more like a kami.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganSep-30-2021 8:28 AMBut Godzilla is supposed to be a radioactive dinosaur, why would a radioactive dinosaur gain mammalian traits? It would make more sense if godzilla was a therapsid instead of a dinosaur or dinosauromorph or any type of aquatic animal since whales lack external ears

MemberGiganSep-30-2021 8:49 AMThe original Godzilla, was never actually called a dinosaur, just a animal from the Cretaceous period.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

MemberGiganSep-30-2021 9:12 AMHinikunaGoji
That maybe so but they theorized it was a reptile that returned back to the water, also wasn't ShodaiGoji implied to be a dinosaur without calling it such?

MemberGiganSep-30-2021 9:23 AMSynapsids would have been considered reptiles at the time.
expecting the worst, sets you up for thr worst

G. H. (Gman)
AdminGodzillaSep-30-2021 10:49 AMGodzilla was never implied to be a dinosaur. He was specifically called an evolutionary cross between land going and sea going prehistoric reptiles. The bomb did not mutate him into the monster we saw, it merely woke him and gave him an, "extreme capacity for survival." (Dr. Yamane)
This is generally the same origin given for most incarnations--Particularly Showa and the various Millennium incarnations. Only the Heisei Godzilla was a mutated dinosaur.
In any case, the ears rock. They give him this devil-like appearance, especially in the original. Hope a new design brings them back at some point. There was a good opportunity for that in the new ride.