‘America’s Got Talent’ winners list: All seasons, plus spin-offs

Since its creation in 2006, many different acts have claimed the top prize on NBC's "America's Got Talent" -- most of them singers. Who will join their ranks for "AGT" Season 19, which is expected to start airing in the summer of 2024? Tour our photos below that highlight all of the past winners from "America's Got Talent" plus its spin-offs, "AGT: The Champions," "AGT: Extreme" and "AGT: Fantasy League," from Bianca Ryan to the most recent. Originally published May 2018.

258 thoughts on “‘America’s Got Talent’ winners list: All seasons, plus spin-offs”

          1. First off her name is Tyra banks so get that straight and she is way better than Nick cannon thank you very much

          2. I can’t stand Tyra Banks either. She needs to go. There has to be a better host out there somwhere

          3. Tyra Banks has more style than most have in their little pinky. She’s brave & kind & inspiring. People who hate on her must be completely ridiculously jealous. Go find a job! I’d like to see you post what you’d wear at such a prestigious event. I love her style, class, humor, attentiveness & laughter. She’s beautiful, & no one can convince me otherwise. Ugh! Negative people in this world! Drives me mad! Grr!????

          4. Agree. Nick Cannon was MUCH better than any of his replacements. The others try to bring attention to themselves, not the contestants. BRING HIM BACK.

        1. I can’t figure what was so bad, that NICK CANNON, would not agree that wanted him to do , that he quit. Nick joined in on every act & usually funnier than them. He was GREAT ! Tara, all she does is show her legs. Yuck.
          I MISS YA NICK , please suck up & go
          , WE MISS YOU !!!!

          1. please get rid of Tyra Banks AND the horrible Mel B. she just gets worse and worse.

          2. Nick did not want to be on the show, why should we debate about him. Bye bye Nick! Tyra was okay, where is she? The new guy is good. Sounds like everyone loved Nick, me too!!

          3. Had something he said in a stand up comedy show NBC done him wrong tried to sensor him and he quit

          4. The comedian announced his exit on Facebook page Monday, saying he was “deeply saddened” about being “threatened with termination by executives” after he made a racial joke about NBC on his recent Showtime stand-up special.

            “I was to be punished for a joke … My soul won’t allow me to be in business with corporations that attempt to frown on freedom of speech, censor artists, and question cultural choices. Not to get too detailed but this isn’t the first time executives have attempted to ‘put me in my place’ for so-called unruly actions,” wrote Cannon on Facebook. “I will not stand for it. My moral principles will easily walk away from the millions of dollars they hang over my head.”

      1. I watched two weeks ago to watch the young lady UK singer. Will not watch again for the same reason I quit watching Next Top Model. Maybe Tyra should watch some old clips of herself and she would see why people were drawn to her then. She is not a comedian and should not try to be one.

      1. Ya u guys don’t no wat ur talking bout Tyra Banks is AWESOME and 2 u who says she wears bad clothes and she’s ugly well GUESS WHAT she’s a model and she’s beautiful so get ur facts straight

        1. Nick Cannon was good. Tyra banks was ok. Terry Crews is better than both. He is on Brooklyn Nine Nine and he is an extremely funny actor. Terry is a great fit for AGT.

    1. It’s simular to movies, books, food, etc. We all have different personalities, like & dislikes. So naturally we aren’t all going to like the same entertainers or hosts. It doesn’t mean anyone one is right or wrong, it simply means we are all different people.

      1. Finally someone with common sense. It is all about personality. She is just being who she is. Plus you have to see through people. For example. Even though Jerry Lewis was liked because of his his slapstick comedy, I paid more attention to his other type of humor. The elevator scene is The Errand Boy, and reading what was on the inside of a ring his father gave him in the movie Cinderfella. And in real life he neglected his family. People are people. Sometimes crazy, other times subtle, etc…

    2. You don’t win this title because of your color, you win because of your talent. And we white people are responsible of rasiceism, go figure it out. She is the most talented contestant who has ever been on YouTube. Get over your “I’m so sad I’m not white”. My father came to this country from Italy in 1932, never asked for any help, worked 7 days a week, raised 6 children and put all of them through College. Don’t even try to pull the race card on any hard working American who worked for what they have. We owe you nothing. Your race is lazy and only hopes the Government will bail them out! The girl who won AMGT worked very hard for what she won. Hands down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. It was Black ppl who built this fucking country, so ppl like you and your lazy ass family can come here to climb out of the gutter that you left behind!! So watever your racist ass families have told you couldn’t be further from the truth!! That’s why we don’t have ties with your fucking country today!! And besides, nobody is asking your broke ass for nothing anyway! I’m sure you have a food stamp card in your wallet and way!! So shut the hell up and go back home!! You came here begging bitch, don’t forget that!!!

      2. Accusing my race of being lazy is ridiculous. Perhaps you should read a little Black History. Perhaps you should research the number of inventions, made by Blacks that has served the public and is used, even today, to save lives. Perhaps you should read about government subsidies. There are more, and has always been, Caucasians relying on the Welfare system than Blacks. My education allowed me to work in a profession that catered to all races. I will continue to like or dislike people based on their actions not their skin color. One day you will deny the fallacy that Black People have tails.

  1. Amazing show, The world needs more people like this. I hope the judges have had their eyes checked. So the right winner wins this year. This is one of my favorite shows.

    1. We the people have the last word as to who wins. The judges have nothing to do with the final votes. Exept may b for their comments, they can influence the voters.

    2. Hmm. Well, the judges didn’t pick the winner. The viewing public did. And evidently from this poll, Grace was the right pick for AGT. As Howie Mandel said to Grace, “You’re the best artist to have ever come out of this show.”

      1. Personally I did not like her at all. I have not heard anything about her since she won. Also why do they allow so many kids on the show? They should have a separate show for kids. I notice there have been several young people on the show already this season.. It doesn’t seem fair to put the older people who have been trying to succeed for years against kids who have many years ahead of them.

        1. It is obvious that because her your favorit didn’t win. Thefore also you didn’t hear anything about her since because you didn’t listen. It goes so fare that you even hate kids because of her. Pitty.

        2. Great point. And why would winners who are kids be exposed to a Vegas show.
          They should be at school, that is why the show needs to separate age groups, so that young winners get college tuition rather than a Vegas show.

          1. They do home schooling, like my grandkidds do. This is an experience for them. Just like Ice skaters.

          2. College tuition sounds great , but with her fame and fortune she can pay for her own tutor! Her act is funny and clean, and more family friendly which the world needs more of. Las Vegas has changed a lot to make it more family friendly so it is a perfect fit. Yes probably light balance will get picked up anyway because they’re awesome but this is nice .

          3. I think it is a much needed act for Las Vegas it is funny but clean .Las Vegas has been cleaning up their acts .This act will draw a lot of families instead of people leaving their families their kids home and go and by themselves they will bring the kids !

          1. I play the piano and sing and I’ve always had an ear for talent. Picked the biggest majority of American Idols winners from their auditions. When I heard Grace I said she should win it and she did. She has an amazing talent, voice and song writing skills. She is doing great since she won. Maybe you should google her and see what all she’s doing.

        3. She didn’t do much. 4 sold out shows in Vegas. Her audition tape was one of the highest viewed videos of the year. Released an EP that came in at #9 on Billboard. Won Freshest New Artist at Radio Disney Awards. Traveled to Japan and Europe to promote her CD. Performed with Jason Mraz at the Special Olympics and performed solo for the closing. And she will be returning to T for the live shows. And that is off the top of my head. Just Google her.

        4. I know I do agree between dancing and singing on even care what the ages I feel there’s so many shows that feature that Talent stuff like a Vegas act which regardless of age they’re allowed to act do their show I do love Darcy Lynn and I don’t care how old she is her Talent is just awesome I’m just impressed every time she gets up there so it’s not an age thing I think it’s more of the singing and the dancing it’s just there’s so many other venues for them to go and do that…

          1. I agree with you Jan Jones, I think Darci Lynn is fantastic and a very talented girl and I hope America can see that and vote for her. She is my pick by far to win.

        5. Same! Everyone is offended that I don’t like Grace, but that’s just rude. I mean, I’m allowed to have an opinion! But what okay to say is: Person 1: grace is so good! Person 2: I don’t like Grace, but that’s your opinion.

          Just don’t make s fight about it is my motto

        6. I completely agree with you. I always wanted to go on the show but im 26 how could i win over a child. I cant out do somone with a sad back story either. Although i think everyone has a sad backstory in their life.

        7. I agree. The kids are great but prodigy kids should have a separate show. Compatition is far too difficult as is. Tara Banks sucks btw.

        8. It’s called a contest for a reason. No matter the age. Also, if you haven’t heard abt Grace Vanderwaal, then you must live under a rock. Because, she’s all over the place. Maybe your settings on your phone aren’t in her genre, so, you’re missing out on her superior talent. The most genius talent you’ll ever witness in your life. Dig your way out, & clean your eyes. Open your ears, she’s got very moving lyrics, with a voice that enhances each word. Love you Grace Vanderwaal! *FRANCHESCA TERRAZA

      2. What a crock of crap. She couldn’t even carry Laura’s or the Edgar’s shoes. They have a real talent. I wouldn’t buy anything from “uke” girl. That was the biggest travesty to date.

        1. Exactly!! I also agree they should have a minimum age of 18 to be a contestant. BTW, I quit watching the show after Grace won. There were so many more deserving performers. (My opinion) I’m only on here to find the name of the guy who did the Rat Pack songs. Now HE did deserve to win. Amazing performer. Also Michael Grimm. Nick Cannon was the absolute greatest. I didn’t realize he had been replaced since I no longer watch the show. Before Grace won I was an avid fan but got disgusted with more deserving contestants being eliminated that season as well as some of the prior seasons. What a loss for the show. He was the best host and was always hilarious. If I hadn’t quit watching previously I would definitely have quit watching with him gone.

          1. SO you got upset because a child won, but the dog act winning didn’t bother you? That year every act was better. The humans won and get a ton of money because the dog have talent. Any idiot can train a dog to do a trick. It is up to how intelligent the dog is to determine how well they perform. That one almost made me stop watching. Grace is talented, but arguing over it is silly. Everyone has their own taste, and not everyone will like the same people. That is why there are so many genres of music and so many varied artists. Michael Jackson and Elvis are arguably two of the biggest acts ever, and not everyone in the world liked them. So enhance your calm, like what you like and don’t hate on others for liking what they do, K?

      3. Sry i disagree. People listen to what the judges say and both Mel-b and Howie may have lost a lot of vote for Mandy by saying that Light balance was a million dollar act and preacher was the best comedian ever…..what a joke. Pull the plug on that computer for light balance and they are crap. Not much talent there. They need better judges , like Britain got talent. Mandy would of won in Britain. America got it wrong. Mandy has wayyyyy more talent then any of them, and Simon saw that, and im sure he has plans for her. To bad, she deserved better then 4th. Thats my opinion.

        1. Bullshit. Mandy’s voice and talents wouldn’t have gotten her anywhere if she didn’t have a sob story. She wouldn;t have made it to the finals.

      4. Yup! & he was ever so right! Takes talent to know & spot talent. Grace Vanderwaal all the way…& still today! She’s a shooting STAR!!

  2. Terry is the best but he has a little competition this year with the little girl and her doll. Maybe the two could do a show together.

    1. You know what… that would be a pretty awesome idea!!! Have them perform together. And depending on the material that Terry uses its he they would have a wide range of ages in an audience… I just think her personality regardless of her age and her sense of humor alone her Talent also I think she is very entertaining and people would pay to see her and have her warm up for Terry that would be pretty money-making Venture I would think!!!

      1. I totally agree with this one! She could not and should not carry an audience for an hour. That would be a very hard thing for a 12 year old to do. Would think she would burn out quickly. And she needs to be a kid, go to school, play with friends, etc.
        But if she were to do an open for Teri Fator, she could grow her characters, perform and still lead a life!
        Wonderful idea.

        1. She isn’t doing a show for an hour by herself, just as Grace didn’t do a show for an hour by herself last year. It is a show headlining the winner, but many acts from that season will be in the show.

    1. When I saw who Terry Fator was up against, I knew he was gonna win. When I saw that cowboy win, I didn’t wanna watch the show ever again. There is much more talent on the show then he was

      1. Why does everybody say that Grace is amazing and better than anyone else?!?! It’s okay to have an opinion, just don’t force other people to have your opinion

        1. I don’t think Grace should have won. Her scratchy voice was so annoying, and the silly little songs didn’t “move” me. Terry Fator –magical. I picked him and thought he’d take Vegas by storm. Then there’s “loser” Jackie Evanco …wow! I watch every year, but think this year is for the kids again. Especially the little 9 and 10 year old girls. BIG voices and heavenly voices. Plus the Darcy Lynn is BRILLIANT – to use a “Simon” praise word.

          1. The most stunning thing about Darcilynne is she can sing with that ability with her mouth closed…as Heidi responded in sheer amazement!!!!….well the level of skill to do this ventriloquism…& only two years at twelve years old????….OMG!!!!….how can that be????…:She’s an original….Petunia….Oscar….sheer magic!!!!….You got to take it this year!!!!…..Maybe one day I can come to see your show….WOW…DARCILYNNE….WOW!!!

        2. No one forces me to have their opinion. Grace is the most amazing young singer-songwriter in the music business right now.

  3. Clairvoyants was a gimmick, as far as Brian is concerned,Grace wrote all 4 of her songs 12 yrs old still can’t believe it amazing, andremember everyone. Brian completely destroyed the MJ SONG. Grace is a proven winner Clarvoyiants, Brian sit down and watch!!!

  4. I just noticed the majority of the winners were singers and the runner ups were also singers. I loved Kenichi Elbino and was so happy to see him win ! I voted for him all the way and Mat Franco was awesome ! Magicians are so cool to watch on America’s Got Talent. I hoped the Clairvoyants won and was disappointed that they didn’t because their performances amazed me !

    1. Grace was the right choice to win. She is smart, attractive, very talented and, so far, seems to be relatively unaffected by all the fame and remains a very likable all-American girl. As amazing as the others were Sal S. should have been runner-up.


  6. Tyra Banks needs to go. Totally not for AGT. Purple lipstick, a big ass, large thighs with tight pants makes her look ridiculous. Has 0 skills as a host and should not be voting or pushing any buttons. Love AGT but this was a poor poor choice for host. I will keep watching but please keep the camera off Ms. Banks.

    1. I second that !!! Just put her back to America’s Next Top Model she was just fine for that!!! Not for AGT!!!! I really really liked Nick Cannon!!!! Just as long as he didn’t have Mariah on the show I know…..And..another Hollywood Diva divorce!!!!

      1. Agreed. Most of the contestants are being hugged to her boobs. She is classless. They need to get rid of her. I hope someone from agt reads these comments.

        1. She shields her boobs with her arms and elbows when she wants to hug so *biased whackos like you won’t fault her the way you’re doing with your comments* Stop personality assassination please. Or is this the reason the likes of you watch/view AGTs?

      2. No she does not hug up to the little boys at all. Shine your eyes well or are your sight glazed or something. You are definitely biased.

    2. Agree. Get rid of Tara. She stinks as a host & is classless. Nick Cannon blows her out of the water. Her dress is classless. Her makeup is classless. She can’t even get the contestants names right. She hugs them and their faces are in her boobs. Ugh

    3. I totally agree – Tyra has to go. Couldn’t stand anything she did and as a host – she stinks! We need someone better next season!

      1. I’ll third to that. Tyra is pitiful and—that’s on a light note. She acts fake and doesn’t even want to be there. Nick was better than her, but he won’t come back. All I know is that she needs to go.

  7. They’ve always pointed the camera at the host, which I think is stupid, we don’t care about their moves or faces they make…

  8. Guys, Tyra Banks is a fine host. Nick Cannon was a lot better. Also Grace was not a good pick, her voice is creaky and horrible. Tape Face was better, coming get up with jokes made me laugh!

  9. NICK CANNON is the best host, we always enjoy and laugh more with Nick Cannon, all my friends and I love to see Nick Cannon back on the show

  10. Tyra banks was not a good choice. She has no “presence” as a host, and adds absolutely no value to the program. She is just boring, unfortunately.

  11. Tyra is unprofessional, comes off as phony and seems totally out of place on AGT. I almost feel sorry for her. Her show about models was more her speed. She was great teaching young people how to put on an act.

    1. I second that !!! Just put her back to America’s Next Top Model she was just fine for that!!! Not for AGT!!!! I really really liked Nick Cannon!!!! Just as long as he didn’t have Mariah on the show I know…..And..another Hollywood Diva divorce!!!!

  12. Nick is clearly way better host thsn Tyra!! I miss him – also i wish Mel B would act more like an adult instead of chasing simon and throwing her drink at him!• is she 10 or what! GROW UP!!!!

    1. And please put some clothes on . She has a great shape, but we don’t need to see so much of it.

  13. I can not believe that Johnny
    Made the he got everybodjy
    Shout Simon you take young girl
    Out you only feel sorry
    I hope a record deal pick him
    And he will be great like Jenner Hudson
    Let me tell You hope the other show shine pick him yes pick Shine ????????????????????????

    1. Luz, what are you trying to say? If English isn’t your first language, forgiven. If not, turn off the tv, read a book and learn some grammar, spelling and syntax. Nick is by far the better host, Terry Fator and Jackie Evancho were marvelous; Grace was not impressive at all, in my opinion

      1. Okay Debra isn’t that spelled D.e.b.o.r.a.h yours is “yea u need De bra under that shirt!” So let’s be nice sometimes talk to text doesn’t always say what we think it does and if we hit send too quickly oh my God heaven forbid couple lines might not make sense! Don’t let it bother you. You just go on to the next comment… next thing will be you cannot end a sentence with a preposition, on and on!!! LOL

  14. Loved the Singing Trump! Puddles has a terrific set of pipes but he leaks in stage performance, Tyra Banks is not going away – she is after all one of the producers of the show – she can do whatever she wants and if that includes a little extra face time on TV – so be it- a small price to pay to ensure the show has funding. I keep thinking which one of these acts would be fun to go see in Vegas? The one time performances are great but what about an entire evening of Puddles the Clown vs the acrobatic antics of the death defying wheel ? Or The Singing Trump? And sure I feel sorry for those who have “success and recovery stories” but is that enough reason to give them a live stage show of their own? Loved the military – could feesably watch an entire show of them, maybe… even camo and marching boots might get old after an hour…

    1. So, I agree. Out of all of those, Puddles is my favorite. He is so amazing! The Singing Trump was a little late on the Live Shows, but he could fox that. Everyone here is just so good and I wish that everyone could win the prize. 😉

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  16. We love Darci Lynn’s act! She has a great personality and singing voice for herself, and her ability to sing as well for her “friend” puppet!
    Congratulations, Darci Lynn Farmer, you are a terrific Ventriloquist, especially at the age of 12yrs!
    Barb McClure

  17. Very talented group the people got it right but there’s only one winner and the winner should be the ventriloquist I think she’s remarkable outstanding and hands down she should win the whole thing

  18. I hate that so many of them are singers there is so many otheer shows just for singers that they could have entered and singers always get the golden buzzer

    1. Did Darcie Lynne Farmer Win AGT?
      Please let me know thank you all.Love that little girl ..She is fabulous!

    1. Okay first off, angelica isn’t even creative. All her songs aren’t original, they’re covers. That’s why grace won, because she was herself. Also, Darci was fantastic and both girls deserved to win. They have bright futures and they’re both talented.

  19. I don’t know what AGT show people were watching that did not see
    Darci lynne farmer, but right now see is winning all polls hands down.
    She is without question the most talented and will win – period!!!

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