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Travels in the Land of Kubilai Khan

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Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization and helped make us who we are. A profound influence on medieval Europe's view of the wider world, this thirteenth-century account of a Venetian merchant's amazing experiences in the court of the great Mongol leader, Kubilai Khan, remains one of the most fascinating tales of exploration ever written.

96 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1295

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About the author

Marco Polo

458 books178 followers
From 1271, Marco Polo of Venice explored Asia to 1295; the only available Travels of Marco Polo accounted China to Europeans until the 1500s.

Marco Polo spun a tale of how people gave a life of sensual pleasure and a potion to make young Assassins to yearn for paradise, their reward for dying in action, before their secret missions.

Stories and various documents also alternatively point to his ancestry, originating in Korčula, Croatia.

People well knew this trader. He recorded his adventures in a published book. People lost the original copies of his works.


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Profile Image for Meltem Sağlam.
Author 1 book130 followers
July 30, 2019
Metin, 1256-1298 yılları arasında hüküm süren Kubilay Han ile ilgili olduğu kadar ilgili dönemin koşulları ve gelenek-görenek ve inanışları ile ilgili tespitler de içeren, gerçekliği her zaman tartışmalı olsa da, masal tadında bir seyahatname.

Her şeye rağmen metinde; gerçekten Büyük Han olduğu anlaşılan Kubilay Han döneminde, köklü Çin medeniyetinin de etkisi altında, İmparatorluğun sınırları içerisinde büyük düzenlemelerin yapıldığı ve her alanda atılımların gerçekleştirildiğini okuyoruz.

Tarihte her zaman “barbar” ve “göçebe” haklar olarak tanımlanan ve medeniyet ve gelişme konusunda hiç bir birikimleri olmadığı vurgulanan bu dönem imparatorluklarının aslında bilinmeyen, farklı özellikleri olduğunun tespitini yapıyor Marco Polo.

Mimari konusunda, kitabın 38 ila 43 üncü sayfaları arasında belirtilenlere şaşırmamak elde değil. Aynı şekilde, kadınların toplumdaki yeri (Han’ın eşinin sürekli Han ile aynı seviyede oturması, Han’ın maiyetinin şölenlere kesinlikle eşli olarak katılması, Han eşinin naib olması vs.) ve inanç özgürlüğü (sf; 32) günümüzde bile bir çok toplumun hedefi.

Kubilay Han, dinler ve inanışlara bakış açısını şöyle ifade ediyor; “… İnanılan dört peygamber var ve tüm dünya bunlara saygı gösteriyor.Hıristiyanlar tanrılarının Hazreti İsa, Sarazenler Hazreti Muhammed, Yahudiler Hazreti Musa ve Putperestler put biçiminde sunulan ilk tanrı olan Şakyamuni Burhan olduğunu söylüyorlar. Ben dördünün de onurlandırıp, saygı göstererek göklerin en büyüğü ve en gerçeği olan Tanrı’ya saygı gösterdiğimden emin oluyorum ve yardım için dua ediyorum…”, sf; 32.

Diğer taraftan, Cengiz Han döneminden gelen “Yasa” ile birlikte, “Şeng” ve “Tay” yüksek mahkemelerini de kapsayan güçlü bir hukuk sisteminin olması (sf;66-67), ekonominin İmparatorluğun tümünü kapsayacak şekilde düzenlenerek Kağıt Paraların “Büyük Han’ın darphanesinde, sanki simya ilmine hakim olmuşçasına (sf; 63)” basılması, sadece Tibet Bölgesinde para olarak tuz tabletlerin ve deniz kabuklarının kullanılması (sf; 87), vergi sisteminin, tüm gerekli muafiyetlerle düzenlenmesi (sf; 72), adeta sosyal bir devlet örgütlenmesi olması (sf; 74-75), yine Cengiz Han’ın kurduğu posta ve ulaşım sisteminin korunarak geliştirilmiş olması (sf; 67-72) toplumun gelişmişlik düzeyinin göstergeleri olması açısından beni şaşırtan konulardı.

İmparatorlukta, ressam ve heykeltraşların (sf; 38-43), müzisyenlerin (sf; 52) ve 5000 astrolog ve falcının sanatlarını icra ettikleri, bu astrolog ve falcıların her yıl, içinde gezegenlerin burçlardaki yıllık hareketlerinin yazılı olduğu, “tacuim” olarak adlandırılan bir yıllık hazırladıkları ve bunu küçük bir kitapçık şeklinde satışa çıkardıkları (sf; 76) belirtilmiş.

Son olarak, metinden bir bölüm; “… Habercilerin ve tüccarların sıklıkla yolculuk ettiği yolların her iki yanında iki adımlık mesafelerle ağaçlar diktirilmesini emretmiştir. Bu ağaçlar uzaktan görülebilecek kadar büyüktür, böylece yolcunun yolu kaybetmesini önlemek amaçlanmıştır. Taşranın ortasında, yol kenarında yükselen bu ağaçlar, yolcular ve tüccarlar için büyük nimettir.Bu yollar tüm illere ve bölgelere yayılırlar, yolların dikime elverişli olmayan çöllerden geçmesi durumunda da taş yığınları ya da sütunlarla yol belirginleştirilir. Bu yolların düzgün olup olmadığını incelemek üzere görevlendirilmiş denetçiler vardır…”, sf; 73.
Profile Image for Lyna Galliara.
12 reviews4 followers
March 31, 2015
A record of the ostentatious world of Kublai Khan. It's basically Marco saying "Kulbai is a G cos he's got bling, women, amazing cribs, power and by the way he is pretty deep too".

I wouldn't ordinarily read something like this as the only non-fiction I tend to read are in the areas of Music, Science, Philosophy or are autobiographies but I'd enjoyed a few other books from the 'Penguin Great Ideas' series this is from and thought the cover of this book was beautiful and was watching the series 'Marco Polo' on Netflix when I saw it so was drawn to buy it.

I don't usually read History but it has been an eye-opening read and I guess that is what History is useful for - reminding us that there never has and never will be a 'normal' world or a 'normal' way of living or 'normal' views - for example fathers would be proud if their daughters were selected as concubines for Khan back then! It's good to be reminded of this because it makes us aware of how unique and interesting our own lives are, and it makes us think about how we would describe our world and time to Marco Polo and for that reason it was an interesting read.

Whilst it was an eye opening read, I have only given this 2 stars because at times the extremely detailed descriptions of the luxury in which Khan lived got a bit boring. At times I felt like I was reading an inventory of all of Khan's possessions.
Profile Image for Marc.
3,257 reviews1,597 followers
September 28, 2022
The descriptive part is fairly dry, in short chapters each time about a certain region, usually pure travel information (about drought, food and such) and seldom about local customs or special stories. From p 46 on Djengis Khan and his conquest. No fantastic stories à la Herodotus, and in comparison with him Marco Polo's story is very thin.
Profile Image for Alana.
234 reviews36 followers
October 7, 2022
marco polo kublai khan’s #1 hype man
Profile Image for David.
1,566 reviews
April 3, 2017
Written in the 13th century, Marco Polo was the first westerner to arrive in China and gives an account of what he saw. Opulence and immense wealth and yet some curious facts. Money made of tree bark freely circulates, people who have a bad year farming get a break and the most bizarre: they encourage foreigners to have sex with their women before they get married ( no virgins) so they will be prepared for married life. Of course his account of how wealthy the Chinese were made the westerners want to head to the east for their wealth ( and the girls)!
Profile Image for Choonghwan.
128 reviews5 followers
December 30, 2013
One intrepid adventurer may open a new door on a history. Macro Polo was one of them. He travelled Eurasia pervasively under the mightiest ruler the world has ever seen – Kublai Khan – inspiring Columbus among many.
28 reviews
October 4, 2024
Na brutal algunas cosas como q mencione el tema de los signos del zodiaco, pero en sí bastante coñazo medieval. Lo mejor cuando cuenta q en Pekín convivían judíos, musulmanes, budistas y cristianos OwO.
Profile Image for Javier Sánchez.
84 reviews10 followers
July 10, 2018
Entretenido e interesante. Marco Polo relata sus impresiones sobre el reino de Kublai Kahn, hijo de Gengis Kahn. Las costumbres de su pueblo, las diferentes regiones que lo componen, así como la forma en que vivió uno de los más grandes gobernantes del mundo en el siglo XII.
Profile Image for Emma.
442 reviews42 followers
August 13, 2021
Surprising, readable, illustrative, and anthropological. From it, I got the impression that paper (fiat) money was new to the Europeans, as was the burning of coal (sic!) In the 14th century. Beijing had an evening clock lock-down instantiated even then. The Khan had created a great road infrastructure with runners and horses every x kilometer, so that messages could be transferred speedily. There were already Christians, Arabs and Jews in Beijing when Marco Polo arrived. I also enjoyed the descriptions of the peoples he encountered on his way home, and how the generously shared their wives and daughters, for quite different reasons.
These descriptions from visitors can have a surprise "did they (not) know that back then?"
The booklet left me wanting more.
January 26, 2023
Er is niets van verhaal, eerder een droge opsomming van "feiten". Feiten zoals hoe er elk jaar op het Witte Feest een gigantische leeuw naar binnen wandelt en bij het aanzien van de Khan's grootheid voor hem knielt. (Epic?!)

Voor mij persoonlijk een 4 omdat ik gefascineerd ben door deze kleurrijke kijk op het verleden. Toont ook aan hoeveel impact magie heeft gehad op onze geschiedenis doordat mensen er in geloofden
Profile Image for Gareth Williams.
Author 3 books18 followers
July 1, 2024
A colourful account of travels in the Far East during the thirteenth century. Marco Polo may exaggerate numbers but much of what he describes, even if misnamed, is based on fact.
A wonderful insight into a world that, at the time, was barely known to the West. This translation by Ronald Latham made the detail accessible without sounding unduly modern.
Well worth reading for anyone interested in Marco Polo or Kublai Khan.
Profile Image for Stephane.
68 reviews4 followers
August 12, 2022
Entertaining read, if not a bit suspect. Love the way he embellishes the stories without such big lies that you'd spot it quickly.
Profile Image for Penélope Luna.
34 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2024
Es un libro que trata sobre el reinado del Rey Mongol Kublai Khan en el 1250 después de Cristo. Esta narrada desde la visión y experiencia de Marco Polo, un comerciante veneciano del S.XIII.

Me ha resultado una lectura bastante ostentosa. Básicamente era Marco diciendo que ‘’Kublai es un Dios por tener dinero, mujeres, hombres, poder y ademas es super profundo y Zen’’.

Un libro Non-fiction que mas que una narrativa histórica-biográfica, me ha resultado demasiado descriptiva pero con una visión muy distorsionada y exótica por parte de Marco, ya que el choque cultural y religioso debía estar muy marcado.

No suelo leer Historia, pero ha sido una lectura que me ha hecho descubrir otra forma de ver la vida y he podido aprender de la cultura antigua y supongo que para eso sirven los libros históricos (etnográficos incluso, porque Marco Polo hizo trabajo de campo, o eso creo).

Me ha recordado que nunca ha habido y nunca habrá una manera ‘’normal’’ de hacer las cosas y de vivir en sociedad (aka véase la Antropología). Por ejemplo, los padres en aquella época, se hubiesen alegrado si sus hijas hubiesen sido seleccionadas como concubinas del Tsar. Está bien ser conscientes de esto, porque nos hace ver que hay mucho mundo fuera del occidental y de cómo se hacen aquí las cosas. Y lo interesante que son las diferentes culturas y lo mucho que se puede aprender de lo ajeno y distinto, para entender (y apreciar en según que casos) lo que tenemos cerca, en nuestra sociedad (y sus privilegios).

Pero a pesar de ser un ‘’MUST read’’ libro, que ha cambiado muchas formas de ver el mundo en aquella época, para la actualidad se me hace demasiado descriptivo de lo lujosamente bien que vivía el Tsar y el gran poder que tenia sobre todo reino reinado y aun por conquistar. Algo aburrido. Aveces parecía que estuviera leyendo el inventario de todas las posesiones de Khan.

De hecho, me faltaba ese toque jugoso en el que se deja una pequeña parte de libertad para la imaginación.
Profile Image for Sunny.
789 reviews52 followers
January 9, 2012
some really interesting anecdotes on kubilai Khan a descendent of Ghengiz Khan. the book talks about the customs and the way of life at the time of these tartars. there is a section in this small book taht covers his warrior race which is facsinating. it got a little bit boring when it began to describe his wealth and the grandeur of his palaces but it was still remarkable if this is all true. he would have been immensely rich and extremely well organised at the same time. makes we want to read the rest of marco polos bits as its well written also.
Profile Image for Paul Sheridan.
15 reviews
August 14, 2011
Of all Marco Polo's eyebrow-raising anecdotes, my favourite has to be the one concerning a vast territory inhabited by a breed of gyrfalcon. This territory, we are told, lies so far north that the Pole Star appears in the southern region of the sky. However, this celestial order of things would have been possible only if the earth were flat.
Profile Image for d.
25 reviews
February 2, 2012
Informative! Polo has made me come to respect the Khan as a very proficient king, but some of the tidbits repulsed me too much to really regard him as the 'greatest man'.
I was inspired to read this book by another called Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino that is like a fictional, fantastical version of this. I recommend it!
Profile Image for Peter Dunn.
473 reviews23 followers
November 10, 2009
Well I learned a new word - crupper, discovered that "Kublilai Khan" was an early adopter of paper money, and found that Marco Polo was an entertaining bullshitter. I may have to read more of these Penguin Great Ideas series (particularly as I have acquired about 40 of them
Profile Image for Darren.
99 reviews
October 14, 2015
It's very interesting to read something written by the people who experienced amazing things in the time of voyage and adventure! It also gives some idea of the scale of this empire and how it was run and perhaps a different perspective to how we might now view this empire. Enlightening.
Profile Image for Ana.
2,391 reviews376 followers
November 12, 2017
Marco Polo travels to China and arrives in the Mongol Empire whose ruler was Kublai Khan. Descriptions of luxury and customs make up the bulk of this book. While some of it is interesting, for the most part I found the book too descriptive.
Profile Image for Ángel.
Author 27 books30 followers
September 10, 2013
Imprescindible título para quien se adentra en la literatura de viajes. La excesiva descripción llega a cansar y son poco creíbles todas las bondades con que se dibuja al Emperador tártaro.
Profile Image for Caelan Griffiths.
7 reviews1 follower
July 8, 2016
Good - but abridged - be aware that it is not the complete "travels". I guess I'm a sucker I've got both Penguin abridged cheap paperbacks, both I enjoyed.
Profile Image for jzthompson.
417 reviews5 followers
December 23, 2019
A bit of a gallop at 96 pages, and whether these were the best bits or the bits that fitted a certain theme was unclear, but this was a really beguiling mixture of memoir, reportage and romance.
Displaying 1 - 27 of 27 reviews

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