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Warriors of Kelon #1

Abducting Alice

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For someone who thinks rocks are more interesting than men, geologist Alice is proven how very wrong she is.

When a probe crashes to Earth near a dig site, Alice Clarkson thinks she has hit the jackpot of her gem collecting career finding a real life meteor to add to her collection. But this is no mere meteor. It’s an alien probe designed to capture life; specifically female life.

Abducted and placed on sale in an alien slave market. Alice soon discovers the pleasures of being a captive in the arms of the sexiest alien man she’s ever laid eyes on.

Kerr, high commander of Kelon warriors raids a slaver station only to find a small human treasure he want to keep as his own.

105 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2011

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About the author

Angela Castle

42 books479 followers
I am a full time mother and part time writer. I live in a small country town in Victoria Australia. I have been writing ever since I learned to read, and almost endlessly drifting off into the fantasy world of my imagination.

Thankfully, I have a great group of supporting writer friends; a husband and three; currently small children who help keep me grounded.

When I’m not day dreaming of creating new worlds for my stories or madly typing away on my laptop. I have plenty to keep me busy on the home front.

I welcome feedback from my readers so please feel free to drop me a line at:

[email protected]

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews
Profile Image for Tink Magoo is bad at reviews.
1,275 reviews236 followers
April 3, 2017
I really enjoyed this one. It may not be an original idea but it was written well, included plenty of sex and a decent plot.

Safety - there's nothing really spoilerish, but I'll tag it just in case
Profile Image for Becca.
521 reviews56 followers
November 7, 2012
I am torn between 3 and 4 stars on this one. It was one of my favorite plots - unappreciated, chubby Earth female, abducted by evil aliens, then rescued by hunky, alpha alien in a case of lust at first sight. This is a short story, and pretty predictable, but a fun ride nonetheless.

I will use (and then butcher) an analogy of chocolate chip cookies. CC cookies are my favorites, but they do vary in quality depending on the ingredients and whether made by your grandmother or in a factory. Well, this story is like cc cookies made by a well meaning neighbor who used less than the best quality chocolate chips and too much sugar. The characters were a bit too perfect and one dimensional, the dialog a bit too kissy, kissy sweet and the conflicts easily and quickly solved. (At one point I felt like yelling, "get a room already!!!". No, not from the erotic bits - I like those ;P - but from the, at times, gag worthy sweetness of the dialog!)

I was on board for 4 stars at this point and really enjoying this cookie, er, story, when out of the blue - there were some raisins thrown in!!!! (I don't like raisins - they will ruin a good cc cookie IMHO). The heroine falls for one of the most obvious ploys ever and gets herself in trouble. Right up there with the co-ed wearing baby doll pajamas who decides to investigate a noise in the basement! Authors, please! There is a difference between a plucky, independent heroine and one who is head smackingly stoooooopid! Thus, my rating of 3 stars.

The good news is there are 3 more stories in this series, and I am looking forward to reading them all. After all, a less than perfect chocolate chip cookie is still a great treat!
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,686 reviews213 followers
November 18, 2019
Definitely for a challenge.

Abducting Alice was a weird book. It was very short and to the point.. but hot damn - the insta-love was driving my nuts! I don't know about you.. but can you at least get to know the person before diving into bed with them? It was like Frozen all over again, when Anna was all like.. omg yes let's get married Prince Hans. Hold up girl.. you were just singing a song about love and you mentioned sandwiches in it. Calm down.

The main characters annoyed me to no end. I just was interested in their "romance" one bit. I get it, you were both horny and no one else was around. Please give my eyes and ears a rest. Go eat a sandwich or take a walk. Something other than sleeping with each other please!

Overall, not a book for me which is a shame.. because I love smutty crap in books.
Profile Image for Alba M. .
1,723 reviews149 followers
August 22, 2019
Alice es una geóloga que trabaja para una empresa importante. Su última misión debería haber sido fácil... Solo que no lo fue. Ella acaba siendo secuestrada, despierta en una nave espacial siendo examinada y luego de nuevo raptada por otros aliens.
Kerr es una Kelon, un extraterrestre con forma casi humana excepto por sus ojos. En cuanto ve a Alice sabe que es su compañera predestinada, solo necesita convencerla a ella también.

La historia no está mal, es de lo que me gusta pero siento que me ha faltado el punto de vista de él. Mucho. Normalmente en este tipo de libros tienden a hace un pov de ellos por eso de que son una raza diferente y entendamos un poco como son y todo eso, es por eso que en este libro al leer solo el punto de vista de Alice me ha faltado algo en el libro y me hizo sentir que la historia no estaba bien escrita. En cuanto a los personajes me han encantado los dos, Kerr como no me va a gustar si tiene todo lo que me gusta, es un oso gruñón pero también amoroso ❤️ la única que no me gustó en este libro, y que no creo que me lea su libro, es Tara la hermana de Alice. Es una dramática escandalosa y creo que un poco narcisista que quiere tener siempre la atención.

En fin, que ya sabéis, historia corta que vale para pasar el rato!
Profile Image for Hollie.
1,676 reviews
July 13, 2017
I am actually embarrassed that even I even completed this read, even though it was a short one. It was brutal. Talk about insta-love. I'm a smut lover and all about some alien romance/smut, but this was just overkill. They meet, they fuck immediately, admit their undying love for one another, rinse repeat. I felt nothing toward either of the main characters. They had sex, that was it. I got nothing in regards to their personalities aside from them being horny all the time. Repetitive terms also had me cringing the nonstop. Such as, the hero constantly referred to the heroine as "my little one". It was every page or so. This story had absolutely not depth. Even the sex was bland and generic in my opinion. Definitely not a book recommend or an author I will follow.
April 21, 2011
When you look up at the stars at night, do you ever wonder what might be looking back at you? Alice didn't; all she wanted was someone to share the view with. But as they say be careful what you wish for, you might just get everything you never knew you wanted. While a woman getting abducted by aliens for breeding purposes and falling in love with her rescuer is not an unfamiliar storyline, Ms. Castle deftly avoids most of the pitfalls that accompany using such a well known plot, leaving the reader with a book that is familiar but not cliched, and with enough twists to keep if from being predictable.

Alice is not your typical heroine, she is undoubtedly smart and independent but she almost seems a bit aloof, rather lacking in passion preferring her rocks to people. Nothing is directly said but the impression is given that she has been hurt in the past and to compensate she throws herself into her work rather than deal with people and their possible rejection of her. Of course it takes being abducted by aliens, put up for auction as a sexual slave, being simultaneously rescued and abducted by another, much better looking, alien for her to realize that there are worse things in life than rejection. And when she meets Kerr it becomes all to obvious that Alice isn't lacking in passion she simply needed to meet someone who was worth being passionate about. While my more cynical nature screamed Stockholm Syndrome when Alice professed love for Kerr after such a short time, there is no doubting the depth of Kerr's passion or feelings for Alice and later her feelings for Kerr.

When Alice first meets Kerr she mistakes his eyes for pure black, only finding out later that they have glints of light in them resembling a starry night. I love this detail probably as much as Alice seems to. It reminds me of the quote from Nietzsche "When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you." Kerr is a warrior and a pilot he has spent many nights out among the stars staring into the abyss of space and having it stare back at him. The romantic part of my brain would like to think that long ago there was a warrior not unlike Kerr, the first of the Kelon race, who would also stare into the abyss of space giving a little of himself and so space gave a little of itself to the Kelon people.

The Methrill, the race of aliens who abducted Alice, are really an interesting study. The fact that they abducted Alice and were planning on selling her to the highest bidder immediately paints them as the villains, but the more I thought about it the less convinced I became that they were. The Methrill, although far from good, are more pragmatic than villainous. They are traders by nature, and as such are always on the lookout for what is needed, and currently what is needed is females with breeding capabilities. The fact that Earth is a thus-far untapped source for breedable females, will make them a lot of money and that is what they care about. When their treatment of and behavior towards Alice is examined it is easy to see that she is only a commodity to them. They are not nice to her but they are also not abusive. They answer just enough of her questions to keep her relatively calm, and although they did perform a rather invasive bodily examination they did this while she was unconscious, and ensured that she woke without pain. From the Methrill's perspective having an exotic creature like Alice will bring in a small fortune, but it is still preferable to have one that is subdued rather than a hysterical one.

The only real problem with this story is the inclusion of an often used device that every female is familiar with and, if they are anything like me, really dislike: the moment when the heroine runs off into an obvious trap without telling anyone where she is going, under the pretence of saving the man she loves. I am sad to say that there is such a moment in this book, but like so many other moments in this story there is a delightful twist. Ms. Castle takes what could be a horribly cliched moment and uses it to not only let Alice learn the truth, but to let her stand on her own and fight for herself, for what she wants, for the life she has found.

Abducting Alice is a fun read full of unusual characters, and the unlikeliest of events, like a wife getting along with her mother-in-law. Ms. Castle has provided a great remedy to a rainy afternoon.

originally posted at http://whippedcream2.blogspot.com/201...
Profile Image for T00zday.
578 reviews124 followers
December 17, 2015
Someone else mentioned how much the plot in this book copied resembled some of the Laurann Dohnner books. I have to agree. I felt like I was reading a badly re-done version of Ral's Woman.

Don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed it because I love the genre, but don't start this series with super high expectations.

It's sweet. All the books are relatively short, with happy endings and characters you still get to read about in later books.

PS - Does anyone else get the feeling while reading Angela Castle books that she doesn't particularly like Americans? She generally makes Americans the 'jerk' side characters.

** Re-read on 12/17
Profile Image for Chappy.
2,029 reviews102 followers
July 14, 2015
I just can't get enough sexy aliens in need of women.

It just makes you feel good and what a great confidence booster. A lot of women often get rejected here on Earth because we don't fit into the "perfect" image and/or body type. I love when super hot aliens embrace these so-called flaws.

Super steamy...I got so hot when Alice had to "teach" Kerr how to kiss.
Profile Image for Cheesecake.
2,838 reviews452 followers
March 7, 2018
I read this several years ago and hardly remembered it.
It's typical 'Mars need Women' trope... Well, probably sillier than most.

Alice, a short, plump, 30 yr old virgin with low self esteem, picks up an interesting rock that causes her to be abducted by evil alien slave traders. Then along come the 'good' aliens who rescue her and she is kept and mated by their high commander; Kerr.
There's a TSTL moment for the heroine and she needs to be rescued again. That's it.
Totally safe but mind-numbing read.

The world building is very limited and most of the side characters are as interesting as cardboard (probably less so). The mother-in-law is practically obsequious.
Alice is a goody two shoes and Kerr only talks about his lust for her.
Too much repetitive sex and too little story...
It was entertaining and I skimmed it in an hour, but I doubt I'll read another.
Profile Image for Genney Blass.
1,314 reviews28 followers
April 7, 2013
3.5 stars. This story, was very interesting I must say. Kerr was wow, his description dayum, delicious. Alice character was a little boring, I guess she felt closed in the world. Her sister was a Mega Biatch and annoying towards her sister. But at the end, Alice had her family, how cute was that; Wow and able to teach a man, what is your preference sexually, now that is what we need to do to. Lol, to have our pleasure more define so the men can be aware of our dislikes and likes. Lol. No but seriously this book was very good. Kudos to Ms. Castle a job well done.
Profile Image for Delta.
1,935 reviews24 followers
April 6, 2015
Abducting Alice is a fun, quick, alien-abduction, sci-fi-erotic romance read. Alice is a likable 30-year-old BBW heroine (story not heavy on BBW theme), and Krell is a hunky, fierce, and sweet, alien-warrior-hero. There are seven books in the Warriors of Kelon series, which I will continue reading when in the mood for some light, sci-fi-erotic-romance fun.
Profile Image for ValerieC.
1,336 reviews58 followers
March 8, 2011
Alice was a lonely geologist working for an International mining company. She was short, overweight for her height (a size 14), and never had a date. Her only relatives were her gorgeous, man-hungry sister and an elderly uncle.

Her latest field assignment for the company was an exploration in the western desert of Australia to confirm mineral deposits detected by satellite. She was there with her 4-man drilling crew when a meteorite slammed into the earth close to their camp. Upon further inspection, Alice determined that the object wasn't a meteorite, but likely a small piece of space junk, as it appeared machined. Suddenly, the object caused pulses to go through her body and she was unable to let go of it. Her crew tried to rip the object from her hands, but couldn't. Suddenly, Alice disappeared!

The rest of the story involves how Alice was abducted from Earth by aliens who sell females as breeders to the highest bidder... and how she is rescued from them by Kerr, the man of her dreams.

I am hoping Ms. Castle will write more of these, as the hero, Kerr, has two brothers, as well as a whole planet of female-starved warriors looking for mates. Could be a very good series. This was a quick, fun read...

The downside to reading this book was technical, in that it was only available in HTML and .pdf from Bookstrand, so I had to convert it with my calibre program to .prc to make it compatible with my Kindle 1. That worked out fine, but all words with two Ls, such as well, shall, collective had only one of the Ls, the second being left out. Not sure how that happens or that it had anything to do with the conversion... this appeared to be possibly a word .doc file and needed editing badly. Also, the title of the book appeared often, as if it had been at the top of each page and was inserted into the middle of chapters. I got this from Bookstrand, and maybe I should have checked on Amazon to see if they have it.

I will re-read this book in the future and look for more from this author.
Profile Image for Asteropê.
680 reviews10 followers
July 29, 2021
Standard alien abduction turned mate book.

The only issue I had was it had things in common with Laurann Dohner's works. Or at least the concepts/tone/elements within those works. I'm NOT saying the author was copying, it's just bits and pieces I felt I've read or seen in LD's Cyborg, New Species or Zorn series.

For example, There were other little things like that. I suppose with this genre and plot focus, there isn't really too much that can be done as far as variation goes, so I'm not annoyed with it or anything. That being said, I hope the rest of the books don't echo LD's work or I will become annoyed.
Profile Image for Sans.
858 reviews122 followers
March 30, 2011
This was the kind of book I was expecting Genesis to be. Fluff with an attempt at drama. It wasn't great, but it could have been good if it was just a bit longer and the font wasn't super-sized (I despise font padding in an attempt to make the story seem longer than it honestly is). I liked the heroine (I'm always rooting for the plus-sized gals) and the hero could have been enjoyable if he didn't bring out the Insta-Love. "You're beautiful. I just know we're destined to be together, by the Fires of Elron!" Or something like that. And that attempt at drama? I've seen that exact scene in at least two other 'human chick gets abducted by alien dude/destined mate/one twu wuv' stories. Find a new angst ignition please. Again, it wasn't great or even really good, and certainly not worth the $5 I paid Amazon for it.
Profile Image for Brutally Honest.
495 reviews31 followers
March 17, 2015
I skimmed this. The book is so one-dimensional I was kind of expecting it to be one piece of paper.

All snark aside, I do enjoy the alien hero human heroine stuff, but this one... There was no character development on anyone's behalf, the heroine went through a period of token resistance until just randomly giving in for no reason that I could ascertain, the hero is a macho "this is the way things are" overprotective dude and ridiculously sure of himself... Yuck!
Profile Image for Angela Charles.
660 reviews30 followers
March 9, 2018
Okay so lets talk about the craziness that is this book. Alice is just dumb. There are so many instances where I am completely and utterly confused how she has survived to 30. There is no way someone who is so naive could survive in the world. Kerr is just not the best hero at all. I will say that these two belong together because Alice is stupid and follows everything that Kerr says and Kerr is someone who feels as though his shit does not stink.

I will see if this series gets better. However, I am really hoping that these two characters DO NOT play a part in other books like most couples that are the main focus in intro books to series are. They just need to continue doing it like rabbits and stay in the background.
Profile Image for CeliaDame.
3 reviews
July 13, 2019
DNF 80% (1.5/5 stars)
I do not recommend.

Now I know this is a two-bit erotic romance and I'm not expecting it to be the best read of my life but I do have standards. I've seen this kind of concept done well and I guess I'm a little picky but I've earned that right, I've read enough books that I'm not shy about calling out a not-so-good one.

All I'm saying is that if your looking for a throw away romance with bad world-building maybe this ones for you. The author doesn't seem to grasp evolution or just willfully and blatantly ignores it in favour of smexy-times. Her sex scenes are mediocre at best, not quite the two thrust and finish but not far off, and her characters fail to think and behave in any logical manner. If you're going to create an entirely new, entirely alien species you might want to think more about their history, culture, and evolutionary habits, rather than focusing on how similar and yet different their dicks are to human ones.

Profile Image for Miku.
400 reviews
August 11, 2016
I like the genre of the story but sadly I didn't like it that much.

I really did try to like the story but because I had read too many books with the same genre I just felt this one is lacking.

The story is basically: Short, plump, plain girl gets abducted by slave-trading aliens, girl gets saved by huge, gorgeous, wealthy warrior alien who thinks she's the bee's knees and treats her like a queen, girl makes mistake that puts herself in danger, girl gets saved by her warrior. And they lived happily ever after.

If you just probably want to relax and want to read-Not too complicated , some easy reading, funny and simple read maybe this is the book for you. This book is similar to Dohner's Zorn Warriors book 1 "Ral's Woman". Exact same story-line, but on a more simpler level. This book is not as detailed and intense as Dohner's and for me it lacked the intensity of the hero's feelings. I do like that in "Abducting Alice" the women aren't 2nd rate citizens as in "Ral's Woman" so I don't mind feeling like I'm reading a rehoused story. I'm the least bit interested of her sister's story for she is known as a slut in the beginning of this story.

Profile Image for Claudia.
729 reviews24 followers
July 20, 2016
A typical alien abduction story with a heroine that is not your normal type: Alice is chubby like all Angela Castle female characters. Well, it was about time I stopped reading about "perfect" women. So Alice was smart and independent, interested in rocks and a workaholic. Her deepest desire to find the right guy for her. Little that she knew she will have to be abducted by aliens to find him.
Put up for auction as a sexual slave Alice was rescued by Kerr.

Kerr is a warrior, a pilot part of the Kelon race and when he met Alice he knew she was the one for him.

Abducting Alice is a fun read but I cannot give more than 3 stars even for Kerr. I didn't feel connected with the whole story, specially Alice. She was sometimes to dumb for me. I prefer more lively and interactive, witty female characters but the whole Kelon world has potential for me.
Profile Image for Sandra.
1,340 reviews85 followers
May 16, 2011
This would have to be your stock standard alien abducting female humans to be sold as slaves story.

Alice Clarkson, a geologist, spots a meteor that is really a probe and gets abducted in broad daylight, in front of several of her colleagues. The Metherill, an alien trading species, sell anything and anyone.

Their slave station is raided by the Alliance forces and Alice is again captured, this time by Commander Kerr, who wants to Claim her ie marry her. She really doesn't get much of a choice, but Kerr isn't bad on the eyes and Alice is persuaded.

Of course, there is a baddie who abducts Alice again and Kerr comes to the rescue.

All in all a well written tale of poor Alice the Abductee.
Profile Image for Ladymcbeth.
613 reviews4 followers
January 17, 2013
So ... 3 stars ... I would have given 3.5, but it's not possible.
The problem with this story is that I didn't feel the little more thing that make you dream.
The story was good, quite well wroten but I don't know ... maybe too much sex scenes for a virgin and not enough action !
Alice seems to be the kind of girl you don't mess with at first, but as soon as she meet Kerr, she is a gentle little thing just good enough to fuck !

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Twilla.
230 reviews
November 27, 2012
This is the second book I have read from this author and I think I have found me a new favorite author. This story is very much like Laurann Donher's Zorn Warriors with its own little flair. I loved Zorn Warriors so I am happy to have found this series. On to the next one.
134 reviews1 follower
December 25, 2022
Alors c'est un délire.

Premier degrés le livre est juste le fantasme de quelqu'un. Ce qui veut dire qu'il n'y a zéro plot, zéro au niveau des personnages, zéro au niveau du World building. Vraiment zéro est le bon chiffre pour décrire ce livre.
En même temps l'autrice l'assume et le livre fait un petit peu moins de 100 pages donc c'était prévisible. Il n'y aucunes surprise là dedans.
Cependant je me suis un peu ennuyé et les personnages trop cliché m'ont énervé. Je crois que je ne supporte plus le personnage de la femme soumise et sans objectifs. Je n'ai plus aucunes tolérance pour ce genre de personnage.

Je pense que pour totalement apprécié le livre vous avez besoin de le lire d'une traite, ce que je n'ai pas fait mais aurais dû. Je ne lirais pas la suite je pense.
Profile Image for Joanne Minna.
134 reviews15 followers
July 1, 2020
Soooo... Smut, smut, aaaaaand a lot more smut.

Alice, a geologist, gets abducted during her work in the middle of Australia by aliens that plan on selling both her and the location of Earth to the highest bidder.
While the opposing faction, the Alliance, raids the slave market, Alice gets freed by them and in her life enters Te- commander Kerr. He immediately claims her as his mate.
The story then follows the beginning of their life in Kelon, Kerr's family and the start of Kelon's protection of Earth.
Profile Image for libraryofliv_.
152 reviews3 followers
August 5, 2018
I liked this book but I'm just not a huge fan of insta-love. I can't help but roll my eyes at it. I wish there was more conversation between the characters so that I could understand them more. I felt like their whole relationship revolved around sex and that's it. I've noticed in this book and the second book that it's very much "have sex once and now I'm instantly in love". Just wish there was more substance to their relationship.
6 reviews
May 19, 2018
This is one of the worst books I've ever read. Alice is beyond stupid, giving out information that not only threats other Earth women but Earth itself.

She's supposed to be an intelligent woman yet the things she says and does are idiotic. She has no self preservation, no common sense, and is dann near useless except as a breeder. Truly I have never read everything so bad.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews

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