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The Past Through Tomorrow: 2 Vol. Edition #1

The Past Through Tomorrow: Vol. 1

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Here, in volume one of two volumes, are approximately half of the stories, novelettes, novella, and novels which make up Heinlein's famous Future History -- the rich, imaginative architecture of Man's destiny that many consider his greatest and most prophetic work. Heinlein wrote most of the Future History stories early in his career, between 1939 and 1941 and between 1945 and 1950. Most of the Future History stories written prior to 1967 are collected in the two volumes of The Past Through Tomorrow, which also contains the final version of the chart. That collection does not include Universe and Common Sense; they were published separately as Orphans of the Sky.
Introduction (The Past Through Tomorrow) (1967) • essay by Damon Knight
Life-Line [Future History] (1939) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein
The Roads Must Roll [Future History] (1940) / novelette by Robert A. Heinlein
Blowups Happen [Future History] (1940) / novelette by Robert A. Heinlein
The Man Who Sold the Moon [D. D. Harriman] (1950) / novella by Robert A. Heinlein
Delilah and the Space-Rigger [Future History] (1949) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein
Space Jockey [Future History] (1947) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein
Requiem [D. D. Harriman] (1940) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein
The Long Watch [Future History] (1949) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein
Gentlemen, Be Seated [Future History] (1948) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein
The Black Pits of Luna (juvenile) [Future History] (1948) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein
'It's Great to Be Back!' [Future History] (1977) / short story by Robert A. Heinlein (variant of "It's Great to Be Back!" 1947)


320 pages, Paperback

First published December 31, 1977

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About the author

Robert A. Heinlein

957 books9,881 followers
Robert Anson Heinlein was an American science fiction author, aeronautical engineer, and naval officer. Sometimes called the "dean of science fiction writers", he was among the first to emphasize scientific accuracy in his fiction, and was thus a pioneer of the subgenre of hard science fiction. His published works, both fiction and non-fiction, express admiration for competence and emphasize the value of critical thinking. His plots often posed provocative situations which challenged conventional social mores. His work continues to have an influence on the science-fiction genre, and on modern culture more generally.
Heinlein became one of the first American science-fiction writers to break into mainstream magazines such as The Saturday Evening Post in the late 1940s. He was one of the best-selling science-fiction novelists for many decades, and he, Isaac Asimov, and Arthur C. Clarke are often considered the "Big Three" of English-language science fiction authors. Notable Heinlein works include Stranger in a Strange Land, Starship Troopers (which helped mold the space marine and mecha archetypes) and The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress. His work sometimes had controversial aspects, such as plural marriage in The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, militarism in Starship Troopers and technologically competent women characters who were formidable, yet often stereotypically feminine—such as Friday.
Heinlein used his science fiction as a way to explore provocative social and political ideas and to speculate how progress in science and engineering might shape the future of politics, race, religion, and sex. Within the framework of his science-fiction stories, Heinlein repeatedly addressed certain social themes: the importance of individual liberty and self-reliance, the nature of sexual relationships, the obligation individuals owe to their societies, the influence of organized religion on culture and government, and the tendency of society to repress nonconformist thought. He also speculated on the influence of space travel on human cultural practices.
Heinlein was named the first Science Fiction Writers Grand Master in 1974. Four of his novels won Hugo Awards. In addition, fifty years after publication, seven of his works were awarded "Retro Hugos"—awards given retrospectively for works that were published before the Hugo Awards came into existence. In his fiction, Heinlein coined terms that have become part of the English language, including grok, waldo and speculative fiction, as well as popularizing existing terms like "TANSTAAFL", "pay it forward", and "space marine". He also anticipated mechanical computer-aided design with "Drafting Dan" and described a modern version of a waterbed in his novel Beyond This Horizon.
Also wrote under Pen names: Anson McDonald, Lyle Monroe, Caleb Saunders, John Riverside and Simon York.

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Profile Image for Adrian.
618 reviews245 followers
January 28, 2023
My first memory of reading these stories was probably some time back in the late 70s , although some of the stories were published in other books, and despite some of them showing a bit of age, they are still worth reading and enjoyable.
All the writing is excellent it is just that some of them feel very 50s, despite the fact that I have just checked and the ones in this volume of the book were all written before 1950 , doh ! (Some even before the Second World War ).
I do like RAH's future history stories as they all tie together and give an alternate and entirely possible, as well as an entertaining view of what the world could have been. I look forward to reading volume 2
Profile Image for Teodora.
172 reviews42 followers
December 31, 2023
Някои от разказите бяха много интересни. Това, което е вълнувало авторът очевидно е било Луната. С други обаче не се разбрах. Сякаш не им беше мястото там и аз не знам … Знам че има доста добро творчество и бих се запознала и с друго
Profile Image for Nadia Mcgowan.
55 reviews4 followers
April 21, 2016
I read this book perhaps ten years ago, perhaps more. I loved it.

I am loving it again and haven't even finished the prologue, because of quotes such as this:

“Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything - you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him."
Profile Image for Христо Блажев.
2,407 reviews1,610 followers
September 20, 2023
Великият Хайнлайн разказва “Бъдещи истории”: https://knigolandia.info/book-review/...

Сборникът започва с полезен предговор, който ориентира кога са писани разказите, къде са публикувани на английски и кои от тях са излизали на български, както и връзките им с по-мащабните произведения на Хайнлайн. Четени последователно, те образуват хронологично подредена алтернативна история на Земята, при която човечеството се устремява към звездите далеч по-бързо, но с неизбежните проблеми и драматични събития. Началният разказ, “Линията на живота”, всъщност не предвещава това, но това е и първият публикуван разказ на автора изобщо – и описва учен, който успява да пробие в най-голямата мистерия, тази на смъртта, и да изчислява колко точно време остава на всекиго до последния му час. “Да бъде светлина” е симпатична преимуществено любовна история за двойка млади учени, които заедно откриват как да добиват почти безплатна енергия – и това им създава проблеми. “Пътищата трябва да се движат” вече описва действителност, която ще се прокрадва и в други творби, а на мен ми напомняше на някакъв вид естествено продължение на романа “Механично пиано” на Кърт Вонегът, който също четох тези дни; в този разказ цялата страна е оплетена в подвижни ленти, от неспирната работа на които зависи абсолютно всичко, което и води до опита да бъдат използвани за шантаж от властолюбив бунтовник. “Експлозии се случват” датира от 1940 г. и прогнозира атомните електроцентрали, но в много по-опасна и нестабилна форма, която и отвежда сюжета до силни конфронтации и страсти около тях, но точно сред това кипене всъщност се реализира научен пробив, върху който следващи разкази стъпват.

14 reviews
October 30, 2018
A good overview of Heinlein's chronology of important moments in his fictional future's development told through short stories of how each one came about. Amusingly Lazarus shows up in a few of them
Profile Image for Borislav Germanov.
149 reviews22 followers
November 18, 2023
Разказите на Хайнлайн са измежду най-добрите в жанра /наред с тези на Азимов и Шекли/.
Отличен сборник, най-радващото е че предстои и втора част ...
единствената забележка е, че след едно /и то внимателно/ прочитане гръбчето на книгата се поначупи, но това не е към автора....
Отличен дебют на издателство "Протон"!
Profile Image for Tom.
7 reviews
November 13, 2012
I have to say, not one story in this books is even close to being boring, bad, or just downright loathe some. This book contains some of the most interesting and well written stories I have ever had the pleasure of reading. However, as many good ones as there are I do have a favorite. Green Hills of Earth, is personally makes this book worth what I paid for it alone. It's thought provoking, emotion ride is enough to make any science fiction or speculative fiction fan pick up this book. It's definitely worth a read.
73 reviews
February 14, 2012
Like all short story collections, some good and bad. In the supposed best, "The Man Who Sold the Moon," Heinlein seemed quite pleased with his legal machinations, which I didn't care about. The idea of constantly moving roads (in response to energy shortages, no less) is, in retrospect, laughable. And I had forgotten how antiquated his gender norms are. But there is some fun stuff on the moon, like Requiem or In the Black Pits of Luna.
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