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Emma ambushed Itsuomi at school and dragged him to the arcade, where he was brutally honest about his lack of romantic interest in her. What Itsuomi didn't realize is that Oushi happened to see them go in together. He also doesn't know that Oushi confronted Yuki, giving her an embrace that spoke louder than his words ever have, and that left Yuki feeling a sinking guilt. This haze of unrequited feelings seems to threaten Yuki and Itsuomi's still-tender bond of trust, until Itsuomi makes an astonishing suggestion...

164 pages, Paperback

First published September 13, 2022

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About the author

Suu Morishita

94 books539 followers
Name (in native language): 森下suu

Blood type: A
Zodiac: Taurus

Mangaka duo: Story: Makiro (マキロ), Illustration: Nachiyan (なちやん)

Favourite food: chicken nanban

Assistant: Aizawa Yuki-mei

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 363 reviews
Profile Image for Alysses.
1,041 reviews63 followers
September 20, 2022
These two are the most beautiful people in all of manga. The way they tackle communication within a relationship and the patience they grace one another with is simply admirable. I can't help but to fall in love with this series over and over again.
Profile Image for Sav R. Miller.
Author 19 books5,188 followers
January 23, 2024
Yep, depressed. Can’t wait til April for more 😭

I hope we’ve all enjoyed this saga.
Profile Image for Jay (taylor's version).
409 reviews23 followers
July 25, 2024
Questo manga è la mia confort zone. Per quanto possa essere molto banale magari, per la storia che tratta, la semplicità dei dialoghi e dei disegni mi rilassa e mi commuove. La parte finale in cui Yuki finalmente parla dei suoi sentimenti è quella che ho apprezzato di più, si parla anche più della disabilità uditiva, e penso che stia diventando molto più toccante e profondo. A giuste dosi
Profile Image for Kristina Stangl.
Author 4 books44 followers
October 26, 2023
A nice check-in to our favorite couple, Yuki and Itsuomi. Vol. 7 picks up right where Vol. 6 left off, and from this point onwards, we explore the next stage of Yuki's and Itsuomi's blossoming relationship: moving in!

In the beginning of this volume, Itsuomi proposes to living together full-time with Yuki. Even though he plans on traveling to Japan to pursue his teaching position within the next two years, he still wants to explore the next stage of their relationship. While Yuki is surprised and possibly excited by this new possibility, she's also confronted with the potential challenges that may be ahead of them. While dating might be bliss right now, but can their relationship withstand the daily challenges associated with her disability? This volume in particular explores this question in depth but in the end, these two are simply made for each other and no matter what, I have faith in these characters to overcome any and all obstacles.

However, with that being said, I'm not too pleased with the storyline focused on Oushi. Even though he very well knows that Yuki is already in a committed relationship, he still remains a thorn in Yuki's and Itsuomi's sides. Also, at this point, I'm ready for Emma and Shin to just be a couple already, for the sake of Emma finally leaving Itsuomi alone.

Lastly, on a happier note, Rin-chan and Kyouya finally becomes a couple! Would have been nice if we had more scenes with these two, but there's also the next installment!

Profile Image for Afton.
586 reviews
July 12, 2024
<33333333 really appreciated the emphasis on friendship and communicating honest feelings in this volume. yes, oushi needs to cool it bc too little too late! i still find it so interesting how yuki’s family didn’t learn to become fluent in sign to effectively communicate with her, but alas.
Profile Image for Jessica ❀.
342 reviews12 followers
July 26, 2024
That last chapter? Omg my poor heart is POUNDING faster than Yuki’s at this point. 😂😍❤️
Profile Image for Laura A. Grace.
1,721 reviews225 followers
December 9, 2023

Oh my goodness, I FINALLY read this latest volume only to read it TWICE back-to-back because I loved it so much! (That's been true for every volume honestly LOL) The story continues to be so so so beautiful and I felt tears (during both reads!) forming at the end of this volume!

I consistently admire Yuki's courage and how she is always steadily moving forward and looking forward to the future. I feel in this volume we really see her courage shine because I LOVED the question that Itsuomi asked, but it was hard seeing Yuki almost talk down upon herself as she thought about his question? I don't think that's quite the right word as it was more of having negative self-talk, but all I wanted to do was just bear hug her!

I'm so thankful for Itsuomi and their relationship because he consistently always brings the swoon (LOL), but greater than that, you can really see his heart in all of his actions. There is never any doubt of how deeply he loves Yuki and will do everything in his ability to grow closer to her and support her. Seeing his reaction at the end was equally powerful as Yuki sharing because he saw her heart and got it. I mean, he tells her in the opening chapter he sees her, but I felt like the ending also showed how much he really does.

Now Oushi…goodness he creates so many mixed emotions! As someone who is trying to interfere with the ship, I'm surprised I don't hate him honestly. I think he is a compelling character who frustrates me to no end, but it's hard to hate him when he is vulnerable and KNOWS he missed his chance. Even more frustrating is how he has great and supportive friends…who are giving him all the wrong advice. :p Like ughhhhh! With the encouragement they are giving him, it makes me nervous about what he will do later on because I don't think it's too far fetched that he WILL make a move at some point in time.

Despite that I don't like his friend's advice, I LOVED the theater chapter! That was AMAZING and I wish I could go into depth about it (because the art and panels were chef's kiss!!), but I don't want to spoil it because that chapter is such a fun one for the most part!

I am crushed that we have to wait until April for the next volume because this volume was everything and more! EAGERLY looking forward to reading more!!
Profile Image for berra.
16 reviews12 followers
February 4, 2024
honestly i’m not a manga reader. this is the second manga i’ve ever read. i’ve been busy for a few days and wanted to try something new and fresh. but i clearly didn’t expect to love this this much!! this was so simple, but achingly cute and lovely and beautiful. the plot was simple and the story was developing predictably, yet i couldn’t stop reading. if you’re looking for something new, cute and entertaining; or you just want to get out of a reading slump, this is great. just don’t expect anything extraordinary plot-wise.
Profile Image for Jess | jadecanread.
857 reviews155 followers
May 6, 2024
Yay! More relationship development for the main couple :3

Also, I'm getting mildly shook at how forward Itsuomi is. (as if I don't read hard core smut every day lol)

I don't love the Oushi's persistence to be completely honest, but we'll see where things go from here.

content: continues on from previous volume. making out, asking to move in, Emma's own relationship development, Rin's relationship development, Oushi's friends being unnecessarily supportive, Itsuomi telling Yuki he's going to be MIA for two years.
Profile Image for bee.
858 reviews46 followers
April 12, 2023
『 ★★★★,5 』

Several small storms that would become the peak of the conflict began to pile up little by little. I don't think Itsu is 100% honest with Yuki, but considering Itsu's character ((his brain always whirring, thinking as he's forming sentences and talking, and that's one of small proof that Itsu is a considerate speaker)) I think that what is kept secret is to protect Yuki's feelings and not a secret that can shake up their relationship. I really love him huhuhu 😭

Such a husband material! Very understanding and very caring!

Anyway, character-design wise, I really like Shin. He's so pretty and I adore pretty boys ((—well, who doesn't?)). But Itsuomi is a heart-robber. His behavior and how he act around Yuki shsjsdkshsdkgshk— my heart is not build for his kind of tenderness!

Profile Image for a.
1,255 reviews
April 22, 2024
4.5 stars

Hmm I feel bad saying this but lowkey, I kind of ship Yuki and Oushi together...I am just a sucker for friends to lovers and childhood friends to lovers and they could really have it all *sigh*
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
124 reviews
March 19, 2023
My heart!!! Also, Oushi?? Get a job (or keep the one you have). Leave her alone!!!
Profile Image for Dieudonné Lola.
154 reviews1 follower
February 6, 2024
Leur relation évolue c'est trop mignon.
Oshi qui pleure parce que c'est trop tard (je veux mourir) mon chouchouu
Profile Image for Maegan (maeganisreading).
166 reviews14 followers
January 21, 2024
Rating: 4.5⭐️

This series just keeps getting cuter as you read on! I love the growth between the main characters and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for them in the next volume!
Profile Image for kutingtin.
807 reviews72 followers
April 30, 2024
i really appreciate this series as a hearing person with a special deaf mute friend Erick, he taught me some basic asl, gifted me a sign book and even gave me a sign name which means bookworm 🥰
Profile Image for ej.
405 reviews6 followers
June 29, 2023
2.75/5 ewwww i hate when people speak of bein a man as a “obviously” moment for them wantin sexual things… itsuomi ain’t what i want… him sayin “do i look like the guy content with just huggin n kissin” is literally equivalent to sayin “you’d think i’d be with you without sex?” - askin to move in together when they’ve barely been together for any substantial amount of time is crazy… i though this series would be the truth ughhh… n meet her parents already? omg… am glad yuki notices how quickly this shit is movin… the way the mangaka draws the one guy’s lips pisses me off… yuki realizin she’s neglectin her feelings :(, ughhh nooo she’s thinkin of herself as a burden rather than someone with needs n aghhhh, she’s talkin about their fast pace but i feel like she’s considerin it as romantic versus a serious concern, oushi is so fuckin pushy don’t touch her… am glad yuki mentioned herself havin a bf cause i want her to stick up for herself more (though obvs i get this is uncomfy n difficult), i get why itsuomi teared up - am really saddened that yuki started promotin herself with all her positive qualities like cookin n cleanin…
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mary.
123 reviews2 followers
September 26, 2023
Credo che questo volume sia il mio preferito tra quelli usciti 🥹

Questa serie non è tra le mie preferite perché a mio parere ha avuto alti e bassi… però arrivata ormai al 7 volume, posso dire di essere contenta di aver continuato, perché in ogni caso si conferma un manga dolcissimo, tenero e il tema della disabilità è trattato molto bene…in particolare in questo volume, con due momenti banali si evidenzia il disagio, la preoccupazione che una persona sorda può avere.

Itsuomi è un amore, non ho mai avuto dubbi su di lui e volume dopo volume si nota che è sempre più preso e serio con Yuki…che belli che sono💕
”Mi sembra che in un mondo nel quale esisteva solo la notte…sia finalmente arrivato il mattino.”
Non ce la posso fare🫠

Una cosa che mi sta piacendo molto è che le autrici danno sempre più spazio agli altri personaggi, Introducendone a mano a mano anche di nuovi, creando delle dinamiche semplici e senza strafare.

Spero solo che non si insista troppo con Oshi, preferisco che vada avanti senza forzare troppo il tutto. Mi piace davvero tanto il suo personaggio e spero di non cambiare idea!
Profile Image for Büşra Köprü.
Author 6 books56 followers
November 29, 2022
Yine harika bir şeyler okuma heyecanı içerisindeyim. Seri henüz tamamlanmadı, 32. bölüm Aralık'ta yayınlanacak ve 8. cilt Mart'ta çıkacak. Bu yüzden içim içime sığmıyor, beklemeyi de zerre sevmem ama bu kadar güzel olacaksa beklenebilir sanırım bazı şeyler.

Dünyanın en nahif kurgularından biri bu... Belki tek kötü yanı inanılmaz ütopik olmasıdır ama bu güzelliğini gölgelemiyor. Finaline göre favorilerim arasına girebilecek bir güzelliği var. Kısaca bahsetmem gerekirse doğuştan sağır olan bir kız ve dünyaya çoğu insanın baktığından daha harika bakabilen harika bir adamın hikâyesi. Kızımız Yuki'yi aşırı sevdim, o kadar güzel bir kalbi var ki eriyorum tepkilerini okurken. Çiftimizden tutun yan karakterlere, herkes çok tatlı bu mangada. Mutlaka tanışmalısınız. Beni bu güzellikle buluşturan @ dünyakiracisi 'na kocaman teşekkürler...
Profile Image for Shirley.
905 reviews82 followers
December 29, 2022
Chapter 25-28

OH MY GOD THEY'RE SO PERFECT FOR EACH OTHER, I LOVE THEEMMM. Again they have a reaalllyy good practice of communication with each other, Itsuomi about to make their relationship moving quickly but after the last chapter we knew the reason why. Also I like that Oushi have friends he can trust but I would like it better if they don't try to make Oushi come in between couple please, like learn manner bro.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 363 reviews

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