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The Winner

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The Dream

She is twenty, beautiful, dirt-poor, and hoping for a better life for her infant daughter when LuAnn Tyler is offered the gift of a lifetime, a $100 million lottery jackpot. All she has to do is change her identity and leave the U.S. forever.

The Killer

It's an offer she dares to refuse...until violence forces her hand and thrusts her into a harrowing game of high-stakes, big-money subterfuge. It's a price she won't fully pay...until she does the unthinkable and breaks the promise that made her rich.

The Winner

For if LuAnn Tyler comes home, she will be pitted against the deadliest contestant of all: the chameleonlike financial mastermind who changed her life. And who can take it away at will...

513 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1997

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About the author

David Baldacci

369 books120k followers
David Baldacci has been writing since childhood, when his mother gave him a lined notebook in which to write down his stories. (Much later, when David thanked her for being the spark that ignited his writing career, she revealed that she’d given him the notebook to keep him quiet, "because every mom needs a break now and then.”)

David published his first novel, Absolute Power, in 1996; the feature film adaptation followed, with Clint Eastwood as its director and star. In total, David has published 50 novels for adults; all have been national and international bestsellers, and several have been adapted for film and television. His books are published in over 45 languages and in more than 80 countries, with 150 million copies sold worldwide. David has also published seven novels for younger readers.

In addition to being a prolific writer, David is a devoted philanthropist, and his greatest efforts are dedicated to his family’s Wish You Well Foundation®. Established by David and his wife, Michelle, the Wish You Well Foundation supports family and adult literacy programs in the United States.

A lifelong Virginian, David is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University and the University of Virginia School of Law.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,204 reviews
Profile Image for Baba.
3,818 reviews1,272 followers
December 28, 2022
Dirt-poor, but beautiful (it being commercial fiction) young mother LuAnn Tyler is giving an astounding opportunity - the chance for a guaranteed Lottery win of likely $100 million lottery jackpot - to get this prize all she has to do is to change her identity and leave the U.S. forever,... after her partner was murdered and she become the prime suspect!

David Baldacci usually does, what I feel James Patterson thinks he's doing, composing very well thought out page turning suspense-mystery thrillers, of which this used to be one of my faves of his. But what a difference a few decades makes, although I still enjoy Baldacci's work, the multiple twists and turns, the fixing of the lottery and the way the antagonist works was all a bit over the top and too unrealistic for me; in addition I felt like I was reading a immense amount of filler text in this near 600 page tome! A 5 out of 12, Three Star read that paled on second reading.

2021 and 2003 read
Profile Image for A.J. Sendall.
Author 12 books42 followers
May 13, 2014
The Winner – not!
I had seen the name many times, but had never read anything by David Baldacci until last week. That Baldacci is a prolific writer is evinced in any airport book store. I was expecting something light and easy like Grisham, but it was a whole lot worse.
The two main characters, LuAnn Tyler, and Jackson, are completely implausible, and at times self-contradictory. Jackson was supposed to be ‘terrifying’, we were told so repeatedly, but he was laughable at best. Baldacci also repeatedly tells us how beautiful and sexy LuAnn Tyler is. In fact, she is quite remarkable. Not only is she drop dead gorgeous, but she can lay a man out with one punch and split firewood faster, and for longer than, a seasoned groundsman can. Whew! That’s really hot!
Most of the supporting characters are cliché. Some of that I can forgive, even from a best-selling author, but that was not the worst of it.
The 513 pages of repetitive narrative in a hick voice is hard to not put down as the boredom sets in. Sentence structure at times is abominable. More than once, I had to stop and check that I had read a sentence correctly, and had not drifted off and slipped into autopilot.
The rice-paper plot limps along towards a predictable, melodramatic, one-woman-army ending after which they all live happily ever after.
It will be a long time before I open another Baldacci novel.
Profile Image for Paul Weiss.
1,367 reviews406 followers
June 6, 2023
Outrageously over the top but superbly entertaining anyway!

LuAnn Tyler is quintessential Georgia "white trash" - a young, beautiful, uneducated and unmarried mother with a typical Southern drawl living in a beat-up trailer with Duane Harvey, a no-account beer-guzzling low-life drug runner! But she is sharp enough to realize that her meaningless life is a dead end and she's trying to find a way out for her daughter.

When a shadowy character known only as "Jackson" offers her the opportunity to win a $100 million jackpot in a national lottery long before the drawing takes place, she's not able to figure out how it will happen but her lack of education doesn't stop her from realizing that however it will be done is well outside of the law.

Despite her poverty, LuAnn holds onto her integrity. Although she has reached the decision to turn down Jackson's "offer", a violent encounter with Duane's "colleagues" in the drug trade turns nasty and she is forced to run from the long reach of Georgia law. The $100 million becomes an offer she can no longer refuse and with her winnings, LuAnn Tyler and her daughter become lifelong fugitives from US law and from "Jackson", the sociopathic criminal mastermind who can do anything - fix a national lottery and savagely kill anyone who stands in his way or who threatens his world wide empire.

These characters are so OVER-written as to have crossed into the realm of cartoonish caricatures - LuAnn Tyler, the brash Southern belle heroine; Jackson, the evil megalomaniac who is a master of disguise; Thomas Donovan, the super sleuth investigative reporter who doesn't know enough to recognize danger when he's knee deep in it; Matthew Riggs, the former hot shot FBI agent now in deep cover in a witness protection program; and Uncle Charlie, the retired boxer who has a soft spot in his heart for LuAnn and her daughter! But, what the heck, they are phenomenally entertaining and - darn it all - every reader is going to fall in love with LuAnn and will be on their feet cheering for her in her battle against Jackson, the FBI, the Georgia state police force and even the IRS.

And I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to find out that Baldacci also wanted to make a political statement about lotteries being an irresponsible regressive form of taxation that prey upon the weak represented in their totality by LuAnn and her daughter. I think Baldacci was talking about the very story that he had his reporter Donovan attempting to chase down. You know ... he could be right!

Highly recommended!

Paul Weiss
Profile Image for Fran.
1,191 reviews2 followers
November 27, 2018
I bought this book it was so good. A twist on the typical rags to riches tale. Fast paced thriller. It begs the question: what would you do to win the lottery? How would you spend those winnings?
Profile Image for Kristy James.
Author 64 books112 followers
September 7, 2011
I started reading The Winner based on a recommendation from my eye doctor, of all people. Frankly I'd never heard of the author before, but decided to give it a shot. And I'm glad I did. I'm even more glad I gave up on the hardcover library book and, instead, got the Kindle version (it's much lighter!).

The Winner is a surprisingly interesting and good book. The characters seem very real and you choose your sides very early on. The plot is something else. Even though I'm a writer, I can't imagine coming up with something that intricately planned. It just baffles the mind the twists and turns in this book. Just when you think you've got something figured out, it takes another direction and you're left scratching your head.

My only real problem with the book is that Mr. Baldacci writes some of the longest paragraphs I've ever seen...some nearly a page long. If you're distracted by something, it's a little harder to find your place than it would be if they were broken up a little better.

However it isn't enough of a detriment to keep me from reading more of his work. David Baldacci is a gifted author and I intend to enjoy at least some of his other books.
Profile Image for Tim.
2,329 reviews271 followers
February 21, 2024
So many plots and characters that it is difficult at times to keep the story straight. Tighter editing would have enhanced it significantly. Sometimes less is more. 6 of 10 stars
Profile Image for Gary.
2,816 reviews404 followers
December 22, 2021
A stand alone thriller by author David Baldacci.

Twenty year old mother LuAnn Tyler has lived a hard life and battles daily to escape from an abusive relationship and a life of endless poverty. But all is about to change when under the pretence of a job she offered the chance to be the guaranteed next winner of the $ 100 million national lottery by a man going by the name of Mr Jackson.

Surely this is an offer she can’t refuse but surprisingly she turns it down only to have second thoughts when things get more complicated in her life. Less than twenty-four hours later, she is fighting for her life and running from a false murder charge. Part of the agreement with Mr Jackson is that she leave the country forever in return for unlimited wealth and a positive future for her young daughter. Ten years on and LuAnn breaks the condition and returns to the United States, where she is still wanted for murder.

On her return she meets Matthew Riggs, a man who has his own share of misfortunes. At the same time a reporter is on her tail when he senses a scam in the national lottery and is eager to speak to LuAnn to delve more into her win. LuAnn’s life is starting to get complicated again with the FBI, a reporter and the mysterious Mr Jackson all tailing her looking for answers. LuAnn is in big trouble and turns to her new friend Matt Riggs for help, but he may be just another predator in her life.

This is a fascinating premise for a novel and the type of story that you are instantly engaged with. I enjoyed it and was prepared to forgive some of the hard to believe situations. That said I thought it could have been better but still proved to be an enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Carol.
3,145 reviews121 followers
December 25, 2023
LuAnn Tyler is a beautiful, "white trash" truck stop waitress with a useless husband and a really cute baby daughter. A few months after the birth of the daughter, Lisa, LuAnn gets a phone call telling her to go to an office in an unrented storefront of the local shopping mall. Now why anyone would do this after receiving a summons like this and especially after seeing the location...would be anybody's guess. Most sensible people would never have done this in a hundred million years. Once there, she gets an unbelievable offer from a "Mr. Jackson", a monomaniacal, cross-dressing... (I liked that touch) ...manipulator who says he knows the winning numbers in the national lottery before the numbers are drawn. (Maybe I can use Mr. Jackson's talents after all!) He says that LuAnn fits the media's idea of what a lottery winner should be...namely. poor, undereducated...but still mighty proud. I began to question LuAnn's mentality a lot at this point. Mr. Jackson tells her that IF she's willing to buy the right ticket.... at the right time... and then when she wins, transfer most of her huge jackpot winnings to him...then she'll be able to retire in luxury. Of course, as we knew would be the case, there is more that he doesn't tell her. Jackson fails to inform her, that if she refuses his offer, he'll simply...just have her killed. Here's where it became even worse for delusional LuAnn. She barely escapes death when one of her husband's drug deals goes bad. She hops on a train to Manhattan with the hired executioner in hot pursuit. The executioner is one of Jackson's paid handlers and he can't help but hear wedding bells loud and clear when he sees LuAnn with her baby daughter. Wouldn't you know it!?...a winning 100-million-dollar lottery drawing complicates everything....as if things weren't already complicated enough...Jackson now spirits LuAnn and Lisa away to Sweden, with Charlie in, as they say..."hot pursuit". Never fear dear reader...not only will LuAnn escape a series of increasingly violent, and more unbelievable predicaments, but she'll also manage to outwit Jackson, pay an enormous tax bill to the IRS, and have enough left over to honeymoon in luxury in Switzerland. Overall...it's too preposterous to call feminine wish-fulfillment and too formulaic to be really suspenseful. I could hardly believe that David Baldacci actually wrote this. Maybe he was a victim of an alien invasion that took over his body and wrote a "best seller". The ridiculousness of it was in itself entertaining, and I do usually like what David Baldacci pens when his head is on straight...so 4 stars.
Profile Image for Almak.
61 reviews
June 13, 2008
Being highly recommended to me I was anxious to absorb myself reading a good book. Unfortunately, this wasn't one of them.

Primarily, I was disappointed with descriptive nudity, a masturbation scene and a sex scene, all of which could have been removed and the book as a whole would have been better.

Nonetheless, the premise held the possibility of a good story but it was just too predictable. There was only one surprise in the book and the beginning drug on forever. Baldacci takes over a hundred pages to consistently remind the reader that the main character comes from "hick" upbringing.

Not very gripping, quite disappointing, nothing new and refreshing. If I could give a 1 1/2 stars I would.
Profile Image for Ernest.
1,085 reviews12 followers
July 24, 2014
A single mother is offered a guarantee to win the lottery and after initial hesitation, accepts. Circumstances force her to leave the country but her eventual return is not welcomed by everyone.

My main problem with this book is that I could see the pieces, parts and elements of this book while reading it rather than ever reading it as a whole work. The protagonist needs to look sympathetic, so there will be an element added…here. The villain needs to escape from this situation, so he will have this skill revealed…here. There needs to be some tension introduced, so Matthew Riggs and his mysterious past will be introduced…here. Matthew Riggs needs to have a skill that will help at this exact moment, so one will be revealed just…here.

It was not as strong as being emotionally manipulated and while I appreciate the need for story elements to fit together, here I found the book had merely the presence of suitable elements rather than being worked together into a cohesive whole. I found myself increasingly detached from the story as each part was all too conveniently placed/revealed. I eventually finished the book in frustration, the overly lengthy book only heightening my dislike of the book.

I’ve enjoyed David Baldacci’s other works and will continue to read them, but I found this a tremendously disappointing and tedious read that, unlike how others feel, offered me little enjoyment.
Profile Image for ScrappyMags.
616 reviews359 followers
June 19, 2011
This one, I immensely enjoyed. It was original and unpredictable (mostly), which are 2 difficult components when you read the amount of mystery novels that I do. It was intriguing with the lottery angle and the way it was done? GENIUS!!! (no spoiler!) Very creative mystery novel and probably my favorite Baldacci to date. I actually shuddered and felt a cold chill with some of the parts with Jackson (major CREEPER!!) Characters well-developed and intriguing from Charlie, the older "grandpa" type to Riggs, who mainly due to his name I immediately thought of as a Mel-Gibson-pre-psychotic-alcoholic-rage-disorder look-alike (Ya know... like Riggs in the Lethal Weapon movies?). Perhaps my only critique? I got sick of the constant reminders of how gorgeous and strong LuAnn was. Um.. I get it. Every time she met someone it was a solid paragraph reminder of her long luscious legs (okay, he didn't use the word luscious) and her thick hair... (sigh) and her fantastic body... LOL.. but other than that, the story was a cliche' page turner, but that's what a good read is all about...
Profile Image for Miriam Smith (A Mother’s Musings).
1,684 reviews275 followers
July 19, 2016
I loved this book, the story line was brilliant and was one of David Baldaccis easier books to follow. A page turner from the start, I'd happily recommend this.
Profile Image for Marissa.
40 reviews6 followers
November 22, 2011
Well, I've said it before, I'm a sucker for mysteries/crime/thrillers. I always have been. While other people were soaking up Judy Blume, I firmly ignored the conversations between God and Margaret and stayed up all night reading The Pelican Brief and The Client. Now, there are two questions that pop up given that information: the first being the question of how was I allowed to stay up all night at 13 (or so) the second is what was I really doing reading those books? To the first question I'll say that, in defense of my parents, I usually (and probably very poorly) tried to cover up the fact that I had snuck back downstairs (better lighting) by turning off the light as soon as I heard any motion from upstairs as long as dawn was seeping through the window. If it was that early (or late, depending on how you look at it) that sound probably wasn't just the house settling. If my life were an actual detective novel and my parents actual detectives, had they placed their hands over the lamp's bulb, heat would have still been emanating and my cover blown. Who am I kidding, I'm sure my tiptoes up the stairs weren't nearly as quiet as I thought and they've known all along. They were probably just happy I wasn't at a sleepover where a liquor cabinet was present. Grisham they could handle, Beam would have been a completely different offense. However addressing the second issue, gets to the heart of this review, so I'll ruminate on that presently.
There is something about the mystery genre that allows for the forgiveness of god-awful, terrible writing. Provided that the plot is there, a simple whodunit could, ostensibly, be written by a person with no more than a fifth-grade vocabulary and still be engaging. At least, that's my opinion. And that's why Grisham had to share nightstand space with my eighth grade graduation invitations. It's also why I'm conflicted on how to review David Baldacci's The Winner.
Set in modern day, which according to the copyright on the book is 1997, The Winner tells the story of LuAnn Tyler, a hick from Hicksville (here called Rikersville, GA) who just wants a better life for her daughter. After being approached by a man capable of fixing the lottery, she must determine just how much she wants her life to change. I'll let a very minor spoiler slip in here, so be warned, she decides to take the lotto guarantee. The book then skips ahead ten years to pick up on the ramifications of LuAnn's decision. I'm going to do my best to make the rest of this as spoiler free as I can, but the fact remains that it's been 14 years since the publication of this book, so I'm not promising anything.
The upside for me is that, despite several moments of having to put the book down in order to roll my eyes at the cornball nature of a sentence, I did continue to pick it back up. That could be because I was just thrilled to be reading something that wasn't mentally taxing or it could be because I was legitimately caught up in the suspense. I would like to give the benefit of the doubt and say that it was the latter. There is something there that kept the pages turning and there were some legitimate surprises that made me sit back and say "huh...nicely played Mr. Baldacci, nicely played". The idea itself is intriguing as well, I mean, who hasn't dreamt of their post-lottery-winning life, especially in the current economic situation? It's incredibly easy to relate to the decision to say yes to someone who offers you a completely new, debt-free life.
Here's the downside: If I'm being completely honest, and remember this is coming from someone who has never been published, so certainly take it with even less than a grain of salt, there are moments when the writing is terrible. Usually, as I read, the scenario starts to play itself out in my mind and a cinematic quality begins to take shape as the faces and reactions of characters form. It all becomes a mental motion picture. I mean that's why we all read, correct? And also why so many people are loathe to accept adaptations? Well here, the only thing that formed was a Youtube playback of an over-acted high school play. That's the best analogy I can make. Despite the fact that his main character is indeed a heroine, Mr. Baldacci seems to have no idea how women actually think. By this, I mean to say that women do not speak, or think, like sentences from a romance novel, and we certainly don't assume that men think in those terms either. Here's a passage to illustrate the point...and remember this is NOT a Danielle Steel novel:
"Her gaze seemed to be pasted onto his face, all the sunlight streaming through the window
seemed to be blocked out as though an eclipse were occurring" (p.248)
Amazing, right? His heroine also just happens to be that perfect mixture of independent kick-ass and damsel in distress often described using the help of feline adjectives and placing her body as the main focus of every sentence about her. It's clear that he's trying so hard not to objectify women that the end result seems to be the exact opposite. Lu-Ann Tyler comes off as a combination of Lara Croft and Maryann from Gilligan's Island. I'll try not to even mention the fact that the phrase "making love" is used in seriousness. Throw in the fact that he has to clarify that the cell phone is "portable" as well as that modems and fax machines are high-tech, and it all just felt slightly dated for me, in 2011. Also, there's a whole lot of explanation instead of action that goes on, continually pulling you out of the book and back in to your own mind where you say to yourself "yeah, yeah, I get it, now move on".
With it's short chapters and lengthy page count, it's not surprising that this isn't a great book. It probably wasn't meant to be. It was meant to keep people engaged at the beach, or in a cabin, and I can see, and attest to the fact, that it does just that, but re-reads will be unnecessary, and possibly painful unless you really love similes (especially involving trains) or think Matthew Riggs is totally dreamy.
I thank the book for allowing me to check off another book read in my yearly tally, but wish that it would have kept up the Grisham vibe of the first part of the book before veering down the path filled with exclamations, stereotypes and worst of all, the use of the phrase "worldwide crime syndicate".

Overall: 2 out of 5
3 reviews3 followers
February 28, 2012
The book The Winner by David Baldacci is 628 pages, published in 1997 by Columbus Rose, Ltd. The genre is a mix of mystery, realistic fiction, and thriller. It follows the story of LuAnn Tyler, a dirt poor twenty year-old with a infant child who is offered a chance to win the lottery. Driven away from her home town by her drug dealing boyfriend, she wins the lottery and spends 10 years living abroad. Coming back to the US, she faces the killer known as Jackson who set up the lottery scheme. She must work to protect her friend Charlie, her boyfriend Matt Riggs, and her daughter Lisa. They all live and Jackson is killed at the end. The book sees many transformations in characters, a realistic portrayal of a parent doing everything she can to protect her family, and how money is not everything.
The book carries the theme that our life affect our personality. Practically every main character (both good and bad) proves that the events in life shape a person's character. Different experiences result in different kinds of people. LuAnn is a great example. Growing up, she had practically no money and her boyfriend was the biggest of jerks out there. However, she was both smart and was morally correct. When offered to win the lottery by cheating, she immediately was against it. She only accepted to help her daughter and escape the drug dealers. Her daughter was her first priority and it affected her decision. Ten years later, LuAnn is paranoid and full of lies but hates that she is. Being on the run from the law all this time and disobeying Jackson's orders to leave the US has developed a hard shell around her. On the inside however, she still cares for her daughter more than anything. Charlie and Matt Riggs experience similar changes. Charlie's care for LuAnn caused him to leave Jackson to protect her and Lisa. He became a uncle to Lisa and a good friend to LuAnn. Riggs was a FBI agent before a drug cartel killed his wife. He'd lived a simple life for 5 years but risked everything for LuAnn. He was so devoted he took two bullets, a knife, and killed Jackson for her. Jackson is a stone cold killer and the antagonist but it explains why he is so. His father was unloving and treated Jackson badly as a child. He didn't care at all for his brother and only truly loved his sister. As an adult, Jackson made it his goal to earn a fortune greater than his father ever did. His father had spent his inheritance so he was determined to earn it back to beat his father. His lottery scheme earned him billions. Jackson found himself more comfortable if he was someone else. He had dozens of disguises and his real name wasn't even Jackson. He didn't like who he was a was determined to be who he wanted. He always wanted control of everything. When LuAnn fought him he started to lose that control. That was unacceptable to him and he did everything he could to kill her. He kidnapped her daughter, killed his own brother and sister, and killed multiple others. How the characters were raised and their choices affected their personality greatly.
It is always said that parents would do anything for their child but The Winner really displays this. It is a crucial part to the story. Lisa is LuAnn's life. LuAnn lied to Lisa for 10 years about her life so that she wouldn't know about the lottery. It was her way of protecting her daughter. She risked her life to rescue her daughter. She sent her daughter to hide with Charlie to protect her, she faced a murderer for her daughter, and she did whatever she could to keep her safe. If was her greatest strength and weakness. Whenever Lisa was in trouble, LuAnn possessed an almost unmatchable strength but it also was the way Jackson got to LuAnn.
The last theme displayed by the book was that money isn't everything. It doesn't buy happiness. LuAnn went from no money, to loads of money, to a fair amount of money. When she had no money she certainly wasn't happy but she had her daughter and a lot of friends in her little town. With her riches, she couldn't enjoy them because she constantly felt the guilt of stealing. She donated millions to charities but still couldn't except that she had stolen it. In the end, she paid the money back but still had a substantial amount however she didn't care. Her daughter was alive, she was going to marry Matt Riggs, and Charlie was as good a friend as ever. LuAnn showed that family and friends matter more than money.
The Winner is a great book for many reasons. On the outside, it's a amazing thriller with great pacing, plot twists (unfortunately some are obvious, such as the fact that Jackson went for Lisa. The book talked so much about LuAnn's love for her it was practically telling you that Jackson would kidnap her), and plenty of action. On the inside past the blood and action, it displays many qualities that are a part of our society. A parent's love for her daughter, what truly brings happiness, and how our actions shape our character. The Winner satisfies on all levels and is a must read for Baldacci fans and thriller fans alike.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Barbara.
585 reviews6 followers
February 17, 2019
I have never read anything by David Baldacci before even though I have a few of his books in my to-be-read pile. The Winner appealed to me because of the story about an individual that wins the mega lottery. Isn't that something that we all wish for? You bet it is.

LuAnn Tyler is offered the opportunity to win the mega lottery, even though it is not in a legal sense. She hums and haws about whether she is making the right decision but in the end decides to go through with the offer made by Mr. Jackson; and win $100 million dollars. It turns out that there is a catch to this win, and only Mr. Jackson will let her know what it is.

As it so happens, LuAnn is implicated in a false murder charge, but because of the win, she is able to change her identity and leave the U.S. to start a new life with a huge amount of money she just "won". Mr. Jackson assists her in preparing to leave the country but the strict orders are that she is absolutely not allowed to return to the U.S. under any circumstances.

Ten years later, LuAnn goes against Mr. Jackson's orders and returns to live in a beautiful but isolated mansion in Virginia with her trusted friend Charlie and 10 year old daughter Lisa. The story becomes very fast paced at this point and I could hardly keep up with the trouble LuAnn was getting herself into. I enjoyed every single page of this book, everything was so well described and so intriguing that I had a difficult time putting it down. The suspense was hard to bear at times. Mr. Baldacci has become my new favorite author and I can't wait to read more books from this very talented man!
Profile Image for Jeilen.
626 reviews28 followers
September 17, 2021
Pues que va,no pude con esta lectura que quería terminar desde hace tantos años ,ya no tiene mucho que ver con lo que me gusta.
717 reviews149 followers
May 17, 2021
I have read a few David Baldacci novels, and found them average and I don't remember much after finishing those books. This one is so bad, i will surely remember it for a long time. No more Baldacci novels for me.
One of those annoying heroines, I have read in so many thrillers.
She is stunningly beautiful and unbelievably strong. To prove the point she is able to outrun an ex-FBI and cut logs competing with a seasoned farmer/ carpenter?! Why !? What do you want to prove here.
For someone who is dirt poor, I don’t understand why she had all these qualms about accepting the offer to get the lottery money, albeit fixed. Even if she had refused, it would still be fixed and someone else would get it.
Also, why was Jackson ready to kill her if she hadn't accepted the offer? He was smart enough to know that she wouldn’t have anyway gone to the authorities.
Oh, why did she even want to return to the US, she didn't have any family ties or friends or any other compelling reason. Nor, did she have any motivation to expose the lottery fraud. And also, she knew she had a lot to explain to her daughter, if she returns.
The tenacity of all the 'good' characters was too much. Charlie is able to overcome the power of the stun gun, which would have made him numb for 15 min, roll on to his back, go to the closet, tear up the linen, build a tourniquet and THEN call 911 (all these while he is bleeding profusely ).
Profile Image for Martha☀.
793 reviews45 followers
April 5, 2018
1.5 stars
The premise had potential and Baldacci piqued my interest for about half the novel. But quickly, this story became repetitive and patronizing. I just couldn't stop rolling my eyes. The characters and plot went from intriguing to far-fetched, then ludicrous and finally a waste of my time. A down-and-out woman is given the chance of a lifetime in winning big in the lottery. Despite knowing that it is fixed, she jumps at the chance. Her secretive contact keeps hold of her winnings for 10 years, giving her a healthy sum to live on during those years, and promises to hand the capital back to her after that time.
Fast forward ten years and our damsel-in-distress is a force of nature - wielding a gun whenever possible and chopping wood faster than her groundskeeper as well as being indescribably beautiful. In fact, her youthful beauty is so unbelievable that she is often mistaken to be her 10 year old daughter's sister. Of course, there are troubles to deal with [tax-evasion has never been so thrilling] and a man who may or may not be an FBI agent steps in to rescue her. This lottery scam even involves the president! Mercy!
Trite and dull, mainly due to over stimulation. I just wanted to say "Focus, David! Focus your book on one thing!"
Profile Image for Jason.
290 reviews5 followers
May 28, 2009
Ever since school got out for the summer, oddly enough, I have been reading a lot.

I picked up a few books at a local church book sale.
I have heard really good things about David Baldacci (mainly because of the movie based on his book, Absolute Power) and I found this book for $.50 so I thought I would give it a try.

In fact, when handing my money to the cashier at the sale, the lady said that this was her favorite David Baldacci book. She had good taste.

Short overview for you:

LuAnn Tyler had nothing at all going for her. She then gets a mysterious call from a man saying that he can guarantee her $100,000,000.00. She accepts but not under the best circumstances so she must go on the run. But after 10 years, she returns. However, some are still looking for her.

I will let you read it to fill in the blanks.

This book is a good page-turner and it has some good points throughout.

There are a few points of predictability but I guess that is expected if you read as much as I do. But if you pick it up, you will enjoy it.

Profile Image for Kelly.
465 reviews155 followers
October 7, 2011
My second Baldacci book and it did not disappoint! This is a fast-paced, thoroughly entertaining book...I was hooked on page one and stayed hooked through every page until the last. This would make a killer movie!
Profile Image for Suzanne.
1,740 reviews
May 5, 2016
3.5 stars - I didn't agree with a lot of decisions made by the main characters, but it was an exciting enough read with an interesting villain.
Profile Image for Rob.
511 reviews154 followers
February 28, 2018
This book promised so much but delivered so little.
The first 100 pages and the last 100 pages were page turning but the bits in between just went on and on and on.
The main villain is a brilliant mastermind who has devised a way to rig the national lottery. To make it work he needs people to buy lottery tickets that he guarantees will win and make the ticket holder instant millionaires. In the process he, the villain, and the ticket holders go on to make unimaginable wealth.
Needless to say it's not all plain sailing. For ten years all goes well until one of his flock breaks the rules and come back home to the USA. From this point on everything goes pear shaped and the villain is left with no other option but to kill nearly everyone involved in the scam.
Now the book becomes a page turner but there is a lot of verbiage to get through before you get the page turning.
The book is 550 pages long and to keep me interested for that long the book needs to be exceptional and this book didn't quite get there.
It's not a bad read but I have read so much better from David Baldacci.
The best I could do was 3 stars.
Profile Image for Jan.
1,880 reviews94 followers
January 26, 2019
What would you do if you were dirt poor, uneducated and the single mother of an infant as well as finding out the baby's father was dealing drugs and is now dead at your feet and you probably killed the man who killed him. Would you agree to accept $100 million dollars from a rigged lottery?

LuAnn Tyler was all of those things and became involved with a psychopath, one of his former employees, an award winning reporter and an ex-FBI man in an effort to free herself from this man of many faces.

Fast paced, I was immediately drawn into the story and suffered through the last two chapters when it seemed no one would escape alive. I don't know why I had this one on my shelves for so long.
Profile Image for Sarah ~.
894 reviews922 followers
December 10, 2012
في الروايات تكون الأمور عادة واضحة ..
على الأقل بالنسبة لي ..

هذه الرواية كلُ شيء ضبابي .

فقد تتعاطف مع شخصية الآن بعد قليل ستنقمُ عليها ..
لتتعاطف معها بعد ثوانٍ أخرى ..
أبدع بالدتشي في صياغة الشخصيات ..
وأبدع خاصة في شخصية جاكسون " شخصية لا تتكرر " ..
رواية جميلة
تستحق النجمات الأربعة التي منحتها إياها .
Profile Image for Wendy.
706 reviews14 followers
July 25, 2011
What would you do if someone offered you $100 million dollars and all you had to do was leave the country and never return? Yeah, me too! But then I read THE WINNER.

LuAnn Tyler is only 20 years old and already a dirt-poor single mother with an 8-month old daughter living in a trailer in Georgia. When a strange man, whom she thought was offering her a job, says he can guarantee that she'll win the national lottery, LuAnn's better judgement tells her to decline. But she comes home to find her boyfriend murdered and herself killing another intruder in self-defense. Alone and desperate, she takes the stranger's incredible offer which leads her to New York City to accept her lottery winnings: $100 million dollars. She has, however, agreed to the stranger's stipulations: She must leave the country and never return; he will control and invest the lottery winnings; LuAnn will live off the investment earnings; at the end of ten years, the entire $100 million will be returned to her in full. Ten years moving around Europe doesn't sound too bad. But LuAnn secretly returns to the US after the ten years, putting herself in grave danger, as well as the lives of her daughter, Lisa, and the two men she loves.

This was my 2nd Baldacci book, the first being, WISH YOU WELL. Hard to believe they were written by the same author. Both incredibly well-written but with very different writing styles. Baldacci has outstanding character development. The stranger, the financial genious, is a great villan. He's truly evil. It seems there's nothing he can't get done. I also picked up on the changes in LuAnn after the ten years had passed. She's such a strong-willed character. Her growth and maturity is so apparent.

I don't know enough about the government or the lotteries to say if "a fix" is really possible. However, Baldacci's brilliant writing makes me want to believe it could happen.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Randy Ortiz.
23 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2015
I love David Baldacci. His books quickly cut to the chase and he is a master at developing unique and relatable characters. This book is no different. The villian is acceptional.

HOWEVER, Annie from Stephen King's Misery would have slit his throat on this one because the believability of the premise just wasn't there.

Because it is fiction, there is room for leeway, but the villian could have accomplished what he was trying to accomplish by much easier means...it just didn't make sense to make other people the lottery winners given financial gain was his primary objective. He could have done it all himself if he just won the lottery once by himself and invested it just like he did with other people's money.

In addition, the villian was a master of disguise. OK fine. But in this case, it was over the top. Nobody is going to be so good at disguise that they can basically mimic individual people to the extent that they will fool people who are closest to them.

I still gave it a couple of stars because of the quality of the characters and how well the story flowed and created suspense....but because of the improbability of the aformentioned, I sort of felt cheated as the book came to it's conclusion.
Profile Image for Marty Fried.
1,125 reviews115 followers
February 11, 2020
I had added this to my list, but then discovered I had read it (audiobook version) a few years ago, but forgot it. That's the main reason I don't rate books like this. Even if I like it a lot, it's just not very memorable.

So, I'm sure I liked this book when I read it, and I partly remember it, but not really. I read it before I started using Goodreads, unfortunately.
Profile Image for Jen.
26 reviews4 followers
April 21, 2008
Probably my favorite Baldacci book. If you love a good mystery, this book is sure to please!
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews924 followers
June 20, 2010
Above average plot with intricate developments, but it was missing the wow factor. Good but not great.

To let readers know where I'm coming from, my preferred genre is romance novels. The fact that I liked this should mean something since it is off genre for me. Throughout the book there was the underlying frustration of how can anyone ever stop this bad guy, but he gets it eventually. The story was excellent mechanically with good showing not telling. I would have liked more emotional draw to the characters. Not necessary, but I also would have liked more witty or thought provoking dialogue. I liked the LuAnn character a lot. She was physically very strong. Her strength of mind and body actually scared some men.

There were a couple parts that were a little too convenient to the plot for me. Jackson wanted to kill Charlie and LuAnn. He should have shot them, but he chose to do things that they could survive.

Story length: 626 pages. Swearing language: moderate. Sexual language: none. Number of sex scenes: 2. Total number of sex sceen pages: 2. Setting: current day mostly Georgia, New York City, Virginia, and Washington D.C. Copyright: 1997. Genre: action suspense thriller.
Profile Image for Linda Hart.
748 reviews181 followers
May 28, 2012
I do like reading Baldacci's mysteries. This has a unique fast-paced plot, with lots of twists and turns, and his characters are well developed. Each time I read one of his books I'm impressed with how different they are from each other and I wonder how he comes up with such varying scenarios and interesting characters. He is a very talented writer. There is no bad language and although there is a sex scene it's nothing compared toKen Follett or other popular mystery writers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,204 reviews

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