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Angélique - Version Originale #7

The Countess Angélique

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The Countess Angelique Golon, Sergeanne and Marguerite Barnett

527 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 1964

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About the author

Anne Golon

240 books173 followers
Born in Toulon as Simone Changeux in 1921; she published under the pseudonym of Sergeanne Golon or Anne & Serge Golon, and later as Anne Golon.

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Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews
Profile Image for Rosemary Atwell.
444 reviews36 followers
June 16, 2022
I should begin by admitting that my youthful love affair with Angelique slowly waned once the action moved from France to Maine and French Canada, and I don’t think that I ever even read the final volumes in this much cherished series.

Now the change of setting makes absolute sense and the exploration of the religious tensions of the New World in the later seventeenth century (1676-1677) extremely compelling - although there are too many digressions on the philosophy of love interspersed with overwritten (and occasionally overwrought) purple prose passages.

It feels as though Golon is experimenting with a number of plot possibilities and writing styles in ‘The Countess Angelique,’ which, lacking the colour and vitality of the earlier books, leaves the reader unsatisfied and somewhat apprehensive of the next instalments.
Profile Image for Toni.
194 reviews16 followers
September 26, 2015
This book is wonderful. The Angelique series has: amazing storytelling, beautiful writing, poignancy, adventure, brilliant characters, love...and Angelique, one of the best female characters every put to print. It's one downfall (& I put this in every review, 1-7 ,because it's such a travesty) is the book covers!!! It's like putting a bottle of 1869 Chateau Lafite ($233,000+) in an emptied can of Red Bull (Mon Dieu!).
Profile Image for Mercedes Rochelle.
Author 15 books147 followers
November 22, 2015
I picked up this book on the advice of a friend who remembered this series fondly from her youth. I had never heard of Angelique, and was at a loss where to start! Since these out-of-print volumes are rare and expensive, I found one I could afford but it had little explanation of its contents. Expecting to be plunged into 17th century France, instead I picked up the tale later in the series. By then, she had arrived in America reunited with her husband after 15 years of trials and tribulations (which I unfortunately missed). I was hoping for The Three Musketeers; instead, I found Natty Bumppo.

Undeterred, I plunged forward. Sergeanne Golon's style is relaxing and fun to read, and I can see why a young adult would love her characters. Angelique is pure, beautiful, intelligent, resourceful, a great shot...everything a young girl would want to be. Her husband is the same but more so, apparently. Although I was hampered by coming along too late, the author did a good job of referring to the past without beating me over the head with it. I understood her loving but shaky relationship with her husband, damaged by past indiscretions (I assume) and broken trust on both sides.

The current volume depicts their interactions with various tribes of Indians while Joffrey attempts to establish a foothold in the New World where he seeks to make his fortune mining for gold. His Protestant following form a considerable threat to the resident Jesuits, who seek their destruction. Angelique, apparently true to form, naturally dazzles the natives with her skill and intuition, developing a reputation of a somewhat supernatural being. This saves her little company on more than one occasion, since the Indians seem reluctant to challenge her. The Jesuits, on the other hand, see her as a witch and this sets us up for future stories.

The book moved along very well, and we see Joffrey's volunteers band together to survive their first winter in this hostile environment. It was all well conceived, though not one of them died which is a little surprising. Nonetheless, I thought the story lost direction in the last third of the book, as though the author didn't know where to go with it. Although I enjoyed reading the book, I finished the volume with relief. I would probably go back to some previous adventure, but I have no desire to go forward.
Profile Image for LJ.
3,159 reviews308 followers
October 2, 2007
The Countess Angelique - Ex
Sergeanne Golon - 6th in series
This book starts deceptively, it heralds the safe arrival, across the treacherous ocean, of a united family. Wife finds husband, husband finds new daughter, mother re-unites with sons, one of whom she thought dead. The makings of happiness of a delirious nature - it doesn't last long, there would be no story if it did. First of all, there is the matter of two adults who have not seen each other for 15 years needing to re-establish a norm. Too many pre-conceived ideas that have not yet been explained. Then there is a child whose past is not clearly defined, but for the sake of the mother who is devoted to the child, Joffrey de Peyrac accepts this independent being, so desperate for a father, as her own.

We move on to experience the wonders of the New World in vivid description, colours jump out of the printed page, smells surround the reader. But, not all is new - the sinister undercurrent of the Old World manifests itself from a distance and hearsay - a Jesuit, a man unknown to them is waging his own private persecution of the Peyracs, the circle is complete. Now, not only do the Peyracs have to fight to survive in the most literal sense, hostile natives, the long, long winter and the loss of their meagre supplies -but also the invisible menace of the Inquisition. Plenty of food for thought and more "trailers" of things to come as references are made to what is happening in Québec, morsels of information about kidnappings and the build-up of relationships with the Chieftains who will in due course play a large part in their lives - the adventure continues apace.

15 reviews
August 23, 2020
Although the story itself is rather good, there is a lot of reminiscing. Because I read all the books until now I thought it was kind of unnecessary but if you are new to the series I would recommend to start with this one because it is clearly the start of a new bigger story frame.
June 28, 2024
Есть чувства, которые проверяются только временем. И среди них - верность любви.

Мир! Мир на земле для всех людей доброй воли... Вот к чему все мы должны стремиться.

Ответственность за жизнь и счасиье других очень мешает свободе или, вернее, тому, что мы называем свободой на заре нашей жизни. Видишь ли, любовь как всякое новое познание, обогощает, но в Библии сказано: "Умножать свои познания - значить умножать свои трудности". Не стремись нетерпеливо владеть всем. Но и не отказывайся ни от чего, что может преподнести тебе жизнь, из страха, что это доставит тебе страдания. Стремиться владеть всем сразу - безумие. Игра жизни состоит в том, что каждый возраст имеет свом привилегии. Юность свободна, пусть, но человек зрелый способен любить, а это ни с чем не сравнимое чувство.

Но разве красота когда-нибудь бывает обычной?

Юность - самый опасный период жизни. В юности иногда сникают под чужив влиянием, с которым невозможно бороться, потому что кажется, будто это влияние - результат нашей собственной воли.

Не зная, что произошло, плохо, даже больше того - глупо изливать на других желчь своего сердца.

"Да, странно, — мечтательно продолжал размышлять он, — когда-то я любил ее безумно и, однако, много лет мог жить вдалеке от нее, наслаждаться жизнью и даже вкушать удовольствие с другими женщинами… Но теперь я больше не смогу без нее… Нельзя оторвать ее от меня, не вырвав тем самым моего сердца… Без нее я не смог бы жить… Как же это случилось? Как случилось? Я и сам не знаю…"
76 reviews1 follower
November 19, 2019
I read all the Angelique books years ago and always remembered them. And that is something to a person who reads at least a book or more a day, (When I have the time). This book is full of adventure. It is the 7th book in a group of excellent books about Angelique's adventures. They are all stand alone books, but they will entice you into wanting to read all of them. I went to the 'Open Library's' books to read some of her books that I wanted to reread, that is the only source of older free books I could find.
This book is about the new world, Angelique is reunited with her 2 oldest sons and her first love, her husband who was presumed dead. It involves Indians and French Canadian Soldiers under command of the King of France and Huganots, who had befriended Angelique in France. I highly recommend this book to everyone wanting an adventure.
Profile Image for Isabelle.
934 reviews12 followers
June 1, 2020
Même si l'épisode est plus statique que ceux qui ont précédé, on retrouve le charme de l'histoire comme l'écriture sensible et généreuse. Bien sûr que je lirai le livre suivant !
Profile Image for Lisachan.
324 reviews32 followers
August 23, 2022
Sicuramente uno dei volumi la cui lettura è stata più difficile. Era il primo nella sua versione integrale e non "spezzettata", quindi si è trattato di un volume piuttosto massiccio. Oltretutto, per la quasi totalità del tempo l'azione si svolge fra le quattro mura di un forte nel bel mezzo di un gelido inverno, quindi la narrazione fa presto a trasformarsi in una prigione asfittica e stagnante. Le abilità della Golon proprio nel descrivere quest'atmosfera di prigionia forzata dagli elementi naturali esterni, qualcosa su cui l'uomo non può avere alcun controllo, è indiscussa - ciononostante, la lettura resta pesante, per quanto ci stesse, e forse per questo non me la sento di dare il voto massimo, per quanto il racconto non sia privo di momenti anche molto molto belli. Per esempio, tutta la prima parte, prima dell'arrivo dell'inverno, nella sua descrizione dei popoli indigeni, è estremamente coinvolgente, e traspare come al solito lo studio approfondito che la Golon ha fatto approcciandosi alla scrittura. (La Golon tratta sempre la descrizione dei popoli stranieri che Angelica incontra con un'onestà e un rispetto veramente incredibili e moderni. L'impronta giornalistica e da ricercatrice della sua professione è particolarmente evidente in questo.) Il lavoro sui personaggi, poi, è come sempre egregio: in questo volume spiccano particolarmente le analisi dei rapporti familiari di Angelica: Angelica e Joffrey la fanno naturalmente da padroni, ma anche i tre pargoli della coppia d'oro, Florimondo, Cantor e Onorina, sono al centro di conflitti e analisi relazionali molto interessanti e intense. (Onorina, io ti amo. Fossi anche l'unica sulla terra assieme a tua madre e tuo padre, continuerei sempre ad amarti.)
Proseguo con il prossimo, non mi ferma né la pioggia né il vento \o\
206 reviews
November 25, 2018
Started a re-read of this series last week, already up to book #7, having gone through Angelique, Angelique and the King, Angelique and the Sultan (A in Barbary - depending on the edition you have), Angelique in Revolt and Angelique in Love over the past 2 weeks or so. Even after all these years, this story still grips me as I read about Angelique growing up in Monteloup, getting married (as was normal in that time) to a man she didn't know (in this case, Comte Joffrey de Peyrac), a man who went his own way, and was struck down by the King, Louis XIV, who, at the beginning of his reign, felt it necessary to bring a number of aristocrats in line, to make them dependent on him (le Roi) for their every honor. Joffrey was arrested and sent to the stake, to be burnt as a sorcerer, and Angelique and her 2 sons disappeared into poverty. But not for long... However that story is in the preceding books. Now, Angelique has met Joffery again, and found her missing sons as well, and together with her illegitimate daughter, Honorine, they're trying to make a home in the New World - between the English, the French, the Indians, and most especially the Jesuits who want control of the area. A great read, and insight into relationships in the New World, where friend and foe are side by side (and sometimes in the same person), a twisted tale of power and hard work, and , most of all, love.
Profile Image for Arlene.
Author 4 books48 followers
November 13, 2008
My first in a history, romance series -- I LOVED all of them and was sad when Serge died. The last book, by Anne, clearly showed what Serge added.
Profile Image for Misfit.
1,638 reviews318 followers
Shelved as 'to-read-mine'
October 23, 2012
My cover, same ISBN # as this one.

Profile Image for Alucard.
72 reviews3 followers
November 28, 2010
Very sexy cover. I love a woman on a cover wearing a man's shirt, nothing under. Also it hints of some danger with the horseman.
Profile Image for Marg.
941 reviews252 followers
July 8, 2011
This one was disappointing compared to the other books in the series.
Profile Image for Valerie.
253 reviews8 followers
June 28, 2015
When I was kid in the 70s these books were considered VERY racy, so of course I snuck and read them. Rereading them now, they're still great!
Profile Image for Laura.
16 reviews1 follower
November 4, 2012
These books were my first romantic sexy fiction... Loved all that I could get my hands on
Displaying 1 - 21 of 21 reviews

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