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Nightshade #2


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The thrilling second book in the internationally bestselling Nightshade series!

When Calla Tor wakes up in the lair of the Searchers, her sworn enemies, she's certain her days are numbered. But then the Searchers make her an offer, one that gives her the chance to destroy her former masters and save the pack - and the man - she left behind. Is Ren worth the price of her freedom? And will Shay stand by her side no matter what? Now in control of her own destiny, Calla must decide which battles are worth fighting and how many trials true love can endure and still survive.

Calla's story continues in BLOODROSE . *formerly published under Andrea Cremer*

391 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2011

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Andrea Robertson

17 books1 follower

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Profile Image for Steph Sinclair.
461 reviews11.3k followers
December 28, 2011

**The second half of this review contains spoilers. So, if you haven't read this book, read at your own risk.**


OMG, thank goodness it's over. I think I give out 1 star reviews about the same amount as 5 stars. I like to think of myself as a forgiving reader. I am still able to enjoy a book that has an interesting premise even with a few flaws. I also can usually find *something* I liked from a book that probably shouldn't have been published. So how did I like Wolfsbane?


Geez. Where to begin? Well, let me back track and tell you how excited I was to read this. Ya, that's right, I was excited to read Wolfsbane. I know some of my other Goodreads friends hated Nightshade, but I actually really enjoyed it. Now, I’m not saying it changed my life or anything, but I found it to be engaging and fresh. However, the same can not be said for Wolfsbane.

Let's start with the first big fail; because I'm so disappointed in this book, I'm going into some serious detail. Now I realize this was probably not Cremer's call, but let's talk covers for a minute. The original Nightshade cover was gorgeous! Then the new one came out. -_-


Then the Wolfsbane cover came out. The first one I liked, but the second one is completely over sexualized.


Why do here legs need to be open? Yes, yes, I realized she is a wolf and in some sort of "crouching tiger, hidden dragon" type pose, but it’s a bit too much. Just look at her. She's giving us all her "come hither" pose.

But even with my growing dislike for where the book was heading visually, I remained enthusiastic. And right from the start I was completely let down. Wolfsbane is entirely an info-dump about the Searchers and the Keepers. If you are wondering, yes, it will answer all your burning questions from Nightshade, but it is horribly executed. There is a lot of question and answer dialog going on that goes something like this:

A searcher would make a statement, and then Calla or Shay would say:

"How do you know that?"
"What's that mean?"
"I don't understand."
"Tell me what's going on."
"I'm not following."

It got on my freakin' nerves. Don't they sound like 4 year-olds asking mommy why the sky is blue? I think this was just to clue the reader in on how the Searchers operated, but it just came out half assed and made the main characters look incredibly stupid. Add that to the fact that Calla knew nothing about the Searchers, but she just agreed to work with them before they answered any of her questions. Let me tell you why that makes zero sense. Calla had been locked up in chains for a week from these people and has grown up her whole life learning to kill them. So, essentially, they unchained her and said, "Hey, sorry about that wolfie. Sooo...I know we've been enemies for a while and all, but we are about to go on a mission. Come with? We'll explain everything later." And you know what she said?

Believe me when I say, Calla was *extra* dumb in this book.

With the introduction of the Searcher's world, we get a bunch of new characters. Silas, a scribe, who's lone purpose in the story is to educate the readers Calla and Shay about the history of the Searchers and Keepers, AKA info-dump extrodinare. Then you have Conner, Ethan, Adne, Monroe and some others that have little to no importance. Now, don't ask me to describe any of these characters because that's another big fail for this book: not enough descriptions. There are so many dialogs I barely knew what the academy looked like or the facial expressions of the characters, or just what the hell was going on in the first place. The scenes that were described were half assed as well. I had to read several of them over because many times I wasn't sure what had just transpired or who said what. There was way too much telling and not enough showing. And I'm not the only one who thought it was just way too much info-dumping and dialog going on.

"My mind was reeling from the deluge of new information."
"We'd been talking about a fight. Was it ever going to happen?"

Three guesses who that was...Calla. Now when you main character starts complaining about it, that should be a huge indication that things are going south for your book.


But let's move on to the plot. COMPLETE FAIL! This was the biggest upset for me. It is not a good thing when I know the ending from the first few chapters. Taken from my status update, page 49: "Well it's not exactly a surprise that Monroe would know of Ren, is it? Who knows, it's prolly his son too. Smh." Did I call it, or did I call it? There were soooo many hints dropped, I'm not sure this can even be considered a spoiler. Monroe kept asking about Ren and was always showing concern. Calla even noted there was something about it. But you know what? Calla didn't get it, even after Emile told Ren, "You are a fool...Just like your father." Yes, folks. This chick was still in the dark. It wasn't until near the end when Conner came out and actually told her that she got it. And he only mentioned it to her because he thought she understood what Emile said. Oh but it gets better!! Her IQ was at a steady decline in this book. When Ansel shows up no one seems to question why the Keepers would just dump Ansel off downtown with everything that he knows about the rest of the pack's whereabouts. I mean did they all just swallow a STUPID pill?! They let him go and don't even question it. WTF. I think Calla might even have had a little inner dialog about her missing something (Gee, ya think?!), but she just shrugs it off like usual. And by the time Ansel's true intentions are ousted at the end, everyone is in shock. She literally had a *gasp!, shock!* moment in both of these cases. And ya know, I was having a moment of my own too.


I'm not sure why Cremer's editor just let this slide, but this plot should have went straight back to the drawing board. When I can see straight through the plot and predict the outcome, thus killing the shock value, you've got a problem. Things were just painfully obvious and even when Calla questioned it, Cremer had her conveniently look the other way so her, already gaping, plot hole didn't completely fall apart. But, it did. And this is where I blame the editor. Seriously, Cremer, fire that person because they did you a HUGE disservice for this book. I tried to rationalize this a bit, "Maybe that was Cremer's intent. Maybe she wanted the reader to know, but for the character's to find out later. Dramatic irony anyone?" I quickly shut that shit down. No, just no. Not even my inner fangirl can save Cremer on this one. If she was going for dramatic irony then things should have gradually been revealed to the reader with the movement of the plot. Your characters shouldn't be sitting in a freakin' room questioning it only to say, "This doesn't seem right and I'm sure it will bite us in the ass later but...what the hell!" And bite them it did as they walked right into an ambush. After some people die, Calla has the nerve to obviously point out, "It had always been a trap." OMFG, could she get any dumber?! The answer is yes. Yes, she can.

Let's talk about Shay for a bit now. What. An. Ass. There. I said it and I feel better for it every time. There was a scene in this book where Calla and Shay are making out when Calla starts thinking about Ren and decides she is not ready to put out. So Shay's like, "What up Cal? You want me!" And she's all, I know...but..." Then he notices she is still wearing the ring Ren gave her. And you know what? Shay gets angry and semi-abusive. Calla goes,
"For a moment I thought he would shift forms and bite me."
I don't know what I'm more offended by; Shay's reaction to the ring or Calla's submissive behavior. Both, definitely both. I'm not sure what Cremer was hoping to accomplish with this scene, but I think it's safe to call fail on this too. This was starting to get a little to Patch and Nora for my tastes and if you don't know how I feel about Hush, Hush, here's a clue: I effin' hate it. I wasn't a fan of Shay and Calla's relationship in Nightshade to begin with, but now this?! This is NOT OK. In no way, shape or form, is it ever OK for you to feel threatened in a relationship! YA PNR authors stop trying to convince me otherwise with your stories of love. That is not love, it's wrong and offensive. I don't know what was going on with him in this book, but he was not acting as the Shay we met in Nightshade. When Calla and the Searchers set off on the mission to find her pack mates on the mountain, Shay knew they would be unsuccessful, yet said nothing and let them go. He deliberately let Calla go into danger without any sort of reasonable explanation. Best believe, the one he gave was shitty.
"I wanted you to be safe," he said, his shoulders tensing. "I thought you could prove your worth to the Searchers without actually running into trouble."
WHAT?! That makes no sense, Shay. Sending her into high alert, enemy territory doesn't actually scream "I love you!" Two, count 'em, two people died during that mission!! *Headdesk**Headdesk**Headdesk*

Now, let's talk about a few other fails. What? There's more you ask? *Looks up at the top of the page* This is a 1 star review for a book that (at the time of writing this review) has a rating of 4.15. It is my literary obligation to fully tell all fails this book has.

Anyway, moving on to the world building. I honestly don't know where to begin with that hot mess. I couldn't even keep up because it made zero sense. But here is my best attempt. With the introduction of the new character, Adne, we learn that she is a Weaver. I will spare you all the fancy talk Cremer uses and just say she can create portals. My problem with the world building is the explanation of the Searcher's use of magic vs. the Keepers. Obviously, if the Searchers can just create portals out of anywhere the question would arise on why the Keepers haven't just followed right through the portal. The explanation?
"...so the Keepers broke some big rules on the way to all that power they have...they cannot weave. The earth won't allow it."
How convenient. Not only that, but it seemed to be no limits on what the Weavers could do. For example,

Speaking of conveniences, we find out who Shay's parents are. We learn that Shay's father was a Keeper and his mother a human. Now, I know what you are wondering. Does that mean Shay has been a Keeper all along?! No kiddies, that is where the world building fails once again. Say hello to the biggest plot cop out in the book:
"I don't understand why he's not a Keeper," I said. "Doesn't it matter who his father was?"
"It matters for the prophecy," Silas replied. "But in terms of his essence, his being it's the mother that matters."
"Huh?" I frowned.
Tess smiled. "Because the power of creation rests in women."
Silas said," Tess is right. The mother's essence always seems to dominate, determines the nature of the child. That's why you only perceived him as human--in all respects he was. His father's use of the Nether's power didn't pass on to him. The only sign of his mixed ancestry is the mark."
*Sigh* Really, Cremer? I'm sorry, I'm not buying it, especially when Silas just got finished tell the Calla and Shay that the Keepers are all humans like the Searchers. Are you following this BS? Now, if the Keepers had Shay for 16 years, why didn't they just kill him if they knew who he was? He was the almighty Scion and you had him for YEARS to yourselves. That was never questioned nor explained and it freakin' agitated me.

Let's move along to a few inconsistencies. Ethan is one of the new characters in the book and he happens to hate Guardians with a fiery passion, especially Calla since she witnessed his brother's death in Nightshade. He pretty much tries to kill her in the beginning of the book. But during the gang's last mission to save Calla's pack, he sees Sabine and suddenly he just forgets his former prejudices?
Free of the chains, Sabine leaned forward and wrapped her arms around Ethan's neck, pulling him into an embrace.
"Thank you," she said. "Thank you so much."
He stiffened in her arms, his tensed muscles finally easing when she didn't pull back. He let his cheek briefly rest against her hair.
"Jasmine," he murmured.
"What?" Sabine asked, looking up at him.
He cleared his throat. "You're welcome."
"Even a Searcher," Nev snickered. "Only you, Sabine. I swear."
The book takes place over just a few days. Does Cremer expect me to believe Ethan made a complete 180 overnight? No, just no.

And at the end of the book Sabine mentions that Shay is their new male alpha and this shocks Calla. She literally has no idea how that is even possible.
Bryn smacked her palm against her forehead. "I'm an idiot."
"Well, I must be one too," I snapped. “Because I'm still not following."
"You're not following because you are an alpha, Cal." She offered me a sympathetic smile. "Shay's always felt like an equal to you, right? He talks to you on your level, has never backed down if you challenged him?"
I chewed on my lower lip. "I guess I thought that was just a human thing. That he didn't know any better because he wasn't one of us."
This might have been all fine and dandy, if she hadn't have already acknowledged this on page 58:
His wolf instincts were taking over, and they were threatening something he considered his territory...me. He was acting like I was his mate. His alpha counterpart. And that meant only I could intervene.
And here:
Shay watched me, uneasy, but he was listening. I was taken aback by how deeply the wolf had marked him. The way he reacted to me was the way on alpha took counsel from another. That partnership made strong, unwavering leaders. If his mind was working on those terms now, I knew how to sway him.
Based on that, why the hell was she surprised by what Sabine said? Inconsistent. Why didn't the editor catch that, hmmm?

My final thought on this book is that Cremer disappointed me big time with this sequel. I don't even know if I want to read Bloodrose. I started this August 3rd and finished September 11th. I had to renew this book twice so I wouldn't get any overage fines. That is pathetic for me.

This book FAILED

More reviews and more at Cuddlebuggery Book Blog.
Profile Image for Eve Davids.
Author 5 books40 followers
Shelved as 'maybe-read'
April 30, 2011
stop rating this book if you havent read it.
Profile Image for Jana.
493 reviews125 followers
July 18, 2012
Even better than Nightshade! (I know, how can that be possible? but believe me it is :D )
I got this yesterday (25th) and finished it today (26)!

So. Bad things first:

Shay once again IRRITATED me to death. Seriously. That boy needs to crawl up and die somewhere. Alone. I do NOT like how he pushes Calla to do things when she can't even think straight (poor girl got a lot of stuff happening). He's also so annoying and selfish. Enough said.

I don't know what to think of Calla. There are times when I admired her for being strong and confident, but there are several times when I felt like she was weak, and SELFISH. That is one thing that Shay and Calla have in common. I find her quite selfish, and didn't realize how much her stupid decisions (about saving Shay at the end of 'Nightshade') affected her family and pack mates back home. She's lucky she's got SOME great friends, 'cause if I were her I would not forgive her that easily after what the Keepers had done to the rest of her pack mates. And for what? For Shay?? Please he is not even worth it.

ALSO: Where is Ren in this book? *SPOILER* He's only appeared in one tiny scene, which didn't even last long. Is this the way that Andrea's telling us that Calla will end up with Shay?????
I HOPE HOPE HOPE Ren would play a MUCH BIGGER part in Bloodrose. Or I will die. And. You'll know who to blame.

Now after I got that out of my chest, moving on to the best:

What shines in both 'Nightshade' and 'Wolfsbane' is the plot. It is so amazing and complex and interesting. I really enjoyed learning more about the history of both the Keepers and the Searchers. How Andrea weaved them all together is just so magically done and wow, there are times when I my jaw literally dropped after all the revelations. Trust me, you wouldn't see anything coming. (Or at least, I didn't hehehe)

While I didn't love the main characters (except for Ren! TEAM REN FOREVER!!! ) I did found myself loving the secondary characters much more. Monroe, Connor, Ethan, Adne and Silas all added something new to the story and I love learning the history and personalities of each one :D
And I am in love with Connor. ;P *SPOILER* The pack members reappeared in Wolfsbane aswell, and I am not shocked to see which ones sided with the enemy (those that have read it would know what I mean).

Overall, I LOVE Wolfsbane. And I screamed when the biggest cliffhanger of death appeared in front of me. Seriously I am already getting impatient waiting for Bloodrose. And we still have 6 months before its publication. Sigh.

My blog: http://jana-thebookgoddess.blogspot.com/
Profile Image for Mikaela.
245 reviews85 followers
Want to read
December 1, 2011
Damn. I love the covers of this series. Can't wait for it to be released though JULY IS TOO FAR AWAY! I hope Ren gets a bit of slack in this novel, I have to say, I love him a lot more than Shay.

EDIT: Ummm... what happened to the cover? Can anyone enlighten me? Or have I just gone crazy? I don't like this cover quite as much. To be honest she looks a little slutty. Is that really meant to be Calla? Why does she look like a stripper? (I mean, she's wearing leather pants!)

On the other hand, I like her hair.

SECOND EDIT: When the cover for wolfsbane was done, they also re-vamped cover number one. As much as I dislike this cover, I have to say cover number one is amazing!

Check it out. http://www.goodreads.com/book/photo/1...
Profile Image for Debbie.
902 reviews173 followers
January 27, 2011
3.5 stars
It pains me not to give this book a higher rating because I absolutely loved Nightshade. I have to admit that a large part of my problem with the book was Shay. If you read my review of Nightshade you know I am not a huge fan of his and he was even worse in this book. I can officially say I think he is a douche bag. He claims to love Calla and he is supposed to be this savior of them all but he still acts like a spoiled child. He pretty much brushes off the fact that Ren put his own life in danger by helping Calla and Shay escape. He gets pissed off when Calla won't have sex or admit she loves him while she's mourning leaving her pack behind. He also gets uber-jealous when she even comments on liking a guy even though he flirts and hangs out with another girl and insists to Calla there is nothing to be jealous of. The real kicker for me was when they find out the Nightshades are in trouble and Calla wants to go rescue them where Shay is all for writing them off as casualties of war. If he really is supposed to take Ren's place as the alpha of this pack I can't believe he would behave like that even if he's so head over heels over Calla. I've been pretty certain since the first book that Calla will end up with Shay when all is said and done and I just hope something happens in book 3 that redeems Shay.

My other issue over this book is that Calla has gone the way of the whiny female heroine who moans and groans over which boy does she really love and gets so caught up in her own love life that she misses totally obvious things like who the Searcher, Monroe, really is. I was thinking to myself are you really that clueless? I know you have a lot going on but come on. I really think the book spent way too much time on Calla's internal debates about Shay vs. Ren and the story only really gets going towards the last half or quarter.

The ending does really pick up the pace and I did enjoy it more possibly because there is not so much Shay time. There are a few twists you don't really expect which always makes the reading experience more enjoyable. Overall, I was sort of let down because I had such high expectations but it wasn't a bad book. In fact, if you are a Shay fan you will probably love it.lol.
Profile Image for Vaso.
1,449 reviews206 followers
December 11, 2017
Although I have read the first in the series a while back, this one didn’t disappoint me at all. We understand a lot about Kala’s feelings and Shays character as the plot grows. It had its twists, action scenes and details regarding the background.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Mariya.
579 reviews255 followers
July 27, 2011
I admit I was a little terrified to read WOLFSBANE. I had no freaking clue of the contents inside this book, but after flipping the first page I could not put the book down. It was like I was possessed and if I put the book down I could not stop thinking about it. Oh, man Andrea Cremer has done it again!

WOLFSBANE picks up right where Nightshade left off. Calla is now in the searchers hands and being taught all her life that the searchers are the evil ones she is quite un-trusting of them. Calla finds out just how much lying her beloved Keepers have been doing. And Calla decides it is time to get her pack back, it should be really easy, right? Well, guess again. Nothing is easy in the world of Nightshade.

I seriously thought this book has changed so much from Nightshade and in a very good way. I wasn't completely in love with the first book to be honest, I mean I liked it and the ending had me guessing while glued to my seat, but Andrea Cremer really stepped it up in WOLFSBANE. I think I was completely caught off guard that I didn't expect to be this blown away.

"Staring at the wreckage of the life we could have had, I knew it wasn't about love or Shay or the Searchers now. It was about sacrifice and redemption, loss that could have new meaning."

We meet some new characters in WOLFSBANE and I love them to death. Great character development. I mean we have some really fun and loving characters that you don't ever want to forget. And some secrets to be revealed that will blow your socks off.

Ren and Shay. Ren and Shay. Oh, my god. I am becoming Team Shay, when the hell did that happen? We got to spend more time with Shay than Ren in this book and we got to learn more about Shay. He is very overprotective and jealous in this book. I am liking that. And I don't know, I have really become conflicted in this book. I love both Ren and Shay!

"Yeah, she is great. I spent the whole week with her.
"Doing what?" I asked, catching a growl before it left my throat. "Aw, you're cute when you're jealous."

I declare WOLFSBANE one of the best YA books of 2011! It deserves it big time. Secrets will be revealed, deaths that will make you mourn, steamy hotness between characters and a bloody cliffhanger that will make you go insane. I loved this book to death and I think that Andrea Cremer enjoys being evil with all these damn cliffhangers she writes. I am highly anticipating the last of the Nightshade Trilogy, Bloodrose, coming February 2012.

More of my reviews at Mystifying Paranormal Reviews
Profile Image for hayden.
863 reviews747 followers
May 21, 2024
Nightshade and Wolfsbane are like black and white.
Wolfsbane was full of action but devoid of everything else. It went like this:
















slight infodump


The whole thing was like one giant conversation with a few good action scenes in between. I really don't want to say anymore, because that would just be wasting the time I could be using writing glorious things about the third book.

So, like my inside joke with my Nighshade review, From Reno, Nevada, I'm Hayden Casey, saying good night!
Profile Image for Sandra (LadyGrey Reads).
660 reviews95 followers
April 29, 2017
"What in life is worth a sacrifice, if not love?"

Just like the first book this one is written in a way that flows really well, making it easy to read. And still it took me soooo long to finish it. Why? I'm not quite sure. I liked the story, I liked the twists and turns taking place, I loved the new characters and the magic - and still I found myself putting the book aside instead of speeding through it.

I have a theory regarding what it might be that kept me from going - and I'm going to put that behind a spoiler tag because it might be considered a bit spoiler-y.

So that's my reason. I do still want to read the next book and finish this trilogy, but I am not very excited about what is behind the spoiler tag anymore. The rest, however, I am very much looking forward to!
Profile Image for Kristi.
1,206 reviews2,897 followers
August 5, 2011
WHEW! I thought that Nightshade blew me away... wowzers!

I thought that we discovered a lot of the history in book one... I was wrong so very very wrong. I loved the history lesson that we got this time around. And it wasn't a boring history lesson. I've been known to (and shhhh don't tell anyone) to skip over those boring over detailed parts in a story (Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer comes right to mind.. you know what I'm talking about) but I did NOT want to skip over any of this, I was just totally captivated by this world that Cremer created. Absolutely riveted people! Could not stop turning the pages!

I loved the new characters in the Searcher team, but I missed the pack members something fierce. I needed my pack members! Although the Searcher peeps did grow on me by the end of the novel, especially Connor. Still a toss up between Shay and Ren... Shay didn't bother me as much this time around, maybe he's growing on me a little bit. And Calla continues to be a kick-ass protagonist. She surprises me at every turn.

Wolfsbane wasn't as near action packed as it's predecessor, but at the same time it was just as intense! I think people that love the first novel won't be disappointed in the direction the series is going!

I can't wait for book three!
Profile Image for Laura.
4,000 reviews93 followers
January 30, 2011
I really liked Nightshade and had high hopes for the next book but, well... sigh. One of the problems I identified in the first book remains, that of the ending. It's not a cliff-hanger, it's more like you're being thrown off the cliff: the ending is too abrupt. The narrative thread is snipped in what feels like an arbitrary fashion.

And then there's the prose. It's lilac, not quite purple. On one randomly chosen page, we have eyes widening ... gazing as though seeing the other character for the first time... lips thinly smiling... a challenging stare... voices bubbling with outrage... and finally, eyes bulging. Every conversation, every action is overwrought - at some point, it calls attention to the writing, detracting from the plot. The action tends to lurch, with few moments for people to catch their breath or adequately plot or plan the next move. When Calla cuts her hair, it could have served as time for the girls to regroup but that respite lasts all of a few pages and then - We're Off Again!! The first book's discussion of the history and legacy of the Seekers and Guardians and so forth is gone, and it's missed.

Once more, I'm struck by the padding. This doesn't feel like a trilogy, with one more book coming to wrap up the threads (and checking the author's website I see there's one final book and then a companion novel). It feels like it should be just two books, with tighter editing and fewer guilt-bitten guts.

ARC provided by publisher.
Profile Image for Ramona Wray.
Author 1 book296 followers
October 7, 2011
Wow. I haven't felt so disappointed about a book in a very long time. Trouble was that with the amazing debut, Nightshade, Ms Cremer set herself some really high standards. I LOVED Nightshade, so naturally I was expecting to be blown away by the sequel. Blown away I was not, however.
The only thing that happens in the book is Calla and her new 'friends', the Searchers, go back to Vail to try and rescue Call's pack mates. It happens fast. Before you know it, it's over.
The rest? It's all talk, talk, talk. Unnecessary details coming from newly introduced characters who failed to make an actual impression. CONSTANT bickering. That actually got to me to the point where I had to skim over the pages. Inappropriate joke-cracking in the middle of allegedly tense scenes. A whole bunch of details that didn't come together (in the mythology department).
But the worst thing yet? Ren makes a cameo appearance for three-and-a-half seconds and that's it. He was my favorite character, so the fact that he was missing in the sequel was kind of disappointing. Okay, not kind of. A lot.

Profile Image for Feyre.
1,230 reviews117 followers
February 14, 2018
3,5 Sterne
Nicht schlecht, nicht schlecht. Auch, wenn es quasi mitten in einer Szene aufhört und ich absolut nicht auf ein Ende vorbereitet war. Ich fühlte mich wie herausgerissen. Und damit meine ich nicht, dass es sich anfühlt wie ein Cliffhanger.
Ich habe während der Lektüre ständig diese wunderschönen Wölfe vor mir gesehen, Calla und Shay sind Figuren, deren Geschichte man gerne verfolgt, allerdings war dieses Buch dann doch recht einfach aus der Hand zu legen, auch kurz vor Ende noch. Nicht, dass es schlecht geschrieben wäre, aber halt auch nicht überragend.
Profile Image for Grace A..
444 reviews39 followers
July 28, 2023
In this second instalment of the series, Calla, the main character, finds herself in the lair of her sworn enemies, the Searchers. Despite the initial fear, the Searchers present her with an opportunity to save her pack.

It is just as engaging and captivating as the first book, I especially liked Calla's increased assertiveness, adding more depth to her character.

I also enjoyed the fascinating glimpse into the Searchers' territory, and the easy banter among them, even with their superiors, it created a different dynamic compared to the tyrannical Keepers.

Overall, the book is a page-turner, and the exploration of true love's endurance with the love triangle between Calla, Shay, and Ren, amidst all the battles adds a nice emotional touch to the narrative.

4 stars.
Profile Image for Amy.
417 reviews81 followers
August 2, 2011
I loved Nightshade and thought Wolfsbane would be even better, but sadly my expectations had evaporated by the fourth of fifth chapter.

Calla is now in the Searchers’ stronghold, called the Roving Academy because it moves around the world. I thought that was pretty cool. Even cooler was the whole portal creating process. I really liked how it’s described. And I got answers for the whole Alchemy/Four Elements and how it all ties in with the Searchers and Keepers. But while I did appreciate the explanations I hated the fact that the story got mired down in an info dump. Just because the official scribe of the Searchers was doing all the info-dumping, did not make it OK. Also during the info dump some “secrets” were being revealed but Calla seems oblivious to it all. When Monroe talks about the last Guardian rebellion, Calla notices he’s a bit stressed and restless when he talks about Ren and his mother. He even averts his eyes and also leaves the room to avoid any more questions. But Calla would never EVER make the connection that Monroe and Ren’s mom had it going on. Seriously?

Moving on. I loved all the wolf action, the tearing of limbs, the blood running :) That really made me happy. That is until the action ended. I think the basic rules in Rescue Missions 101 is you arrive, you move fast, you kill enemies, you rescue friends, and you turn around and run getting your sweet behind as far away as possible before starting up a conversation! What’s with all the stopping and introducing each other and reminiscing? For me, it didn’t make sense. I would’ve loved for an ambush and more people getting killed right then. And what’s funnier is that after all the talking and wasting time Calla says…“We needed to get out of here and Adne’s grief was slowing our escape.” Really? Because I think it was all the chit-chat you and your pals had going on there.

Another thing that didn’t make sense was Calla’s sudden erratic and irrational emotions. I love Shay, I love Ren, I love Shay, I love… for &$%# sake! I thought we’d already cleared that in the first book where Calla chooses Shay renouncing everything for him to have a life of freedom by his side. But now suddenly she grows this overbearing conscience that doesn’t let her enjoy her time with Shay because she might-kinda-maybe still feels something for Ren. It would have made more sense to me if the ring Ren gave her had some kind of compulsion spell by the Keepers that made Calla suddenly remember him and desire him. But no.

The ending I did not care for. Calla still doubts her feelings for Shay, she is doubting the Searchers’ intentions, as if we hadn’t just spend an entire two books proving those things. Calla even says “I didn’t choose Shay.” NO? You didn’t save his life, run off with him because he was THE ONE as in the one you loved for sure? Sigh. You can see how this review has progressed from good, to bad, to worse. Well it’s exactly how I felt when reading this book.
Profile Image for Jess M..
557 reviews396 followers
July 4, 2011
Read my review on my blog! --> Wolfsbane by Andrea Cremer

Andrea Cremer, I bow down at your amazing story-telling. If you thought Nightshade was full of unique, incredibly interesting characters and original story, Wolfsbane will leave you wondering how it was possible for it to have gotten even better.

Wolfsbane truly felt like a “Part II”. Yes it picks up where Nightshade left off, but it’s also almost like a completely new story. I loved that!! We’re introduced to new characters (who I instantly took a liking to and I know you will, too) and we’re told new, accurate histories about the Guardians, Searchers and Keepers. It turns out some people have been lying for a very long time, and lying very well. Wolfsbane also had a lot more action than Nightshade. More battles, more casualties. It was really sad every time someone died!

In Nightshade, my stance in the battle of the boys was firm: Team Ren, all the way. I think something about Shay always having to be saved by Calla kind of turned me off. Well, lets just say that Wolfsbane Shay has grown into his inner wolf. He is more assertive and manly, deadly even, more sure of himself...and, well, it’s kind of hard not to take notice. I found myself very conflicted, as was Calla. Calla’s conflict in choosing between them stems more from her feelings of guilt for leaving Ren, whom she truly cares about, and her feelings of love towards Shay. I’m still Team Ren though. I’m just so much more sympathetic to Ren’s character and story than Shay’s. Le sigh, I always fall for the tortured boys. One thing I’m almost positive of though, is that Calla will choose Shay in the end. She kind of did already, from the start. I’ve made my peace with it in reading Wolfsbane. They really love each other! It’s so hard to admit that I feel it will turn out that way, but I think it’s inevitable. And can I just mention how much I LOVED that scene toward the end, with Shay and Calla in the garden!? The emotions and feelings between them were so palpable! Loved it. :)

In conclusion, I hated it. HAHA, KIDDING! It was a brilliant follow up to the already amazing Nightshade! I was so engrossed by it. Sure I missed Ren, but he is very present in this book, much to Shay’s dismay. And I’m guessing from the ending that he will be ALL OVER Bloodrose, and I for one cannot wait!

(Thanks to Jen from I Read Banned Books for the opportunity to read and review this book as part of her book tours.)
Profile Image for Sandy.
290 reviews191 followers
September 23, 2011
Let me say this: Andrea Cremer can write. Her books ooze with imagery and pretty phrases and that I-must-consume-this-book feeling (especially Nightshade). She even adds some decent mythology to the mix in Wolfsbane, something I thought was blatantly lacking in Nightshade.

So why the two stars? This series just isn't for me. I've never liked Calla. She's never seemed like an alpha to me (I mean, I've been TOLD for 800 pages that she's an alpha, but it's been rare that I've SEEN it) and I've never felt connected with her character. Shay is the biggest snoozer of a male lead I've read about for two years running, and the love triangle is strangling this series. When done with grace and charm and chemistry, a love triangle can keep me feverishly tearing through the pages. But in this series, Calla's indecisiveness and lust for both boys--and first Ren's and now Shay's pushy ways--make this love triangle irritating. Frequent scene: Calla and Shay making out, Calla thinks of Ren, wants Ren instead, pushes Shay away, Shay pushes Calla for more. Repeat, repeat, repeat.

(And it has to be said: What did Cremer DO to Ren's character??? Of course circumstances can drive people to make choices they wouldn't have made otherwise, but a character needs to stay true to what's already been created for him. The Ren depicted in Wolfsbane is NOT the Ren we met in Nightshade.)

Although not as compulsively readable as Nightshade, Wolfsbane does expand the mythology (albeit with a ton of infodump conversations). Unlike other authors, Cremer acknowledges the holes in her mythology and offers some patches (why Keepers can't weave, how the mother determines the essence of the child, etc.) although some of the patches are a bit TOO convenient. However, after the bare mythology in Nightshade, the expansion of the world is welcomed.

The writing's good. The mythology's gotten better. But until I can actually LIKE these characters--their personalities and choices--I can't give above two stars.

Profile Image for Eve.
337 reviews603 followers
August 1, 2011
omigod. I can't wait. I loved the first book, and I cannot wait until Wolfsbane!

Although, the cover. Ehhh. Don't like it. Actually, not at all. May I ask, whats with the pants?! Leather, really?

Well anyway, the first book was really cool, I hope the second one is even better :]


after reading... 1.5

ohmigod. boringggg.

okay, after the first 250 pages it got a little bit better. but I mean a little. like, very, very tiny.

the first book was so. much. better.

1 - Shay is annoying.

2 - Ren?! What the heck?!

3 - uhh, warrior? yeah, no.

4 - Calla's brother. whats up with that. ya know, I actually liked him. (in the first book, I mean)

5 - favorite character = Connor.

6 - Adne or whatever her name is, BACK. OFF. so. annoying.

7 - Don't kill Monroe. Why?!

ugh. anyway, I totally did not enjoy this book.

maybe the next one will be better? maybe?

- missrosey :]

Profile Image for Jess.
454 reviews
August 20, 2011
"This is only about love."

This was totally worth the wait :D

I was so excited when I finally received this to review (bit late but better late than never). I'll try and give this the review it deserves.

I loved it more than I thought I would! Andrea Cremer totally outdid herself in this book. Everything was really fast paced and just intense that I was on the edge of my seat when I was reading it. All the questions that were raised about The Keepers in the first book are answered in this one, and I loved seeing old enemies become new allies for Calla and her pack.

I loved coming back to Calla and some of the older characters from the first book. When I read Nightshade I got so emotionally invested in all of them that I was so pleased to feel reunited with them all. New characters like Monroe, Connor (LOVE CONNORRR!!)Adne, and Ethan (love Ethan too), such fantastic new characters that brought some new life to some interesting moments to an already fabulous book.

Now, as some of you are aware I'm team Ren, always was and always will be. The only gripe I have is that there just wasn't enough Ren, except for flashbacks and a couple of pages Ren wasn't around much. Which made me sad, I want more Ren. However having said that, I now understand why Andrea Cremer wrote Ren out of Wolfsbane because its the ending to this book that makes you understand and hope that Bloodrose will consist of Ren's story and the turn of events between himself, Calla and the Keepers lies. That's all I'm saying on the Ren subject, because I have a tendency to get carried away when I speak about Ren.

Calla and Shay's relationship is tested but ultimately Calla's love for him gives her strength and allows her to make the decision that leads to the end of Wolfsbane.

I honestly cannot wait for Bloodrose, to see more Ren, more Calla, Connor and Adne and I CANNOT wait to see how things with Sabine and Ethan turn out, THAT is going to be exciting stuff.

Anyway, I read this whilst I was on holiday and I read it in about 3 days on the beach, it was a fantastic read and I'm so glad I read it.

I can't wait to read Bloodrose and finally get everything tied up and answered! :)

Read it guys, its fantastic
Profile Image for Chene.
193 reviews19 followers
October 6, 2014
Wolfsbane picks up directly where Nightshade ended. The story is split into 3 parts in this book, and starts off with Calla and Shay adjusting to the searchers and forming new relationships. It has a lot of history and facts - It can come across as a small info dump but I found it fascinating. Initially I was worried that this was going to be a slow middle type book, but I was so wrong, and got completely caught up in Calla's world.

Characters & Story line: 5/5

Calla - This is such an intense journey for Calla. I related easily to her and found I actually loved her quite a lot more in Wolfsbane, than I did in Nightshade. Maybe it's because she considers Ren a little bit more and her heart aches for him in a different way. *tee hee* #TeamRen

Shay - I liked him more in this book too. He is great with, and for, Calla. (Even though I am still Team Ren!). Shay is on the back burner a bit for me in Wolfsbane but we find out a lot about the role he plays and his past in this book. Shay is a great character, and I think his role in Bloodrose is going to be intense.

Ren - Ren barely made an appearance in this book. I am still totally team Ren and really hope to see more of him in Bloodrose.

Ansel - When Ansel first appeared my heart broke! He is a shadow of his former bubbly self and I really hope things change for him.

Searchers - I enjoyed getting to know this group and really like Adne, Connor and Monroe.

Plot, Pace, Writing style: 5/5

Part 2 is where it really kicked up a gear for me. It is filled with love, friendship and heartbreak. This is a fast paced, exciting and intense read. It does end with quite a huge cliffhanger, and I am extremely glad that I have the next book so that I can continue the story without a break! My heart was left beating with intensity in my chest the way things ended with Calla, Shay, Ren and Adne. Wolfsbane is a middle type book but it is gearing up for an intense war in Bloodrose.

Cover talk: 3.5/5
The cover is okay. The girl is not exactly the way I picture Calla but it is still a pretty cover - enough to catch your attention.

Final Thoughts: I am really enjoying this series and cannot wait to pick up Bloodrose!!
Profile Image for Duchess Nicole.
1,270 reviews1,546 followers
August 5, 2016
TONS of info dumping and world building, which I hoped was over with in the first book. This love triangle might make me want to strangle myself. One thing that I don't love is how unattached to the characters the author seems to be. Good grief, a lot of important people die. It's almost as bad as James Dashner in his Maze Runner series. Just as I start to really like someone and feel like they are hugely important to the story, she kills them off. Meh. Just a personal preference, but I don't like that. I like rainbows and sunshine too much. Still, the storytelling is fantastic and I have NO IDEA how this series will end. I'm sort of team Ren, but I have a feeling that's not going to be how this plays out. Shay is too important to kill off or be second best :(

(I'm listening to the audio of this series. The narrator is Rebecca Lomen, the same lady who did Rainbow Rowell's Fangirl and Eleanor & Park, and she if fantastic.)
Profile Image for Kayla Silverss.
Author 1 book121 followers
July 19, 2018
This sequel was fantastic. I really wanted a paranormal romance that I could fall in love with and I have with this series. I need more Ren though asap.
Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews619 followers
July 17, 2011
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

Call it the Sophomore slump, the second season syndrome, or what have you, but last year I gave NIGHTSHADE, the first book in the series of the same name by debut author Andrea Cremer, a perfect 5/5 rating. Today I’m giving the sequel, WOLFSBANE, a 2/5 rating. What happened to the story, the characters, the romance, and the writing between books one and two to cause such a drastic change? A lot of annoying, confusing, and boring things.

The mythology of the Keepers, Guardians, Searchers, and the Scion still offer an interesting twist on witch, werewolf, and demon mythologies. Likewise the sociopolitical interactions of each group are well thought out and have wide reaching effects on themselves and each other. Andrea Cremer’s background as a history professor comes into play as well providing a detailed and very realistic origin for her mythologies. Unfortunately, those are about the only good things I can say about WOLFSBANE.

Just about everything I loved about NIGHTSHADE is absent in WOLFSBANE. The forbidden love triangle between Calla, Shay and Ren? Not so forbidden anymore. But don’t tell Calla. She still anguishes over which guy to choose ad nauseam. Shay, barely recognizable in this sequel as a whiny possessive hot head, bears the brunt of her indecisiveness. Calla still wants to make out (and more) with Shay until mid smooch session when she’ll abruptly shove him away out of guilt over Ren. But then the situation just repeats a few chapters later.

More annoying still was the plethora of new and extremely irritating characters. NIGHTSHADE was all about the wolves, WOLFSBANE is all about the Searchers. In the first few chapters a dozen new characters strut in and out of scenes with lots of desperate attempts at humor and inside jokes to show how close they all are. It was like a badly cast reality show. Calla and Shay basically just watch and ask zero questions about why they are there, what they are being asked to do, what the ultimate plan is, why they are so desperately needed etc. They are just ordered around and basically meekly obey. Well, Calla grows and shifts back and forth a lot, but that’s about it.

90% of WOLFSBANE takes place in the Searchers academy and mostly consists of the Searchers inappropriately timed jokes (like after people just died), stupid sexual come ons, and lots and lots of history lessons. The last hundred pages or so finally spark with a bit of energy and action along with the first appearance of some of the original characters from NIGHTSHADE, but it wasn’t nearly enough to compensate for the rest of this extremely disappointing sequel. The third book in the Nightshade series is titled BLOODROSE and will be published on February 21, 2012. Based solely on the strength of the first book, I still plan to read it, but I’m keeping my expectations firmly in check.

Sexual Content:
Heterosexual and homosexual kissing. Scenes of sensuality. A non graphic sex scene. References to rape. A scene that might have been an attempted sexual assault.
Profile Image for Krys.
776 reviews167 followers
March 13, 2015

For the record, I have had an ARC of this book since last December. In January I tried to read it and was met with bitter disappointment. I was very confused and none of the new cast of characters did anything for me upon introduction. It felt like I was in a badly plotted play where people are awkwardly getting brought in through the first act. I chalked it up as bad timing, vowed to reread Nightshade when the mood struck me, and set Wolfsbane aside.

Last week I acquired an ARC of Bloodrose, the third book in the series, and suddenly I wanted to read it again. It was time.

In Wolfsbane, Andrea Cremer picks up immediately following the ending events in Nightshade. Calla is with a new crew of people in an unknown location. The Searchers are human, and the enemy. All Calla has ever known is that these humans are dangerous. But time with them begins to prove that perspective is everything when it comes to the enemy.

Call it Stockholm Syndrome but Calla begins to bond with her captors, particularly when she sees how they treat her and Shay. She discovers things about the history of the Guardians, in particular knowledge which has been forbidden previously. During this time, Shay begins to unravel the mystery of what it means to be the Scion, and what his role will be in the coming battle.

My thoughts can be boiled down to this one simple thing – Wow, am I glad I gave this book a second chance. Wow.

I generally have a 75 page limit when books are not doing it for me and this book was abandoned in January when I found myself struggling to get there. I was disappointed and mad at Andrea Cremer for ruining, what I thought, was such a great series. Well, a few choice reviewers nudging me to give Wolfsbane another try (and a well time ARC) can do wonders. I’m so glad that I gave this book a second chance. It is one of those series that went from B-list to A with the sequel, though I do strongly advocate reading the two together. The beginning of Wolfsbane is a touch confusing if you don’t have the mythos from Nightshade fresh in your brain. I think that was about 95% of my problem, the rest being impatience. The first 100 pages are a tad slow. However, would I have stuck through another 30 pages the book would have picked right up. Lesson learned. With a vengeance.

Still, rereading this has brought me full force back into Cremer fandom, and I feel a trifle douchey for doubting her in the first place. This book is so worth pushing through the beginning. The ending is…WOW. Yeah, worth it, to say the least. I am so glad I gave it another shot.

One slightly spoilery thing, that won’t ruin anything at all for you folks is this – It’s very interesting to see the division of loyalties between Calla and Ren’s packs after the events of Nightshade. I think you will all be pleasantly surprised.

5 out of 5 stars… the second time around.

- review courtesy of www.bibliopunkkreads.com
Profile Image for Ky.
159 reviews
August 4, 2011
I hope this cover is actually used. The other one is not something I want marring my shelf of lovely booklings. I take great pleasure in having splendid books, regardless of cover, but the other cover for this book is disturbing to me.


Update: Yuck. Seriously, I loved Nightshade's cover, so I bought the book and --in turn-- fell in love with the story. And then the publishers or whomever go and change the Wolfsbane cover. Wtheck? Is this not a YA fiction book? What's with the "Sexy cover"? Teens don't need any more "sexy" things. Seriously. Sex appeal isn't what should be selling a book. The story should. The writing. The characters. I MEAN REALLY? What was so wrong with the original covers?

And I don't buy that it was done to expand to the adult fiction audience. Whatever. I know zero adults who would buy the book with the new cover but not the old. Most people I know (including adults) would rather have the beautiful covers that were first advertised/used for the books.

They fit the story better, if you ask me. (And I don't care if you're not asking me.) They showed Calla in nature. They showed her as beautiful without having to resort to almost-innappropriate images.

I'm sixteen and if my mother saw this book in my hands she'd take it. I talked to her about it. The only way I'm allowed to buy Wolfsbane and know what happens next is if I get rid of the dustjacket. It's way beyond sad to know how downhill the world has gone.
Profile Image for mary.
299 reviews
July 15, 2020
Μια λέξη για αυτό το βιβλίο:εντυπωσιάστηκα!!!Πραγματικά δεν το περίμενα τόσο καλό σε καμία των περιπτώσεων!Ο όλεθρος δεν εκπλήρωσε απλώς τις προσδοκίες μου τις ξεπέρασε κατά πολύ!
Η αλήθεια είναι ότι ξεκίνησε κάπως απότομα και χωρίς ιδιαίτερο ενδιαφέρον όμως στη συνέχεια το σασπένς και η δράση έφτασαν στα ύψη!
Η Κάλα παραμένει μια πολύ δυναμική ηρωίδα έτοιμη να υπερασπιστεί αυτούς που αγαπάει αν και μερικές φορές με εκνευρίζει ο τρόπος με τον οποίο χειρίζεται τις καταστάσεις.Ο Σέι από την άλλη σε αυτό το βιβλίο παρουσιάζεται πολύ πιο δυναμικός όσο για τον Ρεν δεν έχει και μεγάλη συμμετοχή σε αυτό το βιβλίο τα όσα όμως μαθαίνουμε γι' αυτόν είναι συγκλονιστικά και προσωπικά με έκαναν να τον συμπαθήσω ακόμη περισσότερο!
Οφείλω να ομολογήσω πως παρόλο που δεν μου αρέσουν ιδιαίτερα οι ιστορίες με λυκανθρώπους η συγκεκριμένη είναι υπέροχη και τρομερά πρωτότυπη!Η Andrea Cremer δεν έχει δημιουργήσει απλώς άλλο ένα υπερφυσικό ρομάντζο αλλά μια ιστορία γεμάτη δράση και έντονα συναισθήματα!Έχω εντυπωσιαστεί από τις πλούσιες πληροφορίες που δίνει για τους Ερευνητές,τους Φύλακες και τους Προστάτες.Φαίνεται πραγματικά ότι έχει δουλέψει πολύ πάνω σε αυτή τη σειρά!
Συνολικά ο Όλεθρος λοιπόν ήταν ένα φανταστικό βιβλίο και το μόνο που μπορώ να κάνω είναι να περιμένω με αγωνία το τελευταίο βιβλίο της σειράς καθώς αυτό έληξε σε ένα απίστευτα κρίσιμο σημείο!
Profile Image for Annie.
11 reviews1 follower
January 14, 2011
Why does everyone hate Shay??? Seriously, I feel sorry for him after being picked on by the pack. The wolf pack made me think of the old cheerleaders-eat-with-football-team stereotype. Branch out, Cassa! You're not the most beautiful girl in the world! And this is directed at you, Shay. She's not worth it. Cassa's just stringing along both Ren AND Shay and it's quite disgusting to me.

Did anyone notice how she hated Ren in the first chapter of the book and then all of the sudden she's in love with him??? And then there's Shay. He looks pathetic in my eyes, but Ren's a douche-bag, hands down. The only guy I like in this book was Ansel. His relationship with Brynn was a sweet one, and I really enjoyed reading about it.

That's the only reason this book deserves two stars in my opinion. It was basically based on sex and horny teenage wolves. No one treated each other kindly, everyone was hostile, Ren was a bastard, Shay was pitiful, and Ansel and Brynn stole the show for me.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,295 reviews

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