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A Waltz with Traitors

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The Former Russian Empire, 1918

Czech soldier Filip Sedlák never wanted to fight for the Austro-Hungarian Empire. So at the first opportunity, he defected to the Russians. Now he and others like him have formed the Czechoslovak Legion. Their goal: leave the chaos of Russia, sail to France, and help the Allies defeat the Central Powers, thereby toppling a hated empire and winning an independent Czechoslovakia.

With the fall of the tsar, Nadia Linskaya’s life is in ruins. Her family is dead, her lands are confiscated, and her aristocratic world is gone forever. But Nadia is determined to elude the Bolshevik agent who destroyed her family and find a way to survive in this changed world.

When Nadia takes refuge with the Czechoslovak Legion, the last thing she expects is an ally. But when Filip proposes a sham marriage to ensure her safe passage across Siberia, she takes it. Neither Filip nor Nadia expect real love, not when the legion has to take over the longest railroad in the world—and then hold it against Bolshevik counterattacks, partisan sabotage, Allied intrigue, and a set of brutal Siberian winters. At risk is the future of Czechoslovakia, the fate of Russia—and their hearts.

328 pages, Paperback

First published March 1, 2023

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About the author

A.L. Sowards

20 books1,159 followers
I love books, so that makes Goodreads my favorite social media site. As a reader, I enjoy a variety of books. As a writer, I create historical novels with a wholesome mix of action, adventure, and romance. My stories include a Whitney Award winner, several Whitney finalists, and a Gold Medal winner in the Readers' Favorite International Book Awards.

I'm a wife and a mother of three, and I've called Washington State, Utah, and Alaska home. I'm usually reading a couple books at once and working on multiple writing projects too. Other than that, my life is pretty ordinary. I'm grateful for that. I'll let the characters in my books have all the adventures.

Stay in Touch:
Newsletter sign up: https://alsowards.com/newsletter/
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ALSowards/

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I joined Goodreads as a reader first, but since I’m an author too, I’ve made some changes to how I rate books. For fiction, I'll give a book 5 stars if I enjoyed every page. Otherwise, I'll leave the rating blank. For nonfiction, 5 star books are ones I enjoyed enough that I’d like to read them again. They’re books I connected with and highly recommend to others. 4 star books are good books that I thought were worth reading once, and they’re also recommended.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren (thebookscript).
857 reviews497 followers
January 3, 2024
A.L Sowards does it again, bringing us a rich historical gem about a time period and people who haven’t gotten much of the spotlight in fiction.

I love her books because she covers such vastly different time periods that always have me googling and wanting to know more about these hidden parts of history. She never shies away from the horrors and realities of war but does it in a way that makes it so I still still easily recommend this book to a wide audience.

A Waltz With Traitors is the story of the Czechoslovakian Legion. It is about the men who felt caught in a war that they wanted no part of but also felt they had to fight in order to gain a free country. There are crossing alliances and enemies everywhere they turn.

Sowards does an incredible job blending the dark with the light, making an ultimately hard read full of hope, love and the drive for a better future.

This book was incredibly well researched. I loved the multiple POVs, the propulsion of the plot as they progressed closer to their goal. There is a brotherhood that will steal your heart and a sweet marriage of convenience that is a slow burn but realistically done. I just loved it.

This is a HIGH stakes book with warfare that covers the evil horrors of it but also makes room for the sweet times of peace because these people had hope for brighter days. I definitely am glad I had the map for reference as I experienced one of the most exciting historical lessons this year. Do not skip the authors note for extra insight!

It is full of life lessons, light themes of Christianity and is a book that will stay with you days after reading it. This is an easy recommendation for me.

*please dm me for trigger questions. Nothing is described only referenced. Marital relationships, just kissing, rape, attempted rape, death, gun violence, kidnapping, miscarriage.
Profile Image for Julie Carpenter.
1,636 reviews201 followers
February 18, 2023
I really enjoy historical fiction and I have been pulled in completely by every book that A.L. Sowards writes. Her attention to detail is evident throughout the book in her beautiful writing. I love see what aspect of history she will write about in each subsequent book. I have learned so much from reading her books. Some of the topics she writes about I've heard of and known some about it, whereas others I didn't know about. Such as the Czechoslovak Legion. What an incredible story of perseverance and determination to save their home and country and people.

This book had a great cast of characters. We were able to read from the point of view of several of them and it wasn't confusing or distracting at all. I really thought it was great and added a lot to the story giving us the chance to see more of what was happening in and around this group of characters.

Of course we have our two main characters, Nadia and Filip. Both of them trying to navigate a life that ended up different than they had planned. Seeing many hardships and death and terrors. When their paths cross, Filip can see that Nadia is in trouble and running for her life. His offer of protection comes in the only way he knows how, a shame marriage, so she can have access to passage away from where she's at on the train with his Czechoslovak Legion. She agrees and these two are whisked away on the journey of a lifetime. That is still fraught with danger and challenges. But I loved watching the friendship grow, not only between them but also between his fellow legionnaires and their spouses. They are united in their purpose and care of each other.

This is definitely an incredible journey and ride. One that I was unable to step away from until I read the final page. Even then, my heart was so full of these characters and their stories. And thinking about the true historical people who lived out this time and the real horrors and terrors and heartaches that were experienced. My heart aches for all that was seen and felt. It aches for those living today experiencing similar moments. But even with the hard things, I loved seeing light and hope woven throughout the story of this book. There was beauty and friendship and family and love and healing and so much more! Powerful and inspiring story!

Content: This book is about war and hard moments in these characters' lives. I consider it to be written cleanly but there are some hard things in here dealing with the subject matter. If you are one that is triggered by books dealing with war and death and violence, attempted rape (written very sensitively and attempted, the character is not raped) and other similar things, then I would suggest not reading this one. The author does have a content warning for the book that you can look at as well if you're wanting more info.

I received a copy from the publisher, Covenant Communications, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

Happy Reading!!!
Profile Image for Melissa’s Bookshelf.
2,228 reviews128 followers
March 14, 2023
“Maybe all the darkness makes it easier to recognize the light.” A.L. Sowards is one of my favorite historical fiction authors who really makes history come alive. A Waltz with Traitors is perhaps one of her best works. It’s an instant classic that sweeps the reader back in time to the early 1900’s during Russia’s upheaval and WWI. She weaves a beautiful, tragic tale around the true story of the Czechoslovakian Legion, who were hoping to march to France to join the allies and gain independence for their homeland. It’s a story of love, loss, and faith as two unlikely people enter a marriage of convenience while facing the brutalities of war amidst freezing Russian winters.

Czech soldier Filip Sedlak, along with many others, has put his lot in with the Russians. Their goal is to take over and control the Russian railroad which stretches across the expanse of the empire. Fighting against the Bolsheviks, saboteurs, and even their own allies to secure their way across Russia makes for never a dull moment as each stretch of train track brings new danger and worries.

When he meets Nadia, she’s on the run after witnessing the deaths of her entire family. As an aristocrat, her life is forfeit if caught. Filip tries to save her the only way he knows how, by offering her a sham marriage that will be annulled once she reaches the safety of Ukraine. But along the way, they begin to realize despite their differences, that they care for each other and both want the marriage to be real. As with any good Slavic story, the road to happiness is fraught with tragedy and danger and this is true for Fillip and Nadia. They must overcome nearly insurmountable odds to find hope and love.

I absolutely loved Nadia! She is a true heroine who endures so much. Through it all, she never loses hope or her faith despite the awful things she goes through. Filip is a brave, courageous man who easily falls for the beautiful Nadia. He is so kind and thoughtful of her, but isn’t secure enough in himself to believe she could love him. I loved when they waltzed together and found simple things to enjoy when they were together and Filip was not off fighting. Without saying too much, my heart ached for them both during some of their trials. Be assured though, this is not the typical Russian tragedy, and there is a hopeful ending.

The author’s meticulous attention to detail and historical accuracy makes this a thoroughly interesting, hard to put down read. While she takes special care to include only enough detail for the reader to understand what’s going on, she doesn’t shy away from the tragedies of war. Those sensitive to assault, miscarriage, and violence may want to read the author’s note at the beginning.

I found myself thinking about this book long after reading it. Highest of recommendations to this amazing historical fiction masterpiece and encourage anyone who enjoys history to read this. The author includes maps, vocabulary guides, and a wonderful author’s note at the end that was particularly interesting. This is definitely one you’ll want to put on your must read list. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own and I was not required to provide a positive review.
Profile Image for Morgan Giesbrecht.
Author 1 book126 followers
April 28, 2023
A World War One story?! Say no more I’m here for it! Also, Ukraine. Part of my heart is there, so I’m always happy to read about it.

Sowards crafted a fascinating & heartbreaking glance into this era of history, taking the reader on a journey across the frozen landscape of Siberia.

Nadia & Filip are brought together by a marriage of convenience as Nadia is fleeing for her life. I enjoy this trope, and they were lovely. However, I wished we had actually seen more of them together in order to form a relationship. By the time the declaration of love was made around 60%, they had spent most of the book separated (due to Filip’s missions) & did a good portion of their “falling in love” apart from each other. As such, I found it a little hard to accept.

The plot was riveting & fast paced. Just when I paused to catch a breath—boom!—off to the next crisis! And I seriously learned a lot.

Lastly, I love Dalek. He was a hilariously perfect (& imperfect) wingman & my favourite character!

Content: off-screen SA; mentions of miscarriage; brief mentions of marital intimacy (nothing described)

*Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a positive review. These are my honest thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Havelah McLat.
Author 4 books78 followers
March 15, 2023
I absolutely love this book! So good! The period, high stakes, and conflict are well done. And I love the two characters. They are a golden couple. My heart melts for them. I really enjoyed the book! It's so worth reading it!
Profile Image for Crystal (Books Are Sanity!!!).
767 reviews38 followers
April 2, 2023
I am sitting here trying to put into words how amazing this book is and everything seems so inadequate. Sowards tells a phenomenal historical fiction novel about the Czechoslovak Legion fighting during the Great War (WWI). The historical details are well researched and everything felt so authentic that I could feel the cold of the Russian and Siberian snow through the pages. Sowards masterfully shares Nadia’s journey of escape and survival. The reader is transported to another time and place where you feel like you are a part of the story. There are all of the emotions in this story. All of them. Be prepared for the good, the bad, and the ugly. My heart was broken at times and I had tears streaming down my face and there were moments of joy that I was smiling ear to ear.

This is a story of war and after reading it my heart is full of so much empathy for people who have to endure it. I felt like I learned so much about the fascinating work of the Czechokslovak Legion and what they did on the rail line. Sowards brings that human element to this significant historical event that makes the reader be able to connect to it in a way that otherwise would not be possible. A Waltz Among Traitors is a masterpiece of historical fiction that fans of the genre should not miss. I received a copy of this book for free; all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Nuria Muñoz.
103 reviews80 followers
March 6, 2023
Excuse these overwhelmed, probably rambling thoughts as I’m currently exhausted and happily devastated. I mean, a harrowing, relentlessly perilous journey across war-torn Russia will really take it out of you. I was just transported back to the present, nerves frazzled but so HEA satisfied. Bump this one up for when you feel like an epic, intense historical read that will wage war on your sleep cycle.

There’s no way I’m giving it less than five stars, but this was borderline too intense for me. Just know I’m coming from a place of being more Team Specifically Historical Romance than Team Historical Fiction, more silly Regency ballroom antics than these monumentally-researched, brutal ravages of civil war. The author’s content warnings were clear, but still I was like “Whoa, she wasn’t kidding”. The themes of the resilience of faith and the human spirit were constant and swell into a major chord ending, but this is by no means a light, easy read. By that third act, I was dying, ok? I’m not made for this kind of constant threat tactical war action and just blow after blow of catastrophe. But, following our stalwart heroine’s example, I hung in there and lived to tell this tale/review because *sigh* the romance was so sweet and lovely.

I’ll try to break it down since I skim blurbs, so it took me a minute to get situated: First World War, as the revolutionary Bolsheviks take over Russia’s rule, aristocrats like Nadia are in hiding and most Czechs like Filip, who were forced to fight the Russians, have organized and are trying to get out of the Russian conflict and into allied territory to seek help in fighting for their independence from Austria-Hungary. They’ll be using ye old sixteen thousand mile long railway to get outta there and on a boat to France, and, after tragic circumstances, Nadia needs to get on that train. The transport is only for the Czech legionnaires and their families though, so, enter, your favorite and mine: strangers marriage of convenience. Ah yes, the great class difference equalizer, I’ll take the awkward tentativeness of a fake relationship in any context, era, continent. This is the kind of slow burn sweet romance where there’s a flicker of instant deep connection brought on by unexpected kindness and gratitude that then grows incrementally from brief tender interactions and witnessing the other’s true character during crisis situations. What’s another great class equalizer? Competence attraction. Scout/recruiter Filip is the best at what he does. The brave, kind, straightforward, curly-haired corporal does not expect the blindingly beautiful “grand duchess” he rescues on that train platform to constantly bowl him over with her spine of steel, adaptability and generous heart. I was sallivating for their moments together on this Trans-Siberian Railroad road trip of mortal danger. As I said, things get very bad, very bad indeed, but this ends on a triumphant note, and it hit all my history nerd and romance reader buttons. My kingdom for a post-war Prague epilogue. This was amazing.

Many thanks to Netgalley and the generous souls at Covenant Communications for the opportunity to read this ARC.

Content notes: Nothing is described graphically. On page war violence, on page attempted sexual assault, kissing only/ fade to black married intimacy, implied sexual assault, trauma miscarriage.
Profile Image for Kylaslittlelibrary.
450 reviews23 followers
May 20, 2023
A Waltz with Traitors by A.L. Sowards

A well researched historical fiction WW1 novel about the Czechoslovakian Legion. Men fighting for a free country and being brought into battles they have no business being a part of.

The story centers around Nadia and her fight to survive after the death of her family and the fall of Russian aristocracy. She ends up with the Czechoslovakian Legion under a marriage of convenience to one of it’s soldiers.

This story tore me apart and glued me back together again. The heartache, the longing, the war torn landscape, all beautiful woven to create story impossible to put down.

Nadia is the heroine I’d hope to be through difficult circumstances. There is no “woah is me”, only the struggle to survive and create a new life for herself. Her finding love through it all was exactly what I need for this story to wrap itself around my heart.

Content: War, death, eluding to rape, miscarriage
Author 2 books28 followers
October 17, 2022
I received an ARC of this book. All opinions are my own.

A.L. Sowards has written a masterpiece in A Waltz With Traitors. This well researched book carries the reader into an overwhelming world of war and chaos after the Russian tsar has fallen. Soward does a brilliant job of keeping the story moving while relating the history of the Czechoslavakian Legion.

Amidst this tumult the reader is anchored to the two main characters - Nadia and Filip. The pain and trauma they nobly survive, leaves the reader caring deeply about them finding peace and a better life.
There is some (mainly off-page) violent content that the reader is warned about. This is a war-time book that doesn't gloss over the ugliness of war.
Profile Image for Mindy.
1,014 reviews99 followers
March 12, 2023
There aren’t many things I love more than a book from AL Sowards. I have probably said that with every book I read of hers. Her books always transform me into that historical place and I willingly and happily stay. This book is absolutely stunning. The characters are fantastic, Nadia and Filip are amazing. Both have seen so much pain and hardships. I enjoyed their journey immensely. (Fake marriage is any setting is a favorite of mine.) Among the hard things these characters endure, there is also some beautiful moments. Wonderful, powerful moments, full of strength and courage. Everything is so well done and written perfectly. I received an eARC from the publisher. All views and opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Samantha Hastings.
Author 44 books256 followers
March 10, 2023
A well-researched and moving story about a little known chapter of World War I.

The story primarily revolves around Nadia, a Russian aristocrat running for her life, and Filip, a Czech soldier who defected to join the Czechoslovakian Legion. Filip offers Nadia a sham marriage so she can join their company. Over the months they grow to love one another and make the marriage real. But life in a war zone is perilous and they are pulled apart. Terrible things happen (mostly off page) and they are never gratuitous.

A beautiful and resilient love story in one of the darkest times.
Profile Image for Meishuu.
221 reviews103 followers
Want to read
October 27, 2023
This is described as a “wholesome romance” and I am a sucker for wholesome, sweet M/F romances 👀
March 8, 2023
'We never intended to take over the Trans-Siberian railway, prolong a civil war, spark the most infamous tsaricide in history or end up in charge of the Russian Imperial Treasury. We just wanted to go home.'

A.L. Sowards is such a phenomenal writer. Her books are full of history and offers the reader an in-depth knowledge of unsung heroes who deserve to have their stories told. She doesn't shy away from the realities of war, but is able to write them with such class and respect for all readers. Her books always leave me wanting to do better, be better and to really appreciate the things that matter most in life.

This book covers multiple sides of different armies all fighting for different reasons/purposes.

'If people didn't join a side, they were susceptible, made a victim by all sides.'

I found myself entranced trying to decide which side would I fight for and loved getting so much information through the story of each army/group/character. DO NOT skip the author's notes at the ends. There is so much fascinating information on her writing process, research and additional details that are worth reading.

The characters of this book stole a piece of my heart and I am so glad (even though they are fictional) that they shared their story. The marriage of convenience trope was so well done and even though the romance wasn't the main plot of the story it still carried a huge part of the content. The relationship was sweet, tender and I loved watching it develop. I was constantly cheering for these characters in so many ways, nervous as they would go into battle and desperately hoped they would prevail!

I can't imagine fighting in a war and A.L. Sowards writing felt immersive and my heart went out to these characters and the situations they found themselves in.

'"Fall back!" the order came.
Filip slid his rifle across his back, and he and Novak scrambled from the rooftop. A splinter dug into his skin, but he ignored it. He was more concerned about larger things--like bullets--puncturing his skin.'

This is a book that will stay with you for a long time after reading. There are so many life lessons that can be taken away from this and applied to every day life-even without war. I loved the small Christian thread that offered these characters hope.

Overall, this is a book not to be missed. It was so well done on every aspect. I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars because that is what it deserves.

Thanks to the author/publisher and NetGalley for the copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

Content/Trigger: With any book covering warfare you will see violent content (depictions of battle, death, executions, etc). I thought the author wrote all of it true to the situations, without having to include explicitly detailed descriptions. Sexual assault, consummation between husband and wife/marriage relationships are implied -minimal instances are mentioned but not described. Mention of miscarriage and loss/grief over losing loved ones.

Merged review:

'We never intended to take over the Trans-Siberian railway, prolong a civil war, spark the most infamous tsaricide in history or end up in charge of the Russian Imperial Treasury. We just wanted to go home.'

A.L. Sowards is such a phenomenal writer. Her books are full of history and offers the reader an in-depth knowledge of unsung heroes who deserve to have their stories told. She doesn't shy away from the realities of war, but is able to write them with such class and respect for all readers. Her books always leave me wanting to do better, be better and to really appreciate the things that matter most in life.

This book covers multiple sides of different armies all fighting for different reasons/purposes.

'If people didn't join a side, they were susceptible, made a victim by all sides.'

I found myself entranced trying to decide which side would I fight for and loved getting so much information through the story of each army/group/character. DO NOT skip the author's notes at the ends. There is so much fascinating information on her writing process, research and additional details that are worth reading.

The characters of this book stole a piece of my heart and I am so glad (even though they are fictional) that they shared their story. The marriage of convenience trope was so well done and even though the romance wasn't the main plot of the story it still carried a huge part of the content. The relationship was sweet, tender and I loved watching it develop. I was constantly cheering for these characters in so many ways, nervous as they would go into battle and desperately hoped they would prevail!

I can't imagine fighting in a war and A.L. Sowards writing felt immersive and my heart went out to these characters and the situations they found themselves in.

'"Fall back!" the order came.
Filip slid his rifle across his back, and he and Novak scrambled from the rooftop. A splinter dug into his skin, but he ignored it. He was more concerned about larger things--like bullets--puncturing his skin.'

This is a book that will stay with you for a long time after reading. There are so many life lessons that can be taken away from this and applied to every day life-even without war. I loved the small Christian thread that offered these characters hope.

Overall, this is a book not to be missed. It was so well done on every aspect. I wish I could give this book more than 5 stars because that is what it deserves.

Thanks to the author/publisher and NetGalley for the copy. All thoughts in this review are my own.

Content/Trigger: With any book covering warfare you will see violent content (depictions of battle, death, executions, etc). I thought the author wrote all of it true to the situations, without having to include explicitly detailed descriptions. Sexual assault, consummation between husband and wife/marriage relationships are implied -minimal instances are mentioned but not described. Mention of miscarriage and loss/grief over losing loved ones.
Profile Image for Tiffany - the_chronic_bookworm.
48 reviews3 followers
March 7, 2023
"Trapped in Russia, Filip and the Czechoslovak Legion are determined to win a new country for their people. When Nadia, an aristocratic refugee, stumbles across his path, he offers her the only protection he can: a sham marriage. Their perilous journey across Siberia will put at risk the future of Czechoslovakia, the fate of Russia—and their hearts."

This is by far the best book I have read in a while. From the moment I began reading I had a difficult time putting it down. This book pulls you into a world of action packed adventure with a slow-burn love story. The characters of Filip and Nadia are beautifully written. I knew I was rooting for this couple the instant they met. All of the characters are amazing and well developed. You get a true sense of how those who lived this piece of history must have felt as they experienced such hardship with determination to make the world a better place for themselves and those who will come after them.

The history of this story is one I sadly didn't know anything about. It is well researched and I love that the author includes maps to help the reader follow along with the geography of the story.

As a content warning there is some off page sexual assault, while I know that can be triggering for some this author handles it honestly and respectfully. I applaud her for that.

This is the first book I've read by this author and I'm so glad I did. A.L. Sowards takes readers on a journey of hope, love, and resiliency reminding us all of the importance to fight for what we believe in and never give up even when all seems lost.

*I received an eARC of this book from the author and Covenant Communications. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Julie.
Author 50 books584 followers
March 8, 2023
This epic tale set during World War I will change your perspective not only of what happened then, but perhaps on current events that are happening in our world today.

Filip has long held the dream of a free and independent Czechoslovakia. He is part of the Czechoslovak Legion and does all he can to recruit others to his cause. While in Russia, a woman on a horse takes a fall near their encampment. He helps her get home, but can’t seem to forget her. Nadia had an idyllic life until the war broke out. Now she’s lost everything and her entire family has been killed. She is on the run from men who want her dead with no money and nowhere to hide. She sees Filip at a train station and in the chaos of his train leaving, they strike a bargain—he’ll marry her so she can travel to France with him and his regiment. But the longer they are together, the more their feelings grow. With a war raging all around them, and Nadia’s enemies close by, can they ever find a refuge and moment of peace to explore a real future between them?

Ms. Sowards has created a beautiful masterpiece of World War I fiction that highlights a little-known aspect of the war. This book is a tapestry of deep emotions and scars from war and loss, intertwined with light and joy that find a way to shine through the darkness.

Read my full review here: https://latterdaysaintmag.com/book-ch...
Profile Image for Heather Hansen.
175 reviews4 followers
February 4, 2023
If I could I would give this book way more than a five star rating! It's absolutely brilliant! Not only did I learn about something I had no idea about but I became very attached to the four main characters. I know that isn't super uncommon in well written stories, but I've never felt so much empathy and sympathy for a fictional character as I did for Nadia. What truly sets A. L. Sowards apart is her dedication to her research! She finds something in history that sometimes is well known and other times not and brings it to life. I had no idea that the Czech legion existed, but I would like to learn more about it because this story was so captivating!

The characters are incredible! Filip and Nadia are adorable and watching them grow together is beautiful! Anton was an interesting character for me at the beginning and by the end I loved him too! Dalek was also amazing! I honestly can't say enough about this book! It does deal with some hard topics such as miscarriage, but it does it in a beautiful way. I sometimes think writers make these topics rather more uncomfortable, but I didn't feel that way in this book. Brilliantly done!

I received a copy of the book for review purposes from Net Galley, but all thoughts here are my own. A positive review was not expected or asked for.
Profile Image for Katie (hiding in the pages).
3,241 reviews293 followers
March 16, 2023
I enjoy historical fiction because I love learning about hidden bits of history, wrapped up with a bow of fiction. I don't remember learning about this Czechoslovak Legion and the events surrounding its role in the first world war.

I was completely immersed and captivated by the beautifully moving and powerful story found within the pages of this book. Sowards is a master at creating a tale that packs a punch and I've found myself thinking on all I've read for over a week now.

Filip and Nadia went through unspeakable horrors and trials due to this war, yet they were both so inspiring. I was in awe of these characters. I love a marriage of convenience trope and this one delivered a most beautiful love story.

This book will stick with me for a very long time.

Content: war-type violence (not overly graphic descriptions, some injuries, death, disease) miscarriage, off-page rape, mild+ romance (implied between married couples)

*I received a complimentary copy. All opinions expressed are my own and were voluntarily given.*
Profile Image for Cheri.
1,958 reviews64 followers
February 2, 2023
#AWaltzwithTraitors #NetGalley

This book is set in World War I on the Eastern front. A.L. Sowards, knows how to not only research well, but write characters that I came to love.
Nadia is Russian and has lived a life of ease. When circumstances beyond her control, force her to find another way. She finds herself among soldiers, trying to survive. Nadia's, determination and courage touched me.
There were quite a few characters in this book, that I cared about, Filip, Delek,, and Veronika. The story was one that kept me reading, and staying up late.
Profile Image for Cait | GoodeyReads.
2,263 reviews527 followers
March 14, 2023
Thank you to the author and Covenant Communications for an ARC.



This is my first A.L. Sowards book and it will officially not be my last. I was captivated from the start and continually kept wanting to read this to know what happens next. I’m picky when I pick up historical fiction because I prefer reading about less common areas and this has it. 1918 in former Russia? No I have not read any books like this and I loved learning more about this time through the book and the author’s note afterwards (and as a history nerd googling things too).

I loved Nadia’s strength. She could have easily lied down and be done with all that life was handing her, but through her faith (their is a light faith vein throughout) and the kindness of just enough people Nadia kept taking the next step forward. I also adored Filip. He had that passion and deep love for what his country and watching out for those around him. I thought their relationship was sweet (and HELLO marriage of convenience!!). The way multiple things were handled between them gave my heart all the flutters and hope.

This book surprised me by having more than two POVs and I LOVED the addition of the others! With the seeing other snippets of the people around Nadia and Filip, I quickly fell in love with the side characters too. Why I wouldn’t call every ending a happy one, it all did feel beautifully hopeful and true to the unfortunate nature of war.

Overall audience notes:
- Historical Fiction + Romance
- Language: very little
- Romance: closed door between married couples
- Violence: high
- Trigger/Content Warnings: depictions/theme of war, war injuries, gun violence, disease, miscarriage, kidnapping, off-page sexual assault/rape, executions
Profile Image for Mara.
1,261 reviews90 followers
April 13, 2023
One of the reasons I love historical fiction is that I learn things I didn't know about. In this amazing book I learned about the Czechoslovakian Legion and the Trans-Siberian railroad and their part in WWI. "We just wanted to go home. After three hundred years of Hapsburg subjugation, we wanted a country of our own. And this is the story of how we got it, fighting for it half a world away along six thousand miles of snow-covered rail line."

A.L. Sowards intertwines the true story of the Czech soldiers' fight for a country of their own with the tale of a marriage of convenience and survival that turns into love. I don't think my words can do this beautiful story justice. Nadia is from an aristocratic family and has lost everything including all of her family. She's basically running for her life when she sees Filip, a Czech Legion soldier she briefly met before. He offers to marry her so she can escape and we get a tale of what life might have been like for them. I loved watching them interact and fall in love, and although they suffered things most of us can not imagine they also had some wonderful and happy times.

The characters in this book are all amazing and show us what courage and strength look like and that we're capable of handling difficult things, especially when we stand together. The author has a way of bringing her books to life so that I can picture everything and almost feel the Siberian cold.

You can tell how much care the author puts into her research. I love that she includes a glossary of terms and some maps at the beginning of the book to help the reader. There are also amazing author notes at the end which you will not want to skip. If I could give more than 5 stars I would.

I received a complimentary copy from Covenant Communications via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Jeanne Alfveby Crea.
806 reviews82 followers
February 21, 2023
I am a huge fan of historical fiction. I am also a huge fan of Author A.L. Sowards and her latest story. A Waltz with Traitors is captivating! WWI on the Eastern front is not something that I knew much about and I found it fascinating, enough to google for more information after finishing the story. The meticulous research shines through and A.L. Soward's talented storytelling pulls the reader in from the very beginning. From the first line "All we wanted was to go home." to the last line, I couldn't stop turning pages. I highly recommend A Waltz with Traitors for lovers of historical fiction!

"We never intended to take over the Trans-Siberian railway, prolong a civil war, spark the most infamous tsaricide in history, or end up in charge of the Russian Imperial Treasury. We just wanted to go home. The rest was forced on us."

Czechoslovak Legion- "Their brotherhood and their aim to win a country of their own-that was unequivocally the most important goal any of them could ever work toward."

"Terror, tragedy, and a bargain with Filip."

"Prayers gave her comfort, and work with the wounded kept her busy, but he came to mind again and again as the legion fought for control of the railroad."

"God is always there, even when it's too dark to see Him."

From the death of her family members, the loss of her home, to finding the Czechoslovak Legion, to the military campaigns, the camaraderie of the soldiers, the marriage of convenience between a noble soldier and a former Russian aristocrat, a journey of faith, and all the interesting history, I thoroughly enjoyed A Waltz with Traitors!

Thank you to the author for allowing me to read an early copy. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Sheila.
1,309 reviews45 followers
April 29, 2023
A Waltz With Traitors is a history lover's delight. The rich history and setting of this book were not familiar to me but I found it so interesting and learned a lot. A.L. Sowards is such a wonderful storyteller with her colorful descriptions and engaging characters that you quickly bond with.

The setting is Russia where the Czechoslovak Legion is fighting the Bolshevik army during the time period of the Great War of WWI. Filip and Nadia come together because of tragic circumstances and their love develops in a slow, and unusual way. Amongst so much hurt and scars they learn to trust one another.

There is violence in this book as this is about a war, but nothing is described too graphically. At times there was a lot going on as you try to understand the many groups of people fighting and trying to stay alive. I'm always amazed at the amount of research that goes into Soward's writing. I usually am led off into my own research about the topic once I finish the novel.

The ugliness of war is shown in this book and your emotions ride high during the story. Nadia describes war like this, "It is danger and chaos and misery," and you see all of this throughout the pages. This novel is gritty, with brief accounts of violence and assault.

Filip and Nadia's love goes through so many ups and downs but as a reader you are there rooting for them all the way. Their love and devotion feel real.

I enjoyed having the maps, the vocabulary guides, and the beginning and ending author notes. You need to read them all. Overall, historical fiction readers will love this epic and fascinating novel as the characters make their way across frozen Siberia in the thick of war.
Profile Image for Sydney.
1,032 reviews125 followers
March 22, 2023
In a dark time, there can also be hope and romance. Author A.L. Sowards has written an absolutely stunning, intriguing, and heart-wrenching story about a small piece of WWI history that is lesser known. The story focuses on an aristocrat and a Czech soldier who is part of the Czechosolovakian Legion. It’s about a marriage of convenience that will later be annulled, but an unexpected love blossoms between them and they have to choose to either fight for one another or let the war get in the way. Sowards has obviously spent time in detailed research to learn about historical events so that she can portray them in her story. In addition, the characters are realistic and relatable and readers will quickly come to know and fall in love with them. Readers who pick up this story will devour it and will have a hard time putting it down after the turn of the last page. Another excellent and beautiful story from Sowards.

Genre: historical, romance, suspense, WWI
Publisher: Covenant Communications
Publication date: March 14, 2023
Number of pages: 328

Disclosure statement: A complimentary review copy of this book was provided from tour groups, publishers, publicists, authors, and others, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, Or borrowed from Kindle Unlimited, OR borrowed from Deseret Bookshelf, OR pre-ordered/purchased for review, including Audible. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Lucinda.
Author 22 books1,311 followers
February 20, 2023
A very interesting story of a time period I didn't know much about.

Nadia and Filip both have lost and seen/lived through hard things. It's the end of WW1 but there's still war going on all around them. For her to have safe passage, he offers her marriage and she accepts.

It's a story of resilience through unsurmountable obstacles and also hope and love. The historical research is fantastic.

I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley and this is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for MK.
336 reviews12 followers
February 26, 2023
I love historical fiction and I’ve really enjoyed how A.L.Sowards writes about times and places in history that are less talked about.

Her latest book focuses on the formation of Czechoslovakia during WW1. The story involves a Czech soldier, Filip, who had defected from the Russians and a war he never wanted to fight in order to join a Czechoslovakia legion intent on forming their own nation. First they have to get out of Russia though and battle for time and space on the rail line.

Nadia was an aristocrat, whose father was a friend to the tzar. Because of this, the new power in Russia seeks their lives. Her family flees Russia to Ukraine, but it’s not far enough to be safe and she too must also find a way out of Russian controlled land for her freedom.

When Filip offers a marriage of convenience to Nadia to allow her passage with the Czechoslovakia legion out of Russia, both of their lives change.

The book involves exhausting warfare, fascinating politics among all the people in the area, and impressive war strategy. The grit of those who refuse to give up, in the name of freedom, always impresses me.

While I enjoyed the book and was drawn to the characters, it is a war book and included heavy and sometimes triggering topics. If you are a sensitive reader, please reach out and I can answer any questions.

Merged review:

I love historical fiction and I’ve really enjoyed how A.L.Sowards writes about times and places in history that are less talked about.

Her latest book focuses on the formation of Czechoslovakia during WW1. The story involves a Czech soldier, Filip, who had defected from the Russians and a war he never wanted to fight in order to join a Czechoslovakia legion intent on forming their own nation. First they have to get out of Russia though and battle for time and space on the rail line.

Nadia was an aristocrat, whose father was a friend to the tzar. Because of this, the new power in Russia seeks their lives. Her family flees Russia to Ukraine, but it’s not far enough to be safe and she too must also find a way out of Russian controlled land for her freedom.

When Filip offers a marriage of convenience to Nadia to allow her passage with the Czechoslovakia legion out of Russia, both of their lives change.

The book involves exhausting warfare, fascinating politics among all the people in the area, and impressive war strategy. The grit of those who refuse to give up, in the name of freedom, always impresses me.

While I enjoyed the book and was drawn to the characters, it is a war book and included heavy and sometimes triggering topics. If you are a sensitive reader, please reach out and I can answer any questions.
Profile Image for Emily Flynn.
473 reviews11 followers
March 9, 2023
I have never considered the Czech and Slovakian soldiers that fought during the Russian Revolution, nor have I considered the fate of the Noble class outside of the Romanovs. This story brought both of these groups to my knowledge.

A.L. Sowards does a magical job of weaving this tale of survival and love. This is a story of brotherhood and fighting for the one thing that matters so much, home and country, This is a group that didn't have a country that was promised one if they fought. They were well trained and used like pawns.

Seeing this group of men from the inside brought to home the horrors of the wars of the past and present. It gave me a unique perspective of the battles that are waged and fought by the people who do not want them.

A.L. Sowards has a way of bringing the history and the people to life. The love story goes beyond romance. With a marriage of convenience, the story is one of love of country, learning to love each other, and knowing what you would be willing to die for. This story is touching and emotional on so many levels.

I received an early copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Nikita Wells (Kita's Book Nook).
194 reviews33 followers
March 27, 2023
"God is always there, even when it's too dark to see him."

I loved this Russian tale of love and bravery in the face of grave danger!

This book will have you reaching for your tissues often.
The characters will have you rooting for them as they fight for independence and a free nation of their own against a brutal Communist regime in the harsh winter climate of Russia.

This fight is known by several names: The Great War, the Czechoslavakian War, and the Russian Civil War (although like our own "Civil" War, there was really nothing civil about it.)

The faith thread was strong yet subtle in this book, and it was written perfectly. Here's another great quote from the author-

"Faith took effort, but it also gave, in comfort, in perspective, in hope."

The content warning in the front of the book was correct also.
Different atrocities committed during time of war are featured, but nothing is over the top, inappropriate or over-dramatized. There is a character that is gang-raped, but it happens off the page. I appreciate the way the way the author writes with care and tact even when she's writing about heavy issues.
I wouldn't recommend this to young readers, but I would to adult ones.

I received a complimentary paperback copy of this book from the publisher  through Interviews and Reviews.  A positive review was not required of me, and the thoughts above are my own.
Profile Image for Lisa  (Bookworm Lisa).
2,233 reviews200 followers
April 8, 2023
***4.5 stars***

A.L. Sowards has done it again. She has crafted an amazing book featuring a time period in history that I was not familiar with. Her attention to detail is fantastic. She also brings the characters and time to life. I quickly got into the story of Nadia, Filip, and all of their friends.

The story features a time period in Russia where the Czar has been executed and the chaos that ensues as Russians are fighting each other and a band of the Czechoslovak Legion is caught in the middle.

Filip saved Nadia when she was nearly executed by the Communist Russians. She had the "misfortune" of being born the daughter of a Baron. She is given an opportunity to escape and enters into a "fake" marriage with Filip to escape by train. The road ahead is brutal as Philip fights his way to leave Russia and Nadia learns a new way of living. I loved these two characters.

A.L. Sowards is meticulous with the events of the time period. She illustrates the brutality of war and how men treated their fellow men and women. Nadia has a particularly rough go of things. She doesn't go into detail but it is understood how badly she was abused by bandits. The events could be a trigger for those sensitive to sexual abuse and war violence.

I give this book a very high recommendation.

Source: I received a review copy and purchased my own.
Profile Image for Jeanine Reed.
448 reviews13 followers
March 17, 2023
“God is always there, even when it’s too dark to see Him.”

What an outstanding read! With this story you get an in depth, well researched historical with fantastic fictional characters and storylines, multiple POVs, marriage of convenience, slow burn romance, found family; filled with faith, hope, and heartache. Don’t expect a glossed over, light version though. The author gives you an accurate depiction of the struggles, the deaths, the diseases, the deplorable treatment and conditions faced. But this story is not all gloom and doom. You will marvel at the gumption, fortitude, adaptability, and bravery shown. You will rejoice in their successes, weep at their losses, and be humble by their reactions to adversity. Filip and Nadia will steal your heart and your breath.

“My mother used to say that the world is flooded with hardship and sorrow. We’ll only get our fill of joy if we experience it with others when they’re blessed. What we have alone won’t be enough.”
Profile Image for Mattie (Honeycomb Stories).
70 reviews8 followers
March 7, 2023
A Waltz With Traitors was everything I hoped it would be and more. From the beginning I was captivated by the story of the Czechoslovak Legion. After reading the prologue I may have lost myself in a Google image search for a few hours.

As is often the case with A.L. Sowards novels, I had never heard of the Legion before so it was all new information. She does a wonderful job bringing the story to life and weaving information throughout so that all sides of the conflict are understood.

I love that A.L. Sowards was able to bring a story of heartbreak, hope, love, and faith to life. She introduced me to a true story about amazing soldiers and families who fought so hard to win their own country and fought to return home. Their story deserves to be told and I’m so glad A.L. Sowards is sharing it with the world.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews

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