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Masters & Boyd

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Carrick Masters and Edward Boyd have already found true love—it’s the happy ever after that’s eluding them. Between Carrick’s job as an orthopedic surgeon and Ed’s career as a defense attorney, they have hardly any time to spend together, and what time they do have seems to be poisoned by resentment. Carrick and Ed know they need to refocus to make their marriage work, but they seriously need more than a spicy once-a-week date night to get them back on track.

144 pages, ebook

First published December 11, 2010

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About the author

S.J.D. Peterson

51 books1,007 followers
It's been an amazing journey since DSP first contracted Lorcan's Desire in January 2011. I've published 2 free reads with the M/M Romance group, my back list is growing, met some great people and have made some amazing friends.
I'm still in shock that I'm listed among the many talented authors at Dreamspinner Press! The little voice in the back of my head is screaming, "You are so out of your league."
Shhhhh I won't tell them if you don't :)

You can call me Jo, everyone does :)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews
Profile Image for Candice.
932 reviews
February 4, 2012
4.5 This was such a wonderful story from beginning to end and I almost passed it by because of my reluctance to read a book that has BSDM theme or so I thought. I am so glad I read it.

Ed and Carrick have wonderful chemistry (and lots of hot sex) and just fit so perfectly together. The story was a wonderful journey to read, heartbreaking at times for each of them, seeing what they had to go through to make their relationship work when everyday life and careers got in the way. But showing the determination to make their relationship and life together work. They both had to learn that the little things in life that get put aside when you are too busy are so important to keeping your relationship alive and healthy. This book leaves you with the knowledge that with love, communication and work any relationship can make it through and become stronger in the end.
Profile Image for Rissa (an M/M kinda Girl!!).
971 reviews11 followers
January 14, 2014
4.5 stars!

Normally established couple stories where we don't first see the MCs become a couple in a previous book aren't usually books I enjoy so much. (Did that make sense?!) However there was such a perfect picture painted of their relationship from the first time they met and touched hands to where they are now, so it was perfect!

Different twist on BDSM and it fit this couples growing relationship beautifully!! (If you aren't into BDSM or are looking to give it a try, I think this book is a good starter book.)

This book was beautifully written. We see what happens when couples just start to exist around each other and just do their day to day stuff and forget about all those little (and sometimes big) things that used to happen the relationship that had you feeling like you mattered to the other more than work.

Awesome Job! I'd love to catch up with these guys one day. :)
Profile Image for BevS.
2,812 reviews2 followers
July 3, 2013

This was a freebie on DSP I think when I got it. Definitely worth the money I would have paid otherwise like all of Jo Peterson's books. 4.5 stars and

This story features Carrick, a surgeon and Ed, a lawyer who meet when Ed is sitting outside the hospital one day and Carrick asks if he can share the bench Ed is sitting on. It's a very romantic tale, the only downside being the two men both have extremely hectic lives and schedules, and eventually after they get married, seem to be drifting farther and farther apart and having communication difficulties...happens to the best of us, guys!! How they work through those problems and what they do to ensure that they don't recur is for you to find out.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
January 12, 2017
3.5 stars

Very nice BDSM story about Ed and Carrick, who are married, but struggling with their everyday lives and how to make enough time for each other.

I really loved how real this felt. How it wasn’t all rainbows and sunshine, but not angsty either. I never doubted the love Carrick and Ed had for each other. It was obvious they would do anything to keep their marriage on the right track.

And when they added a little kink, it just fit them. They slowly went from a little bondage to some spanking. They never went as far as having a full D/s relationship, but they did enjoy the different power dynamics in the bedroom.
Profile Image for Don Bradshaw.
2,427 reviews100 followers
February 11, 2012
Reviewed on HeOn Fire... http://heartsonfirereviews.com/

Anyone who tells you that keeping a marriage/partnership healthy and fresh is easy is a liar. This very well written book tells the truth about the time and effort necessary to keep the romance alive. Carrick Masters is a successful doctor and his husband Ed Boyd is a lawyer. Both men have crazy and unpredictable schedules and their marriage is suffering because of them. Either Ed feels neglected or Carrick does so they try having a date night which doesn't cut it once they start having to cancel do to their jobs. They introduce some Dom/Sub and light BDSM into their sex lives but that only works when they are both home. Finally as a last ditch effort, they cut back on their work hours. The story is very well written and reads easily. I enjoyed the characters Ed and Carrick and could feel their intense love and frustration. The sex scenes are well put together and the BDSM adds some zip. I'd recommend this book to anyone in a marriage or thinking about one.
Profile Image for Susan65.
1,609 reviews51 followers
February 4, 2012
What a great little story. Ed and Carrick have been happily married for three years when life, jobs, and long hours start to take a toll on their relationship. They slowly start to drift a part and then struggle to find ways to save their marriage. I loved many aspects of this story. It was funny, sweet, angsty and smokin hot. The only thing i would have changed is a longer, more indepth story. A great read, highly recommended.
Profile Image for T.A. Webb.
Author 32 books629 followers
March 24, 2012
Carrick Masters met Ed Boyd while he was an intern. Their brief conversation on a bench outside the hospital where Ed's dad was taken after an accident led the young intern and lawyer to begin to see one another. And to love.

But three years after their marriage, the demands of his specialty draws Carrick's attentions more than the love of his partner. After missing one too many milestones, putting his work and studies first, and making Ed feel less than, Carrick needs a wake up call.

When he misses their third anniversary dinner, that may be it. The last straw for Ed. The slap in the face Carrick needs.

So Carrick puts his focus on the most important thing in his life - Ed. And inadvertently, he discovers a new way of expressing himself and his love to Ed. Because Ed, he really gets off on the blindfold Carrick puts on him to take him to a surprise. Which leads to talk about tying him up.

Which leads to a whole new understanding of their relationship. What's important to them.

SJD Peterson has given us a glimpse into what happens after the ring is on the finger and the commitment made. There is more to life together than the initial joy and glow of a relationship. There is the life after Happily Met.

And what a journey this is. Ed and Carrick are two wonderful men, happy in life, successful, but by no means complete. Ed is unhappy with the direction Carrick's obsession with his career is taking him, and Carrick, he is so focused on being someone else's version of success, he almost loses his most precious item in life - Ed.

We get to see them slowly realize there is more to life than work. That there are always depths to plumb in love, and many ways to satisfy each other. That it's never too late to discover what makes your partner happy when you simply pay attention.

Ms. Peterson does here what she does so well - gives us solid interesting men we can care about, shows us what's important to them, and lets us watch as they make those discoveries with each other. She adds layers of texture, color, shading and love to her men, and let us fall in love with them as much as they fall for each other.

And she never sells them, or us, short. She lets us into their joy and their pain, always emotionally connected and honest.

She shows us love, not as a shiny bauble to be put on a shelf, but as a favorite treasure taken out of your pocket and admired over and over, the edges frayed and the finish worn from so much handling. Something that is looked at, cared for and valued.

That's why I love her books, her men so much. They are true to life.

Great book.

Profile Image for Sucajo.
739 reviews65 followers
February 3, 2012
I loved this book from beginning to end! Ed and Carrick have been married for 3 years and are very much in love but their HEA is heading downhill. They both work too much and are finding it difficult to spend enough quality time together. They seem to be continually letting each other down. The book spans 2 years of their relationship and we see how they reach rock bottom and begin to try to save their marriage. The chemistry between the 2 MC's is amazing and it was nice for a change to read about an established couple and to watch how their relationship changed over the years.
Profile Image for Logan.
173 reviews15 followers
February 5, 2012
I fell in love with these guys way back...that has not changed. This was a really greaty story. It certainly mirrored the issues we all face in our day to day lives. I loved the intensity with which the characters felt for each other. There were just a few loose ends that gave me pause...not sure if the author is planning on intruducing theses characters elsewhere or not. Over all, a great great read.
Profile Image for Mandy*reads obsessively* .
2,197 reviews332 followers
March 31, 2012
Thanks to Anke and Candice for reading this first and telling me it was safe for me!
I'm not much of a D/s or BDSM fan, but I will try them, and this book was so much more, usually I find the D/s is the story, here it was the love and relationship and the kinky was just an extension or another layer to add to that!
Profile Image for Vivian.
2,883 reviews476 followers
June 22, 2013
Beautifully done story of an established couples' growth; how they work to make their relationship successful and find something special at the same time.

Favorite quote:
It was the first time he’d ever wanted to spend time with someone more than he did Carrick, and it felt like a crack opening in his heart.
Profile Image for Valérie.
1,107 reviews1 follower
March 16, 2014
Chronique d'un amour infini...

Ou comment la vie et ses contraintes peuvent détruire un couple qui pourtant s’aime à la folie. C’est la seconde histoire que je lis de cette auteure, mais si j’avais apprécié le précédent « Pup » je préfère nettement la romance de celui-ci. C’est une histoire d’amour que n’importe qui pourrait vivre. C’est l’histoire d’un couple qui s’aime profondément mais que la vie moderne a érodée au fur et à mesure, tous ces petits tracas que nous subissons tous et qui font que nous n’avons plus le temps pour notre mari où notre femme.

Je trouve l’idée de l’auteure pour construire son histoire très originale, cette construction convient tout à fait à cette romance. Le début du récit commence par la fin heureuse puis nous retournons en arrière trois ans auparavant, à partir du moment où la vie trépidante de nos deux héros commence à dégrader leur couple. Pas à pas, l’auteure nous explique par les pensées de Ed comment ils s’en sont arrivés là, mais jamais avec un ton dramatique ou apitoyant. Non, simplement des faits crédibles, comme le retard à un rendez-vous important, un baiser vite fait où avant était échangée une étreinte passionnée, le geste machinal pour présenter son compagnon. Toutes ces petites attentions qui font que l’on se sente important pour la personne que l’on aime. Jusqu’au jour de trop où l’un des amants décide de prendre le taureau par les cornes.

C’est Ed, le moins sûr de lui qui va s’y coller ne supportant plus l’indifférence involontaire de Carrick, il lui propose que tous les deux s’organisent des rendez-vous épicés pour se retrouver vraiment ensemble. Lors de ces rendez-vous, ils vont non seulement réapprendre à profiter vraiment l’un de l’autre, mais également changer leur sexualité avec des pratiques qu’ils ne pensaient pas apprécier. Tout ce que Carrick et Ed entreprennent pour sortir leur couple de la routine est crédible, bon peut-être pas le bondage et la fessée, mais l’ensemble du chemin qu’ils vont parcourir sonne juste.

J’ai adoré cette histoire d’amour toute simple, parsemée de passages romantiques ou torrides, il est rafraichissant de pouvoir se mettre à la place des personnages (dans une certaine mesure) en se disant que cela pourrait nous arriver, c’est une fiction mais les personnages sont « humains, normaux ». C’est une histoire très positive et très bien écrite, un récit réaliste sur la façon dont la vie réelle peut vous amener à vous éloigner l’un de l’autre. Nous les observons travailler lentement sur leur chemin du retour vers l'autre, sans drame, à leur rythme sachant qu’ils vont y réussir puisque nous avons la fin heureuse et c’est cela qui est fascinant.
Profile Image for Vastine Bondurant.
Author 3 books44 followers
August 30, 2012
I've been waiting for this book since I first met the sexy couple of Masters and Boyd as a very short, free read.

And, finally, I got to read the book which was spawned from that bit of teasing goodness.

What can I say? Ah! A long, satisfied 'Ah!'.

I loved the twist S.J.D. Peterson put to this novel---starting with the happy ending and going backwards, full circle back to the present-day, happy place.

What I loved even more was the fact Peterson just offered a simple, sexy story about the struggles of a couple trying keep those fires burning in the relationship. It was a refreshing change to read a story where the only angst was just pure, real human nature, reminding the reader that sometimes the 'flaws' in humans are simply that they ARE human. Sometimes, as is the wonderful case with this book, an author can endear us to the characters just by letting them BE, letting them be normal just like us.

'Masters and Boyd' is an extremely sexy read. Steamy, make-you-squirm-in-your-chair sexy. The couple begin experimenting---then really enjoying---a Dom/Submissive relationship and this gal's here to tell you it was intense and sensual. Especially this one scene where.....ah, no! I almost spilled it! No. You read it yourself. It will be SO worth it.
Profile Image for Kristie.
1,170 reviews77 followers
July 18, 2013

Carrick and Ed are a loving couple. They really love each other. When life gets in the way, they both need to find a way back to what they once had before work started to get in the way. Their relationship is so real and true. This kind of things happen in relationships all the time and at no point did I feel like situations or responses were over the top, unbelievable, or completely unreal. The emotions that Carrick and Ed have are shown on the page so well, I'd swear that Jo was living this while writing it. She's already got me sold on every book she writes from now on, but this really solidified it. The sweet love between these two characters warmed my heart.

A side note... I really wish we'd get to know David more and find out what the deal is with Edgar and him. Fun little nugget at the end.
Profile Image for Mercedes.
1,140 reviews95 followers
January 22, 2014
The best part I liked about this book is that it is about an established couple. This book is about Ed and Carrick. They have been together for a few years, married for two when they realize that they are barely paying attention to the other. So the book is about how they go about getting and keeping that spark going. I believe the book starts with a prologue 5 years after they are married. Then on Chap 1 they go back to when they have been married two years and then the story continues forward. Very cute story and not heavy on the bdsm at all actually. Or maybe I have read levels of kinky fuckery high enough that I think this was "light" lol!
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,123 reviews252 followers
January 17, 2020
Our married couple has new discoveries !

Here we have an established couple, two professionals who discovers they have some kinks, they never took time to explore. We can see how deeply they love each other. Carrick is a Doctor, and Ed, a lawyer. They begin lightly, take their pleasure seriously, and culminate with a “rape play” episode.
There really should be a trigger warning for that play.
The near end, jaw dropping sighting, was not resolved.

But the men’s love and passion is not in question.
Profile Image for Shelba.
2,495 reviews80 followers
November 9, 2022
DNF @ 17%.

This starts with a prologue that is a 15 page D/s scene. BDSM themes are generally not my cuppa, so I do prefer a heads up when it’s there so I can avoid if if I’m not in the mood for it.

Not to mention, Masters is a Dom and is referred to as “Master” and Boyd is a sub and referred to as “boy”… if that wasn’t an intentional pun, than those are the most ridiculous name choices.

And then chapter 1 does a backward jump to 2 years previously, and within that chapter, there’s a flashback to three years before then. Then you have drama llama Masters act the dick, but do an immediate about turn and conflict resolved when he realizes he done fucked up. That’s a bit too much I don’t like going on so early in the book.
Profile Image for L-D.
1,478 reviews64 followers
February 10, 2012
For those of you who are not part of the M/M Romance Group, you may not know that the first chapter of this book is a short story that was part of the Stuff Your Stocking series. This was a great compilation of free short stories from M/M authors that take an interesting photo submitted by readers, and create a story centered around the photo. I loved this series of stories and the way the authors bring the photos to life. To see the photo that inspired the first chapter of this book, click here. *WARNING* photo depicts male nudity and M/M situation. You will likely have to be an M/M Romance member to access this link as well.

I thought it was extremely creative of S.J.D. Peterson to turn his short into a full length novel and I thought he did a wonderful job. I liked Masters and Boyd as a short story, but liked it even more as book. I learned so much more about Ed, a junior partner in his father's law firm, and Carrick, a successful doctor with a very busy schedule. The real-life issues that they dealt with trying to make their marriage work made me really connect with them. Their problems are problems that regular people like me deal with every day.

I enjoyed this book a lot and while there are BDSM elements to it, Mr. Peterson shows how their D/s behavior evolved throughout the years and how it was about trust and letting yourself go with the person you love the most. Very nice story with great characters. I'd love to see what happens with David in possibly a sequel. Although Edgar? Really creepy.
Profile Image for Beck.
893 reviews48 followers
September 7, 2012
This was an interesting twist to the BDSM theme. Masters & Boyd were already in an established, vanilla relationship when kink was introduced to the mix. Peterson wrote a very believable tale & it was interesting to read about men discovering their innate dominant & submissive natures. The lengths Carrick went to when designing/implementing scenes was a good way to illustrate the genuine love between the couple. The angst was believable & not contrived too. The reason I didn't give it a higher rating is that I just didn't really engage with the characters. I didn't connect with them at all which was a disappointment because it was a well written & well crafted book. The only 'what the?' moment was the odd doppelganger twist at the end. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend the book but I probably won't re-read it.
Profile Image for Lily.
3,877 reviews48 followers
April 8, 2012
3.5 stars

Three years into their marriage Carrick and Ed are finding it hard to connect. The stress of their time consuming jobs has created a distance between them that they're barely aware of at first and it's going to take some hard work on both of their parts to find each other again. Will they be able to do it before their relationship completely disintegrates?

This was a nice story. I liked both men and was invested in them from beginning to end. Pretty darn hot too!
Profile Image for Becky Condit.
2,377 reviews67 followers
March 12, 2012
4 1/2 stars!

I struggled right along with Carrick and Ed, wanting to hit each of them up the side of the head from time to time for being prideful and stubborn, but rejoicing along with them in their very satisfying HEA. Another well-done, very enjoyable character analysis by Ms. Peterson.

See my complete review at http://mrsconditreadsbooks.com/index.... (March 13, 2012)
Profile Image for Pamela Su.
1,168 reviews30 followers
August 30, 2015
Established couple stories aren't really my thing. Coming into the story, I felt a little confused as to the setting of the story so it took me awhile before I could connect with the characters.

But I did like reading the way Carrick and Edward deal with the highs and lows of their relationship. Romance is easy. A relationship is hard. And this story depicts this beautifully.
Profile Image for SJ.
1,919 reviews22 followers
July 11, 2023
All the stars for one of the hottest prompt photos I have seen at Goodreads. Oh, my. ����
The BDSM was liberally coated with coconut oil and Caribbean sex. I love a good twist and this Master/boy story provided an enjoyable one.
I read this story at the Goodreads MM Romance Group under the ‘Stuff Your Stocking’ heading for this group of short stories.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 92 reviews

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