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Charlie Bucket #1

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

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When Charlie Bucket finds himself the proud winner of a Golden Ticket in a chocolate bar, he knows he has the greatest treat in the world in store for him. Join Charlie on his fantastic world-famous adventures in Willy Wonka's miraculous chocolate factory, where he sees strawberry-juice water pistols, luminous lollipops, a chocolate river, and rainbow drops -- and has the time of his life. Performed by Eric Idle.

4 pages, Audiobook

First published January 17, 1964

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About the author

Roald Dahl

1,155 books25.3k followers
Roald Dahl was a British novelist, short story writer and screenwriter of Norwegian descent, who rose to prominence in the 1940's with works for both children and adults, and became one of the world's bestselling authors.

Dahl's first published work, inspired by a meeting with C. S. Forester, was Shot Down Over Libya. Today the story is published as A Piece of Cake. The story, about his wartime adventures, was bought by the Saturday Evening Post for $900, and propelled him into a career as a writer. Its title was inspired by a highly inaccurate and sensationalized article about the crash that blinded him, which claimed he had been shot down instead of simply having to land because of low fuel.

His first children's book was The Gremlins, about mischievous little creatures that were part of RAF folklore. The book was commissioned by Walt Disney for a film that was never made, and published in 1943. Dahl went on to create some of the best-loved children's stories of the 20th century, such as Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda and James and the Giant Peach.

He also had a successful parallel career as the writer of macabre adult short stories, usually with a dark sense of humour and a surprise ending. Many were originally written for American magazines such as Ladies Home Journal, Harper's, Playboy and The New Yorker, then subsequently collected by Dahl into anthologies, gaining world-wide acclaim. Dahl wrote more than 60 short stories and they have appeared in numerous collections, some only being published in book form after his death. His stories also brought him three Edgar Awards: in 1954, for the collection Someone Like You; in 1959, for the story "The Landlady"; and in 1980, for the episode of Tales of the Unexpected based on "Skin".

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Profile Image for Patrick.
Author 70 books238k followers
January 13, 2014
Tonight I just finished reading Charlie and the Chocolate factory with my son. This is the first chapter book I've read all the way through with him. And it was a ton of fun.

First off, I'll admit that I love the movie. I grew up with it. (I'm talking about the Gene Wilder version, of course.)I'll even admit to liking the movie better than the book. Which is something that doesn't happen very often with me.

That said, the book is really, really good. It held my four-year old's attention. It's silly, and it's fun.

And it's DARK.

For those of you who haven't read the book, let me underline this fact for you. Dahl takes pains to really detail the fact that Charlie and his family aren't just hungry and poor. They're destitute. Charlie sleeps on a mattress on the floor. In the winter they are cold, and they're starving to death.

And if you think I'm exaggerating on that last point, I'm not. One of the chapters is titled: The Family Begins to Starve.

But you know what? I like this book better because of that. It's not sanitized pablum written by committee to be inoffensive. It's the story of a little boy who is in a fucking awful situation, but he is still good and kind and polite and then something really nice happens to him.

That's a trope I can get behind.

Its it a good book to read with your kids? Absolutely.

That said, allow me to tangent off and share my thoughts as a total bastard:

If Willie Wonka actually hired workers and paid them a living wage, maybe Charlie Bucket wouldn't be starving to death in the first place.

Follow me here. Wonka is effectively running a company where everyone is paid in scrip. The Oompa Loompas are paid, quite literally, in beans. Beans that I'm guessing he has the Oompa Loompas themselves growing in some huge underground cavern.

Let's not even get into the ethical tarpit of the fact that Wonka uproots an entire indigenous culture and enslaves them. Let's just look at this from a raw numbers point of view. Pure economics.

The Oompa Loompas work in the factory. They are not paid. They never leave the factory. That means they don't pay rent. They don't buy groceries. They don't go to the movies, or take taxis ,or buy clothes.

But *everyone* buys Wonka's chocolate.

That means that money goes into the factory, but it doesn't come back out into the town.

As a result, the local economy is crap. And it's because of this that Charlie's dad can't get a decent job. What's more, it's because of this that his dad *loses* his shitty job, and his family is starving to death.

Willie Wonka isn't a childlike magic maker. He's a billionaire corporate fuckwit. He's the candy equivalent of Monsanto. There's no government oversight there. Osha would never have approved that bullshit boiled sweet boat and chocolate river. No. Dude is untouchable.

And don't tell me he isn't. That shit that goes on with the other kids? Nobody even *thinks* of suing him. None of the parents even *hint* at it. He probably owns half the judges in the state, and a handful of senators, too.

He's a fucking supervillian. And I would paid serious money to see a story where Batman kicks his ass.

*End Rant*

In closing, let me share something that Oot said while I was reading him this book:

"Dad, Willie Wonka is just a regular human, but he *is* a little bit of a wizard like you."
Profile Image for Grace Tjan.
187 reviews565 followers
July 11, 2010
Jess, my 7 year old little girl, gives it 5 stars.

Comments while reading:

“How come someone is called ‘Gloop’? And ‘Salt’? Isn’t that the thing that we use for cooking?”

“What is ‘spoiled’? Oh, okay, I’m NOT spoiled.”

“Huh, Grandpa Joe is 96 years old?! How come that he’s even older than my grandpa?”

“How come Charlie’s dad can’t work at the toothpaste factory anymore? What does ‘bankrupt’ mean?”

“Will Charlie ever get the golden ticket?”

“Yes! Charlie found it!”

“Mr. Wonka looks like a clown!”

“How come Oompa-Loompas only eat mashed up caterpillars? EEW!”

“Augustus Gloop got sucked up into the pipe because he was GREEDY.”

“Will Violet ever be all right again or will she always be a blueberry?”

“I want these:

So I can sleep on it and eat it little by little.

It would be great if I can have it in my room, so every time I want an orange or banana, I can just lick it.

So that I don’t have to use my night light anymore. But what happens when it’s finished?

So that I can eat it in class! But I don’t think Miss Ayu will like it if I do that.”

“These are just silly! Mr. Wonka likes to invent strange things!

Who wants to have their hot drinks even hotter?

Won’t your body be tingling and itchy all over if you swim in there? It’s fizzy like Coca Cola, right?”

“But the funniest thing is that SQUARE CANDY THAT LOOKS ROUND! I’m going to tell dad about it and then all my friends at school!”

“I like it when Mr. Wonka says to Mrs. Salt, “My dear old fish, go boil your head!” Mr. Wonka used to be more polite and now he is getting rude.”

“Mike Teavee got very small because he is sent through the TV. No, I don’t watch too much TV like him.”

“This song about watching too much TV is too LONG. Just skip it.”

“I don’t think anything bad will happen to Charlie, because he’s good. Also, it is written in the front of the book that he is THE HERO.”

“What? Charlie got the whole factory? That’s because he’s GOOD.”

“I want a chocolate candy and I want more books by Roald Dahl!”
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews163k followers
June 18, 2021
Everything in this room is edible. Even I'm edible. But, that would be called canibalism. It is looked down upon in most societies.
Everyone knows this story. Little Charlie Bucket lives with his parents and both sets of grandparents. They all depend on his father for money and he just lost his job. They're running out of food, fuel and money when (just in time) Charlie find a golden ticket.

This golden ticket allows him and two guardians into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory for a tour. Charlie and Grandpa Joe set off into the wild unknowns.
(Aside: anyone else annoyed that bedridden Gpa Joe can walk once there's chocolate involved? I'm calling foul. The muscular atrophy alone...)
Charlie is joined by four spoiled brats (who are slowly offed along the journey) and their terrible parents (only some of which are offed during the adventure).

Most macabre-ly, the Oompa-Loompas sing a song at the demist of each child. For example, gum chewer extraordinaire (Violet Beauregarde) tries a test gum (despite Willy Wonka's discouragements) and is subsequently turned into a blueberry.

Her Oompa-Loompa song include a set of stanzas regarding how one gum-chewing woman starting chewing in her sleep, accidentally chewed her tongue off and lives in an asylum - it gets pretty dark, pretty fast. I really wonder what Dahl had against gum...

My favorite part was the actual tour and reading about all the crazy thing that Wonka had hidden in his factory. For example, when Charlie and the gang running after Willy Wonka, he is able to read the labels on some of the doors they pass:





I don't even care what happened to the other four kids - Sign. Me. Up

The 2018 PopSugar Reading Challenge - A book mentioned in another book

Audiobook Comments
As with Roald Dahl's other audiobooks, this was a full production. The sound effects just made this book go from a 4.5 to a 5. Seriously!

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews380 followers
September 8, 2021
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Charlie Bucket #1), Roald Dahl

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a 1964 children's novel by British author Roald Dahl.

The story features the adventures of young Charlie Bucket inside the chocolate factory of eccentric chocolatier Willy Wonka. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was first published in the United States by Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. in 1964.

The book has been adapted into two major motion pictures: Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory in 1971, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory in 2005.

The book's sequel, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, was written by Roald Dahl in 1971 and published in 1972. Dahl had also planned to write a third book in the series but never finished it.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: ماه جولای سال 2002میلادی

عنوان: چارلی و کارخانه ی شکلات‌سازی؛ نویسنده: رولد دال؛ مترجم: فتح الله جعفری جوزانی؛ تهران، روشنفکران و مطالعات زنان، 1375، در159ص؛ مصور، شابک 9645512476؛ موضوع: داستانهای نوجوانان از نویسندگان بریتانیا - سده 20م

عنوان: چارلی و کارخانه شکلات‌سازی؛ نویسنده: رولد دال؛ مترجم: شهلا طهماسبی؛ تهران، نشر مرکز، کتاب مریم، 1376، در 175ص؛ مصور، شابک9643052702؛

عنوان: چارلی و کارخانه ی شکلات‌سازی؛ نویسنده: رولد دال؛ مترجم: محبوبه نجف خانی؛ تهران، نشر افق، کتابهای فندق، 1384، در 238ص؛ مصور، تصویرگر کوئنتین بلیک؛ شابک 9789643692186؛

عنوان: چارلی و کارخانه ی شکلات‌سازی؛ نویسنده: رولد دال؛ مترجم: مهناز داوودی؛ تهران، محراب قلم، 1390، در 132ص، شابک9786001030703؛

عنوان: چارلی و کارخانه ی شکلات‌سازی؛ نویسنده: رولد دال؛ مترجم: علی هداوند؛ تهران، کارگاه فیلم و گرافیک سپاس، 1393، در 132ص، شابک9786006767123؛

داستان درباره ی کودک فقیری است، که بسیار به خوردن شکلات علاقه دارد، اما چون فقیر است نمی‌تواند، او موفق می‌شود، که کارخانه شکلات‌سازی که متعلق به شخصی به نام «ویلی وانکا» است را از نزدیک ببینید؛ و ...؛

نقل از متن برگردان خانم «مهناز داوودی»: (1 - بفرمایید، این هم چارلی!؛ این دو پیرمرد و پیرزن، پدر و مادر آقای باکت هستند؛ نام آنها پدربزرگ جو و مادربزرگ ژوزفین است؛ این دو پیرمرد و پیرزن، پدر و مادر خانم باکت هستند؛ نام آنها، پدربزرگ جورج و مادربزرگ جورجینا است؛ این، آقای باکت است؛ این، خانم باکت است؛ خانم و آقای باکت، یک پسر کوچک به نام چارلی دارند؛ این، چارلی است. حال شما چه طور است؟ احوال شما چه طور است؟؛ خب امیدوارم که حال شما خوب باشد. تمام افراد این خانواده، یعنی شش نفر بزرگ سال (آنها را بشمار!) با چارلی باکت کوچولو، در یک خانه ی کوچک چوبی در کنار یک شهر بزرگ زندگی می کنند. این خانه برای این افراد خیلی کوچک بود و آن ها به طور زجر آوری در آن عمرشان را سپری می کردند. در آن اتاق، فقط یک تخت وجود داشت. آن تخت به افراد بسیار پیر اختصاص داشت)؛ پایان نقل

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 18/07/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Lyn.
1,933 reviews17.1k followers
February 5, 2020
Gene Wilder June 11, 1933 - August 29, 2016 - Goodbye Gene, you'll always be Willy Wonka to me.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl first published in 1964 was an immediate children��s classic and has inspired two film versions.

I was surprised to see that neither of the films came close to Dahl’s text. Dahl’s Willy Wonka is a dark creature who killed children, crushed their bones and baked them into the candy bars.


Just kidding.

This is of course a delightful children’s / young adult fantasy featuring the inimitable Willy Wonka. The 1971 musical film directed by Mel Stuart and featuring Gene Wilder and Jack Albertson has long been a family favorite and I grew up loving the songs and Wilder’s performance. (Interestingly, according to IMDB – so you know its true – Peter Ostrum, the child actor who portrayed Charlie Bucket, only ever appeared in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, it was his only film credit. He is now a veterinarian).

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Tim Burton’s 2005 adaptation starring Johnny Depp and Christopher Lee was also very entertaining and I have enjoyed watching it as well.

So it was no surprise that I finally got around to reading Dahl’s original novel. I was curious to see which film version came closest to Dahl’s vision, and I can surprisingly report that though they both come close to the original text, both rely heavily on artistic license and the kind of freedoms a director will often take when translating a literary work into film.

Brilliant, quirky, and original this is a short work that a fan of the films, or of children’s fantasy literature should take the time to thoroughly enjoy.

Profile Image for Jan-Maat.
1,615 reviews2,267 followers
November 23, 2019
Slightly odd story of virtuous poverty rewarded by the evil capitalist who caused the poverty by firing all his workers in favour of employing non-human immigrants.

Unemployment from the chocolate factory, apparently the only consumer of labour in the otherwise stagnant economy of Charlie's home town, (proving I suppose that an excess of chocolate is really bad for you both economically and physically) requires that all of his grandparents have to live and sleep in one bed while the family slowly starves. Evidently the social contract is relentlessly one-sided in Charlie's country.

Willy Wonka, the owner of the chocolate factory, a man who makes Charles Montgomery Burns look reasonable, holds a competition to allow a small number of children into his factory to select one of them to be his successor.

Charlie wins one of the tickets. The hard school of his poverty having made him virtuous, he manages to survive all the other children whose gross moral turpitudes cause them to be eliminated.

Having won the right to become Willy Wonka's successor he wins himself a sequel adventure, but this involves travelling to the moon in an elevator rather than changing the employment practises of the factory and the introduction of a living wage. Proving, I suppose, there is a limit to the amount of fantasy you can fed a child before it becomes completely unbelievable.
Profile Image for Lisa of Troy.
775 reviews6,461 followers
August 17, 2024
Genius tale with memorable characters and delicious fantasy

Lately, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been the subject of many headlines because it is frequently on the banned books list.

So what gives?

Willy Wonka announces a contest for five lucky children to visit his candy factory.

These five characters are some of the most memorable in all of literature:
Augustus Gloop
Veruca Salt
Violet Beauregarde
Mike Teavee
Charlie Bucket

Dahl has been accused of fat shaming, sexism, and racism.

In the book, Augustus Gloop is described as “enormously fat," “great flabby folds of fat bulged out from every part of his body," “two small greedy curranty eyes," and a “repulsive boy.”

However, the shopkeeper is also described as fat, and he protects Charlie when a mob descends on the young boy.

The fat shaming certainly hasn’t aged well. However, should an author be so heavily censored? Should we, as readers, only listen to views that we whole-heatedly agree, creating an echo chamber for ourselves?

If we were to throw away this work, it would deprive the world of a case study in how to craft memorable characters. And the imagination of Roald Dahl is dazzling!

There are a few differences between the movie and the book, but (channeling Reading Rainbow) you don’t have to take my word for it.

A delight for the fantastic

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Profile Image for Matthew.
1,221 reviews9,751 followers
February 11, 2020
My 2020 adventure revisiting some of my classic favorites from childhood with my kids continues! I just finished reading them Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and they loved it! I continue to feel great warmth and joy with the fact that they ask about reading time with as much enthusiasm as when they ask about tablet time. In fact, if they happen to be on tablets when I declare it is time to read, they drop them immediately and curl up on the couch. It is pretty awesome!

Charlie and Willy Wonka bring back a lot of nostalgia for me. I watched the movie and read the book (and its sequel) several times as a child. It was one of those stories I could watch/read over and over again without a break between. I didn’t care for the more recent movie they made, but if it encouraged others to go back and read the book and watch the original, then that is a good thing!

One thing I will say that I don’t remember quite as much from my child years, but I notice when revisiting as an adult – Willy Wonka is kind of a jerk. As I was reading it out loud to the kids I kept thinking, this is funny, but I hope they don’t end up thinking that acting this way is appropriate! Sure, there were lessons to be learned about the bad behavior and habits of the kids in the book, but Wonka is pretty ruthless about pointing out their flaws. I think he would do quite well as a Twitter troll today!

Up next we will be watching the movie with the kids. However, I do remember a few things from watching it years ago that we may have to fast forward through . . . more for my sake than for theirs!

Profile Image for Henry Avila.
512 reviews3,306 followers
April 2, 2024
Somewhere in the cold climate of the northern United States, lived a poor little boy....constant hunger dominates his existence , freezing winds in the winter, flakes of snow falling down on his parent's shamble of a structure, the home they live in, on the outskirts of a large city, with his hard- pressed father and mother , four grandparents in a bed the ancients never leave , their small residence ready to collapse , cannot keep the weather out, Charlie dreams...food to eat not cabbage soup the only thing they can afford, the endless, bleak atmosphere; his shrinking body gets weaker and life is just one big pain... However a flicker of hope for the child Charlie Bucket, the chocolate factory he passes twice a day going to school and coming back home, owned by the most successful candy maker in the world , marvelous Willy Wonka, is having a contest for children. Five Golden Tickets wrapped in his scrumptious chocolate bars will get them a tour of the fabulous building , secrets inside never revealed to the public and a lifetime supply. Chocolates ... delicious , tasty , mouthwatering flavor, finger licking , the smell alone causes the imagination to flow , a heavenly treat...that will forever be, just stretch your hand and grab another ...Ten cents, where can he get that to buy the candy, but his birthday is soon and the family every year gives him this for a present, they have saved a few coins. Silly idea, all the millions of rich kids on the planet buying and buying tremendous amounts of chocolate bars and he...has no chance to win, once in a blue moon, the saying goes . Still somebody does and miracles happen to the unlikely, sometimes. .. As he is walking home in the low temperatures from school. His stomach empty, his body shivering and the wonderful aroma permeating from Willy Wonka's factory, the dejected boy sees something sticking out of the snow. A dollar bill...he picks it up , goes to the nearest store...and no luck, thinks maybe he will try again...happiness underneath the candy bar...a Golden Ticket. Later Charlie's adventures with his Grandfather Joe, so thrilled he rises from his bed after so many years, and does a dance when his grandson wins... Inside the strange Mr. Wonka's unbelievable , humongous building, mostly hidden underground. The secrets amaze little Charlie, the four others, all spoiled children, too, with their permissive , timid parents...
Remarkable new candies, "almost ready " for the public, a chocolate river, the splendid boat on it, a glass elevator not going just up and down but sideways also, numerous rooms with closed, locked doors...
Mysterious noises heard from inside, what's happening ? The greatest discovery though are the Oompa-Loompas, tiny, intelligent people, the diligent workers here, who love to sing delightful songs just made- up, as they toil and stroll, making fun of the weird, stunned visitors. Only technicolor could adequately show the beauty of this gloriously enchanted place...
Profile Image for David Putnam.
Author 19 books1,852 followers
January 27, 2020
This is one of my most memorable books. I didn't read, it was read to me by my fifth grade teacher a wonderful woman who introduced me to the magnificent world of books. Everyday after lunch we would come into class put our heads down on the desk and she'd read to us. It was my favorite part of the day. She also read The Hobbit, and The Bronze Bow. Later in life I picked up Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and reread it. The story held up. I was transported not only back to the world of Charlie with his father who screwed on toothpaste caps for a living and his grandparents who never got out of bed, but also back to the those afternoons in class with my head down on the desk. Roald Dahl had a great imagination and was a master at translating to the page.
Later, when I became a cop in my home town, I responded to a call where I had to commit my fifth grade teacher on a seventy-two hour hold. She had Alzheimer's disease. She no longer recognized anything in our world.
David Putnam author of The Bruno Johnson series.
Profile Image for Sean Barrs .
1,122 reviews46.9k followers
August 31, 2016
I was planning on writing an extremely argumentative review explaining how sadistically vile Willie Wonka is, and how his god-like complex ruined the lives of four flawed children. But that seems insensitive at the moment.

Instead I shall simply say that Gene Wilder dominated his performance as Willie Wonka. He carried all the outward charm, the charisma and the playfulness, but still managed to portray the suggestions of darkness that permeate this character’s heart. Wonka is far from a good man, though this book remains excellent and an extended allegory for many things.

Full review to come.


Profile Image for James.
Author 20 books4,127 followers
January 6, 2019
One of the first books I ever read. I wanted to watch the movie, but wasn't allowed to until I read the book. And so I did. And now, every few years, I want to again. It's been a long time. But who doesn't love chocolate and dreams and wishes and gifts? I think I may read this series... only looked at the first one.

FYI - Wrote this review ~2017 from memory as I want to have a review for everything I remember reading. If I messed it up, let me know! LOL :)
Profile Image for Leonard Gaya.
Author 1 book1,081 followers
June 18, 2020
This tale starts with little Charlie, living in utter misery in something like a hermit’s hut, with four elderly people laying all day in the same bed. This is quite dreadful in itself, but hold on, it’s just an aperitif.

Next, little Charlie and a bunch of other children win a devilish marketing sweepstake and are invited to visit Mr. Wonka’s super-secret-chocolate-factory. A ticket to paradise possibly, since everything in there is just a “garden of earthly delights,” complete with chocolate bars and sweets, caramel eclairs, ice-cream, vanilla fudge delights, bubblegums, double-decker cakes, warming candies, toffee rolls, mint balls and rivers of hot cocoa… “everything in this room is eatable.” The cherry on the cake would be an edible Katy Perry in her fluffy bikinis: “Bon appétit, baby.”

But I suppose none of these poor kids has heard of Hansel and Gretel or of the dangers of nibbling on the hag’s gingerbread shack. Truth be told, since this is a morality tale, except for Charlie perhaps, all the other kids are insufferable sinful brats. Each child epitomises gluttony (Augustus), greed (Veruca), pride (Violet), sloth (Mike), and decidedly deserves eternal shame and damnation. In the end, underneath the comical and sweet fourth-graders’ novel, there is an undercurrent of cautionary, grotesque, even creepy imagery. The happy ending is a bit far-fetched.

Tim Burton’s 2005 adaptation is quite respectful of Roald Dahl’s story (Deep Roy’s performance as the Oompa-Loompas is priceless). In comparison, the 1971 movie is second-rate.
Profile Image for Manny.
Author 38 books15.3k followers
September 20, 2016

"And now," said Willy Wonka, "we're going to see something extra special... my Metaphorical Candy Room!" He flung open the doors, and the five children peeked inside. Augustus Gloop beamed with delight.


"Indeed it is, indeed it is," said Willy Wonka proudly. "Three point three million of them! One for every Muslim in the United States! But, before you eat any, I must warn you... some of them are POISONED!"

"How many?" asked Violet Beauregarde.

"Only three," said Willy Wonka. "But you wouldn't want to take chances, would you?"

Augustus, who had been on the point of helping himself to some skittles, pulled his hand back.

"What's that over there?" asked Charlie. The children turned round. Behind them was an even bigger bowl of candy!

"Ah, those are my Deplorable Mints," said Willy Wonka. "One for every racist, bigot, white supremacist and neo-Nazi in the country! Don't they look delicious!"

They certainly did. Augustus reached out his hand again.

"Unfortunately," said Willy Wonka, "I have to admit that some of THEM are poisoned too. Very few of course. But we can't be too careful, can we?"

"So we aren't getting any candy?" asked Augustus. He looked terribly disappointed.

"Not until you understand p-values," said Willy Wonka. "Hurry up! We'll be late for the Statistical Sweets!"
Profile Image for Jason Koivu.
Author 7 books1,347 followers
September 7, 2014
I was ten years old and already the magic was gone from the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, leprechauns, Santa Claus and his buddy the Krampus. All was stripped of its power to enthrall. Heck, even sex had been demystified years prior.

Then along came Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It gloried in candy, my number one passion of the day. But not only that, eating candy was the means to getting even MORE candy!


Ah, the golden ticket. How, oh, how I longed for it to be a real thing! I would've traded in a half dozen Christmasses for that.

For those few who haven't read the book or seen one of the movies, finding a golden ticket in a candy bar meant you got to visit Willy Wonka's mysterious chocolate factory, which had been closed to the public and rumored to be run by a madman.

Once poor-and-ever-so-grateful Charlie makes it inside the factory everything comes alive! The amazing sights, sounds, smells and tastes! The sky's the limit (quite literally we discover in the second book). Wonka's childlike imagination seems to know no bounds!

But then things turn a bit queer. One by one, the children invited into the factory start dropping off and in the most interesting of ways. This is a fight to the finish and it becomes clear that there can be only one!

I don't know what was better, the candy or the killing off of brats. Ah but to be serious, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory brought back the wonder and excitement of my earliest memories. Thank you Roald Dahl for giving me back magic, the sweetest gift of all.

Profile Image for Justin.
302 reviews2,433 followers
April 14, 2017
I'm sitting here on the couch watching Violet turn violet and fill up with juice before being sent off to the de-juicing room. The sun is going down, and it's almost bedtime out here, at least for the kids. My night is just beginning. I've been halfway following along with the movie and thinking about how awesome it was to be a kid- to dream of chocolate factories and eating a lifetime supply of chocolate with no fear of diabetes or a heart attack.

This was the first book I read all the way through with the kids, and then we were immediately back at the library to pick up the sequel, which I never read as a kid. It has a really weird beginning. Not quite the same as this one. But I'm having the time of my life reading classic children's book out loud and feeling young again.

My oldest son is 7 and he's on he fourth book in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. He's flying through them! He now takes a book to school, in the car on short rides, to bed at night, and anywhere else he can. Hashtag parenting win. I hope he sticks with it.

Mike Teevee just got blasted into a million pieces and showed up on television. What a wild trip that was, he says. Almost time for Charlie to.... spoiler alert... we'll, you know what happens next. You should know. Everyone knows. Gene Wilder is awesome.

I thought I read a lot of Roald Dahl as a kid, but there are a lot of books I missed apparently. I did star as the father of James in my high school's production of James and the Giant Peach. I had one line, I think. I just said "Oh no! A rhino!" I'm pretty sure that was it, and then I died. Trampled by a rhinoceros.

You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!

Profile Image for فؤاد.
1,082 reviews2,057 followers
March 17, 2024
قبل از شروع کتاب، رفتم قنادی و از هر نوع شکلات دو تا برداشتم. هر وقت بچه‌ها می‌اومدن و براشون کتاب رو می‌خوندم، بهشون یه شکلات می‌دادم. گاهی شوخی هم می‌کردیم، مثلاً وقتی آگوستوس گلوپ شکمو افتاد توی رودخونۀ شکلات و ویلی وانکا نگران بود الان شکلات‌هاش طعم آگوستوس گلوپ می‌گیرن، می‌گفتیم شکلات این هفته طعم آگوستوس گلوپ داره.

کتاب خوبی بود. اما زیادی موعظۀ اخلاقی داشت، اونم برای چیزهایی که اینقدرها بد نیستن، مثل آدامس جویدن!

شخصیت ویلی وانکا یه جاهایی درست تعریف نشده بود. حق دادم به تیم برتون که اون تفسیر تاریک رو بکنه. کتاب راه رو برای منفی جلوه دادن ویلی وانکا کاملاً باز گذاشته بود. گرچه با این توضیح که ویلی وانکا داره شکلات مجانی به بچه‌ها می‌ده، سعی می‌کرد به رغم تمام کارهاش شخصیت مثبت داستان نگهش داره.
Profile Image for emma.
2,252 reviews74.4k followers
February 11, 2022
i read this book at the age of approximately 8 and immediately transferred all of my hopes and dreams into discovering, touring, and inheriting a whimsical chocolate factory.

i've never quite gotten over that, so...

let me know if you have any leads?

part of a series i'm doing in which i review books i read a long time ago
Profile Image for Tahera.
639 reviews268 followers
March 27, 2019
I have watched both the movie versions of this book, one (Johnny Depp's version) more times than the other (Gene Wilder's version) and I have to say that it is Tim Burton's movie that really stays true to the book and adds a little bit extra to it by showing a bit of Willy Wonka's past as a child.

Coming to the book, it is an absolute joy ride! The thing about Roald Dahl's books is that you really don't need to be a child to enjoy them....you can be an adult and still find his books enjoyable because they allow you to tap into your inner child which, I believe, is always present within us all.

Now if only I could get my hands on one of these :D
Profile Image for Luffy Sempai.
756 reviews1,033 followers
August 14, 2018
I'm giving the French version of this Rouald Dahl book 3 stars. As a teenager, I read the originally written book again and again. I thought the book lacked some pizzazz, which took me by surprise. what drew me more towards this translation was the desire to see how well the songs have been redone.

Augustus Gloop, the big nincompoop became le gros plein de soupe. All the other rhymes were not up to par. Verruca Salt became Verruca Sait, which for a long time, I thought to be a spelling mistake. As we all know, there is no single word for Chocolate Factory in the English language. That was my second biggest reason for trying this book.

Partly the tepid(but still honourable) score was due to the fact that I'd read the book so many times ago that the magic seemed to have worn away in these pages. Now I'm afraid of rereading Dahl's best work. Would I find The Witches satisfactory? Will I react favorably to the mature The Story of Henry Sugar and other stories? What of his beloved and highly relatable and relevant biographies?

Us readers whose battered, if not cynical, minds have grown up and stopped believed in magic, and want more sanguine fare, we must pause once in a while and ask ourselves that the rut we're all in doesn't grant us a view of the stars. Look at me mangling Wilde. See what I mean?

Returning to Charlie, this book felt like the twin brother of its sequel. The Great Glass Elevator is one of the least inspired books by Rouald Dahl. I've got fairy fatigue. Dahl was twelve times the man I am. I admire him immensely. But by today's standards people don't understand him. Look at what the moviemakers did to Fantastic Mr Fox! Anyway, it is time I took a break, longer this time, of children's books. I've several books that are more interesting than usual, and I had better head back to them.
Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,020 reviews13k followers
January 8, 2018
The movie always fascinated me--both as a kid and adult--so I was really eager to jump into this and see if I could figure it out. But dude, i'm still stumped. I'm not sure if Willy Wonka is supposed to be mad, a genius, or a mad genius. There's just so many priceless lines of dialogue that the movies also captured so well, and this book is so whimsical and wholesome, yet dark with sort of a fable-esque message about greed and whatnot from the Oompa-Loompa's songs/poems.

I took a star off because of shaky footing with the portrayal of certain features in this book, such as recurring fatphobia (also present in his other books), and the weird savior portrayal of Wonka in relation to his using Oompa-Loompas basically as slave labor in exchange for food and not much else. Maybe i'm reading too far into it, but it seems like a very unethical capitalistic scheme and instead of seeing Oompa-Loompas as people eager to make some chocolate, they seemed rather treated as inferior. (This is definitely not something 10-year old me picked up on as a child, but I can't unsee it, nonetheless)
Profile Image for Manny.
Author 38 books15.3k followers
December 10, 2019
"Isn't it wonderful?" asked Willy Wonka. "Haven't the Oompa-Loompas done a fine job? I particularly liked their poems. Quite perfect, don't you agree?"

Charlie turned red. "I, uh..." he began.

"Yes?" said Willy Wonka. "I know, it's not long enough. It should have been twice as long. Three times as long. But you mustn't discourage them. I'm sure they did the very best they could."

Grandpa Joe had meanwhile put on his glasses and peered at the book. "It's not that," he said. "Mr. Wonka, I think there's been some mistake. This book isn't in English. In fact, I don't properly know what language it's in. We can't understand a word of it."

"Of course!" said Willy Wonka, dramatically striking his forehead. "Of course. How silly of me, I forget to give you your Linguistic Lollies. My very latest and most brilliant invention. Now let me see," he said as he pulled a box out of his pocket and began fumbling through it, "Danish, Dari, Dakota, Dyirbal, where is it! Ah, here we are, Dutch." He pulled out a handful of brightly coloured sweets and gave one to each member of the party. "Take these and I'm sure we'll soon be back on track."

Charlie popped the sweet in his mouth. It had a curious taste which reminded him of cheese, tulips and something he couldn't name, but somehow it was quite delicious. In a moment he had gobbled it up.

"Alright," said Willy Wonka, clapping his hands. "Look at the book again. Why don't you try reading a bit aloud."

Charlie opened it, "S, uh," he began, and stopped. A look of great surprise came over his face.

"Yes?" said Willy Wonka. Charlie stared at the book and continued. "’s Avonds als hij zijn avondmaal van waterige koolsoep op had, ging Sjakie altijd naar de kamer van zijn vier grootouders om naar hun verhalen te luisteren en ze daarna goedenacht te zeggen."

"And in English?" asked Willy Wonka encouragingly. Charlie's eyes were as big as saucers.

"I know what it means!" he said. "'’s Avonds' - well, that's 'in the evening', 'als hij zijn avondmaal van waterige koolsoep op had', 'when he'd had his dinner of watery cabbage soup'. Of course, 'koolsoep', that's like Swedish 'kålsoppa'! 'ging Sjakie altijd naar de kamer van zijn vier grootouders', 'ging' and 'altijd' are like in Swedish, 'kammer' and 'vier' are like in German, so it's 'went Sjakie always to the room of his four grandparents'. 'Om naar hun verhalen te luisteren en ze daarna goedenacht te zeggen', what's 'verhalen', oh, it must be 'stories'. 'To listen to their stories then say goodnight to them'. I see, the German initial S is often changed into Z, so 'sein' and 'sagen' become 'zijn' and 'zeggen'."

"Exactly so!" said Willy Wonka. "You see, you understood it all along. Now we must hurry or we'll never have time for the Parsing Peppermints."
Profile Image for Nayra.Hassan.
1,259 reviews6,186 followers
May 28, 2022
اطفال تستبعدهم رغباتهم و غرائزهم؛
يجدون انفسهم امام انهار من الحلوي تنساب امام اعينهم
فماذا سيحدث؟
تشارلي باكيت طفل فقير من عائلة مترابطة؛ يمضي اوقاته في أحلامه  اللانهائية بالشكولاته الني يعشقها و لا يملك ثمنها
و فجأة تنتعش احلامه عند اعلان ويلي وانكا عن مسابقة لقضاء يوم في مصنعه للشيكولاته و بمعجزة يحصل تشارلي علي تذكرة

[image error]

و يذهب مع فتاة مدللة و طفل نهم سمين؛ و اخر مدمن على التلفاز و الالعاب و في مصنع العجائب نتعرف علي شخصيات الأطفال المتباينة
و ايضا علي ويلي وانكا ضاحب المظهر الغريب و الأفكار الاكثر غرابة
تجعله يُخضع الأطفال لاختبارات نفسية ليصل للاقلهم انقيادا وراء اهواءه و رغباته الطفولية او الإنسانية؛
فهل سيضع نهاية لزجة لكل طفل لزج؟

معظم اعمال الاطفال تميل للتبسط و المباشرة و التسطيح؛ و لكن ليس مع فانتازيا رواالد دال الذي رحل عام ١٩٩٠ و  يمنحنا دوما نظرة مذهلة و احيانا مخيفة عن الجانب المظلم للطفولة
Profile Image for Matt.
4,203 reviews13k followers
February 10, 2017
Before there were amorous zombies, sleuthing twelve year-olds, or even a teacher who traipsed around in his underwear, children turned to Roald Dahl for their literary entertainment. I thought it the perfect time to zip through time and relive one of my childhood favourites, in hopes that I might soon introduce my son to the wonders of Willy Wonka and his glorious factory. Dahl opens by presenting the reader with Charlie Bucket and his family, confined to a small cottage on the outskirts of town and as poor as can be. Charlie's one true love is to receive a bar of Wonka's chocolate on his birthday, which he savours for a month. When news comes that the famous Willy Wonka will open his factory up for five children to tour, the world goes mad. Five golden tickets have been placed in random bars of chocolate, leaving everyone to buy and tear through the wrapping in hopes of finding that glistening entry pass. One by one, tickets emerge when children purchase bars upon bars: first Augustus Gloop, then Veruca Salt, Violet Beauregarde, and Mike Teavee. Much press coverage is made of these four, though there remains a single ticket left out there, waiting for a pair of grubby hands to grip it by the corner. On a gamble, Charlie uses a coin his discovers and purchases a bar of chocolate that does, miraculously, hold the final ticket. After choosing to attend the factory with his Grandpa Joe, they set off. Arriving at Wonka's delectable abode, all the children and their chaperones enter and begin learning of the wonders of chocolate making, from the rivers of chocolate to the rooms filled with nut-cracking squirrels, through to experimental chewing gums that will replace the need for meals. All this is overseen by a collection of small people, the Oompa Loompas, whose poetic verses are as exciting as their appearance. One by one, the children flock to something they cannot do without, slowing falling prey to the machinations of the tubes, trapdoors, temptations, and televisions within the factory, leaving Charlie and Grandpa Joe alone as the tour comes to a close. Wonka's revelation of this fact leads him to make an offer to Charlie that is more than any child might dream and turns the future of Wonka's factory on its head. Surely, Dahl will expound on that in the sequel, on which I will firmly place my hands like a gluttonous child looking for a golden ticket. Oh, to be a child again!

I will never forget growing up with Roald Dahl's books around me. Many of his stories are household classics for me, as is the 1971 movie of this book, where Gene Wilder brought Willy Wonka to life. As an adult, I can see some of the themes that Dahl seeks to instil in his readers, about fate, greed, gluttony, and patience. Told in such a fabulous manner as to entertain rather than inculcate, Dahl does not go for the pizzazz and hoopla of some drivel authors use now to lure readers into their novels. I am quite sure everyone wonders about an Oompa Loompa on occasion, which is enough to make me want to return to these books on a regular basis. One cannot criticize Dahl's work without upsetting a generation or two of readers, in its simplicity and complex themes offered up simultaneously. I would venture to say, the reader and listener (adult and child, alike) will take something from this book and find magic in the formulation. Brilliant in its crafting and heart-warming in the delivery.

Kudos, Mr. Dahl for touching so many lives with your creativity and awesomeness.

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Profile Image for Edgarr Alien Pooh.
303 reviews238 followers
January 6, 2021
I have never read Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator so I decided to re-read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory before plunging in. I haven't actually read this in my ADULT life either.

There is no real need for a review here. Everyone knows about the Buckets, Veruca Salt, Augustus Gloop, Mike Teavee, Violet Beauregarde, Willy Wonka, and the Oompa-Loompas.

The real surprise (for me) is that I can't give this a 5-star review because simply, for one of the first times in my life I can say that the movie is better. I'm talking about the original with Gene Wilder, not that mess with Johnny Depp. Don't get me wrong, the book is great, but the movie had more to it. To show a point, there are just 100 pages between entering the chocolate factory and Charlie leaving. It felt just a bit rushed compared to the movie.

Disappointing that some of the movie scenes aren't actually in the text. Snodgrass does not bail up Charlie and ask for the recipe to the Everlasting Gobstopper. There are no geese laying golden eggs, Charlie and Grandpa never get close to being beheaded by an exhaust fan after stealing drinks, and the scene where Charlie returns the Gobstopper to an angry Willy Wonka towards the end of the movie is not required. I may been seen here as being too critical but this movie is still a favourite.

However, as I said before, this is still a great book and one that any parent should read to their kids to encourage a vivid imagination. My copy has the awesome illustrations by Quentin Blake.

P.S The Oompa-Loompas are smaller and different in appearance to those of the movie.
Profile Image for Tina Loves To Read.
2,859 reviews1 follower
April 8, 2021
This is a middle grade, and this is the first book in the Charlie Bucket series. I listen to the audiobook with my daughter. This was a re-read for me. I love this book. I read this book when I was in sixth grade, and I remember loving it when I read it then. (*)
Profile Image for Emily B.
477 reviews498 followers
February 10, 2019
A book that never gets old. I remember carrying this around with me as a child until it fell apart.
Profile Image for Paul Haspel.
635 reviews122 followers
September 10, 2023
Charlie Bucket is a really good kid – thoughtful, other-centered, concerned for the welfare of his family, dealing uncomplainingly with tough times – and therefore he is eminently well-suited to serve as a sympathetic protagonist for Roald Dahl’s 1964 novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. This classic of children’s fantasy, for all the beauty of its more lyrical passages and its flights of fancy, draws much of its depth and resonance from its gritty, tough-minded qualities. Like the Brothers Grimm in Germany centuries before, Dahl knew that children wanted to be told the truth, and didn’t want their stories sanitized and “safe.” No sugar-coating, please - not even in a story about a chocolate factory.

Dahl was born in Wales and spent most of his life in England; he flew fighter planes for the Royal Air Force during the Second World War (an experience that no doubt nourished the writing of his memorable short story “Beware of the Dog”). After the war, he began his writing career, alternating between books aimed at children and books directed toward a more general audience. His works of children’s literature, particularly those with strong fantasy elements, seem to have had the most impact, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is perhaps the best known of all his novels.

As Charlie and the Chocolate Factory begins, Charlie and his family �� his mother and father and his four grandparents, all of whom live together under one roof – are facing dire circumstances. Mr. Bucket’s humdrum factory job is not enough to provide for the family; the Buckets are constantly hungry, and their ramshackle house can’t even keep out the winter cold. Their situation, in short – while exaggerated and stylized – is not too much unlike what might have faced quite a few British households in those days of the 1960’s, when changes in the British economy left some families behind, particularly in the country’s older industrial cities.

Charlie’s hunger is exacerbated by the fact that the Buckets’ hometown is also home to a vast chocolate factory owned by the mysterious Willy Wonka. The factory, long closed to the people who used to work there, is still somehow producing chocolate; and soon the world is shocked by the news that Willy Wonka will open his factory to the five lucky children who happen to buy a Wonka candy bar that contains a Golden Ticket!

Naturally, Charlie – like every other child on Earth who hears this news – hopes to find a Golden Ticket; and even though the Buckets can’t afford it, they pool their meager resources and buy Charlie a Wonka’s Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight. “The room became silent. Everybody was waiting now for Charlie to open his present” (p. 27). Will Charlie eventually find a Golden Ticket that will gain him admission to Willy Wonka’s mysterious candy factory? No spoiler alert needed here, I think. It’s rather like asking whether a glass slipper will be important in the life of Cinderella.

Charlie’s Grandpa Joe, a steadfast companion in spite of his age and physical infirmities, immediately volunteers to accompany Charlie on the visit to the chocolate factory; and on the appointed day, at the appointed time, they meet the other four lucky winners and their parents – and an unfortunate lot they are. There is Augustus Gloop, a compulsive overeater; Violet Beauregarde, a comparably compulsive gum-chewer; Mike Teavee, an inveterate viewer of vapid and violent television programs; and Veruca Salt, a thoroughly spoiled girl who is always demanding more and more from her wealthy and indulgent parents. The reader senses at once that these four perfectly despicable children will serve as foils for the sympathetic and likeable Charlie.

Presenting their Golden Tickets, and gaining admission to the chocolate factory, the five children finally get to meet Mr. Willy Wonka. And as this character has become so important in world popular culture, it seems a good time to share Dahl’s description of Willy Wonka, with his black top hat, plum-coloured tailcoat, pearl-grey gloves, and gold-topped walking cane:

Covering his chin, there was a small neat pointed black beard – a goatee. And his eyes – his eyes were most marvelously bright. They seemed to be sparkling and twinkling at you the whole time. The whole face, in fact, was alight with fun and laughter.

And oh, how clever he looked! How quick and sharp and full of life! He kept making quick jerky little movements with his head, cocking it this way and that, and taking everything in with those bright twinkling eyes. He was like a squirrel in the quickness of his movements, like a quick clever old squirrel from the park.
(pp. 57-58)

At once old and young, wise and seemingly naïve, Willy Wonka is a complex liminal figure of the kind that so often appear in fairy tales – and therefore he is the perfect guide to take the children, and us, into the world that he has created.

Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, in accordance with the conventions of children’s fantasy literature, is a magical place. It is not a real-world chocolate factory like the one that once offered tours in Hershey, Pennsylvania; rather, it is a vast underground complex, where one travels by boat down a river of chocolate, from the Chocolate Room to the Inventing Room to the Nut Room to the Television-Chocolate Room – or can travel even faster, in all directions, via a Great Glass Elevator!

And in the process of these peregrinations, the disagreeable children mentioned above eventually face the consequences of their bad behaviour – always because of choices that they make while in the chocolate factory. When one child falls into the chocolate river and gets pushed up a chocolate pipe, Willy Wonka blithely assures the child’s mother, “Keep calm, my dear lady, keep calm. There is no danger! No danger whatsoever!...A most interesting little journey. But he’ll come out of it just fine, you wait and see” (p. 75). His cheerfulness during these passages from the novel is at once endearing and disturbing.

And Willy Wonka’s employees, the Oompa-Loompas – “tiny men…no larger than medium-sized dolls” (p. 68), rescued by Willy Wonka from starvation in their home of Loompaland and brought to work at the factory – serve as a sort of chorus; each time a child undergoes some sort of reversal as a result of their greed or selfishness, the Oompa-Loompas are there to sing a song about the vice that has undone the child, as when they sing about the habit of gum-chewing:

“Dear friends, we surely all agree
There’s almost nothing worse to see
Than some repulsive little bum
Who’s always chewing chewing gum….
So please believe us when we say
That chewing gum will never pay;
This sticky habit’s bound to send
The chewer to a sticky end.”
(pp. 99-100)

Charlie Bucket, of course, is smarter than the other children, and more perceptive; in the Television-Chocolate Room, he watches a group of Oompa-Loompas working silently in space suits around a matter-transference device, and experiences "a queer sense of danger. There was something dangerous about this whole business, and the Oompa-Loompas knew it" (p. 125). It should be no surprise, therefore, that – in accordance with the conventions of classical comedy – the resolution of the story, for Charlie, is much happier than it is for his disagreeable traveling companions.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been filmed twice – once in 1971, as Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, with Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka; and once in 2005, under the novel’s original title, with Johnny Depp in the Wonka role. The latter film has the big-name director (Tim Burton) and the big-budget special effects; but the older film, to my mind, captures better the spirit of the novel, with Gene Wilder expressing the offbeat qualities of the Wonka character in a powerful and nuanced manner. Next time you view the 1971 film, watch for the moments when naughty children are about to do something that will put them in trouble, while Wilder’s Wonka says, “Oh, no, please, don’t,” in a thoroughly bored monotone. He knows good kids from bad ones; he’s seen all this before.

And I like coming back to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory around Grandparents Day, because of the character of Grandpa Joe. Memorable grandparent characters are relatively rare in literature; but Grandpa Joe, Charlie’s loyal companion and wise counselor, embodies what a good grandparent should be, and may remind many readers of their own favourite grandparent. The book’s narrator tells us that the 96½-year-old Grandpa Joe “was delicate and weak” and spoke very little during the day, but then adds that “in the evenings, when Charlie, his beloved grandson, was in the room, he seemed in some marvelous way to grow quite young again. All his tiredness fell away from him, and he became as eager and excited as a young boy” (pp. 9-10). Any grandparent, I think, can relate to the way Dahl conveys how seeing one’s grandchildren can make one feel young again.

Grandpa Joe gives his last 10-cent piece to Charlie, in order to give Charlie one more chance at finding the Golden Ticket. He insists on going into the chocolate factory with Charlie, and helps Charlie through the often hair-raising adventures that occur there. He is, in short, the kind of grandparent that every child deserves; and now that I am a grandparent myself, he is the kind of grandparent that I try to be.

It may seem strange that the novel Charlie and the Chocolate Factory can be creepy and uplifting at once; but then again, it seems strange that chocolate and peanut butter taste so good together.
Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,541 followers
March 16, 2019
I have to admit that there's nothing quite like reading a book to a kid that you both love in equal measure.

I cried, she cried, we both cried and laughed and cheered when those nasty, nasty kids got their just deserts. :)

And the songs? I admit I had a great time singing my own little tune to each as they were violently nasty and creative and delightful all at once. :)

Yeah. This is one of the best books ever. And I refuse to care one bit about the typos.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 17,161 reviews

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