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Savage #2

The Savage Blood

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Eighteen-year old queen, Clara Williamson, journeys to the sea to unlock the mystery of her lineage.

Little does she know that she is central in two schemes; one of the Fragment and the Guardians.

Can Clara protect herself from her own destiny and choose love for its own sake?

267 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 12, 2011

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About the author

Tamara Rose Blodgett

120 books795 followers

Tamara Rose Blodgett is not active on the GR platform but can be found at Clapper:


Tamara Rose Blodgett: happily married mother of four sons. Dark thriller writer. Reader. Dreamer. Beachcombing slave. Zero Carb enthusiast. Maker. Affordable Fashion chick.

She is also the NEW YORK TIMES and USA Today bestselling author of A TERRIBLE LOVE, written under the pen name, Marata Eros, and 75+ other novels - to include her #1 bestselling TOKEN (dark romance), ROAD KILL MC (thriller), DRUID (erotica), and DEATH (dark fantasy/sci-fi) serials. Tamara writes a variety of dark thrillers in the genres of erotica, fantasy, horror, romance, sci-fi and suspense. She splits her time between the Pacific NW and Mazatlán Mexico, spending time with family, friends and a pair of disrespectful dogs.

After releasing three books with Simon & Schuster (A TERRIBLE LOVE, A BRUTAL TENDERNESS and THE DARKEST JOY) Tamara is a Hybrid Author of both Traditional and Self-published work.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews
Profile Image for A Book Vacation.
1,463 reviews732 followers
December 9, 2011
If you ask me, I’d have to say that Blodgett’s writing keeps getting better with time. Although I really enjoyed the first novel in this series, The Pearl Savage, I absolutely adored The Savage Blood. Blodgett has fleshed out her amazing characters even more in this sequel, giving the reader new insights and explanations regarding Clara’s background, as well as the world in which the characters all thrive. This really is a riveting read, and I can’t explain enough how mind-blowing this novel really is.

I love that this novel is set in the future, but feels much more like the past, and there’s a reason for this, but I can’t give away any secrets. One of the ways Blodgett is able to make this novel feel like it’s in the past is through maintaining a more archaic dialogue throughout the novel. This, to me, is amazing and shows just how much time and thought Blodgett put into writing this series. The dialogue never slips into more modern lingo in terms of the main characters, and while more modern colloquialisms do end up playing a part in the novel, Blodgett explains their appearance within the story very well. I thought this usage of proper archaic language versus modern slang was fascinating and really love the way Blodgett brings them together both inside, and outside, the sphere.

Though this story isn’t real, and neither are the circumstances, Blodgett is able to create such a riveting world that it becomes real for the reader. I felt as if I was a part of the story throughout the entire novel, which is an absolutely awesome feeling, but also a little disconcerting as some of the characters, such as Prince Frederic, have a bit of a violent streak. Blodgett has made her characters and setting so real that I felt the same terror, pain, anger, and anxiety that Clara felt through much of the novel, yet I also felt the love, joy, peace, and happiness that permeates throughout the novel as well. Blodgett does a phenomenal job with this story so that it is fast paced and exciting, but doesn’t overwhelm the reader either. I love novels that make me feel a part of the action, and if you do too, then this is definitely a series for you! ...

To read my full review (11/18):

Profile Image for Calia.
Author 19 books2,902 followers
November 22, 2011
I’ve had a countdown in my mind until this book was released.
You see, after I had read the first book, The Pearl Savage, I became obsessed with Matthew this series.....

To quote,my love, Matthew:
“Tell me you do not feel as I do and I will leave you and you may be with another”
Are you still doubting me?!?

Oh yes, Tamara goes there! I was sucked back into my favorite dystopian series once again....

Hardly any time passes between these two novels. In Blood Savage, Clara, along with The Band are traveling to the sea to hopefully find out what exactly Clara is, and if they can find her real mother.

But their long journey does not go as smoothly as they hope. Along the way many people die, battles are frequent. They are more alert than ever to get to the sea.

I have to say when they do arrive to their destination, that it’s my favorite part! I loved the new characters introduced into the series.

Rowenna: She may be a woman but she’s a complete warrior! Nothing brings her down, and she holds her own 100%. I knew that any scene involving her would be a good one.

Maddoc: (loving the name) As part of The Band, you know he’s protective, humungous, and gorgeous. Yep, he’s a character that I enjoyed!
I enjoyed these characters because Tamara gives you glimpse into their world but not so much were you start to become so bored that you’re wondering when you’ll get back to the MC’s.

But enough about the newbies....

The Band. Two simple words, yet, oh Dear Lord.
Every single one of these males are intense, and so protective. The equation makes for some of the most amazing male characters ever!
Tamara keeps their personalities believable. Meaning, I’ve read books that have serious or bad-ass boys and yet something doesn’t “Click”, by a certain action or words. I get the wussy vibe and it ruins it for me.
I’m not even sure that the males of The Band know what wussy means.
Completely. Alpha-Male.

Oh, now we can talk about my most favorite part of the book?
Matthew, Clara.... Clara, Bracus...no,no Clara and Matthew....

No, I didn’t just play “He loves me, he loves me not.” I’m just having a complete meltdown over who to pick.

Either one of these guys could look at her, and your computer is liable to short circuit. But for me, I’m all about Matthew. Everyone will decide on who is their favorite.
But it I have to say it’s hard to pick a “Favorite” And there are so many twist and changes in the “Romance department”. At one point, I pulled away from my computer and mumbled, “Holy Crap...”

There are more characters romantically involved that I didn’t foresee. I love each one of these relationships!!

Blood Savage was an amazing second book that does NOT disappoint!

If you enjoy novels that have an amazing plot, insanely gorgeous Alpha-Males, and a love triangle that is angled toward Mature YA, then you’ll eat this book up.
But.. why are you still reading this?
Just purchase the book!!!
Profile Image for Kami.
122 reviews16 followers
November 18, 2011
The only reason that I did not give this book 5 starts was because the whole book I am waiting for Clara to start carrying a knife or something and trying to defend herself instead of waiting for someone to always rescue her. Maybe that is just the sensitive feminine side of me coming out, I dunno. Maybe it wont happen till the next book, or maybe not ever since technically they already have people to be protectors so they dont need the others to step up.

All that said, I really like this series. It is a really neat storyline, something different, and fresh. I am now looking forward to the next book in 2 of this authors series.
Profile Image for Katie Oliver.
3 reviews2 followers
July 28, 2012
Not as good as the first book in the series, I kept reading to see what happens to Matthew. Disappointed when it drags on. Plus the almost female rape scenario got a little old and predictable.
Profile Image for Wulfwyn .
1,152 reviews106 followers
April 29, 2012
This series just gets better with each book!I do not want to give away the story so I will just say there is a lot of action going on in this book too. The characters are becoming more fleshed out and we are learning more of Clara and why she is so special. Tamara did an amazing job writing the differences in language, (using archaic dialogue with occasional modern slang - which is explained). I can't imagine the difficulty she had doing that. Kudos to her for managing it so successfully. Tamara writes in a way that you feel a part of the world she paints. You are drawn into it and you forget the world you live in. It is fantasy at it's best. If you like a fast paced, action packed, fantasy you can believe story you will love The Savage Series.
Full review on my blog at www.alaskanbookcafe.com
Profile Image for Lori.
Author 2 books58 followers
March 16, 2012
Better than the first book. Clara and crew travel to the coast to discover her hertiage. Discover it she does. With some very interesting surprises for herself and the Band she travels with. Along the way the are attacked by the fragment aided by Fredric. Clara meets two new fragment members both who will play important roles in her future. She is constantly under pressure from her relationships with her potential mates. Some of these mates are new some old and some unexpected. Not everyone and everything is what they seem in this second book. Tamara keeps us on our toes in this beautiful follow-up book. Book 3 needs to hurry up so I can find out what happens next. Just read this series already. You won't be dissapointed.
Profile Image for Megan.
1,656 reviews204 followers
October 3, 2016
I liked this book a bit more than the first, but it still wasn't that good. It's unbelievable how many times women are abducted and nearly raped. I don't like the love triangles, or whatever you'd call what this is, when it's very clear the person Clara wants. Ends in another cliffhanger about her relationship, which was disappointing.

2.5 stars
Profile Image for Lisa.
17 reviews
April 8, 2012
another heart pounding action packed romp, with just enough romance to soften the blows. a bit tedious with Clara continually being fought over and consequently injured accidentally. but an ending that left me screaming in my head *NOOOOOOOO!*
Profile Image for Angie.
2,353 reviews254 followers
December 16, 2014
The Savage Blood starts out one year after the events of the previous book as Clara and Company make their way towards Cape Cod in search of Clara's birth mother. My first thought was "nooooo!!!" since I really wanted to know what the immediate effects of those ending events were. Unfortunately, we don't get filled in either. Clara has stepped up to her new position as Queen, but she's still her same overly considerate self. However, she's still shaken from the abuse of Prince Frederic, and she goes through some obvious changes. But that's to be expected after the abuse she's experience, and all of the new situations she's been placed in. She also has to deal with all of the tension between the men while traveling away from her sphere. Tensions are high between Bracus and Matthew, Matthew and Charles, and between Charles and Clara. Everyone is on edge!

The action starts out almost immediately. We're thrust into the open plains of the Outside where the fragment roams. Even though the fragment is terrible, I was excited to learn more about them, and we definitely get plenty of new information on this wandering group. We also learn about yet another group of people, the Travelers. This is where the story picks up more of the Science Fiction feel. Who exactly are the Travelers and the fragment, or more pressing a question, WHEN are they from? There's a bit of talk about "folding" of time and space, but their origins are still a bit mysterious.

Clara does solve the mystery of her heritage once the group reaches Cape Cod. I really liked the insight into this new clan and Band. They're a bit different than the clan which Clara has been traveling with, and again there's that one male who does not respect the females. Poor Clara just cannot catch a break from males trying to take advantage of her! Of course, not all of the males in Clara's life are bad. She still has the task of choosing which Band member she wants to be with, but in The Savage Blood the dynamics of the love-square change in a way I was not expecting. Plus there's still Charles, Clara's childhood friend and royal adviser. He's completely delusional in thinking that Clara will choose him, even though she's expressed to him multiple times that she only feels friendship for him. He's putting a strain on their relationship, and has become a complete "arrogant fool" as Matthew put it. I really could not stand him this time around. He went from a sweet guy that was I rooting for, to this selfish jackass.

One thing really bothered me in The Savage Blood: I had a hard time believing that the Band would be so careless about their protection of the females, especially after the battle in the last book. They always say how they'll always protect the women, and yet several times throughout the book they let them go off on their own, which allowed them to become attacked and kidnapped. I could understand maybe one slip-up, but it happened far too often. Sure it resulted in a lot of action and conflict, but it was just bothersome and unbelievable.

Other than that, this was another solid, exciting installment of the Savage series. We got answers to several questions from the first book, but many more appeared. Plus we're left with a cliffhanger! What are the travelers up to? Will the spheres hold up against the attack? Who's going to kiss Clara next?! What exactly is Clara the key to? I'm looking forward to the next book.

Read more of my reviews at Pinkindle Reads & Reviews.
Profile Image for Echo.
19 reviews
August 8, 2012
I'm having a severe love/hate relationship with this series. I LOVE the concept, and I even enjoy the story -- to an extent. However, I find the writing style a bit grating. But the things that really bothered me the most was the writer adding "love" interests just because, and they all seem kind of flat and under developed. I feel if you are going to add a love interest for conflict make it believable. I never really felt that Bracus was a real match against Matthew. It was obvious that the writer and Clara favored Matthew more. And though Bracus is much more developed than the other characters that were brought in, he was still very flat. Also the story seemed a little repetative and never slowed down, and not in a good way. fighting and conflict, resolved, fighting and conflict, resolved, Clara kidnapped again, Clare nearly raped AGAIN. The number of times the women are nearly raped is getting a little old. I really wish they would become wiser or learn to defend themselves. Even with my gripes I do enjoy the concept and I want to see where the series goes. I will continue with the series.
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
March 12, 2012
Once in a while you get so involved in a book that you don't see it ending. The Savage Blood definitely had me saying NO! NO! NO! It can't be done already. Loved It! This series is not the typical mechanical device based Steampunk novel, but it definitely didn't lack in imagination, great characters, or story enthrallment. My only disappoint was not knowing a release date for the next in this series.
Profile Image for Krystal Marlein.
94 reviews8 followers
October 29, 2012
Just as good as book 1!!! Mrs. Blodgett sure knows how to toy with your emotions! There's no way to figure out what is to come next! I cannot figure out where the story is going and I love it! The surprise, the suspense! I'm fully engrossed and enraptured!! Onto book 3 then I have to IMPATIENTLY await for book 4!!! 10 stars Tamara!!! Thank you for giving us truly amazing stories to keep us entertained!
Profile Image for Andrea.
35 reviews
August 29, 2012
I did like this book but it felt monotonous. Is anything going to happen besides Clara and the other women getting abducted/beaten/resuced? How many more suitors is Clara going to court before she decides that every male character in the book is attracted to her and 'must' have her? *Yawns* not sure I am reading the rest of the series, but then I feel like I'm left hanging.
Profile Image for Melinda.
70 reviews
January 22, 2012
I read these books just keep getting better and better......... FACT!!!!!
I absolutely flew threw this one. This series is complex, imaginative, and realistic all at the same time. Love Love it, Cant wait till she's threw writing the 3rd.
Profile Image for Colleen.
84 reviews2 followers
February 18, 2012
Blodgett does it again. The Savage Blood, the second in the Savage series, was a fantastic sequel to the first. It picks up right where the first in the series left off. This one is chock full of action, excitement, and adventure. Can't wait for the 3rd in the series!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
97 reviews7 followers
April 27, 2012
Yet another great read from Tamara! Finished book 2 & had to go straight to amazon to buy book 3.
Profile Image for Marsha.
1,487 reviews12 followers
August 14, 2020
The Savage Blood by Tamara Rose Blodgett

This series just gets more mysterious and terrifying. I wish Clara would make up her mind, but otherwise I love all of the significant plot points. The characters are great too. I'll need to move right into the next book...huge cliff ending in this one.

*I dropped a star for editing. Mostly, it was fine, but there is one really exciting plot sequence that is terribly edited, even getting character names wrong. Not confused, like we mixed up who was where, but wrong as in we've never used those names in this book?
336 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2017
Excellent writing and context.

I had read the first book in this series years ago. I pulled it from my archives and read it again. So when I started The Savage Blood, I was off and running.. Excellent continuation with the plot and characters. I loved it and excited for Book 4. I recommend this series,especially if you're into fantasy romance
Profile Image for Deja Cloward.
6 reviews
April 18, 2024
- Main character gets a new romantic interest every 10 chapters in the series I stg
- Fair number of revelations
- Good pace for events
- Countless grammatical errors
- Leaves many questions unanswered
- Introduces people only mentioned of once and never goes back
- Main character is constantly passing out from minor injuries, gets annoying
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
968 reviews2 followers
April 16, 2019

Clara is even driving me nuts with her indecision. She had dragged this out by avoiding rather than exploring the relationship. I see Daniel's point and how she rushed to defend him may be the most telling.
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews51 followers
Want to read
January 28, 2022
🎁 Books 2 & 3 in the Series are FREE on Amazon today (1/28/2022)! 🎁
Profile Image for Mandy Reads Indie.
1,807 reviews95 followers
September 10, 2012
I would like to note that this book to me is more New Adult than YA. So keep that in mind when you decide to read it.

Ok I am going to do this review a little different than my others. I am going to tell you what I liked and what I didn’t like. First lets start with what I didn’t like.

This book had me shaking my head one too many times. Shaking my head when Clara or one of her female friends got kidnapped yet again. Shaking my head when Clara or one of female friends were almost raped yet again. Shaking my head when another guy came long and fell in love with Clara yet again. It was as if this book's storyline was on a continuous repeat. And I was seriously about to scream knowing one of these things were about to happen.

One question I have is what does Clara have that attracts guys like a dog in heat? And I tried to think of a better way to ask this next question but there is just no way around it. Is Clara’s cooter made of gold and only the male species can detect it? I mean I am all for a love triangle. But when 3rd and 4th guy gets introduced as another possible love interest I was ready to throw up. Clara better man up in the next book and make an executive decision about who she wants to be with or I might be done with her altogether. Am I really the only one that see’s Matthew’s love for her is true?

With everything that happens from the beginning until the end...I was catching myself yelling at my nook way too much. But I couldn't stop reading either. I had to know what would happen next. So this leads us to what I liked about the story.

I loved the whole idea of Clara heading off in to the unknown seeking out her real mother and looking for answers. And answers we get in this second book of the series. Lots and I mean lots get revealed and some kind of blew my mind. All from the revealing of Clara’s mother….to how the fragment came to be…to who Clara really is. We get a plethora of info revealed in stages throughout the book.

Blodgett’s writing is also a favorite of mine since The Pearl Savage. Even when giving her characters a 1890 dialogue, I found myself following easily. And I am not one that likes historical fiction for that reason only. But with these characters I really enjoyed it.

So with that I end my review and hope that you will give it a try. It is really different story than what you have read before and the fact it has romance thrown around throughout the book is an added plus. When reading the story I want to know who you think Clara should choose. My choice is Matthew and I look forward to more of Clara’s story to see who is her pick.
Profile Image for Opal.
215 reviews35 followers
January 14, 2012
The action picks up right where we left off in the first book. Again, Clara and the other women seem to need a whole lot of rescuing from the big strong men. This is the reason I didn't give the book five stars.

Another reason I didn't give it five stars was because of her multiple suitor situation. It was tastefully and poignantly done but at the same time, it felt overdone. That may sound contradictory but when you read the book you'll see what I mean.

The rest of the book's action and plot is well done though. Revealing more about the Clara's history as well as the sphere-dwellers' and the savages' history as well. It kept my from getting too annoyed with all the romantic and helpless female escapades. It also kept me more then adequately glued to the pages of the book. In fact, I couldn't put it down. So I'm more then willing to forgive those flaws in favor of what it's got going for it.

I will mention that the book ends in an awful cliffhanger. If you don't like being left hanging like a fish out of water, be warned.
Profile Image for Na Deela.
79 reviews32 followers
June 11, 2017
Well, if I thought Charles annoyed me in book one... now I'm really put off by him. I really wish he didn't exist. Things are complicated enough without him.

*sigh* moving on, this book picked right up in continuation of book one. A lot of questions were answered, new developments came about, and we found things more complicated than they seemed. So far, I think I like where the story is heading, but I cant be sure until I read book three. The few things I didn't like were: obviously Charles, Rowenna's pushing Edwin into the mix, Daniel putting himself in, and Clara's indecision. I get what she's struggling with but seriously, almost two years?? Make a decision already! Then again, maybe "my patience is not limitless" and I am just partial to Matthew lol. I'm ready for book three. I'm ready for all the chaos to end and for the happily ever afters.... yeah, I'm that girl.

Aw man.... just read there's a book four... so the hair pulling will continue for a while... why do I keep reading series?
Profile Image for Clara Harding.
149 reviews1 follower
November 3, 2013
After reading the first book in the Savage Series I eagerly dove into this book with speed and a lust for the continuation of the story that Clara had started, the journey she had begun. Set a year in the future from the ending of the first book she ventures towards finding her mother in Cape Cod. If I thought the first book was a wonder of surprising twists and turns then it pales in comparison to the rabbit hole of wonderland adventures in store for you. I cannot begin to give you tit bits of tantalizing info without giving away too much but suffice to say,Tamara has out done herself with this sequel and although I was very surprised by the end of the book by the outcome each surprise fitted the situations perfectly allowing you to understand more about Clara's past and also each current situation. I cheered with them, wept with them, angered with them and became happy with them falling into their world is easy, coming back to ours and reality is hard!
Cannot wait to read book 3!!
205 reviews7 followers
January 26, 2016
2 3/4 stars. Sadly, I was disappointed by The Savage Blood. I very much enjoyed the first in the series, and eagerly jumped into this sequel, particularly given the cliffhanger at the end of the first one. Well, if I had hoped for a resolution of anything, I can keep hoping - this too ends in a cliffhanger, but it doesn't even really seem to have any resolution point. I think it needs some further editing, actually - the writing is choppy at times, and sloppy enough that it pulled me out of the story. The concept and overall storyline are still very interesting, which is why I didn't rate it lower, but even there, there was a lot of repetition of basic plot elements that got kind of tiresome, and the characters were not as engaging or even as fully developed as in the first book. I will carry on to the third in the series, as I want to find out what happens, but I hope it's better than this one.
Profile Image for Jennifer Erwin.
1,321 reviews15 followers
March 3, 2014
Wow. This book starts one year after book 1 (The Pearl Savage) ends. Clara has assumed the duties as Queen of her sphere, but she still hasn't chosen between Bracus & Matthew. Charles has become an arrogant, insensitive, asshole in this book. I actually wondered why the fragment (or even the Band) never managed to kill him off. We meet Clara's real family in this book. We also get introduced to The Travelers in this book, so there is an element of time travel along with the steam punk vibe. And The Travelers don't seem to have anything other than their own best interests in mind, so I'm really wanting to continue on this series to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Kelly.
84 reviews10 followers
April 23, 2013
Ok some things I LOVED and some things I HATED.


1. This brand new world between "sphere dwellers" and "savages"
2. The evolution of Clara how she is starting to become stronger after being abused for so long.
3. The introduction of Clara's birth mom and brother

1. All the kidnapping and almost raping of the women
2. That Clara is making Matthew wait
3. The confusion with the fragment and the Travelers

I plowed thru this book and dove right into #3. Very exciting and fast moving
Displaying 1 - 30 of 60 reviews

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