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Haven Terra is still recovering from an internship that brought her literally to the brink of hell when a trip to New Orleans leads to more trouble. There, while taking part in a student volunteer program, Haven and her friends Dante and Lance run across an enclave of devils known as the Krewe. These shape-shifting devils are more reckless and vicious than any Haven, Lance, and Dante have encountered. Yet the friends soon discover that their French Quarter housemates are also angels in training, and together they must face off with the Krewe in their quest for wings. But Haven's resolve is tested when Lucian, the repentant devil with whom she was infatuated, resurfaces and asks her for help escaping the underworld. Can he be trusted? Or will aiding him cost Haven her angel wings--and her life?

416 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 5, 2013

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About the author

Aimee Agresti

11 books546 followers
Aimee Agresti is a novelist and entertainment journalist. A former staff writer for Us Weekly, she penned the magazine's coffee-table book Inside Hollywood. Her work has also appeared in People, Premiere, DC magazine, Capitol File, the Washington Post, Washingtonian, the Washington City Paper, Boston magazine, Women’s Health and the New York Observer. Aimee has made countless TV and radio appearances, dishing about celebrities on the likes of Access Hollywood, Entertainment Tonight, E!, The Insider, Extra, VH1, MSNBC, Fox News Channel and HLN. The author of The Gilded Wings trilogy for young adults, she graduated from Northwestern University with a degree in journalism and lives with her husband and two sons in the Washington, DC, area.

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Profile Image for Mitch.
355 reviews620 followers
June 27, 2016
Looking back, I really don't think my review of Illuminate did it justice. What I meant to say is that the first Gilded Wings is one of the rare angel books I actually like because it's a devilish mix of The Devil Wears Prada and The Picture of Dorian Gray. While it definitely shows its angel book roots, particularly in its molasses paced first half and somewhat forgettable heroine Haven Terra, nonetheless it impressively captures the mood, tone, and atmosphere of its gothic inspirations, features one of the most deliciously complex villains I’ve ever read, and, yeah, Aimee Agresti’s particular brand of angel mythos isn’t too shabby either.

Infatuate is, in no particular order, better, worse, and more of the same. It’s better because the pacing is much improved from the first book and didn’t bored me to tears before it impressed me, it’s worse because the absence of master(fully done) villain Aurelia Brown left a gaping hole in the story, and it’s more of the same because the plot really reminded me of the first book and at times feels like a scene for scene replay (a graveyard ritual scene in particular just screams recycled). Normally, I’m not a fan of rehashes, and I actually am kind of disappointed in Infatuate’s storyline, this time being a supposed twist of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (which anyone familiar with my reviews will know I’m a huge fan of) that really didn’t work as well as Illuminate’s take on Dorian Gray before it, but in the end I guess I’m cutting this sequel some slack because it does all the things a sequel is supposed to do - it moves the story forward, adds new plot twists, new directions, and expands on the mythology - basically, I just went with it, even if the last chapter ends on one of the most infuriating cliffhangers ever.

I guess I should also apologize for saying the cover sucked because it doesn’t really ‘go’ with the first book. Now that I’ve actually read this, the cover design is really quite wicked and the two covers follow a pretty good theme, Illuminate with a sort of a turn of the century elegance like the Lexington Hotel where the story’s based, and Infatuate with the jazzy New Orleans theme that totally fits with the plot that, no surprise, happens in the Big Easy (Haven joins other angels in training who’s survived ordeals similar to her own in a sort of volunteer slash boot camp - actually, the book’s pretty good with capturing the spirit of New Orleans too). The same theme as the books in fact - as Agresti points out somewhere in here, Illuminate is the more intellectual and thoughtful of the two, with a slow buildup as Haven unmasks the evil lurking behind the glitz of the Lexington Hotel and her glamorous boss Aurelia, while Infatuate is far more carnal, with good and evil already laid out and Haven having to stop new villain Clio from a murderous rampage and corrupting her fellow angels just in time for Mardi Gras.

Of course I’m not happy that Clio’s far too obvious and doesn’t come close to the characterization Aurelia had - I’d love to learn more about her past and the past of the Krewe just like how much was revealed about Aurelia and the other members of the Outfit, even if the story doesn’t really allow that, and it’s strange how easily some of the angels in training, who presumably survived trials just as tough as Haven and her friends, fall to the dark side, but I do see how it’s part of the Jekyll and Hyde theme - everyone has a evil half that’s easily let out and becoming an angel means learning to deal with that part of a person - even if it’s really not as well done as how Haven’s pictures showing the corruption of the souls of her subjects harkened to Dorian Gray. As for Haven herself, yeah she’s kind of forgettable as far as uniqueness goes, but her character does have that kind of silent strength that works well given the story is about trials of angels and temptations of demons. For everyone who liked Lance, I’m sorry, but he turns into a jackass here, I guess because most people are rooting for Lucian who (no surprise) is back and I don’t just mean that first creepy fake out (which was just mean).

I like gothic and gothic themed novels, so Gilded Wings is pretty much straight up my alley. Yeah, it’s an angel book too, but in this case, I don’t really mind. Go Haven!
Profile Image for bibz reads.
124 reviews3 followers
February 24, 2013
Shaking with anticipation aosdifklasf



Phoooeee, why does Agresti always have to drag the climax up until the last page? I feel like I'm still sweating from it all.

I liked this book more than the last for several reasons. This book had the potential to be soo cliche but I am absolutely glad it didn't turn out so. Lance and Haven were more developed, and everything built up rather nicely towards the end. Even though the couple was rocky for the main portion of the book, I felt like their time apart gave us a window to see their true personalities. They all had their flaws but it was all shown in a calm and casual manner. As for Lucian and Lance... I kept getting their names mixed up!!

Anyway, that cliffhanger ending kind of ended the book on a sour note instead of an exciting one for me... so I won't be looking for the next book as much as I would like to. Great sequel all in all.
Profile Image for Annabelle.
472 reviews926 followers
March 4, 2013
*****FINAL RATING: 4.75 STARS*****

I absolutely loved loved loved this book. It was gorgeous and enticing, and everything I could have asked for after being blown away by Illuminate. It kept me up reading late into the night, and it was even more haunting and creepy than the last book. It turns out demons can get still more evil, and that there's even more intrigue in this book than in the last. I adored it entirely.

Haven grows so much stronger in this book. Before the shy introvert, Haven has really begun to take a stand. She's still who she was before but she has even more courage now and she isn't afraid to make her own decisions. She does I think depend in other people a bit too much but I can understand that. I love how caring she is of everyone around her, and she's definitely a very relatable character to me. She's every teen girl in some ways, and that's the best thing about her.

I am very vocal about my deep love for Lucian. I absolutely adored him more than anything. For one thing, his passion is sexy. He's sexy. He also made some bad choices before but seeing how deeply he cares for Haven is heartrending. I love how much he's changed in some ways but in others not at all. Lucian is also so good to Haven, no matter what she does, and he's protective of her too. But above all, he wants her to be happy, even if it's not with him, though of course he'd prefer that. How can you not love that?
Okay, though I have been Team Lucian from the beginning, I did love Lance in book one. Unfortunately, I stopped liking him in this book. Not only does he turn into a tool, but he starts getting involved in really dangerous things and making stupid choices. He acts completely out of line and becomes a total jerk to Haven. I lost all respect for him in this book, which makes me sad.

I didn't think too much of him before but I've always like him. Dante is a lot of fun as a character, and he's one of the best friends Haven could ask for. He's sweet and loyal, and always supports Haven no matter what. He also struck me as a lot less stereotypical in this book and really became a character I could root for.

In Infatuate, the plot thickens. I am aware if how cliché that sounds but it is absolutely true. What happened before was just the beginning. Now, everything is about to get more serious. This time Haven and her friends will have help, but it's much-needed. Even with the help they're still going to struggle.

I loved the plot of this book infinitely more than the last. It's far more interesting, and there are more nuances to deal with. We also get a much deeper insight into this particular world of angels, and we learn a lot more about what it means to be an angel for Haven. It's complicated stuff, and the best part is that they don't have ridiculous powers or anything. They do avoid some things, but I think that's only fair.

I was also kept guessing throughout the book. It's really, really difficult to figure out who is on what side up until the end. Just when you think you've figured it out, a character will do something totally unexpected. Nothing seemed overly coincidental to me.

It's just as original as the last book! I loved that as Haven gets stronger in some ways she loses power in others. I love, love, love that she doesn't just become this ridiculously amazing and empowered person who can do anything. She has to make sacrifices and give things up to get better, just like anyone else.

The pacing was also perfect. I wouldn't call it fast-paced, but it's definitely not slow. It moves along faster as time progresses, and though it starts off a little unremarkable it quickly grows into something alluring.

Overall, this book is an absolute masterpiece. I was thoroughly impressed by the complexity and originality of the plot and I loved all the new developments. There are no mentionable plot holes and everything that happens connects to something else. It flows gorgeously, and there's really nothing bad to say.

Ah, romance. My main struggle with this book. I love how much Lucian loves Haven, and how he'd do anything for her, including watching her be happy with someone else. They still have chemistry, and the scenes with the two of them were all my favorites. However, I don't like Lance anymore, so watching him and Haven be together was not a fun experience for me. He acts like a total jerk to her and she just kind of accepts it. Not. Okay.

Aimee is an extremely talented writer, and she's only improved. Haven's voice had become surer and more distinct, and the word choice is better as well. It's more descriptive than before, and the new setting is so lushly described. I also really love the way the characters interact, and how fun their banter is and how every relationship is different.

The ending shocked me. Where Illuminate ended on a fairly closed note, this book ended with a major cliffhanger that I didn't expect. While I didn't find what happened devastating, it still left me on the edge of my seat and willing to beg for more. I still am, because I absolutely have to know what happens next. It really left me with a feeling of surprise, and I also liked that a certain someone got out of something. Can't say more than that without spoiling.

I loved this book so much, and it's easily going to be one of my favorites of the year. It's an awesome series. You can bet I'm dying for the third and final book! I even hope that maybe just maybe she'll write more than that. I really, really love these books. I highly recommend Infatuate if you loved Illuminate, or even just liked it, since it's so much better! And if you haven't given this series a try I highly recommend it. Highly.


Read more of my reviews on Sparkles and Lightning!
Profile Image for Regina.
431 reviews9 followers
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December 2, 2012
What?? i cant wait that long!! apparently Lucian will be back to feed the love triangle. I like Lance more though!
Profile Image for Henrietta.
207 reviews24 followers
March 29, 2013
Reading Infatuate was… entertaining. After I finished Illuminate, I was very eager to continue reading about the adventure of Haven, Dante and Lance. I wanted to find out if the devils might continue to do what they did best and tried to drag these characters literally to hell. I wanted to know if Haven, Dante and Lance would find out more about their heritage. I wanted to see if there were more people going through challenges and training just like them. Did I find all the answers that I was looking for in Infatuate? While I’d love to say yes, I’m afraid to report that I didn’t find every single answer that I was looking for. I guess you could say what’s in the book didn’t fully quench my curiosity. On the bright side though, I’m happy to share that in this installment, you’d find that there are more angels-in-training. You’d also see a whole new cast of devils here and these devils are not like the ones in Illuminate – they are more cunning; they are more sneaky. The challenges that Haven, Dante and Lance have to face are not just more difficult – they are simply soul-threatening! So, without a dull moment, Infatuate is thrilling and eventful.

As suggested by the title, the things that happened in this installment are related to short-term passion, awkward behavior and unreasoning desires. While I wouldn’t say the characters were behaving in ways that were out-of-characters, it was quite interesting to uncover traits in them that I might not have picked up in the first book. In a way, it’s like their sense of insecurities was amplified in this story. Most angel-in-training characters were tempted by the devil. Personally, I didn’t mind seeing them trapped in the circumstances that the devils set out. It was quite a different experience here compared to the challenges that they faced in Illuminate. Where Haven could use her diligence and intelligence to overcome challenges in the first book, all of her developed strengths seemed quite useless here. It was sad to see her suffer but I must say that watching her break down and crack also helped me connect with her in ways that I couldn’t before. And overall, I loved the way her character grew in this installment.

If you like stories that are set in New Orleans, you’d love Infatuate. I had fun reading about Mardi Gras and I liked that the carnival offered the perfect setting for the devils to scout their latest batch of victims while the angels-in-training battle for survival. However, I must warn you about the ending. Although it is not one of the cruelest endings that I’ve ever read, it was not a kind one. So, if you’re picking up the book now, don’t say I didn’t warn you. ;)


Originally posted on Leisure Reads.
Profile Image for Olya Persinger.
60 reviews19 followers
February 9, 2016
I love this series so far. I love the characters. In this book, I came to love Lucian even more and liked Lance less. In this book, they are learning more about who they are, their powers are changing and growing and the battle is increasing. I can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Onyx.
379 reviews
May 13, 2013
I really really really wish Haven would have chosen Lucian. He was literally an angel, while Lance was being a really big retard and frolicking with Sabine. Lucian was always there, Lucian was always a gentleman, and he was a really sexy hunk. Anyway, I really wish that the book had ended differently. Hopefully, the third book will satisfy my whims.
I thought that the Krewe was epic, and it was actually fun reading about them. And Sabine... WTF!! I just wanted Haven to punch Sabine for being a two-timing bitch.

2,988 reviews17 followers
June 11, 2021
Haven Terra hat den Kampf gegen das Böse gewonnen. Jetzt macht sie sich mit ihren Freunden Dante und Lance auf nach New Orleans. Hier hoffen sie auf ein wenig Ruhe und Frieden. Jedoch erwartet sie nicht nur eine Gruppe von Dämonen. Nein, Lucian taucht auch wieder auf. 

Gleich nach den ersten Seiten war ich zurück und wusste genau was in Band 1 passiert ist. Ich bin gespannt wohin uns dieses Band führt. Hier weiß man nie was einen erwartet oder welche Charaktere böse oder gut sind. Nichts ist wie es scheint. Es gibt wieder einige Überraschungen und man fragt sich ob die drei es wieder schaffen werden. Bei manchen Seiten bin ich mir nicht mehr so sicher. Wow, das war einfach wow. Ich bin immer noch sprachlos und total überwältigt, die letzten Seiten waren so was von spannend und voller Überraschungen. Cliffhanger ich brauche unbedingt Band 3. Ich muss weiterlesen. 
Profile Image for usagi ☆ミ.
1,200 reviews325 followers
March 6, 2013
Okay, so first, let me just say that this video? Totally sums up this entire book:


Confused? Don't be. This book is one huge crazy orgy of angels, demons, love rombuses (yes, rhombuses!), trials of faith, and Mardi Gras. While we see Haven and the bunch pushed to their furthest limits yet - physically, emotionally, and mentally - we also see a lot of the human condition - what one will do in order to relieve loneliness, stress, and how to feel accepted and safe. While not quite as startlingly awesome as book one, "Infatuate" is still an excellently bold book with lots of stuff that's going to make you never want to say YOLO ever again.

Yes, there is a chapter (chapter 26, to be exact) called "You Only Live Once". I swear guys, it's pretty accurate. As the worldbuilding, character building, and sensory language were more or less flawless, this review will be focusing more on plot points. I'll try not to be spoilery, but in some areas, it can't be avoided.

That aside, here's what kind of brought down my enjoyment of the book as a whole (and thus only four out of five stars): One, we have Haven in the spotlight on the angel front, becoming this crazy powerful force. What I would have liked was for Haven to have more competition on the angel training front instead of just the romance front. Though, I do have to say, her being tempted by the Krewe? One of my favorite parts of the book. It was wild, crazy, and so refreshing that I actually wanted more of that for Haven. She's so steadfast, and while that can be a great character trait, it can also be a double-edged sword - as in, too steadfast, too rigid, and too assertive in one direction.

The other double-edged sword here: the love rhombus with Lance, Sabine, Lucian, and Haven. While it served its purpose in really driving the emotional tension of things throughout the book, I'm still not entirely sure if it was needed. I do think Sabine is a great foil for Haven here, and their dynamic worked really, really well in this book. I'm just not sure that she was needed in the love rhombus. I loved the return of Lucian, and the paranoia that came with him - whose side is he really on? Can we really trust him? There's a lot of paranoia within this book as it is, and Lucian's return just kind of made things crazier. In a good way.

I also liked how confident Dante was in this book, as well as the assertion that because he's not heteronormative, he's gone through more, and thus, is a little higher on the angel ranking of things. I thought that was an interesting idea, and a bit refreshing when it came to discussing sexual identity in YA - that for once, the non-heteronormatives are on top (literally) instead of the usual couching of bullying and suicide, etc. I also liked that he got a little love action, and I actually wanted to see more of that. If anything, I think Dante was kind of left out of things for the most part, and that he needed more facetime, compared to how much Haven and Lance got. I do understand that balancing a main cast of three is difficult, but I wouldn't have minded a longer book if it meant more awesome time with Dante.

What I loved the most: the insane gore and rampaging by the Krewe. While I think Clio could have used more character development (since, aside from the Prince, she's kind of the main antagonist here). I loved all of the chapters where we really get to see them cut loose, and the shapeshifting idea was interesting in that Agresti didn't go in the direction that many authors might have gone - having the Krewe changing into beasts instead of into humans. It just makes the demons all the more quietly dangerous, and I thought that was a pretty great choice on her part.

What I did love is that all of our main cast (and new characters) really get put through the mill this time - Agresti doesn't hold much back here, and I thought that was wonderful. I can only hope there's more of the same planned for book three. Big emotional payoff comes from killing your darlings, and she really did that here. My hat goes off to her for having the bravery to do so.

Finally, the ending. I'm feeling a bit lukewarm about it. It seemed far too easy - both in the cliffhanger department, and how the Prince appeared (and acted). I would have preferred more of a struggle instead of a "okay, going to do this now, doing this now, done, bye!" sort of vibe that actually happened. It felt a bit rushed, and could have been drawn out a little more. However, it does help solve the love rhombus, so that's a plus. I guess.

Final verdict? While it's not the breathtaking book that "Illuminate" was, "Infatuate" is still an awesome follow-up with lots of surprises in store. Definitely one of the best of 2013 so far, I can't wait for book three. "Infatuate" is out now from HMH in North America, so be sure to check it out when you get the chance!

(posted to goodreads, shelfari, and birthofanewwitch.wordpress.com)
Profile Image for Aisha.
34 reviews
March 4, 2018
And wait...what happened to Lance at the end? I want book 3☹
84 reviews2 followers
May 23, 2013
* Review also found at Blue Moon Mystery Saloon blog

Fall semester of their senior year is over, and Haven Terra, her boyfriend Lance, and her best friend Dante are now early high school graduates. The prior spring, the angels-in-training successfully passed their first of three angel tests by battling evil at the Lexington Hotel. This spring promises to be a little different. The three friends have been recruited to participate in a volunteer assistance program in New Orleans, a community still struggling to rebuild after Hurricane Katrina.

They live in a group house in the French Quarter with other teenagers recruited from throughout the country. The volunteers are given projects all over New Orleans, including the haunted house next door and a spooky cemetery needing upkeep (both of which are important to the story), and the three friends continue to be on the lookout for any evil in the area. As a soul illuminator, Haven makes sure to take pictures of all the people in her house, and anyone else deemed suspicious, so she, Dante and Lance can identify any evil characters around them. The strong ties of the three friends are strained as Lance is pursued by Haven's roommate and Dante spends his time in alchemy training with a voodoo practitioner or with his new friend Max. Even Haven has a separate love interest.

New Orleans turns out to have a powerful group of Satan's helpers waiting to tag the angels-in-training and bring them into the underworld. Another battle between good and evil looms, but the stakes are much, much higher. The physical training is more strenuous and pretty unusual, and this time, all three friends receive messages from the unknown entity who they have to trust to survive.

I really enjoyed the New Orleans setting for Infatuate . Agresti does a great job of invoking the character and feel of the city and its culture and weaving it throughout the story. She uses local legends and beliefs to heighten suspense and even uses a Mardi Gras parade for a pivotal scene in the story.

And boy is there conflict! It's raising it's ugly head between Haven and Lance, Haven and her roommate Sabine, Haven and Satan, and more. The volunteers who share the same house don't always get along among themselves or with their leader. Haven and her friends have strange and worrying interactions with the local evil group known as the Krewe. And through all that, Haven is struggling with lots of internal conflict.

Agresti describes the scenic landscape and historic details necessary to imagine yourself in New Orleans so well, that I felt I was part of the story. I think she's a wiz at writing emotions too. I felt Haven's happy confusion during the tagging side effects, her resulting fear and sickness when it was over, and her feelings of loneliness and worry over her relationship with Lance.

Infatuate does end on a cliffhanger, but it isn't the "Oh-My-God-What-Happened" type of ending. I have an inkling of where the story's heading in Book 3, and I can't wait for the final book in the trilogy to come out so I can learn what happened. As I finished this book in one day, I know I'll have to block out the date of the third book's release so I can devour and savor it without stopping.

Once again, Agresti has written an enjoyable, engrossing fantasy story full of multidimensional characters, amazing imagery, and lessons of inner strength and the importance of friendship. Infatuate is a perfect book for a long Summer's day or a relaxing weekend whatever season of the year.

PROTAGONIST/HEROINE: A good, high-achieving, 17-year-old high school grad

ACTION: Battle for good and evil

LOVE INTERESTS: Clark Kentish, fellow high school grad - and - an underworld resident

ROMANCE: Yummy heavy snogs

QUIRKINESS: Dante's character

IF YOU LIKE THIS, YOU MAY LIKE: Immortal City Series by Scott Speer, The Sweet Trilogy by Wendy Higgins, The Beautiful Dark Trilogy by Jocelyn Davies, Premonition Series by Amy A Bartol, Hush Hush Saga by Becca Fitzpatrick, The Fallen Series by Lauren Kate
Profile Image for Marie.
252 reviews3 followers
August 20, 2015
Wow. Infatuate really made up for the horrible pacing (but at the same time amazingly solid plot), of its first book.

For me, the characters of this series and the events that transpired were absolutely unforgettable. I read Illuminate a couple of months before, and look! I still remember everything. That's something a lot of books I've read weren't able to give me.

Uh, wait—let's get back to my thoughts on the second book of the Gilded Wings series.

First, I liked that even though I'm not from the United States and I've never been there, I was still able to imagine how everthing looked like and how things went, given the fact that the story never run short when it comes to descriptions. I got really interested in New Orleans at an instant.

Second, it really kept me guessing until the end. I couldn't say the plot was ridiculously unpredictable, because to be honest, it freaking wasn't. Though I liked Lance more than Lucian, there came a point in the story when Lance became a bastard and Lucian became the good guy. That's when I thought that she was going to end up with Lucian. But then, Sabine left at last, then Lance reverted back to his old self. That's when things between him and Haven went back to normal. Well that, seemed pretty twisted to me.

Third and last, the ending. OH.MY.GOD. The ending was a total cliffhanger! But nevertheless, I think these kind of endings are sadistically awesome.

Overall, I give this book a 4 stars rating.I know that if you compared the ending of the first book, to the ending of this one, it was obvious that this one's was a looot better. It didn't seem rushed to me. But the only problem is that I didn't like how the author manipulated some of the characters, especially Lance.
Profile Image for Imani.
542 reviews52 followers
April 25, 2015
*sighs* I hate saying this sequel was a disappointment, but it was. I did manage to finish it in one day (which was a feat since it's 400 pages and I wasn't too emotionally invested).

I hated that there was this back and forth between Haven and Lance. It's like their relationship had no spark, and then it hit a rocky point where we didn't know if they would break up. At one point, it really seemed like they would, since they began to turn to others for comfort and considering that Lucian popped into the story at about that time. This part of the plot as far as the romance was annoying.

So Haven's an angel in training and New Orleans is like the second part of a three part test. It failed to convince me. I KNOW you shouldn't expect logic when it comes to FICTION, but there are certain things that should make sense. Like fallen angels are bad- that's a given. But I couldn't even be convinced that she was like this novice angel trainee!


Well it wasn't Haven in particular, but those around her. Angels working together with witches who do voodoo magic? Uhhh okay. So only the demons are the bad ones? o_O Dante was a chef in the last book and he's sort of an alchemist in angel terms, so he works with a voodoo witch to learn spells?! UHHH OKAY. I THOUGHT U WERE AN ANGEL BUT WHATEVS. I thought angels didn't do spells and all that. o_o

Or when a certain roommate tries to cheat with someone else's roommate? >_O Those aren't very angelic traits even if you aren't technically an angel yet.

The story was pretty slow-going for me. I felt disconnected from it for some reason but it might've just been me. Perhaps you'll have a different experience.
Profile Image for Gabriela.
145 reviews62 followers
September 8, 2013
  Well, That sucked.

Zero creativity. This entire book was like a bad TV show. One of those you leave on the background while you are doing something else. It was that tedious.

The author used the same steps, the same formulation that she employed in the first book. It was unnecesarily long again, full of detailed descriptions and little actual action. Hell, she even recycled several scenes like we were not going to notice. Right.

I had to push myself to finish reading this. I just wanted to know what the what man, how it was going to end. My levels of frustration are unmeasureable by now. I seriously wanted it to be good, because the author could have been up to something genius with the plot notion. This a clear example of a great idea gone bad, because of such poor execution.

Will I be reading the third one? Who knows... That's just how I roll, sometimes I get too involved with books and obsessed with knowing how a story is going to end and I just need to get to it even if it could bore me to death.
Profile Image for Obed Alexander.
415 reviews
October 9, 2016
El primer libro me había encantado, Aurelia Brown era un personaje que me encantaba, toda el aura del hotel, el lujo, el poder, Lucian, La Bóveda, etc. Todo era super padre, en esta segunda parte cambiamos de lugar y esto pensé que iba a afectar a la trama pero termino gustandome bastante, pero odie con todo mi ser a Lance, es un cretino y deseo que Haven termine con Lucian, el final fue super abrupto, por lo que ya quiero leer la tercera parte :D
Amo a Dante, su personaje me encanta desde el primer libro y ahora mejora mucho, ya que sabemos que esta destinado a ser, me gusto la incorporación de Max pero deseo que le den mas personalidad porque fue muy plano, solo hubo un momento que dije awww
Pd: Ya sabia lo de la monja jajaja me parecio bueno :)
Pd2: También odio a la perra de Sabine jaja
Profile Image for Tina.
240 reviews6 followers
April 15, 2022
"I lived in an entirely different universe from everyone else at school. We had played this odd role in, well, saving them from losing their souls this past spring, but it’s not as though any of them knew."
Profile Image for Ade.
126 reviews148 followers
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September 4, 2012
Eeek! I need to know when it's coming out ):

EDIT 9/3/2012: WTF? Why is the cover so... (to put it bluntly) ugly? Please tell me that it's going to change...
Profile Image for Catherine.
36 reviews1 follower
November 22, 2019
Wie schon im ersten Band, reißt die Geschichte einen nur so mit sich. Schön geschrieben, nie langweilig oder flach.Nichts derartiges bisher schonmal gelesen und als zusätzlichen Schmankerl: neue Orte. Ich meine wie oft kommt man schon in den Genuss viel über Chicago oder wie in diesem Teil, über New Orleans zu lesen? Und das nicht wenig. Straßen, Gebäudenamen, Friedhöfe, Feste… einfach alles dabei.

Zur Geschichte an sich möche ich wie immer nicht zu viel sagen. Das wichtigste überlass ich immer den kleinen Klapptexten bzw. Erklärungen des jeweiligen Verlages. Was mich an diesem Band gestört hat ist das selbe, welches ich in Teil zum Schluss hatte. Und auch hier ist es wieder fast ganz am Ende. Lance? Lucian?

Wenn ich schon vorher nicht besonders von Lance angetan war, so mag ich ihn nach diesem Buch noch weniger. So ein rumgeeier. Und Haven, was macht die? Das ist so als ob ich mir eben noch Eisetee eingeschenkt habe, aber nun ein Glas Wasser vor mir steht.HÄ??? Nicht nur in ihrer Rauschphase, auch vorher schon, jede Handlung und einige Gedanken zeugen von Gefühlen Lucian gegenüber. Kaum denkt man, oh die 3er Beziehung löst sich endlich auf… BAMM, meint Haven wieder genau das Gegenteil. Ja was denn nun? Da war ja selbst Elena aus Vampire Diaries nicht so unsicher, und die hatte es wirklich schwer.

Auch hätte ich gern ein wenig mehr über Max und Dantes Vorsprung erfahren. Das wird aber sicherlich noch nachgeholt. Besonders wenn man bedenkt, das es heißt, Haven wäre ja soooo stark.^^

Gott sei dank gibt es von dieses Scenen recht wenig und da ja noch ein Buch ansteht habe ich noch Hoffnung. Die ja bekanntlich zuletzt stirbt.

PS: Der Film, der im Buch erwähnt wird „Meine Lieder – meine Träume“ – ist die Übersetzung des weltbekannten Musicalfilms „The Sound of Music“.
Profile Image for Temmie.
37 reviews3 followers
April 16, 2020
I don't know where to begin with this book. It's been a while since I've read the original book, but I am definitely not disappointed with this one. It was great, in fact.

I don't think I've read a book that made my heart race as fast as it did with Infatuate. The characters are more badass here, the demons more evil, and the risk much greater. I don't think I ever got bored at any point in the story.

Mostly, I enjoyed the characters. Yes, there were times where I was extremely frustrated with them and wanted to sit down and give them advice like I was their mom, but I think the frustration was also something they felt, which is a plus for Aimee Agresti's writing. Haven has grown so much and I love her character probably more than a lot of female protagonists in YA books. And can we talk about Dante? I think he is my favorite character in this book. He's a ride-or-die kind of friend and he is just so great in this book.

I honestly cannot wait to read the next book.
Profile Image for Rachel Quimby-Christian.
22 reviews1 follower
June 4, 2020
I have read this book before, but I was doing a reread before finally getting a chance to read the third book (that extended wait REALLY took a lot of my memories away). I forgot about how much I enjoyed it! The writing style is certainly a slower pace, meandering through an interesting storyline at a clip some YA readers might not love. I, however, really enjoy the slow build that characterizes this series thus far. The only reason I took off a star is the lack of a fully fleshed out villain. Aurelia was such an amazing devil, I honestly missed her intimidating presence. Sabine, Kip, and Clio didn’t hold a candle in comparison to her villainy, although Sabine was realllllly pushing me with sliding in on Lance like that. I’m excited to finally read the conclusion! This cliffhanger has had me on pins and needles for YEARS!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
12 reviews
October 29, 2021
Lance was a dickhead in this book.
Profile Image for Feyre.
1,230 reviews117 followers
January 21, 2018
2.5 Sterne.
Dieses Buch war ein wenig besser als das erste, was aber wohl daran lag, dass der Einstieg durch die Schilderung von New Orleans so faszinierend war. Sobald dieser Eindruck verblasst und einmal die große Bombe geplatzt ist, was es mit diesem Freiwilligencamp auf sich hat, ist leider wieder bis kurz vor Schluss die Luft raus und wird erst wenige Seiten vor Ende wieder spannend und mitreißend. Das Ende jedoch macht diesmal den letzten Band ein wenig schmackhaft, da es mit einem Cliffhanger endet.
Profile Image for Daniela Rosa.
20 reviews1 follower
June 16, 2017
Really enjoyed the first two books of this trilogy. However why has the third book been published in German? I really want to read the final book but it seems it will never be published in English. Ian sad about this as I don't like beginning a series and not finding out how it ends. Maybe someone who's read it in German can summarise what's happens? :/
Profile Image for Crystal Hart.
Author 6 books1 follower
July 27, 2019
Again, very well written, but slow moving, and no real payout at the end. I understand it's trying to be a "hook" for book three, but as a reader, I don't appreciate feeling like I'm being coerced into reading the third book.
Profile Image for BookWormYami.
399 reviews15 followers
July 29, 2021
4.5 stars.
I loved this continuation to Haven's, Lance's and Dante's story. And it taking place in New Orleans this time seem so fitting, somehow. I really need to get the last book because this one ended on a cliff hanger and I need to know how this all ends!
199 reviews1 follower
August 19, 2017
Overall, I enjoyed the book even though I was annoyed with Lance through most of it. I just can't believe they haven't printed the final book yet.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 160 reviews

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