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Honeycote #1

When She Was Wicked

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Some rules simply beg to be broken...

A dressmaker in London's busiest shop, Miss Anabelle Honeycote overhears the ton's steamiest secrets—and (occasionally) uses them to her advantage. It isn't something she's proud of, but the reluctant blackmailer needs the money to care for her gravely ill mother. To make up for her misdeeds, Anabelle keeps to a firm set of rules:

• Never request payment from someone who cannot afford it.
• Never reveal the secrets of a paying client.
• Never enter into any form of social interaction with a client.

Her list keeps her (somewhat) honest—until she encounters Owen Sherbourne, the Duke of Huntford. Not only does Owen nip Anabelle's extortion plans in the bud, the devilishly handsome Duke soon has the sexy seamstress dreaming of more than silks and satins. With Owen, Anabelle enjoys pleasures she never imagined . . . until a scandal from the past resurfaces. Now her rules could mean his family's ruin. Owen's searing kisses carry the promise of passion, but how will he react when Anabelle's most devastating secret is finally revealed?

379 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 29, 2013

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About the author

Anne Barton

6 books231 followers
Anne Barton began swiping romance novels off her mom’s bookshelf as a teenager, so when she had the chance to spend a semester in London—home to her favorite heroes—she packed her bags and promptly fell in love with the city, its history, and its pubs. She dreamed of writing romance, but somehow ended up a software analyst instead.

Fortunately, a few years and a few careers later, Anne found her way back to writing the stories she loves and in 2011 won the Romance Writers of America's Golden Heart for Regency Historical Romance. She lives in Maryland with her husband and three children, who try valiantly not to roll their eyes whenever she quotes Jane Austen. Her weaknesses include reality TV, cute-but-impractical shoes, and caffeinated beverages of all kinds.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 142 reviews
Profile Image for Naaytaashreads.
923 reviews183 followers
September 26, 2020
“A lonely cloud drifted in front of the sun, casting long shadows beside him, and he clenched the reins in his fists. They’d enjoy a few weeks of stolen moments, clandestine meetings. After that, they’d say good-bye, and he’d pretend she wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to him. He’d make sure she and her family never wanted for anything, if her stubborn pride would let him. And in time, she’d meet a kind man, get married, have children, and forget him.

But never, ever, would Owen forget her.”

I give this a 3.5. I thoroughly enjoy the book however I felt like I was tricked because the blurb exmphasise on Belle extortion but it doesn't heavily focus on it but everything that happen was because of it. So I was getting ready for a fun scandolous extortion adventure but not really.

However, the story was still a good read!
Although in the beginning I felt like the romance just clicked immediately.
I love the secrets they both have and how it revolve around each other.

The story focus not just on romance but family, friendship, sisters, PTSD, trauma and such.
The two main characters Belle and Owen have their own storyline and their own problems that we get to follow.
Owen is not an alpha male but a sweet one that wants the best for his sister especially.
He is just the sweetest.

Our sweet Belle puts on a brave front to save her family but through her sweetness she fight her own battles in her own way and she knows what she wants, she just needs a little push and believe from herself so that she put herself first for once rather than others.

I can't wait to see where the rest of the series will take me.

“I’m glad I got to meet your sister,” he said. He was still distracted and staring out the window at the buildings rushing by. If she had to guess, dreaming of waltzing with Daphne.

“She is as kind as she is beautiful,” Anabelle said softly. Which made it dreadfully difficult to resent her.

“Do you want to know what I liked best about her?”

No. No, she did not, but she swallowed, nodded, and braced herself for his response. She suspected “her cornflower blue eyes” or “her shining gold hair.” Men were predictable creatures.

“I liked the way she made you laugh. I’ve never heard you laugh that way before.” He turned to her then and cupped her cheeks in his warm hands. “And the way she called you Belle. It suits you...Belle.”
Profile Image for Mary - Buried Under Romance .
369 reviews174 followers
March 18, 2013
A stunning debut by Anne Barton, with an original plot and engaging characters that have renovated the unacceptable-statuses trope.

Anabelle Honeycote is pragmatic and loyal to her family, she will do anything to save her mom and keep food on the table, including resorting to blackmail as her seamstress wages cannot support her mother's medical bills. Granted, her "blackmail rules" are a comical attempt at causing ambiguity in her actions, but it does well to show that she has morals, and really, what's wrong with being a Robin Hood to save her poor family?

Only due to the sheer stupidity of her first four clients that she wasn't caught, but Owen Sherbourne, the Duke of Huntford, does catch her and makes her a proposition: complete a set of dresses for his sisters or be sent to prison. And so, Anabelle moves into Owen's home and proceeds to prove how much of a Candy character she is.

Overall I greatly enjoyed the story. Anabelle takes on a confidante role to Owen's sisters, and becomes almost motherly to them by the end of the story. Her interactions with Owen are immensely sweet, a complement to their roles as care-takers of the family, and when they are together, all statuses are thrown aside and it's just them, two souls who found something lovely and admirable in each other. The secondary characters are great as well, from Owen's nice sisters (one of whom I hope will get her own book) to Anabelle's sister and mother, they are all quite nice and supportive, so the fulcrum of the book is internal and on Owen and Anabelle, instead of some evil villain hatching murder plots.

The one thing I didn't quite like was how Owen seemed to only accept Anabelle's potential as his duchess after he learns she's the granddaughter of a viscount. I know the realities of the time would not have allowed for such an uneven match between a dressmaker and a duke, but this is a romance story and Owen has already proven himself as a man who does what he wants, so the hesitation between his declaration of feelings and proposal of marriage leaves me annoyed at the man. Regardless, this is a great debut and I look forward to reading Daphne (Anabelle's sister)'s story, as she is such a sweet girl.
Profile Image for Lisa.
328 reviews81 followers
January 17, 2013
Miss Annabelle Honeycote has had to turn to a very unsavory way to get money to pay her mothers growing medical bills-extortion from some of her clients. As many of the woman who are getting new dresses pay her no mind, they openly talk about some of scandalous stories about the ton. So while it pains her to do it, Annabelle uses these secrets to her advantage to get some money (never exorbitant amounts!) to help take care of her mother and sister. Unfortunately, her latest target, Owen, the Duke of Huntford, refuses to just hand over some blackmail money and sets out to trap her instead. He will not tolerate any secret of his beloved sisters to be put out in society but he is very intrigued by the bespectacled woman he catches. He decides the best way to keep an eye on Annabelle is to have her make new wardrobes for his sisters while staying at his home. As much as it pains Annabelle to leave her sister and mother, she has to agree and quickly strikes up a wonderful friendship with Owen's two sisters...and finds herself desperately attracted to a man far, far above her station. How will Owen and Annabelle find a way to be together, while Annabelle holds her shameful secret from his sisters and the full truth of it from Owen? Can Owen forgive her when her secret keeping almost hurts his sister?

I thoroughly enjoyed this lovely debut! I love stories with dressmaker heroines as they fall for someone above their current lot in life and also the attention to detail about dress construction. So much work and time for one garment-and all by hand! Annabelle is determined to do what she can to help her ailing mother, who seems to be fading away and while it pains her to turn to blackmail, it works to help pay for the medicines needed. She is proud, clever, feisty, strong and loyal and I loved watching her fall for Owen. I wish she had explained the full extent of her blackmail schemes as it comes back in a big way but that added some nice drama to the storyline. Owen was a delicious gentleman who takes his responsibilities to his family seriously and I loved the way he took care of Annabelle and her family...even though she tried to resist his help. His love for his sisters was wonderful but the subplot with one of them was a bit odd (how she came to stop speaking) and dragged on a little too long for my taste. The banter between Owen and Annabelle was lovely and the writing crisp and enjoyable. Recommended for fans of determined, fiesty, loyal heroines who work for a living and fall for someone above her class, a hero who is protective, sexy and also determined mixed with lovely attention to details and fun banter and sizzling tension. I know I will be picking up more from Anne Barton! 4 stars

eARC provided by Grand Central Publishing, Forever, by netgalley.com
Profile Image for Katie(babs).
1,838 reviews532 followers
December 12, 2012
Think of every stereotypical trope found in historical romance and it's in here. This is unbelievably unoriginal and dull, and I'm surprised it got published in the first place. There was few bright spots where the author shows she can be a skilled writers, but every thing from the ridiculous, unrealistic plot to the caricatures are basically "borrowing" from most of the historical romances published.

Big big pass on this one.
Profile Image for Shauni.
1,061 reviews27 followers
January 28, 2013
There once was a girl who when she was good she was very good but When She Was Wicked, she was even better! *grins* Couldn't help myself. When She Was Wicked is a wonderful story of dreams of life and love coming true. And Anne Barton crafts a delightful tale of deception and delight..

Annabelle Honeycote spent her life in service to the women of the ton and their less than polite counterpart. What was she? She was a seamstress.. rather she was the secret weapon of the ton's favored modiste.. Her designs delight the women and she has made her boss a veritable fortune. Sadly, she is working for pennies and doesn't make enough money to pay to board her ailing mother and her sister, who can't work because she stays home to care for their mother. What she doesn't make enough money for is to pay for the doctor and the medicine that is keeping her mother alive. So she does a bit of creative conniving. She listens to her clients then when she is desperate enough she uhmm blackmails them. Now don't hate her too much, she only blackmails those who can afford it, she never blackmails them for much and she never goes back for seconds. Yes, a blackmailer with ethics. Money is once again running short when she hears a secret that could help her family through the next few months. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on how you look at it, she chose Owen Sherbourne, the Duke of Huntford as her next victim.

Owen Sherbourne, the Duke of Huntford, is certainly not going to succumb to blackmail but he did need to know who the cretin was and what secret they had. So he of course hid and captured the criminal.. Needless to say he was astounded to see the considerate dressmaker he had spoken to just that afternoon. Astounding even himself, he makes her an offer only an idiot would refuse. He will pay her mother's doctors bills, medicine bills, a salary large enough to pay for rent and food.. all she has to do is make his socially inept sisters entire new wardrobes. Figuring that keeping her under his roof would likely put an end to any further blackmailing attempts.

Of course Annabelle is so much more than a mere seamstress and immediately draws his sisters in.. Her warmth and friendship helps these two wonderful girls find their own feet. With a scandal in their past Owen is determined that none of them would do anything to further the family's disgrace, which includes not being too friendly with the servants. Of course he didn't count on falling for the seamstress. What he never knew was that he too needed a friend, someone to share things with and yes someone who loves him.

Annabelle works her magic on the family helping them to learn to lean on each other and slowly falls totally and completely in love with her Duke. Sadly, their stations are too far apart and Annabelle knows nothing will ever come of it. Add to it the current "Diamond" who wants Owen, well the Duke, for herself. Sure she is the "proper" match for him. Yech, what a snot.. Makes me ever so glad I was born in America in the 20th century.. where class doesn't quite matter.. Sadly, I would have probably scratched the twit's eyes out but our Annabelle was a true lady..

This wasn't quite My Fair Lady but it certainly had some Pygmalion aspects to it. Never the less it was an excellent read and for my Historical Romance readers out there.. you will enjoy it. Get the bubble bath, the candles and a bottle glass of wine and prepare to indulge.


This review is based on the ARC of When She Was Wicked provided by netgalley and is scheduled to be released January 29, 2013

For more reviews by Shauni check out Tea and Book and
Bodice Rippers, Femme Fatales and Fantasy
March 9, 2013
Sweet, fluffy read. Not much steam or romance. The heroine is admirable and not out of character for her time. The hero is a nice guy, not a rake, just a genuinely good person trying to do his best to raise two sisters and maintain the family's social position and watch out for their best interest. He is not too overbearing, not too much of an alpha male, and I really liked his character. There's not a whole lot of complexity, there is a mean and beautiful anti as there always is, but the romance overall is sweet and genuine, if not slow and unbelievable. Even if she is the granddaughter of a viscount fallen on hard times, a Duke would be hard pressed to fall for a seamstress and actually marry her. An enjoyable, if forgettable read.
Profile Image for Mojca.
2,132 reviews162 followers
October 4, 2018
Nothing is more important than family for Anabelle Honeycote. She's willing to do anything to save her ailing mother, even extort money from unsuspecting members of the ton. Anabelle's job as a seamstress doesn't bring much money and her mother's medicine is expensive, not to speak of rent or food...She has no other option. Still, she has rules; she never blackmails someone who cannot afford it, she only does it once per person, she never reveals the secret and she never socialized with her "victims".

But the fourth time everything unravels. Not only does her mark, Owen Sherbourne, the Duke of Huntford, lie in wait and catches her, he literally imprisons her in his home as a personal seamstress to his two younger sisters.

Soon a strange relationship blossoms between the mark and extortionist, a relationship that somehow blurs the lines between their opposing social standings and make them dream of possibilities that aren't meant to be. Not only can a union between a duke and a lowly seamstress never be, no matter their feelings and wants, Anabelle has a secret that might ruin her star-crossed romance with Owen and destroy her friendship with his sisters forever.

I loved this story so much, I don't know how to write an adequate review. I guess it's all still so vivid in my mind, but I have to write something, or I might just burst.

This was yet another impulse buy for me, but boy am I glad for it. I started reading without much expectations beyond hoping it wouldn't suck.

Not only it didn't suck, it blew me away!

The characters were so well-developed and depicted so vividly, I felt like they were in the room with me and we were old friends. Every scene was painted so masterfully, I felt like I was watching a movie, experiencing what the characters did, seeing what they saw, feeling what they felt, laughing and crying alongside them.
Not many authors can make me tremble with excitement with each scene they write, but I can safely say, Ms. Bennett is one of them.

I rooted for Anabelle and Owen despite the cards stacked against them, I loved Owen's sisters as much as he and Belle did, I suffered with them, despaired against the odds alongside them...It's such a cliché to say that two characters are perfect together, but Belle and Owen fit. They were both layered characters with hidden depths, both wearing masks in their lives, masks that only the other could see behind and embrace the real person underneath the persona of the duke and the seamstress.
Their strange relationship and budding romance were beautifully portrayed, and the conflict stemming from the social chasm between them was heartbreaking in its realism. But I loved the fact they came from two different ends of the social spectrum and how they both learned (but especially him), that nothing is more important than love and one's happiness.
And yes, the scene at the ball made me sniffle. It was just so perfect.

The supporting cast offered a lovely backdrop to the main story, from creating the opportunity for Belle and Owen to actually meet, offering support, friendship, care and family ties, to throwing obstacles in their path (the little perfect would-be duchess was so delightfully mean, it was a pleasure to discover her true nature and in the end cackle at her metaphorical demise).

This book was a real pleasure to read, literally unputdownable (I read it when I was supposed to be doing something else), I kept turning the pages, wanting to see what happens next, hoping against hope for a happily ever after. Yes, it's a romance story, so a HEA is pretty much a given, but the fact I trembled anxiously, the fact that I had doubts, speaks to the author's skill. She was able to transport me back in time, she made me fall in love with Bella and Owen...I was invested and I loved every second of it.

Thank you, Anna Bennett/Anne Barton!
Profile Image for Melliane.
2,065 reviews347 followers
May 27, 2016

Mon avis en Français

My English review

J’ai ce roman depuis quelques temps mais je n’ai jamais pris le temps de le lire. Pourtant, j’ai un attrait particulier pour les romances historiques et c’était donc avec plaisir que je me suis lancée cette fois-ci dans l’histoire. Je ne me rappelais plus des avis concernant le roman, et c’est sans idées préconçues que j’ai commencé l’histoire. Je peux vous dire que finalement, je suis contente d’avoir attaqué ce premier tome car j’ai passé un excellent moment avec le roman et ses personnages. Avant de commencer, j’ai toujours un peu peur d’avoir une histoire assez commune mais j’attends toujours avec impatience de voir si l’auteure est parvenue à présenter quelque chose de différent de ce qu’on trouve habituellement et je pense qu’Anne Burton a complètement réussi son challenge ici et même plus que ça !

Nous découvrons dès le premier chapitre Annabelle, une jeune couturière qui essaie de subvenir aux besoins de sa famille… Hélas, son salaire seul n’arrive pas à combler les besoins pécuniers de sa sœur et de sa mère gravement malade. Alors, pour arrondir ses fins de mois, notre chère héroïne n’a rien trouvé de mieux que de faire chanter des personnes influentes grâces aux commérages de sa boutique. Le peu qu’elle en récupère parvient à financer les médicaments si précieux qu’elle désire, ou c’est en tout cas le cas jusqu’à ce qu’elle s’attaque à plus fort qu’elle et qu’elle se retrouve attrapée par sa victime. Le deal : éviter la prison mais venir travailler pour le duc de Huntford afin de confectionner des robes pour ses deux jeunes sœurs. Mais voilà, Annabelle ne pensait pas tomber sous le charme de son employeur et inversement. Hélas, même si le duc cherche une femme, Belle ne peut prétendre au titre dû à ses origines. En plus de cela, notre couturière se retrouve aussi au cœur d’une histoire dont elle ne sait se dépêtrer et qui met en scène les deux sœurs du conte. Leur dire la vérité pourrait les aider, mais elle a promis auparavant de ne pas le faire….

J’ai adoré l’idée de la jeune femme qui essayait d’escroquer les gens surtout que quand on la connait bien on se demande comment elle a fait avec son tempérament si gentil et doux. Ce qui m’a assez étonné c’était le désir du duc d’être avec elle sans qu’il n’y ait plus et qui malgré les conséquences n’essayait même pas de se retenir. C’est aussi grâce à cela que l’on assiste à des moments très drôle et des discussions animées. Pour ce qui est de Belle, on comprend son envie de plus, surtout qu’elle est à présent considéré comme une égale et plus comme une domestique. C’est aussi pourquoi sa relation avec Olivia et Rose est très touchante, surtout quand on voit qu’elle désire vraiment agir au mieux pour elles et que les deux jeunes femmes étaient devenues très chères à son cœur. Pourtant son passé la rattrape aussi et elle devra faire des choix difficiles.

Comme je le disais, j’ai passé un excellent moment avec l’histoire, les quatre personnages principaux sont tous adorables et j’ai pris grand plaisir à les découvrir chacun à leur tour. Les idées nouvelles amenées étaient intéressantes et j’étais vraiment curieuse de voir comment l’auteure allait nous présenter tout ça. Dans tous les cas tout est très bien écrit et j’ai eu du mal à reposer le livre avant de le finir. Je suis assez curieuse à présent de lire la suite et de découvrir l’histoire de Daph, la sœur de Belle !
Profile Image for Kusanagi.
186 reviews10 followers
October 30, 2015
Je cherchais (et cherche encore ceci dit) une romance que j'avais commencé avec une histoire de couturière... résultat j'ai une belle collection de romances historiques avec des couturières XD.

Et donc j'ai commencé celle-là (parce qu'elle a un autre de mes challenge "lecture " ... y'a un Duc \o/ ).

Et j'ai franchement bien aimé. Ce n'était pas celle que je cherchais mais j'ai passé un bon moment ^^ L'équation est classique Annabelle est couturière, elle doit faire vivre sa famille ... et pour ça elle recourt parfois à une technique pas très honnête: le chantage.

Owen (je viens de me rendre compte que j'adore ce prénom et tout ça c'est la faute de Star Wars.... mais passons )est duc donc et très protecteur vis-à-vis de ses soeurs, et il aime moyen avoir à faire à un maitre-chanteur.

Même si celui-ci est plutôt charmante et lui fait un peu pitié. Donc il a trouvé un moyen de se venger: l'obliger à coudre les robes de ses sœurs à domicile. Oui vous allez me dire c'est un peu naïf et cousu de fil blanc ce truc (ah ah, elle était facile fallait que je la place :p ). Et très crédible oui aussi(mais sérieux ON S'EN FOUT!)

J'ai bien aimé.... j'ai bien aimé la relations entre les deux, j'ai bien aimé leur rapport à leur famille aux deux, j'ai aimé aussi les soeurs des héros... du côté de la famille ducale on a quelques casseroles niveau papa-maman à gérer qui rajoute de l'intérêt à l'histoire.
Donc voilà, je vais lire le tome 2 ^^
Profile Image for Norav.
172 reviews
May 2, 2015
J'ai beaucoup aimé. Malgré quelques incohérences (Annabelle myope au point de se cogner à plusieurs murs mais qui, quelques pages plus loin, arrive à réaliser des robes toujours sans lunettes, m'a doucement fait ricaner XD).
Hormis ces détails, je me suis laissée entrainer par l'histoire et je n'ai lâché le livre qu'une fois fini.
Profile Image for Lily (Night Owl Book Cafe).
625 reviews492 followers
April 16, 2013
Courtesy of Hachette Book Group, GRAND CENTRAL PUBLISHING, FOREVER through Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

I truly love well done historical novels and When She Was Wicked, was the perfect fix for my recent historical need.

Anabelle Honeycote works as a seamstress at one of the London's busiest shop, she is also the reason for it's success. Known for her beautiful craft of work and dresses made for the ladies of the ton that fit their beauty and personality perfectly. Unfortunately, Anabelle does not make enough to survive, and with a very sick mother at home – Miss Anabelle Honeycote turns to extortion in order to make the extra money to pay for her mothers medicine and keep the roof over their head. The London's shop just happens to be the perfect place for all the steamy gossip.

Anabelle has a certain set of rules she follows in order to make up for her misdeeds, which protect her and keep her honest. When she tries to extort some money from the Duke of Huntford, not only does he catch her, but proposes her a job at his home under surveillance over the cold and dreary jail cell. Anabelle is to make a certain amount of dresses for his two sisters within three months, but the company of the Duke so close is more then Anabelle was willing to bargain for.

What a beautiful start of a series. I love the characters, loved the interactions, the storyline and Anne Barton's wonderful and clever writing.

Barton knows how to lure you into the story and make you fall under it's spell. I couldn't put the book down, even when I should have been sleeping. I was so engrossed in the storyline and the attraction between Owen and Belle, that I couldn't put the book down. I knew I had to finish it and learn about Anabelle's happily ever after.

Owen is the Duke of Huntford who is a guardian older brother to two of his sisters. One of which Belle has threatened to expose her secrets of befriending a servant. A relationship between his kind and the servants is unheard of, much less a friendship. But when Miss Honeycote is revealed to be more beautiful and far more then he can handle, some rules are meant to go out the window. I loved his character. Loved that he wasn't really perfect. Thought he loves his sisters, he has no idea how to communicate with them. It is even harder with his youngest sister Rose, who stopped talking sometimes years back and he isn't all sure what had caused it. Their father committed suicide and their mother fled after an affair. He is also unsure of what to make of his relationship and attraction to Belle, and makes a lot of mistakes along the way, but their late night meetings and stolen forms of endearment squeezed my heart through the book.

The attraction was there, and it was both sweet and steamy. I couldn't help but feel bad for Anabelle, especially the secret she was harboring and her relationship with Owen – since he didn't want others to know about their attraction. But his caring gestures had touched my heart.

There were some sad parts, especially involving Miss. Sterling. I hated Miss Sterling, a woman who everyone assumed wound end up as the Dukes wife and her hostility to Belle. But the ending ended up being sweet and wonderful and made me squeeze the book from sheer happiness. The Duke really shined and made me fall in love with him myself. I hated Miss Sterling, a woman who everyone assumed wound end up as the Dukes wife and her hostility to Belle. I loved Olivia and Rose, and hope that eventually Barton will write books about them, because I would love to see their stories and how they panned out as well. Looking forward to more from this series and this wonderful author!
Profile Image for Melody  May (What I'm Reading).
1,485 reviews25 followers
October 26, 2013
Originally Posted on What I'm Reading

Good morning everyone. Well, it was a late night. Sometimes I love when I can't put down the book, and sometimes I hate it. However, I'm excited to bring to you a new author who has a fantastic debut to read.

Anne Barton brings an exciting adventure of a seamstress who happens to extort some members in Society to help her family out in When She Was Wicked. It's not like Anabelle Honeycote has been doing it long. Being a seamstress, she tends to hear all the juice gossip and why not profit from these juice tidbits. After all her family is in need, and they have more money than she does.

It's not like Anabelle goes into this willy-nilly, she actually has a list of rules that she follow.
List of Nevers
1. Never request payment from someone who cannot afford it.
2. Never request an exorbitant amount---only what is necessary.
3. Never request payment from the same person on more than one occasion.
4. Never reveal the secrets of a paying customer.
5. Never enter into any form of social interaction with a former customer.

However, it is amazing when these rules seem to fly out the window when she tries to blackmail Owen Sherbourne, the Duke of Huntford. Never goes well when you try to blackmail a Duke. As Anabelle hangs out with Owen, she realizes she needs more rules to keep herself safe from him.

I must say I really enjoyed this book, after all I stayed up all night reading it. Once Anabelle becomes the official seamstress for Owen's sisters, Olivia and Rose, the story started to really pick up the pace. It was neat to see the different types of relationship Anabelle had with Owen's family. You have Anabelle and Owen fighting there attraction to one another. After all Duke's do not marry servants, appearances are everything. Especially, when the family has a blacken history like Huntford.

Then you have Anabelle and her relationship to Olivia and Rose. This relationship is a little more complicated, when she gets to know the girls. Olivia and Rose are little unsure of themselves, and knowing their past it's easy to understand the reasoning behind it. Rose is even more special, because she has what we would call selective mutism. I can understand how her selective mutism was trigger. I would go mute if I saw what she saw. ICK!

You always need a snotty girl, who obviously thinks she's better than everyone. Seriously, Miss Starling is a manipulative little witch, who can't handle a little competition.

Honestly, I thought the story was creative and different from what I have read lately. I'm seriously looking forward to more books from Anne Barton. Seriously, an impressive read you might want to checkout when it comes out next week.

Copy provide by NetGalley and author
Profile Image for Kristina Coop-a-Loop.
1,253 reviews520 followers
November 9, 2013
This is a silly book, but that's okay because I really needed to read a silly book today. It's not particularly well-written and the plot is clumsy and obvious, but if you're looking for light and fluffy, When She Was Wicked does the job.

Annabel Honeycote is a talented and hardworking seamstress who also happens to occasionally extort money from her wealthy clients. She has a sick mother and a sister to care for and her salary does not cover all their needs. However, when she attempts to extort money from the Duke of Huntford, she finds she has met her match (insert sarcastic exclamation mark).

This was vaguely amusing and interesting. I didn't care for Annabelle all that much--I mean, c'mon, she blackmailed people, one of the sleaziest, most cowardly crimes. Just because she had the purest of reasons didn't really excuse it for me. Her list of rules she created to guide her sleazy crimes annoyed me too--especially as she constantly revised them every time she had another sexy encounter with Owen. Owen. That is the most un-sexy name for a duke ever.

This romance happened way too easily--I prefer a bit of a fight between the characters, some sexy Beatrice and Benedick-like banter. The duke, despite his manly muscles and manly fierce presence, is a bit of a soft touch. He was swept off his feet by her. Not that that can't work in a story, it just seemed rather sappy. He forgave her way too quickly at the end there. If she had revealed her knowledge, poor Rose would have been spared a disgusting encounter.

The plot lumbers along and anyone who's read a few of these can spot the author setting up the encounters between the two lovebirds. Rose freaking out from being drunkenly groped and running into the woods in her barefeet and nightie in the middle of the night was a bit much for me, particularly as she conveniently took refuge in a secluded romantic cottage. Guess who found her? Owen the Duke and Annabelle the Criminal. Naturally (after rushing his sister home), he comes back for Annabelle--and they engage in a night of sexy debauchery that results in the loss of her virginity. The sex scenes are kinda meh. I've read better.

The duke's sisters, Rose and Olivia, are enjoyable. Aside from Annabelle and Owen, no one else makes an impact.

Overall, this was enjoyable $6 fluff. My brain appreciated the distraction.

Profile Image for StScho.
243 reviews25 followers
February 7, 2013
Despite the book blurg the whole book was not about extortion. Okay, lemme back up a bit. Annabelle is an impoverished seamstress that desperately needs funds to support her younger sister and ailing mother. The doctor and her medications are costly and she can either have shelter and food or her mom passing away but not both. Against her better judgment, she starts to blackmail her clientele anonymously.

Never more than one.

Never revealing their guarded secrets.

And never someone who cannot afford it.

These rules are what keep her from feeling too guilty about her illegal endeavors. Unfortunately, her next mark does not care for extortion.
In comes Owen Sherbourne, the Duke of Huntford. It is one of his sisters that is being threatened and instead of paying, he catches the blackmailer instead. The narrative hook needs a little leap of faith to believe.

If you can get passed the beginning, the rest of the novel is actually quite good. They both fight their attraction for each other because of their vast social differences. And even though the attraction is immediate, the love is gradual. Their romance was sweet. Although, you hurt for them as they struggle against their love due to social stigma.

Writing: good
Dialogue: good
Heat: medium
Will I read the rest of the series? Yes, and I think the second one is going to be better than this one. The hero sounds a little darker.
Profile Image for Janet.
2,747 reviews24 followers
September 25, 2019
Wonderful book! I really enjoyed the plot and Anabelle. You can appreciate what she had to do to take care of her sister and sick mother. Owen Sherbourne is a fantastic hero who readers will love. I'm looking forward to reading Daphne's story.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,416 reviews143 followers
April 19, 2016
Well, this was a pleasant surprise!. I am always excited to read something from a debut author, but I was blown away with how good Anne Barton's first book was. For me, the mark of a good book is one that I think about long after finishing it and When She Was Wicked definitely accomplished that feat.

This is the first book in a series about the Honeycote family who have estranged ties with the British nobility, but are forced to survive on their own. Anabelle, spends her days working as a seamstress for one of the premier dress shops in London in order to provide for her family. Through her work, Anabelle learns many secrets about the lords and ladies of the ton and uses that knowledge by blackmailing them in order to gain a bit more money.

Everything goes pretty smoothly until she attempts to blackmail the Duke of Huntford (Owen) who discovers her plot. In retaliation, Owen decides to "punish" Anabelle by keeping her as a live-in dressmaker for his two teenaged sisters for two months. This, of course, forces Anabelle and Huntford to interact and discover that they have a definite attraction to one another.

As you can see above, The plot of When She Was Wicked is nothing completely out of the ordinary for historical romance. It is a bit far-fetched if one tries to think about it too hard, but, for me, that is part of the charm of the genre. Once you get past the initial introduction, the book really starts to shine with the development of the characters and the love story really takes off. I think the biggest thing that helps this plot work for Anne Barton is her writing style and the way that it just flows off the page. I never felt like reading this book was work and I had it done within two work days which is unusual nowadays.

Anabelle was a real joy to read about. She is a sweet person who regrets what she is doing with the extortion attempts, but is determined to help her family survive in any way she can. I think this is an admirable quality in a heroine especially because readers get to see the inner conflict that Anabelle deals with on a daily basis. I also like her independent streak especially when the romance gets going. She has spent much of her life taking care of others so it is a foreign concept for someone else to want to take care of her.

I also really enjoyed Owen's character. He starts out acting like, what I would assume, most lords who inherited their title from an early age would, but he is also a genuinely nice person who cares deeply about his family. Years of being duke have left him with a protective streak related to his younger sisters, but he often has issues trusting them with his own feelings. Through his friendship and then later relationship with Anabelle, Owen learns how to be more comfortable with his sisters and show them how much he loves them.

Anabelle and Owen's relationship was very well-developed. They started out in a pretty difficult situation with the whole blackmail thing though things quickly turned into friendship. Both of them were not familiar with trusting others with inner thoughts and feelings, but found something in one another that they could connect with. Some of the best scenes between these two are when they just sit and talk about random things. Their friendship also quickly develops into something more over the course of Anabelle's time working for Owen and his sisters. I thought it progressed naturally despite the shortened time period, mostly because they were in almost constant contact during the story.

I also liked the way Anne Barton developed her secondary characters especially Anabelle's sister, Daphne, and Owen's sisters, Olivia and Rose. The book doesn't spend a lot of time on Daphne, but what I read really made me like her. She was determined and protective of both Anabelle and her mother. I can't wait to read her story and learn even more about her character. Olivia and Rose were very prominent in the story due to Anabelle's working relationship, and, later, friendship with them. They were young and their moments of immaturity, but I was impressed by their outlooks on life and society. I could easily see how Anabelle could become friends with them in such a short amount of time and I hope Barton gives us their stories in the future as well.

Most of the plot of When She Was Wicked involved character interaction with little external drama. There was a bit of conflict in the last third of the book involving Rose's refusal to speak, but it was resolved pretty quickly...almost too quickly for my taste. I love character-centric romances so I did wish the later half wasn't as over-the-top with the drama since I felt like the story didn't need it. But, Barton's writing style kept the story flowing and I easily finished within two days.

In conclusion, this was a well-written and entertaining debut novel full of wonderful characters and almost sugary sweet romance. I definitely plan on watching Anne Barton does next because I think she has a bright future in historical romance.

For more reviews, check out my blog: http://feministfairytalereviews.blogs...
183 reviews
December 26, 2022
I thought this lacked humor and spark. The characters take themselves a little too seriously. Although it never really clicked for me, I still stayed up until 1:00 AM on Christmas Eve to finish it.
Profile Image for SidneyKay.
621 reviews48 followers
February 27, 2013
Giant chest on cover alert!

When She Was Wicked is the first in the Honeycote series for debut author Anne Barton, and it's a charming beginning. This is a tale of two people from different worlds, sort of. Our heroine, Anabelle, is a seamstress and the only support of her family (mother and sister). The mother has been diagnosed with tuberculosis and any money Anabelle has earned has gone for her mother's medication. This leads us to Anabelle's other occupation: extortion. And, what better place to hear gossip than in a dress shop where a seamstress is pretty much ignored while clientele talk about all kinds of sex-capades.

Well, Anabelle is desperate; she overhears something and sets out to blackmail a duke. This time she has picked the wrong pigeon, and she ends up getting caught by our hero, Owen, Duke of Huntford. Instead of throwing her in prison, he makes her pack up her things and come live with him and design gowns for his sisters as a punishment. Included in this punishment is paying her back rent, providing food for her family and bringing in another doctor to look at her mother. Some punishment. In the process, they fall in love. The end.

I loved the beginning of the book, I thought Anabelle was a nice change from standard heroines. She was smart, strong, and for the most part able to take care of herself. She also wants more out of her relationship with Owen than he's willing to give. So, she is walking a very thin line: she will not be a mistress, she wants to be a wife. She is very much aware she is not trained for some of the complexities built into his social class. He is also aware of these differences and even when it is discovered that her grandfather was/is a viscount, it doesn't change anything. Owen stills does not accept Anabelle as his social equal. So, their struggle with their differences was an interesting process to watch.

Where the author lost me a little was with some implausible scenarios. I know this is a work of fiction, but there is a fine line between fiction and fairytale. I found it hard to buy into Anabelle attending a high society weekend party as Owen's sister's companion. This included her being at the table with all of the invited guests, some of them her clientele from the dress shop. I'm not sure if that would have been acceptable in that time period. I suspect she would have been given the "cut direct" big time, and that didn't happen. One of the other things that had me raising my eyebrows was when she is tricked into attending a ball, she is in the middle of the ball room and Owen approaches her, bypasses everyone, stands before her and what does she think? Why she thinks he is going to ask her to be his seamstress. Puleese. Do you really think a duke is going to make such a public display? Just to find a seamstress. All eyes are turned on him as he walks past everyone, his family, his friends, her family, society gossips - just to employ someone. My smart heroine took a nose-dive into stupidville at that point.

The chapter sub-titles were fun and I read all of them (usually I skip chapter headings). The heroine was a strong woman, who while a little naive sometimes, for the most part didn't let people walk all over her. Owen was a little weaker; it took him a little longer to make up his mind. Overall, this was a good read, nothing too complex, nothing too exhausting, and I will be checking out Ms. Barton's next story in the series.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sandy M.
669 reviews34 followers
January 28, 2013
What lovely breath of fresh air this book is. Annie Barton gives readers a heroine brave enough to do what it takes to support her family and face the duke who catches her red-handed.

Anabelle Honeycote is a lowly dressmaker, and it’s while she’s going about her duties that she hears the latest gossip, which gives her ideas on how to bring in the extra money needed to take care of her younger sister and very ill mother. Now, while her plan may be a bit illegal, it works and she has a set of rules she sticks to - she only extorts money from those who can afford it, she never demands more than she needs to cover her bills, she would never reveal secrets from current “clients,” and never, ever socially interact with her “clients.” Yes, she’s an extortionist, but she’s trying to be a good one, one with a conscience.

Her luck runs out when she sets her sights on the Duke of Huntford. The man isn’t about to let someone besmirch his sister’s reputation, so he leaves the demanded money and then lies in wait. Needless to say, he’s a bit startled when he realizes he has Ms. Honeytcote from the dress shop dead to rights. Instead of handing her over to the local constable, he proposes she work for her release, creating new wardrobes for both his sisters. Relieved, Anabelle agrees.

Of course, being in the same house, no matter how sprawling it is, is not the best situation for either of them. Feelings neither of them ever expected surface, and when they’re not in each other’s arms, they are trying to say away from one another. Both wishing the time it takes to create gowns of all kinds would take much longer than it truly does. Anabelle becomes friends with Huntford’s sisters, Olivia and Rose, who hasn’t spoken since she witnessed a horrible situation years before. I like how Huntford dotes on his sisters, always worried and willing to do anything for them, pained by Rose’s silence. He allows Anabelle to visit her family, and once he meets them and learns about their hardship, he willingly pays for their every need, even going so far as to have the doctor treating Belle’s mother checked out.

Anabelle is grateful, of course, but she knows better than anyone she and Huntford can never be together. He discovers she’s the granddaughter of a baronet, but for some reason she refuses to even talk about that. Then when he learns she’s harbored a secret that has the potential to hurt one of his sister’s, forgiveness will be hard to come by. I enjoyed both Huntford and Anabelle very much. Especially Anabelle. She has backbone and is loyal to a fault, feels hurt deeply, even when it belongs to someone else. Huntford is the very noble aristocrat with a backbone even more rigid than Anabelle’s. He finds himself rethinking everything he’s worked for. Will it be worth anything without Belle?

There’s action, there’s romance, there’s emotion, friendship, and a lot of fun. I really like the sewing terms used at the beginning of some chapters. Very intriguing. All characters are likable and sympathetic, and you get lost in their lives, travails, and triumphs. Ms. Barton’s debut book is a total hit. I look forward to see what she comes up with next.

See my complete review at http://www.goodbadandunread.com
Profile Image for Book Binge.
838 reviews155 followers
February 5, 2013
...I was very interested in the whole premise of this book when I went in to it but I quickly became confused with Owen and Anabelle and that whole initial situation. I guess it seemed so far fetched that I just couldn’t wrap my mind around it. Here’s Anabelle extorting money from Owen and while he feels bad for her and her family I couldn’t understand why he would not only not take her to the law but actually invite the criminal into his home. Whaaaaa? I didn’t get that at all. In fact as Anabelle is becoming friends with Owen’s sisters, Olivia and Rose, I kept thinking, now why did Owen put her there? It was just…odd.

Owen’s attraction to Anabelle was understandable, but I also had an issue with the suddenness of it. After finishing a book I like being able to think back on when the hero and heroine became aware of their attraction to each other – that moment when the light bulb goes on over their heads. This one was a mystery to me. Now despite that muddle I really liked Owen and Anabelle together. They didn’t spend a great deal of time alone together in the book but what time they spend together was really pretty great.

I liked Rose and Olivia a lot as well and thought they added a lovely aspect to the story. Rose had been traumatized a couple of years earlier and had stopped speaking. I felt this was a nice secondary issue in the book but the way it was resolved was too perfect, imho, just too...timely.

Anyway, the story was cute and it was an enjoyable read with a few issues. It looks like this is Barton’s first published novel (if I’m reading her website correctly) so I’ll keep my eye on her and see what happens in the future.

Rating: 3 out of 5

This review was originally posted on Book Binge by Tracy. Click on link to blog for full review.
Profile Image for The Window Seat.
689 reviews69 followers
January 13, 2013
Miss. Annabelle Honeycote has made her living as a seamstress, creating a reputation for her employer’s shop as one of the finest in London. As the clientele of the shop has become more prestigious, Annabelle has also been privy to the closed-door gossip of the ton. As she struggles to support her ill mother and younger sister, Annabelle makes the choice to use that information as a means to supplement her income by extorting the subjects of the rumors. When a choice piece of gossip about the sister of the Duke of Huntford falls into her lap, Annabelle cannot resist trying her scheme one more time to pay off her mounting debts.

What she doesn’t count on is the resourcefulness of her target, Owen Sherbourne. Lying in wait, he catches her in the act of collecting the hush money, and initially threatens to turn her over to the authorities. But, quickly Owen’s feelings for the would-be extortionist change from anger to a curiosity about her and her circumstances. He offers her a bargain for her freedom; come to his home and create an entire wardrobe for his sisters or face justice for her actions. Thus begins the dance between Annabelle and Owen, with both greatly attracted to one another but knowing there is little future for them.

For the full review, please go to http://www.thewindowseat13.com/2013/0...
Profile Image for My Book Addiction and More MBA.
1,958 reviews68 followers
February 23, 2013
WHEN SHE WAS WICKED by Anne Baxter is an delightful historical romance. #1 A Honeycote Novel series. A lowly seamstress meets,and a Duke.Can love blossom as a blackmailer falls in love? Filled with secrets,flaws,romance,fate and love. An amazing story of England's social class,family,the fight to keep one's family happy and healthy. With engaging,realistic characters who will tug at your heart strings and an interesting intriguing plot. You will not regret picking up "When She Was WIcked". As Miss Anabelle Honeycote and Owen Sherbourne, the Duke of Huntford,come to terms with their feelings,their family and their love. A must read! A wicked read from beginning to end. Fairy tales can come true! Received for an honest review from the publisher and Net Galley.
REVIEWED BY: AprilR, My Book Addiction and More/My Book Addiction Reviews
Profile Image for Galleane.
1,485 reviews159 followers
May 8, 2014
Malgré des bémols, j'ai adoré. Certes, avoir lu mieux est un fait, mais purée que c'était bon et je pousse un grand oui pour me lancer dans la suite. Si j'ai fait des reproches quant aux personnages qui manquaient un peu d'épaisseur, ça ne m'a pas empêché de beaucoup les apprécier et d'avoir envie de retrouver les autres demoiselles dans leur propre histoire. Si la romance est des plus habituelles et que certaines choses arrivent sur le tard, ça ne m'a pas empêché d'avoir pris un plaisir manifeste avec l'histoire racontée par l'auteur. Secrets et préjugés fut donc une réussite et finalement le reste n'est que peccadille.

Ma chronique commplète : http://bloggalleane.blogspot.fr/2014/...
Profile Image for Valerie Bowman.
Author 44 books1,268 followers
August 31, 2014
Charming and delightful! Watching Annabelle and Owen overcome the things keeping them apart to earn their happily ever after was delicious. I especially loved the definitions at the start of every other chapter. So clever. I just adored this book and can't wait to see what Daphne gets up to in the next one.
Profile Image for Mélissa.
714 reviews
August 3, 2016
Si vous aimez les histoires dans les années 1815, c'est pour vous ! J'ai adoré du début à la fin, c'est bien écrit, les personnages sont attachants, ce qui donne une excellente lecture.
Profile Image for LIBERTY.
170 reviews5 followers
March 2, 2021
🌹🦋🌺Buongiorno e buon martedì!
Avevo questo libro sullo scaffale da mesi. Avevo letto il riassunto e non ne ero pienamente convinta. Per una ragione o per un'altra alla fine trovavo sempre qualche altra cosa da leggere e rimandavo il nostro incontro. Non sono una di quelle lettrici però che rinuncia a priori. Do sempre una possibilità a una storia di convincermi o meno ed ero decisa ad affrontare l'impresa, nonostante la mancanza di grandi stimoli. Alla fine ho deciso di affrontare la lettura e devo dire che ne è valsa la pena.
Certo NELLA TRAPPOLA DEL DUCA non è uno di quei volumi appassionanti che non ti lasciano dormire la notte desiderosa di scoprire come prosegue la storia e praticamente incapace di chiudere il libro prima di aver scoperto i vari intrighi, ma mi sono ritrovata a leggerlo con interesse, merito dell'autrice che è riuscita a costruire una storia dosando bene i soliti elementi, ma prestando più attenzione alla caratterizzazione dei personaggi e alla costruzione della trama. Peccato che sul finale, come al solito, si perda di ritmo, ma nel complesso è un buon libro.
Miss Anabelle Honeycote è una sarta che lavora in un negozio non suo per pochi scellini alla settimana, insufficienti a pagare le cure della madre malata e la sua sussistenza e quella della sorella Daphne. Pur essendo la nipote di un visconte, che però ha rinnegato il figlio quando questi ha deciso di sposare una donna molto al di sotto di lui, Anabelle deva affrontare le durezze della vita ed è pronta a tutto per il bene della sua famiglia.
Ogni tanto, nell'alcova dove le sue clienti si provano i vestiti da lei realizzati, o si lasciano prendere le misure, le capita di ascoltare dei segreti peccaminosi che la ragazza decide di utilizzare per ricattare le nobili vittime e ricavarne il denaro sufficiente per poter curare la madre e pagare l'affitto.
Un giorno ascolta Lady Stirling parlare delle sorelle del Duca di Huntford, fascinoso scapolo, la cui famiglia ha attraversato un brutto scandalo per la fuga della madre e la successiva morte, in un misterioso incidente, del padre. Da quel momento, Owen si è fatto carico di Rose e Olivia, che ama profondamente e quando riceva una lettera di un misterioso ricattatore che promette di compromettere il buon nome di Olivia se non riceverà il denaro, la sua furia è assoluta.
Colto il ricattatore sul fatto, scopre che si tratta della giovane modista che aveva già incontrato nel suo negozio e a cui aveva commissionato i vestiti delle sorelle. Toccato dalla storia della ragazza, dal suo spirito e da un fascino discreto che lei cerca di celare in tutti i modi, Owen le propone di non denunciarla se si trasferirà a casa sua confezionando tutto il guardaroba per le due sorelle.
Anabelle accetta, ma la convivenza con le due ragazza, ognuna con un temperamento diverso, ma entrambe generose, e soprattutto con il fascinoso Duca, per il quale prova un'attrazione sconosciuta, rischiano di mettere in gioco il suo cuore e la sua serenità.
Tra vicende del passato, nuovi scandali, ed intrighi, l'amore tra Anabelle ed Owen, ovviamente trionferà, smascherando i malvagi e riscattando i buoni. Ho trovato debole l'espediente di tenere i due innamorati divisi perché Anabelle sarebbe stata una pessima duchessa, perché anche se cinicamente realistica come riflessione, siamo nel mondo del romance ed un protagonista che scopre di amare follemente l'eroina, ma che dubita di proporre le nozze per via del suo ceto sociale ha tolto qualcosa allo slancio romantico. Per il resto, sono felice di averlo letto. Si è rivelato un incontro piacevole, anche se non indimenticabile.
Profile Image for Socrate.
6,734 reviews229 followers
October 6, 2021
Londra, 1815

„Jecmănire” era un cuvânt urât. Te trimitea cu gândul la un ticălos care fura din buzunare sau calomnia numele nefericitelor victime.

Ce făcea domnişoara Anabelle Honeycote ca să-şi întreţină familia nu se putea considera aşa ceva.

Poate că acţiunile ei se potriveau celei mai brute definiţii a cuvântului, dar ea prefera să spună că „accepta nişte mărunţiş în schimbul promisiunii solemne de a păstra secrete”. Mult mai puţin infam iar o fată trebuia să aibă un acoperiş deasupra capului.

Locul principal din care aduna Anabelle secrete nu era o alee mizerabilă sau un tripou, ci un magazin respectabil de îmbrăcăminte amplasat pe Bond Street, unde era croitoreasă. Mama ei ar fi fost îngrozită dacă ar fi ştiut cum câştiga ea bani, dar adevărul era că Anabelle ar fi stors bani şi de la arhiepiscop ca să plătească consultaţiile doctorului Conwell. Acesta reprezenta singura rază de speranţă a mamei – şi nu era ieftin.

Cineva din casa lor trebuia să fie pragmatic. Acel cineva era Anabelle.

Îşi şterse fruntea asudată cu mâneca şi trase draperia de muselină de la atelierul din spatele magazinului de îmbrăcăminte al doamnei Smallwood. Cupoanele de materiale rânduite cu grijă pe rafturile de pe un perete lung alcătuiau un mozaic multicolor care reuşea întotdeauna să stârnească imaginaţia lui Anabelle. Din unele materiale urma să se facă lenjerie practică pentru vreo mătuşă celibatară, iar altele aveau să fie destinate trenei unei rochii de ducesă, fiind destul de frumoase încât să împodobească salonul unde se făceau prezentările la regină. Lui Anabelle îi plăcea să creadă că era posibil un asemenea salt în poziţia socială – din atelierul modest la Palatul St. James. Nu că avea mari ambiţii, dar o supăra să rămână în situaţia ei actuală toată viaţa, ca un fluture ţintuit în colecţia unui entomolog.

Trecu uşor pe lângă o masă mare, încărcată cu bucăţi de rochii etalate ca piesele unui puzzle. Mâneci detaşate, gulere şi aplicaţii pentru fuste zăceau fără viaţă, aşteptând ca ea să le transforme în ceva palpitant – ceva mai mult decât suma părţilor componente. La urma urmei, oricine putea să facă o rochie practică. Provocarea consta în a crea un veşmânt care să pară magic – textura materialului, croiala rochiei, podoabele îmbinându-se într-o armonie perfectă.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 142 reviews

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