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Silvermay Hawker has crammed more adventure into her seventeenth year than others manage in a lifetime. She has also found Tamlyn, the man she wants to spend the rest of her lifetime with,but first the pair must fulfill the promise they made to a dear friend.

Young Lucien, the little boy Silvermay has raised as her own, must be freed of his Wyrdborn magic, and it′s not just for him she must see this done. Lucien might yet destroy whole kingdoms.

And so the three travel to Erebis Felan where the terrible power in Lucien changes him in a way no one could possibly imagine. Now Silvermay′s love is challenged like never before, as it is the kind of love Lucien now wants from her that may determine the fate of everyone she cares for.

416 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 2013

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About the author

James Moloney

50 books190 followers
My full name is James Francis Moloney and I was born in Sydney, Australia on 20 September, 1954. When I was seven years old, my family moved to Brisbane and except for the odd year or two, I have lived in Brisbane ever since. At school, I was into every sport going - cricket, footy, swimming - you name it. It's hard to believe now but in High School, I was a champion Long Jumper! After University I became a teacher and then a Teacher Librarian. I moved around from school to school and in 1977-8 found myself in Cunnamulla, a little "outback" town where many Indigenous Australians live. These turned out to be important years for my writing.

In 1980, I look a year's leave, stuffed a backpack full of clothes and went off to see the world. Got to do it, guys! There's so much out there, from things to uplift your spirit to things that make you question the humanity of your fellow man. I stepped over rotting dog carcasses in Mexico city, got all weepy in a roomful of Impressionist paintings and met some fascinating people. Hope you'll do the same one day.

1983 was another big year. I got married and started work at Marist College Ashgrove, an all-boys school in Brisbane, where I stayed for fifteen years. During this time, I became interested in writing for young people, at first using the ideas and experiences gained from my time in Cunnamulla, mixed in with the thinking and wondering I'd done overseas. After my early attempts were rejected, the first of my novels, Crossfire , was published in 1992.
In 1997, my fifth novel for young adults, A Bridge to Wiseman's Cove won the Australian Children's Book of the Year Award. At the end of that year, I decided to leave teaching and become a full time writer.

In the mean time, my wife and I have produced three great children, two of whom are currently studying at University. Photos of them to the right, along with my lovely wife, Kate, who has encouraged me along every step of the way.

Now that I have turned my hobby into my job, I have had to develop some other interests. For exercise, I go cycling along the bike paths around Brisbane. I'm also into great books, great food, movies, travelling, learning to speak French and I dabble in a little painting. In recent years Kate and I have spent an extended period in France, cycled through Vietnam and soon we will be off to the USA.

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Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews
Profile Image for biblioceraptor Eunice.
224 reviews53 followers
July 1, 2013
Loved this - it had decent, eloquent writing, and felt like a solid, medieval fantasy (YA) novel. Not super predictable; the female character was believable without being optimistically-badass but not a damsel either. Just beautiful and as good a conclusion as I could've hoped for.
Also Silvermay kept her surname and her husband took hers on, whaddup! :D
(Also, how pretty are the covers?)
Still so sad how this series hasn't received the acclaim and wide-spread fame that other juvie Young Adult fantasy series have. It is soooo under-rated.
I mean, it has a hot guy, romance, medieval stuff, and really good conflicts to be resolved! From this list of pros, it almost sounds like it was written by a female author, but surprise!! This gives the novels a different flavour, and the male character/love-interest is still really awesome but more realistic, somehow? Like he's not the creeper that wants to stalk her, be over-protective and jealous (unlike certain other archetypes). It's SUCH a refreshing change!
I can't wait to read the final book (which I hope to high heaven is not disappointing, unlike the last books of certain other trilogies I shan't deign to mention).
Profile Image for Yvonne Boag.
1,164 reviews11 followers
September 2, 2013
Silvermay, Tamlyn and Lucien have travelled to Erebis Felan in the hope of removing the Wyrdborn powers from Lucien and Tamlyn. Lucien has grown at a ferocious rate and appears as a four year old even though he was born only six months ago. With the prophecies showing that whoever controls Lucien will control the world, war and death seem inevitable. Silvermay struggles to bring Lucien up in a loving family but with everyone trying to control his fate, his future seems to be laid out in stone.

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, the second less so and this one was so crap I barely finished it. Harsh? Perhaps so but I found the story trite, the characters two dimensional and outcomes happened without any repercussions from the fall out. It just felt like the author wanted to finish up this series ASAP and had forgotten what started him on this journey in the first place. A generous two stars.
Profile Image for Renee.
203 reviews104 followers
November 19, 2015
A beautiful fast paced ending to this trilogy. James Moloney uses imagery that sends you into the world of Althane and whisks you right away with the characters.
I loved the magic and secrets that were revealed and prophecies that came to light in Lucien.
Silvermay and Tamlyn go through so much together and it's very fitting what happens in the end. It was very emotional and I loved it!
Lucien also goes through a lot and seeing him at that stage in life, struggling through the same things Tamlyn did was at times very heart wrenching. Ryall and Birdie and Ossin all come through in the end, and the Battle of Haywode really does change the power in Athlane.
Geran was wonderful, and I missed her very much.
Thankyou so much James Moloney for a wonderful series that sent me to another world! 5 out of 5 stars for the whole series!
Profile Image for Anne Hamilton.
Author 47 books171 followers
November 17, 2015
I'm wavering between four and five stars on this one.

*Spoiler alert*

It was so unexpected in some ways, so obvious in others. The long, almost bucolic interlude back at Haywode didn't detract from the story but it made for a strange feel in the structure. Mainly because the tension after the death of virtually all the Wyrdborn could never be rebuilt by a merely human threat. Once Coyle is gone, no one is able to fill the gap, even the spectre of war. Though it makes a herculean effort to do so.

One of the great parts about the book was, in fact, that Coyle died so early in it. This however left me with a puzzle about the mosaics, rather than a sense of suspense about them. If it wasn't Coyle Strongbow who wears the strange warhelmet and directs the child Lucien into using his power, then who is it?

Lucien's protectiveness of Silvermay and, as he grows from toddler to teen in a matter of weeks, his obsessive jealousy of Tamlyn were extremely well done.

The fact that the Felan are more complex than the usual peace-loving isolated islanders of fantasy stories was a huge bonus; the fact that they saw the visions of the future involving Lucien accurately but misinterpreted them entirely was truly a splendid outcome.
Profile Image for Karlein.
96 reviews5 followers
April 2, 2021
The final book in the trilogy, can be described using two words: Unforgettable and Unexpected. Moloney has created a stunning world of unforgettable characters and an unexpected antagonist, an unexpected final battle, and an unexpected twist in fate for Coyle.

This rilogy has kept me company over the last three years, and now, I am a bit sad it is over. I still remember back in 2011, when Silvermay (Book 1) was first published, I read it, love it, and couldn't wait another year for Tamlyn (Book 2). Well, in an eyeblink, all three books have now been published, and now, I feel a bit empty because I want to read more.

Wouldn't it be good if Moloney wrote another series, set in the same word, but 15 or so years later, when Silvermay's baby girl is all grown up? I wonder if that would ever happen. Fingers cross it will!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emma.
231 reviews51 followers
April 7, 2021
Four stars
Lucien is a brilliant empowering end to the silvermay saga. I especially enjoyed how, in contrast to a LOT of YA fantasy Silvermay didn't come into power because she was secretly descended from the royal family. Instead she earned the respect of Athalane, something I would love to see more of in this genre. Also Tamlyn we great and proved himself to be the perfect man... It was also lovely to see lucien grow, even if it was slightly rushed. So overall a great book and I great series that I would recommend to anyone looking for somthing a bit different.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Ruby.
107 reviews
February 19, 2018
You have to read this series from the start. It’s the best!
July 15, 2015
I found that conclusions are usually the more exciting parts of a story, but "Lucien", the third book on the "Silvermay" trilogy wasn't so. It was filled with predictable chapters, events and plot until probably the last 100 pages or so. I knew Tamlyn would lose his Wyrdborn powers and knew that it wouldn't work on Lucien at all. I was slightly surprised at Coyle's and Hallig's deaths, but not at the fact at it was done by Lucien's hand. I knew Tamlyn and Silvermay would marry, and I knew that once Lucien had grown older, his love for Silvermay wouldn't be like that between a mother and a son, but a jealous love. Admittedly, the final solution and the outcome of the prophecy predicted in the mosaics did come as a shock, as we had all been led to believe that it would be Coyle who would reek the havoc depicted in those images. Also, I think that I might not have found this instalment as interesting to read because it's been three years since I read the first book ("Silvermay") and two years since I read "Tamlyn" (the second book). Nevertheless, the unexpected plot twist was enough to redeem "Lucien" from 2 stars to 3.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Cathy.
10 reviews19 followers
March 31, 2014
This book had a great start, and i just cannot stop awwing over lucien and Silvermay, their relationship was soo freaking adorable!!!
And then around the middle of the book it started going downhill.. Lucien becomes fourteen What?!?! and then suddenly he has a serious crush on silvermay who is like his mother WHAT?!?!?! and then he tries to kill Tamlyn Whyyyy?!?! And to top it all off, they decide to ditch him on Erebis Felan, even though they went through great lengths to safe him WHAT?!?!
So i sort of gave up, until one fateful afternoon i had absolutely nothing to do and decided to keep on reading.... I am sooo glad that i did!!!
I definitely picked up, although Tamlyn and Silvermay arrying wasnt that great, the way that this book was concluded was fantastic.
I know it sounds stupid, but i didn't want the series to end, i want to live in their world!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Avery .
316 reviews6 followers
January 18, 2023
The emotional turmoil this book puts you through is admirable. I had to stop at one point because I couldn't bear to know what laid ahead. Where had such a though come from? To be honest, you'll be surprised about how much you become involved with the characters and the relationship Silvermay and Tamlyn have. Poor Lucien though, I deeply feel for his situation. If I were Silvermay I wouldn't know what to do.
James has once again provided as he did for the first two books, not that I have ever questioned his ability!
Profile Image for Chantal.
457 reviews5 followers
June 12, 2013
Clever plot, clever twists and very clever inclusion of good vs evil, overcoming/battling one's nature and choice vs destiny concepts.

I will certainly be marketing this series to my secondary students as a series worth reading. It is wonderful to read a series that does not rely on gratuitous violence to hook the reader. These books have a string of underlying themes to make the reader question their beliefs of individual choice versus destiny and fate.
Profile Image for Fatima.
389 reviews28 followers
June 10, 2017
You know those books that, the second you finish reading them, you just want to go right back to the start and read it all over again? This was one of those. Mainly because I want to read it without worrying the whole way through that everything is going to go horribly wrong! A really lovely read and a great end to a brilliant series.
Profile Image for Dani.
19 reviews2 followers
July 12, 2013
A really nice conclusion to the series. It was so refreshing having a female lead that was not a whiny, selfish, brat/snob/special etc etc..... but genuinely nice and Normal. And can I say thank god for no friggin love triangle.
Oh Tamlyn!! Thank you James Maloney for giving me a realistic man to Lust after over the years. :)
968 reviews
July 21, 2013
Last in the series. While this ended well for Tamlyn and Silvermay, Lucien got short shift - as if James Moloney didn't know quite what to do with this overgrown baby (he's only months old at the end) with his strength yet lack of emotional maturity. Still interesting twists and turns along the way.
Profile Image for Piichannie.
11 reviews
June 17, 2015
Loved the story and the absolutely thrilling plot. Definitely recommend to anyone who loves young adult romance mixed with action-packed adventure.
Profile Image for Legs.
72 reviews5 followers
July 5, 2013
Not as great as the first two in the series...
Profile Image for Tonya.
38 reviews
October 31, 2013
Never expected what happens in the end. A great ending for a great story.
Profile Image for Steph Lam.
186 reviews
May 19, 2014
Delighted by this book. Thought I think a 4.7 because there were some small parts I didn't like. The eneing was terrific. Middle was kind of boring.and Tamlyn lost his power too easily
23 reviews
June 14, 2014
It was absolutely brilliant, just like the other two! Really upset it's finished tho
Profile Image for Loretta.
6 reviews
December 2, 2014
Despite this being the third re-read I still could hardly put it down. This is by far my favourite book in the trilogy!!
Profile Image for Julie.
Author 25 books42 followers
June 26, 2015
I enjoyed this book but found the plot very predictable. It held no surprises for me.
Profile Image for pannams_t.
53 reviews
January 9, 2014
I would have given it 5 stars if there was a better ending for my Lucien..
Displaying 1 - 29 of 29 reviews

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