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Witch's Harvest

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"Marry me, querida. Be my wife."

Vasco da Carvalho's proposal came as a dream. Even in her wildest fantasies about the Brazilian rancher, Abigail had not dared to expect this!

Until yesterday, this exotic male has been engaged to her cousin. Now . . . well, Abigail could only interpret Vasco's actions as those of a man doing the honorable thing.

Because last night Abby had comforted him in his rage. And while she could never regret their unplanned moment of passion, how could she share a lifetime with a man who felt obligated to marry her?

Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1987

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About the author

Sara Craven

490 books258 followers
Anne Bushell was born on October 1938 in South Devon, England, just before World War II and grew up in a house crammed with books. She was always a voracious reader, some of her all-time favorites books are: "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, "Middlemarch" by George Eliot, "Jane Eyre" by Charlotte Brontë, "Gone With the Wind" by Margaret Mitchell and "The Code of the Woosters" by P. G. Wodehouse.

She worked as journalist at the Paignton Observer, but after her marriage, she moved to the north of England, where she worked as teacher. After she returned to journalism, she joined the Middlesbrough Writers' Group, where she met other romance writer Mildred Grieveson (Anne Mather). She started to wrote romance, and she had her first novel "Garden of Dreams" accepted by Mills & Boon in 1975, she published her work under the pseudonym of Sara Craven. In 2010 she became chairman of the Southern Writers' Conference, and the next year was elected the twenty-six Chairman (2011–2013) of the Romantic Novelists' Association.

Divorced twice, Annie lives in Somerset, South West England, and shares her home with a West Highland white terrier called Bertie Wooster. In her house, she had several thousand books, and an amazing video collection. When she's not writing, she enjoys watching very old films, listening to music, going to the theatre, and eating in good restaurants. She also likes to travel in Europe, to inspire her romances, especially in France, Greece and Italy where many of her novels are set. Since the birth of her twin grandchildren, she is also a regular visitor to New York City, where the little tots live. In 1997, she was the overall winner of the BBC's Mastermind, winning the last final presented by Magnus Magnusson.

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Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews
Profile Image for StMargarets.
2,895 reviews564 followers
November 3, 2017
A dramatic retelling of Witch's Harvest.


Heroine: Hi, here's a letter from my cousin giving you an ultimatum to dump your Brazilian cocoa plantation or she'll have sex with another guy.

Hero: Thanks. *gets drunk*

Heroine: *ditches date with other guy* I'm going to take you back to my flat until you sober up.

Hero: *waking up* I'm done being drunk. Let's have sex.

Heroine: Okay.

Next day

Hero: You were a virgin. Let's get married.

Heroine: No.

OW cousin: Didn't you get my letter?

Hero: Yes, that's why I'm marrying your cousin.

OW: (aside) I'm going to lie and tell the H that the heroine is in love with the OM she just ditched to have sex for the first time ever with the hero. Think he'll buy it?

Hero: Sounds legit. I'll make heroine love me by taking her to a foreign country, leaving her to her own devices and telling her to be nice to the Black Widow next door. Then I'll be crazy jealous about the slimy OM next door who keeps popping up.


Heroine: I'm going to feel sorry for myself and not tell the hero what the OM said about the witches' broom ( an invasive disease that kills cocoa plants) that is a threat to hubby's plantation.

Hero: I'm going to go away to leave heroine free to interpret my actions as hooking up with her cousin.

Heroine: I'm pregnant. I think I'll go out drinking with the OM

Hero: I'm jealous my pregnant wife went out drinking with the OM, so I'll forcibly seduce her.

Heroine: It's my fault the cocoa plants are diseased. I'll work until I miscarry.

Hero: I think it's time to sell up.

Heroine: Why didn't you just sell up to begin with if you wanted my cousin?

Hero: Wait, what?

Heroine: Never mind. I'm leaving.

Hero: *Cries into the h's peach nylon nightgown*

Heroine: You're crying.

Hero: I'm not crying, you're crying.

Heroine: I still love you even though we're going to be poor.

OW, Black Widow and OM: got away with it, bitches! *high fives*
Profile Image for boogenhagen.
1,986 reviews786 followers
October 10, 2016
Re Witch's Harvest - in this one there is our sweet little h, there is the H and then there are TWO other women and a parasitic cocoa bean infestation and a talking parrot and a wanna be OM - with all that going on this should have been a much better story.

The story starts with the h being bullied by her witch of a cousin to deliver a letter to her fiance by a certain time. The cousin has written an ultimatum that the fiance either changes his plans to take his bride to his remote Brazilian cocoa bean plantation in favor of the fiance joining his wealthy family's business in Rio or be prepared for the worst. If the fiance doesn't change his mind, the bride to be will sleep with a man more than willing to grant her whims in Paris.

For some reason the h feels guilty that she is dropping off her cousin's letter, even tho she has no clue what it says. The fiance reads the letter and tells the h that the marriage is off cause his soon to be bride is getting it on with another man. The h knows the cousin was faking being innocent to catch the H, but she naively believes that they can work things out. Except the H doesn't want to work things out with a mercenary tart that he now considers the cousin to be.

The h actually has a date with a boring guy that night, and later at a pub with boring guy she sees the H and he is cataclysmally drunk. The h dumps boring guy and gets the H to go with her in taxi to her little flat. She pops him in her bed and he passes out. Later that night, the H knocks some things over and wakes the h. She has had a massive crush on the H for a while now, it is why she left her aunt and uncle's house for her own little flat, so when the H seduces her she doesn't say no very hard. She doesn't have a rapturous lurve club experience and the H is shocked and remorseful that she is a virgin.

The h makes him leave but he shows up later and determines that they will wed cause he needs to bring home a wife and the h may be preggers. The H tells the h that they will try marriage for 6 months. The cousin shows up and has a hissy fit, but the H tells her off and we all fly to Brazil after the wedding. The h is miserable cause she feels like she is a sloppy second and there is even more stress when she doesn't speak the language, the H avoids her and the woman next door is making several plays for her husband. The H and h aren't having any boudoir bouncing moments and the h feels very isolated. The only person that even attempts to help her fit in is the American plantation manager next door and the H is mad she is talking to another male. She is even more isolated when the OW next door throws a birthday party for the H and the h did not even know it was his birthday. The H decides that her present can be a forced seduction which the h winds up crying a bit the next morning so the H resolves to leave her alone some more.

Then the H goes off to Manaus and the h finds out he is meeting her cousin (his ex-fiancee), everyone in the district knows the H is cheating on her cause he was at a hotel with the OW. The H had already told the h that her cousin told him all about her and the h assumes that he knows that she had a major crush on him and that he was offering her pity. The h spends the afternoon with the American manager next door after she goes to town and finds out she is preggers. The wanna be OM takes her home after a movie and the H decides that he can force himself on her at will and does to relieve his possessiveness. The wanna be OM offers to take the h with him when he leaves as the OW next door doesn't want to keep running the plantation and a lot of the crop has the parasitic invasion of witch's broom which has to be cut out and burned, so the plantation is up for sale.

Then the infestation is found on the H's crop and the h goes out to help remove it because no one explained to her the danger of it being in the area and she did not warn the H when the wanna be OM told her about it, so she thinks it is her fault. While she is helping remove the parasitic plant, the h has a miscarriage. When she recovers, she tells the H she wants to leave. The H tells her to wait until he goes to Manaus as the pilot won't be available until he returns. When the H gets back he tells her that he will sell the plantation and move to Rio. The h assumes that the H is doing it to keep her cousin happy and tells him she doesn't care, his affairs are his own.

Then she goes to leave but forgets a little tchotcke and goes back to find the H sniffing her discarded nightgown. The h asks him if he really wants her to leave and the H tells her no but the h asks about what happened to the selling off the plantation and hooking up with the cousin. The h tells the H that everyone knows he was with her and the H gets upset and swears he only saw her one time and that was to send her off and the h wasn't supposed to know the cousin was even in the country.

The H claims that he loves the h and was trying to court her, but he was worried she was mercenary like her cousin. (I am still trying to figure that one out, he ignores her, doesn't help her with the language and leaves her isolated for several months and calls that courtship? The tart of a cousin at least got lots of dates and outings and conversation and the h pretty much got dumped in strange country, forcibly seduced and then almost abandoned and when the H does talk to her, it is to berate her. The h never asks for anything and tries to help out with her limited skill set. The cousin got better treatment and she did not even put out.)

The H also says that the cousin claimed that the h was massively in love with boring guy form that she dated a few times. The h vehemently denies this and tells the H she only dated him a few times. The h is now overjoyed cause she has been in love with him since he courted her cousin, (the h had a vicarious romance I guess,) and tells the H she wants to stay on the plantation and have another shot at the fruit of his lance of lust for the big HEA.

This one is just sorta there, I was still looking for the actual falling in love and romance for all the book. The H never did anything to actually woo the h, he wasn't horribly mean, he just ignored her most of the time and the boudoir bouncing was not exactly passionately inspiring. His saying he was in love was a huge surprise cause I just wasn't feeling the lurve at all. Read this if you are a big fan of SC and have to complete the backlist but evetyone else can probably skip this and not miss out on any exciting HPlandia adventure.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
343 reviews73 followers
December 26, 2020
Alas, my honeymoon with Sara Craven is over. After three good ones, this book (pfffttt), featuring a mousey (but incredibly sexy, once she gets a What Not to Wear style makeover) poor relation in love with her cousin’s macho Brazilian fiancé, started off promising but then completely failed to deliver, mainly because of the idiotic, childish, selfish heroine. We’ve seen this setup plenty of times—Violet Winspear goes full OTT wrecki-drama in Child of Judas by having the poor-relation cousin pull a bold and insane substitute-bride switcharoo at the altar (with punishing results); Betty Neels has the mousey sister deliver the jilting letter and suggest an MoC (with lovelorn results) in the The Hasty Marriage; The Devil’s Bride by Margaret Pargeter has jilted and blind JERK fiancé force the imposter cousin into an MoC with benefits (with punishing results again)… just to name a few. We are on well-trodden terrain here but it usually delivers, so I was off to a happy start. This is one of my favorite tropes--so how did SC screw it up so badly?

In this case, the heroine completely ruined it for me. Most of SC’s heroines, in the books I’ve read, seem to have nitwit tendencies but Abigail is not just a total nitwit , she’s completely self centered and obsessed with the supposed hurt the hero inflicts--because she thinks he doesn't wuv her. The thing is, he is clearly besotted from almost the beginning and despite some alphahole tendencies and vintage behavior, is actually a nice guy most of the time, when he’s not being jealous because of her “friendship” with the douchey American manager of the neighboring Brazilian cocoa farm or being driven crazy by her hot-and-cold behavior towards him. I felt bad for Vasco (although SC shows him in a bad light when he insists on sex, perfunctory and unsatisfying, with his wife a few times, so there’s that). He would have been better off with the heroine’s horrible cousin—who was still a better bet than Abigail ended up being. He even would have been better off with his neighbor, who was known as The Black Widow. And the Big Misunderstanding at the center of their conflict was stupid--literally, one completed sentence on either side would have cleared things up. Weak.

Not only is the heroine a complete brat who focuses incessantly on her supposed woes (mainly that the hero doesn’t love her as she “loves” him), she also keeps vital information from him (about a plant fungus that is potentially devastating to his crops and does indeed wreak near-ruin on his property. She's vapid, stupid, horrid, insipid, and probably a whole bunch of other negative words ending in "id" that I can't think of (oh, and completely id-driven, so that works). She ruined the book for me, despite a hot Latin hero, some interesting information about Brazilian cocoa farms and the many dangers that face them, an exotic locale, and some decent occasional heat. After a handful of SC books that I enjoyed, this one was a dud.
Profile Image for Tia.
Author 7 books138 followers
August 29, 2012
The hero was engaged to the heroines cousin, who turned out to be a whore. So the hero got drunk and then slept with the heroine. He demanded she marry him once he sobered up because she could be pregnant with his baby. He takes her to Brazil to his cocoa plantation and in turn after some drama, she looses the baby. Eventually they figure it all out and get their happy ending.

It was a great read with great characters. I enjoyed the story.
Profile Image for Chantal ❤️.
1,361 reviews852 followers
March 10, 2015
I loved this book it was a great story and I found that the hero really saved her in that her cousin was a real bitch and it would have been worst for her if she had stayed after what had happen. He was a great guy and I liked that she knew she loved him earlier on and that was why she slept with him. Great story.
Profile Image for RomLibrary.
5,789 reviews
April 16, 2021
Marry me, querida. Be my wife."

Vasco da Carvalho's proposal came as a dream. Even in her wildest fantasies about the Brazilian rancher, Abigail had not dared to expect this!

Until yesterday, this exotic male has been engaged to her cousin. Now . . . well, Abigail could only interpret Vasco's actions as those of a man doing the honorable thing.

Because last night Abby had comforted him in his rage. And while she could never regret their unplanned moment of passion, how could she share a lifetime with a man who felt obligated to marry her?
Profile Image for DamsonDreamer.
631 reviews10 followers
July 24, 2022
The Brazilian cocoa planter H was set to marry the h's cousin in England. Ends up sleeping with h who starts off willing then calls a halt which he declines to accept 😶 resulting in possibility of pregnancy and him forcing her to marry him instead and head back to Brazil. There are 2 OWs (cousin and Brazilian femme fatale neighbour) and 2 OMs (pompous English casual boyfriend and neighbour's plantation manager). Not bad.
Profile Image for Jenny.
3,135 reviews542 followers
April 15, 2016
I couldn't get into it even though it had all my favorite tropes.
Profile Image for أجمل زهرة.
657 reviews28 followers
December 9, 2017
من روايات احلام
249 -أعطني قيدي:
سارة كريفن
كانت آبي فتاة عادية عملية ، لا تؤمن بالهوى أو بالحب من النظرةالأولى.ولا قال لها أحدهم إن هذا يمكن أن يحدث لها لاعتبرت الأمر مزاحا ولكن عندما يصبح مصيرها معلقا بقبضة فاسكودوكارافالو لا يعود الأمر مضحكا أبدا .قال لها : تزوجيني !
ـ لماذا؟
ـ لا أستطيع العودة إلى البرازيل بدون زوجة ؟
إنها مستعدة لأن تلحق بفاسكو حافية القدمين إذا ما طلب منها ذلك ولكنه لن يطلب ولو عرف مقدار حبها له لتركها دون تردد فكيف تستطيع السفر معه والعيش تحت سقف بيته دون أن تفضح مشاعرها الحقيقية ؟
حاولت أن تواسي نفسها لن يكون هذا لوقت طويل ستة أشهر ليست العمر كله بعد هذه المدة ستكون حرة .لكنها كانت تعي أنها لن تكون حرة أبدا!!

Profile Image for Srivalli Rekha.
Author 18 books556 followers
January 11, 2018
Now, this is one book I definitely regret reading. I did not like the hero and the heroine wasn't that great either.
Love doesn't seem to be really anywhere seen until the last 2-3 pages or so. Most of the time they act childish and stupid.
The characters definitely need to grow up and act matured.
Profile Image for Jan.
485 reviews60 followers
August 14, 2011
As far as I recall it, it's a romance rife of misunderstandings, where the hero claims to have loved the heroine from the start, but acts like an asshole for 90% of the book.
Profile Image for Farah.
242 reviews50 followers
September 1, 2014
Same old same old .. the whole misunderstanding thing going on until the very end and cleared in the last two pages but overall it was a fun read and I liked the characters.
Profile Image for رنا نوار.
Author 2 books45 followers
February 3, 2016
أنتي لي أخيرا , لي الى الابد ..
لن تكون الحياة سهلة لكنها لم تكن كذلك ابدا , على الاقل سيواجهان صعوباتها معا ..

Profile Image for More Books Than Time  .
2,281 reviews15 followers
August 27, 2020
If you know someone is a vindictive, lying witch do you believe anything they say or leave yourself open to even more manipulation and nastiness? Both he and she do in this book. Otherwise OK.
Profile Image for Christine.
817 reviews14 followers
November 18, 2023
This was definitely a great book,even though half the time I wanted to give the MMC a piece of my mind he was such a jerk. However, if you took a moment you would realize his actions were due to what he assumed was an unrequieted love.

They survived the drama, the OW and OM, survived the drama and endured to their HEA even if it seemed more sad than happy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
782 reviews29 followers
July 6, 2017
I enjoyed this! There were many times where I wanted to grab the main characters, Vasco and Abby, give them a swift kick, you know where, then put them in a locked room to talk and yell, if necessary, until things were resolved.
Profile Image for سارة محمد سيف.
Author 6 books965 followers
May 28, 2024
وقعت آبيغيل في المحظور وهو حب خطيب ابنة عمها ديلا، وكان ذلك سلاح ديلا حتى تدفع لفعل ما تريد.. لكن ينقلب السحر على السحر، ويتحول العريس من ديلا إلى آبيغيل مقررا أخذها معه إلى غابات الامازون حيث مزرعة الكاكاو خاصته
Profile Image for ⛅️.
67 reviews1 follower
December 30, 2018
كانت أكثر رواية بائسة من روايات أحلام ... بالرغم من كون روايات أحلام تحمل طابع الحياة الوردية إلا أن هذه الرواية لم تكن كذلك بالطبع .

تحكي قصة ڤاسكو من تركته خطيبته ديلا لولعه بالزراعة والغابات و على عكسها ولعها بالقصور والحياة المرفهة ، وابنة عمها آبي التي فرضت عليها ظروفها الزواج منه لدفع ثمن خطيئة ديلا .

شخصية البطلة (آبي) ضعيفة وكان هذا من أكثر الاشياء المستفزة في الرواية .. الا أن لها ميزة وهي تمسكها بكرامتها .
والبطل (ڤاسكو ) شعرتُ بأنه حقير نوعاً ما وغير مبالي بمشاعر الاخرين (أو كما هو ظاهر في بداية الامر)
بالرغم من ذلك كانت رواية عميقة وكسرت قليلاً النمط التقليدي في روايات أحلام .
Profile Image for Roub.
1,112 reviews63 followers
October 22, 2013
abby was much too immature n annoying ! instead of making best of a situation, she made it worse n behaved very childishly. i dunt c how vasco fell in love wid her. she was so insecure n cold towards him. i can understand she did not feel she cud compete wid della but she cud at least have recognised vasco's efforts at making the marriage real n he did make life as comfortable as possible 4 her n did not allow, be it luisa or della, 2 belittle her. but she was too busy wallowing in self-pity 2 notice
Profile Image for Francis.
552 reviews50 followers
January 8, 2015
This one was ok. I got a bit tired of all the misunderstandings, really. Specially due to keeping the slightest things to oneself, which creates so much unnecessary drama. Not a good trait in women, truth be told.

But the ending is quite worth it. :)
Displaying 1 - 26 of 26 reviews

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