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Mientras Hiiragi y su banda, Syh, se aprestan para dar un gran concierto, Uenoyama no termina de convencer a Mafuyu para que regrese a Given, luego de que un representante de una discográfica quiere darles una oportunidad para ser músicos profesionales. ¿Qué trae Mafuyu en el corazón, que no le permite tomar una decisión? Lo peor es que, ¡ya ni siquiera se acuerda de cómo cantar! ¿Este será el comienzo del fin de la banda? ¡Aprende las reglas del amor diverso en las páginas de Given 8!

160 pages, Paperback

First published October 3, 2022

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About the author

Natsuki Kizu

16 books609 followers
Natsuki KIZU (キヅナツキ) is a Japanese manga artist.

She draws dōjinshi under the name Gusari ぐさり and circle Sashikizu.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 228 reviews
Profile Image for sparkling almond blossoms.
1,138 reviews148 followers
February 4, 2023
It's been a year, and my hands are still shaking, trying to absorb everything in this volume. I seriously couldn't focus with my heart beating too loudly. I know I don't have a right to be angry at Mafuyu—he's fragile, I know that. He's the one that was left, and moving on isn't as easy as it sounds like. Don't forget the trauma... and the empty space that will never be filled by the same body ever again. But on the other hand, I hate seeing Ritsu's feelings getting trampled all over again. He's my best boy, you know? I can't control my heart. Mafuyu's got to pick, and he got to pick one side faster! Thank Heavens, he is about to make the right decision, though.

Anyway, thank you!! I love the volume cover so much. And another glimpse of Aki and Haruki's domesticity! Yey!
Profile Image for Jenny.
813 reviews60 followers
October 26, 2022
Ok, I think after this lull we are finally going somewhere and the story is getting back on track for the next volume. Seriously people just need to COMMUNICATE.
Profile Image for Jen (thisbeereads).
184 reviews9 followers
October 11, 2023
3.5 because it kinda feels like nothing at all happened in this one, I blinked and it was over - but rounding up because the art still good and probably because I’m ~sentimental
Profile Image for Juan Carlos malik.
859 reviews304 followers
May 15, 2023
Un tomo intermedio para el siguiente arco argumental donde de nueva cuenta nuestros protagonistas crean una canción para recordar el amor verdadero y la magia de crear melodías. Y redescubrir sus pasiones
Profile Image for Sarah.
327 reviews109 followers
May 30, 2024
Getting back on track but this one still feels a little slow & filler-y.

Mafuyu is just an adorable scared little bean. Look at him.

I just wanna-

I can tell the next volume should be really good, though.
Profile Image for Jos.
627 reviews83 followers
May 2, 2023
Lo sentí mucho más corto que de costumbre y más sabiendo que este es el penúltimo tomo, pero se nota que ya se está formando una resolución para los problemas que tienen Mafuyu y Uenoyama
Profile Image for Brydon.
314 reviews3 followers
October 29, 2023
I’m pretty bummed I didn’t love this volume so much, it’s definitely my least favourite so far. I was worried after reading volume 7 that Mafuyu’s problem with not deciding on whether or not he wants to go pro would get annoying. Technically that didn’t happen, but what did happen was Mafuyu spending the entire volume having problems with deciding if he even wants to see Eunoyama in concert.

It just felt a little boring to me, and something we have seen before. This isn’t the first time that Mafuyu’s reluctance to doing something has served as a plot device and I’m getting tired of it. It’s making me like Mafuyu’s character less which I feel bad about.

It was however nice that we got to check in with all of the characters this volume, I didn’t think we would really see much of Hiragi after last volume but thankfully I was wrong and we got to see quite a lot of him.

Ugetsu showing up at the end was a surprise. My guess is that he will be the one to help push Mafuyu into liking music again. I just hope that it happens quickly.

The final “emergence” chapter was really nice. It’s nice to see Ugetsu be successful and is doing okay after things officially ended between him and Akihiko. I wonder if Ugetsu will stay single or if the story could possibly shift to focus on a new romance for him. Either way I would be happy.

I do hope that I enjoy the next volume more, the wait begins again.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Paula.
208 reviews3 followers
May 26, 2023
No ha sido el mejor tomo de Given pero no por eso me ha gustado menos. Me da que ha sido un tomo de transición para soltarnos el bum en el último tomo y cerrar todo bien cerrado. Como siempre amo a Mafuyu y Uenoyama pero sobre todo a mi Haru y Akihiko😍
Profile Image for Casey.
129 reviews32 followers
March 14, 2024
3.5 not much happened in this volume which has been an upsetting trend for the last couple, but I had fun. Now to wait until august for the last volume to be released 🥲
Profile Image for Jessica ❀.
342 reviews12 followers
May 19, 2024
This volume was underwhelming. Just the same thing each chapter. But the last volume is the next so I have high hopes for a strong finish still. ❤️
Profile Image for Ana Karenina.
116 reviews1 follower
September 21, 2024
Si soy sincero, leí Given mientras se estaba publicando y hasta ahora me digne a leerlo en físico.
Profile Image for Lucía.
103 reviews
August 9, 2023
Hasta aquí el maratón de Given. Este tomo ha estado muy interesantes, en especial el papel de Mafuyu como un estudiante confundido por la visión de futuro. Necesito que la Natsuki saque ya el tomo 9 jo :(((((
Profile Image for Flor ):).
735 reviews159 followers
January 26, 2024
Perdóname Given, pero es que de verdad sentí que no pasó nada en este tomo.
Profile Image for Lia.
142 reviews3 followers
December 29, 2023
Even though we’re back to the core characters in this volume, I still feel like manga lost its momentum. At this stage I just want it to be over.
Profile Image for Tania.
839 reviews8 followers
February 4, 2023
Este volumen me dio la introspección a Mafuyu que pedía desde el volumen uno y la ejecución es decepcionante y no tiene que ver con el fondo, sino con la forma. También influye mucho que odié el tomo anterior y consideré abandonar la serie después de este, pero vi la noticia de que esta historia ya va a acabar, es decir, en el volumen 9 y solo por eso la voy a terminar. Sigo.

Entiendo completamente el temor y la ansiedad que le causa a Mafuyu pensar en que todos se están moviendo y él se queda atrás, aún más con la elección de carrera que tiene que hacer. Esa parte me llegó: evitar el boleto y el reporte hasta que es inevitable son situaciones que por supuesto pesan y causan muchísimo estrés. No culpo a Mafuyu por eso: al final, es un adolescente en una etapa crucial, aparte no ha podido sanar del todo, como se ha visto en breves escenas. Es muy difícil para las personas como Mafuyu tomar decisiones cuando se sabe que son cruciales, lo entiendo y abrazo.

Culpo a las viñetas que no dicen nada sobre eso, tomo tras tomo me queda el sabor de ¿y luego? Vuelvo, por enésima vez, a lo arrítmica que es esta historia. A lo poco que los personajes principales interactúan entre ellos. Uenoyama dice que dejará que Mafuyu decida por su cuenta si va o no al concierto y no va a preguntar sobre el otro asunto que también notó que lo tiene inquieto porque sí él insiste Mafuyu se cerrará y no dirá nada. Por una parte entiendo su frustración; por otra, pienso en que si tienen una relación debió insistir un poco más o hacerle saber que está ahí para cuando lo necesite. Tuvo que venir una compañera de Uenoyama (porque al parecer Mafuyu no tiene amigos en la escuela, no lo sé, no sé nada sobre la vida escolar de estos morros) a cuestionarlo para que Mafuyu tuviera un poco de claridad.

Que el día del concierto justo apareciera el violinista con el que Mafuyu tiene mucha afinidad se me hizo muy conveniente, la vdd, pero le dio el empujón que necesitaba y eso se agradece. A veces se necesita eso.

Respecto a Given, sigo firme con mi idea de que no van a debutar, a lo mejor quedo como payasa, ya veremos. Me sorprendió mucho que el productor le dijera a Hiroki que los esperaría sin problema cuando la industria musical me parece una muy movida en el ahora, pero no trabajo en ella así que esto no tiene fundamentos.

Como sea, me encantaría que los cuatro miembros de Given se reunieran y hablaran, bien y tendido, sobre lo que quieren y les preocupa. Porque en serio, no pueden avanzar cuando uno de sus miembros está demasiado estresado y ansioso.

Mientras leía este tomo pensé mucho en Blue Flag, en el arco final cuando Touma está lleno de dudas y su hermano habla con él y, en paralelo, su esposa habla con Itachi, no porque crea que los adultos siempre pueden solucionar los problemas de los jóvenes, sino porque les pueden proveer un poco de apoyo moral al ser externos, como hace acá el violinista.
Profile Image for Jack Reynolds.
937 reviews
October 17, 2023
*Warning, there will be spoilers*

At the start of this volume once I read the line, "Hiragi and Shizusumi overcome their mutual misunderstandings and get together" in the recap, I was worried I was going to be for a rough ride. At the end of the first chapter, I wanted to pitch this volume across my living room. Thankfully the volume got better once we pivoted away from Mafuyu and Ritsuka, but those scenes still made a dent in my enjoyment of this volume where Kizu's takeaways feel haphazard and lacking the nuance of the rest of this series.

Mafuyu's a naturally passive person. I expressed concern in my review for Volume 7 that his character regression would only serve as benefit to the plot and not a way for him to grow. That statement ended up proving true, but I also felt this volume didn't really move the plot forward enough. Kizu spend the bulk of this volume building up to Mafuyu's Decision, which is understandable, but comes at the cost of lack of character development and these people I've come to enjoy and respect feeling like static shells. His personality is also scrutinized, which is annoying because it's felt like it hasn't been an issue until now.

I liked Haruki's perspective on how Mafuyu needs the confidence to be on board with Given's decision to go pro, and that it should come from the support of his fellow bandmates, not pressure. I feel like Ritsuka's approach won't backfire, but it also feels like it's being fueled by the wrong motivation? IDK. He has a thought about Given being in turmoil in the first chapter, and that, to be frank, is not true. I also wouldn't agree with Shizusumi's passion being what people should strive to, but I get what that served in that moment more than the previous statement.

The best part of this was the bonus chapter TBH. Kizu plays a card that reminded me of some of her Haikyuu doujins to show how her characters (but specifically one) have moved forward, hinting at what may come in the next (and final!) volume. I'd honestly recommend readers reading the Hiragi arc to do it back-to-back rather than spaced apart. This volume on its own lacks support. As for me, I'm holding out hope this arc ends well because it burning out right after Peak Development would not be fun for me.
Profile Image for Bailey.
961 reviews36 followers
December 3, 2023
Hmm... a lot of emotional meandering, kind of just read like filler for the final volume, good/emotional filler, but filler nonetheless. I still have to remember that Mafuyu needs TLC in how music affects him; right off the bat this vol., he's got the yips, not even wanting to sing. Can I just say: I never want the broken guy carrying around his deceased boyfriend's broken guitar to make an reappearance in Mafuyu ever again. For my sake (I didn't hold back tears the first time) and the character's.

I did feel bad for Uenoyama in that he's clearly in love with Mafuyu, but unsure of how to love/encourage him out of... this state. It's all very tip-toe/meditative, which a side character points out is what most people do when someone is in emotional turmoil; we stick to the shadows where it's safe because we're afraid to fuck something up. But like music, personal love/support can be what mends someone.

The song "About You" by The 1975 is still running through my head with each frame... can't really explain why.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sa’Je.
227 reviews6 followers
June 26, 2024
Overall rating: 3.5/5⭐️

Mafuyu isn't sure what he wants to do with his future, but the people he around him seem to be so sure. With time winding down til the concert, will he choose to stay with Given or will he step away for good? Only time will tell.

"When you're in the position to help someone make a decision, or get involved in a major change in someone's life... and you think, 'Huh.. I see... so this is why I was put here.' And that's when it dawns on you. We usually take a backseat during those times, but personally, I kinda like those moments."

While I won't be doing a full-out review of this volume, I did enjoy it. It didn't give me the energy that 1-7 gave me, but it still gave me my babies and them going through life the best they can. I will always root for and support Mafuyu (that's twinnem lol) because we are so similar it's scary. With this series being my favorite and it being almost over, it's bittersweet that the end is near. I love these guys so much and I (reluctantly) look forward to the final installment!
Profile Image for Josué Zúñiga.
1,110 reviews7 followers
May 16, 2023
Si el tomo 7 los protagonistas son las manos de los personajes, en este lo son las miradas y sus expresiones faciales. Desde las de cachorrillo perdido de Mafuyu hasta inexpresivas de Shizusumi pasando por la panoplia de emociones de Hiiragi y la frustración de Uenoyama. En fin, esto ya está encarrilado para el final, habrá que sentarse a esperar (ni cotiza que me lo releo de nuevo cuando tenga el tomo 9)
Profile Image for Claudia.
253 reviews10 followers
June 11, 2023

No sé si me estoy flipando pero el estilo de la artista ha cambiado en algunos trazos y me flipa. Me encanta el dibujo de este tomo.

Y la historia pese a que no se da el clímax estoy simpatizando demasiado con Mafuyu. Amo a todos los personajes de la historia pero él es quien más sentimientos creo que representa. ¿Does it makes any sense? No sé.

Presiento que el siguiente tomo va a ser increíble, tengo muchísimas expectativas.
Profile Image for Emmett.
199 reviews
December 5, 2023
mejor que el anterior, aunque sigue lento (1 poco aburrido maybe) es bastante más coherente al centrarse de nuevo en mafuyu y uenoyama y en la incertidumbre del futuro y el no saber qué hacer con tu puta vida y sentir que todos van un paso por delante. mafuyu i see u. la secuencia final de ugetsu me ha gustado mucho también.... a ver si de cara al final mejora esto va tengo esperanza
Profile Image for Vivienne Beloved.
224 reviews
May 4, 2023
questi ultimi volumi si stanno dimostrando sempre più deludenti. Molto lontani dai sentimenti che riuscivano a trasmettere all'inizio della storia. Questo volume in particolare ha ben poco "contenuto". Non succede praticamente nulla e il capitolo extra per quanto mi riguarda, totalmente privo di interesse. Ho sempre più paura che il finale di questa serie possa rovinare l'intero titolo.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 228 reviews

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