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Lindsay Wagner's New Beauty: The Acupressure Facelift

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Outlines a system of massage applied to specific points on the face by the fingers which can result in a younger-looking face

144 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 1987

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Lindsay Wagner

10 books6 followers

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Profile Image for Sue.
211 reviews
April 23, 2020
I really appreciated this book! I have been looking for a non-surgical, non-injection way to take care of my face and neck. I did a Google Search and this is the only item that I came up with. It's way more inexpensive than going to the acupuncturist and paying $200 a session for ten sessions make a difference (chuckle) in my looks.

I love how easy it is to read, it's not too thick, and it's the right size when you're holding the book to do the exercises.
I've always been a fan of Lindsay Wagner and but I think what happily surprised to see that early on in her life she started her healthy lifestyle ... even recognizing that many chemicals were also put into our meat and food, personal hygiene products, facial creams, shampoos, excetera that she lives. She looks really good now! Is still slim and attractive. I find myself wondering if she still does this acupressure today at my bed she does. 😉👍
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