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"I expect you to show my friend just how grateful you are. Your willingness is everything."

With those harsh words, the hated Sasanach earl decided Bríghid's fate: Her body and her virginity were to be offered up to a stranger in exchange for her brother's life. Possessing nothing but her innocence and her fierce Irish pride, she had no choice but to comply.

But the handsome man she faced in the darkened bedchamber was not at all the monster she expected. His green eyes seemed to see inside her. His tender touch calmed her fears while he swore he would protect her by merely pretending to claim her. And as the long hours of the night passed by, as her senses ignited at the heat of their naked flesh, she made a startling discovery: Sometimes the line between hate and love can be dangerously thin.

372 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published March 1, 2004

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About the author

Pamela Clare

57 books4,266 followers
USA Today best-selling author Pamela Clare began her writing career as a columnist and investigative reporter and eventually became the first woman editor-in-chief of two different newspapers. Along the way, she and her team won numerous state and national honors, including the First Amendment Award and the National Journalism Award for Public Service. In 2011, she was honored by the Colorado Pro Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists with their Keeper of the Flame Lifetime Achievement Award for her work. A single mother with two grown sons and two cats, she writes historical romance and contemporary romantic suspense within view of Colorado’s beautiful Rocky Mountains. She is a two-time RITA finalist (Surrender, Defiant) and a three-time Daphne du Maurier finalist (I-Team series). She loves history, having studied archaeology in college, and has traveled extensively, living for almost three years in Denmark, which feels like home to her. She attributes her love of historical romance with the years she spent visiting ruins and castles in Europe.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 184 reviews
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,697 followers
May 23, 2012

Carnal Gift is the second book in the Blakewell/Kenleigh trilogy, and is Jamie Blakewell’s story. Jamie, as you might recall if you’ve read the book, was the young brother of Cassie Blakewell-Kenleigh who we met in the first book, Sweet Release. Now he’s all grown up and trying and to aid a young America in the French and Indian War by heading back to England to petition Parliament for more soldiers and money for ships. And of course it would be asking for too much to have everything go smoothly but in this case, I’m glad it didn’t because the real excitement, the real passion of the story comes when everything starts to go wrong.

Well, no surprise here – I loved this book! Carnal Gift is yet another example of Historical Romance at its finest, and why Pamela Clare is one of the few auto-buy authors on my list. If you’re looking for an amazing story with substance, one that will have you on the edge of your seat cheering the hero and heroine as they face whatever it is that life has thrown at them – while falling in love, of course – Pamela Clare is the author to go to. Her stories are romantic, passionate, exciting and sexy, and I’ve loved each and every book that I’ve read by her. Be they Historical or Romantic Suspense, I always come away feeling like I’ve made new friends, and wanting to read more about them. She writes believable storylines and characters who seem so real it’s hard to imagine that they’re not. They are the kinds of people I’d love to have as friends and neighbors.

Honestly, if you’ve not yet tried anything by this author – you’re missing out on some truly great stories. If you’re into Romantic Suspense, give her I-Team series a try. If Historical Romance is your thing, check out the Blakewell/Kenleigh Trilogy and her Highlanders series, MacKinnon’s Rangers. You will not be disappointed!

And for those who have been trying to find Sweet Release and Carnal Gift with no success, you’ll be thrilled to know that they are now available in ebook format! They can be found at amazon.com , barnesandnoble.com , and smashwords.com for $2.99 each!
And the ebook version of Carnal Gift is actually the novel the way Ms. Clare intended it to be written, before the publishers got their hands on it and made her cut 100 or so pages.


If you're already a Pamela Clare fan, or interested in learning more about her and her books, be sure to stop by our Pamela Clare Fan Group here on Goodreads!

Profile Image for Kristen.
842 reviews4,985 followers
September 10, 2011
4 stars

I feel fortunate that my first experience reading Carnal Gift was the version Pamela Clare originally intended for publication. In this book we are given Jamie's full story. How his torment and guilt over Nicholas' supposed death affected his decisions throughout the story. The elimination of this contributing factor would have left Jamie's character virtually prosaic and the overall impact of the book sorely lacking. 

I enjoyed this book. The romance between Jamie and Brighid captured my heart and imagination. I found myself rooting for them personally as well as romantically. The secondary characters were wonderfully developed and I was just as captivated with their stories as I was with the protagonists. The Irish history was fascinating and gave me a new respect for these indomitable  people.

The ending of this book was fabulous. Very poignant, heartwarming, and memorable. 

Congratulations Ms. Clare. I'm happy you were finally able to share with your readers the novel you always intended.     

Profile Image for Buggy.
534 reviews688 followers
August 23, 2023
Well then, it seems that I have found a new favourite author in Ms Clare; she really can do no wrong. CARNAL GIFT is the 2nd book from the Blakewell/Kenleigh trilogy and another epic read. With adventures of a grand scale, passion, heartache, suspense and characters that stay with you long after you’ve finished, this is how historical romances are meant to be.

I also just have to mention the detail paid to historical accuracy. The research involved here boggles my mind and is appreciated although if I’m being honest I did find the traditional Irish Gaelic names somewhat distracting (Brighid, Fionn Muirin, Ailis) as I paused often to figure out how to pronounce them (and I never did quite get Ruaidhri?)However kudos for traditional accuracy.

This is well written, intricate story, taking our couple through insurmountable trials before they’re finally allowed to reach their HEA and I loved the adventure. The romance aspect was believable, sigh worthy and slow building. I’d expected that due to the circumstances of their initial meeting (!) our heroine was going to be all bitter, angry (and annoying) but thankfully Clare never went there and I truly enjoyed Brighid.

And what a hero we’re given in Jamie, (after first meeting him as a boy in Sweet Release) he sure grew up to be one hell of a fine man. I also loved (to hate) the villain, Sheffield Tate wow, what a sick bastard he turned out to be, becoming more and more evil as his layers were peeled away. Well done.

Our story takes place in 1754 Ireland; Jamie Blackwell (of Virginia) is visiting his friend Sheff who he attended Oxford with before he travels to London. While out on a hunt their party comes across a small Catholic funeral procession, changing Jamie and Brighid’s lives forever.

Because the act of Catholicism is banned Sheff breaks up the funeral and orders the priest hung but not before he notices how Jamie is looking at the beautiful Irish girl. Sheff then kidnaps Brighid and since during that time the English (Sasanach) essentially owned the Irish he gives her to Jamie as a virginal gift, which he will then have once Jamie is finished with her. Jamie being the honourable sort soon realizes his friend is off his freaking rocker and rescues Brighid. This however places her two brothers in grave danger and Sheff on a trail of vengeance.

So my summery is pretty lame, and really only the first chapter, there are just so many more layers to this amazing story then I‘ve been able to express. Cheers
Profile Image for Kathrynn.
1,181 reviews
November 14, 2008
3 1/2 Stars!

I have mixed feelings about this book. On one hand, I enjoyed the plot and all the characters; however, the writing was "loose" and repetitive--at times. I disliked (really, really!) how time was taken to "explain" what was happening. Duh! Or to recap the events. Double Ugh! This was my second historical book by this author and though this was much better than the first (Sweet Release), I enjoyed her modern romantic suspense series (I-Team) much more.

Set in Ireland, 1754, with the focus on English cruelty to the Irish or Catholics and there were many times when I felt a history lesson was there that jerked me out of the story. On the plus side, this author can sure write a bottom-dwelling villain! Sheffield Tate was one evil, sick and twisted, vile person. The hero is Jamie--the child in "Sweet Release" or little brother to Cassie--all grown-up. He is visiting his college friend in Ireland and stumbles across a pour Irish girl, Brighid. That was not her full name and let me say that I was not at all impressed by the details of Irish names and Gaelic information that was injected during the story. I'm Irish, but it was too much and disrupted the story, for me.

The plot, suspense and romance were all good. Very entertaining. I enjoyed how the characters grew to trust (and like) each other. There were two romances between the pages of this one: Brighid and Jamie; Fionn and Muirin. The latter being less in the story, but very sweet.

On to the next one in this series...Ride the Fire.

Profile Image for Jennifer Lane.
Author 14 books1,433 followers
February 9, 2015
Another Winning Historical Romance From Pamela Clare

Carnal Gift is a wonderful follow-up to Sweet Release, book one in the Kenleigh-Blakewell Family Saga. This time it's Cassie's brother, American Jamie Blakewell who's the hero of the story. Jamie visits his Oxford friend Sheff in Ireland in 1754, but discovers Sheff isn't the amusing and kind classmate from before. Sheff seems to have turned into a sadistic bastard, actually.

Sheff's abusive behavior is first exposed when he and Jamie come across a Catholic funeral, which is illegal in Ireland. Sheff threatens all the attendees, including the gorgeous raven-haired Bríghid. Jamie can't take his eyes off her, and Sheff notices his interest in the young woman.

I had thought Carnal Gift was a strange name for a novel, but it's quite appropriate in this case. Crazy-ass Sheff has Bríghid kidnapped and then bestows her maidenhead upon his friend Jamie as a gift. Not only that, but Jamie knows his insane friend is watching through the peephole to see if he, ahem, "opens" his gift by getting it on with Bríghid.

This is just the beginning of a wild ride between Jamie and Bríghid. I loved how they dealt with their religious differences:

Jamie tried not to notice that the cross had come to rest in the cleft between her breasts. "I'm supposed to be angry because you dared hang a Catholic symbol around my neck when you, a Catholic, were trying to save my Protestant life?"

"Then you're not angry?"

"No, Bríghid." He stifled a crazy urge to take her hand. "Where I come from, there are more religions than days in a month. I decided long ago such things aren't worth fighting about. I doubt God cares one way or another how we pray, as long as we make time for it once in a while."

Amen! Religious freedom is one of my favorite aspects of living in America.

I also enjoyed the reason behind Sheff's puzzling switch to sadism.

I'm excited Pamela Clare is writing again after her battle with breast cancer. Can't wait to read more of her masterpieces!
Profile Image for Jericho McKraven.
Author 1 book13 followers
March 17, 2023
I absolutely adore the McKinnon Rangers series by Pamela Clare so I thought these books would be instant favorites.

I was so bored though! Book one finally picked up and I enjoyed the last few hundred pages or so. But Carnal Gift dragged for me. It dragged, and dragged, and dragged some more until I finally skimmed the epilog, snapped the book shut and had no regrets that it was over.

I liked Jamie well enough (he was a child in book one so for me the transition was.... abrupt), but Brigid (however her name is spelled) drove me up a wall. Honestly, she was just so blah. I didn't care about her dresses or rooms or potatoes. Or her sanctimonious tongue she constantly lashed other girls with. Ug. No thanks. Her brothers were sweet, but not enough to keep me engaged.

Moving on...
Profile Image for Robin.
1,850 reviews86 followers
August 9, 2019
When one of her brothers speaks out against the English Earl who has taken over their lands, Irish Beauty Brighid Ni Maelsechnaill is forced to go with the Earl or they will kill her family. Jamie Blakewell is traveling with the Earl's party. He claims Brighid as his own and takes her to his bed chamber. Brighid is terrified he will rape her, but Jamie merely pretends to claim her. He knows he and Brighid must leave the Earl's manor undetected or he will not be able to save her.

This was the second book in the Blakewell/Kenleigh series. Jamie is all grown up. He has been sent to London to get Parliament to send troops to fight against the Indians in the Colonies. He travels to Ireland to appeal to the Earl and ends up rescuing a damsel in distress. This is just in the first few pages. There is a lot going on in this story.

I listened to the audiobook narrated by Kaleo Griffith. He does an outstanding job with the Irish accent and the difficult Gaelic words. I highly recommend you listen to this book. My rating: 4.5 Stars.
Profile Image for Ruth.
592 reviews66 followers
September 2, 2010
I really enjoyed this book, although perhaps not as much as the previous one in the series. It didn't feel as detailed, and the plot didn't evolve at the same gradually accelerating pace that just sucked me in in Sweet Release. Having said that the setting was again fabulous, in Ireland, during the period of Georgian repression, and the hero and heroine were also excellent.

The hero was merely a child in the previous book, and here we get to see him as an adult. He made a great hero, but I didn't feel I came to know him as well as Alec in Sweet Release. The heroine is much better described, but did become a bit annoying towards the end. I can't really fault her reasons for some of her choices - she decided to stick with her faith rather than recant and marry the hero, for example, but there comes a time when survival is more important than duty, surely, and she crossed it several times. I think, in conclusion, she was just too damned perfect for me. I liked Sweet Release, because neither the hero nor the heroine were perfect, and, however grudgingly, knew it.

So I'd give this 4.5 stars probably.
Profile Image for Riverina Romantics.
428 reviews28 followers
December 22, 2011
Pamela Clare is one of my go to authors when I'm in a book funk.

I know her stories will have loveable characters, heart wrenching romance and a whole heap of drama to keep me hooked from start to finish....So when I read the worst book known to man this week, I went straight to my Pamela Clare pile.

Carnal Gift was gorgeous. It gave me those really nice warm and fuzzies...you know the ones you get when the author has the ability to convince you of the most powerful love between two fictional characters and have you contemplating leaving your significant other in search of the hero.

Well, lucky for my husband I don't have a time machine because Jamie was such a honey. He was fiercely protective, adoringly sweet and masculine as hell.

I enjoyed this story from start to finish.

Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews924 followers
April 27, 2014
Dry writing. Lengthy development of predictable things. It needs richer characters.

TWO BOOKS (Sweet Release and Carnal Gift):
I liked books 3 and 5 in the author’s I-Team series, but I did not like her first two books “Sweet Release” and “Carnal Gift.” The main conflicts were based on the settings where it was against the law for hero and heroine to be together. SR takes place on a tobacco plantation in 1730. Heroine’s father owns the plantation. Hero is a bondsman. If they are discovered he will be hung and she will be punished. Secondary plot has evil masters doing horrible things to slaves and bondsmen. In CG, it is against the law for Catholics to marry Protestants. She is Catholic he is Protestant. This takes place in Ireland and England in1751. Secondary plot has evil Lord doing horrible things to Catholics, peasants, and servants.

Both of these books felt like textbook writing. The author takes her time to fully describe and develop plot events. But they are predictable. Nothing special. For example, yes it’s painful giving birth but I don’t want to spend a bunch of time hearing the details and having it drawn out with her painful cries - like the author was trying to be true to life rather than interesting. Too many things were drawn out like that.

Right after reading these I read “Carnal Innocence” by Nora Roberts. CI had what was missing from Clare’s books. CI characters were colorful and rich with interesting dialogue - unexpected dialogue. I smiled often during CI. I did not smile during Clare’s two books.

When SR and CG were first published, the publisher shortened one or both of them by about 100 pages. The author recently released the “full” versions in ebook form. I read the full versions.

A few things felt stupid to me. Like she insists on going to an illegal Catholic mass which causes them trouble. Another time she is in danger and does not want to go to a safe place. He and she overhear “the wrong parts” of conversations, and then they think the other doesn’t want them.

Narrative mode: 3rd person. Kindle count length: 7,319. Swearing language: mild including religious swear words. Sexual language: moderate. Number of sex scenes: about 10, includes attempted rape. Setting: 1751 to 1756 Ireland, England, and Virginia. Copyrights: 2004 and 2011. Genre: historical romance with suspense.
Profile Image for Mei.
1,897 reviews458 followers
April 22, 2013
This is the story of little Jamie, Cassie's brother.
Now, here he's not so "little"! *wink*

The story is really exciting. I don't know much about the enimity between Irish and English, but from what I read in this book I could sympathize with the Irish people. Their plight was dire indeed! They were taken away their faith, their land, their birthright... poor people...

Brighid is Irish, catholic, poor and Jamie is English (even if colonial), protestant, and rich. How will they manage to be toghether?
You'll have to read this book to find out! :D

I loved Jamie: he's honorable, sweet and very passionate. He's doing everything to help Brighid and her brothers. But she's not convinced of that and she doesn't trust him. While I could understand her reticence, sometimes she just made me angry! I wanted to grip her shoulders and give her a sound shake!

She also doesn't bend in anything; it's always Jamie who does it. Yes, she falls in love with him, make passionate love, but until the very end doesn't trust him. Poor Jamie...

First he lusts after her, but it's not only that and very early he realizes that he's in love and he's ready to do everything to help her. He's soooo sweet.

The heat between them is scorching hot and the passionate love-making scenes are right in Pamela Clare style! *wink*
Profile Image for GigiReads.
588 reviews158 followers
December 30, 2023

This book, like most of Clare's HR's starts with a harrowing scene of the cruelties visited upon the Irish by the English oppressors. Right off the bat the reader knows this is no fluffy wallpaper HR. It's gritty no holds barred star crossed lovers romance between a Protestant colonial and an Irish peasant. Brighid is "gifted" to Jamie by the villain, an English Earl. Jamie does everything he can to preserve her virtue and attempts to save her repeatedly from the hideous Earl. Sick bed comfort, close proximity, escapes, kidnapping... This book is a cornucopia of tropes tbh.

According to the author's notes she added all the scenes the original publisher snipped from the first edition of this book. While it helped me understand the characters motivations more, I think the additions just made for a slower pace and it dragged in some places. Personally this is my least favorite of Clare's HR's but what's mid for her it's a five star read for other authors. Excellent for those who can read with their old school goggles on and have no pearls to clutch.


Class Differences
Sick Bed Nursing (both MCs)
Close proximity
Forbidden love
Age gap

CW: attempted SA by villains, violence. It's dark-ish in tone.
Profile Image for Laz the Sailor.
1,644 reviews81 followers
April 7, 2023
NB: I am not a fan of historical romances. But I am a fan of Pamela Clare.

This book is constrained by the genre and the period, with the Irish/English religious war and the French/Indian war in the colonies impacting the story. That said, the heroine is strong and resourceful and caring. Of course she still needs to be rescued once or twice. Very well written and a little darker and more exciting than the first book. If you are a fan of this genre, I'm sure you will like it a lot.

Re-read 4/23: I'm still not a fan of the genre, but I amend my review to say that the writing is quite visceral, which combined with detailed descriptions of locations, clothing, and attitudes, creates an intense overall story.
Profile Image for Morgan Many Books.
212 reviews70 followers
March 9, 2021
5 Stars because just... woah.

Like Sweet Release, I won't write a super fleshed out review since there are several informative analyses of this book already on GoodReads. I will quickly add my two cents though.

This was so epic. I loved it. As always, Pamela Clare develops a harrowing story. Grown-up Jamie is sizzling hot, Bríghid had an innocent quality I quite liked. All the ancillary stories were great (her re-release which include lots of other plotlines was great!). Like the previous installment it was, slightly, bloated... but that is more of a taste thing, I'd say. I like simple stories usually. But then, I also love this stuff too (Stella Riley and Kate Mosse are some of my favourite writers and they love long, complicated historical fiction).

I read one review that said this was unrealistic. I think, yes, there is an epic-ness to all of Clare's historicals that readers should be aware of when they dive into her writing. I think though, this is because she is cognizant that ignoring the socio-economical context underpinning the 18th century world she places her stories in... is problematic and rife within the sub-genre (ie. the landed gentry and aristocrats of England we so glorify are being propped up on a system that oppresses and enslavees people in England, in Ireland, and further afield). SO just generally her stories, despite their sexy covers and their sexy blurbs... are very hardcore historical reads. Carnal Gift is no exception. Ireland is often caricatured in HR, like Scotland, but thankfully less frequently. Her depiction of Irish/English tensions, and the centuries of opression and cultural genocide committed against the Irish was refresingly honest and accurate. I can think of some of my Irish archaeology friends that would really appreciate this book. I love how Clare is never afraid to delve into the horrors and wonders of the past.

As always, I recommend Clare so much. I'd just say, if you prefer Wallpaper you might not enjoy this or her work. She isn't writing in the HR canon, but almost more in the tradition of Creative non-Fiction? It's heavy stuff. It's not fluff. It's not history as a fantasy.

God, I love her. She needs to write more historicals.
Profile Image for Lynsey A.
1,869 reviews
February 26, 2016
Another awesome read by Pamela Clare. I liked this one but not as well as the others. It wasn't anything I could put my finger on but still enjoyed it. I loved, loved, loved the ending and even though I was pretty sure it would end that way it was nice to see it too.

The only problem I had was the Gaelic. Such a pretty language but no idea how to read it. I only guessed at how the names were pronounced.

All in all a great book. I'm anxious to begin Ride the Fire but alas know that will be the last Pamela Clare historical until 2012 when Connor's book finally arrives! However, that isn't going to stop me from picking it up now.
Profile Image for Beanbag Love.
566 reviews241 followers
June 16, 2012
I really enjoyed this book. It's the second in Clare's Kenleigh/Blakewell trilogy and I think I might have liked it the most. I read the whole series out of order -- third one, then the first one, then the second one -- but it didn't throw me. Pamela Clare is pretty good at making each of her stories unique and independent from the others in a series.

So, this is the last PC book I had to read until Defiant. I'm proud of myself for holding off as long as I did.

Definite 4.5. Good chemistry from the leads, interesting setting, decent suspense. All the things I like in a historical. :)
Profile Image for Gina.
753 reviews110 followers
November 2, 2012
ok i stayed up late to finish book. This book was awesome! I loved these two Brighid and Jamie had passion! This book grabbed me right from the start, I really got into these two. I want to be irish now!! I loved how close she was to her family. Jamie had such respect for her, he was going to do the right thing under forced circumstances.

And then there was Nicholas, oh say it isn' so..

The end made me smile and my eyes filled with tears....I loved this book.
Profile Image for kat.
520 reviews238 followers
October 30, 2022
3.5 stars ✿

❛He suffered the torment of her sweet smiles, because he could not bear to be without them. He bore the lilting sound of her voice, because there was no sound sweeter to his ears. And he gave her gifts because he could not give her his body, his heart, his name.❜
Profile Image for PepperP0t .
4,766 reviews82 followers
February 23, 2014
4.5stars really
More than twenty years have passed since the end of Sweet Release. Young Jamie Blakewell has grown to adulthood, done a stint in the army and traveled to England on Alec's behalf for business where he meets up with a schoolmate who is now a cruel, harsh and landed Earl. The Earl who's lands now encompass those of Brighid Ni Maelsechnaill and her family, much is also forbidden by law including religious gatherings for her faith. When Brighid's brother gets into trouble with the Earl, Jamie talks his friend out of taking harsh retribution. The Earl doesn't mete out the punishment but notices Jamie noticing Brighid and makes a gift of her to Jamie. To possibly save Brighid's life Jamie secretes her out of the Earl's home but is unable to escape before he is attacked and severely wounded. Under the days and nights of Brighid tenderly nursing Jamie and Jamie gaining his strength to leave, both Brighid and Jamie discover, and try to fight, the growing feelings they have for each other. But more disturbing is how irrationally obsessed the Earl has become with Brighid since Jamie left his home with her.
I love the way this story was woven with tension throughout. There was enough of the side stories to ensure interest and cement the urgency of movement and the reasons for Jamie's initial visit. Brighid and Jamie had good chemistry from the outset and became a great couple once the trust was exchanged. The secondary characters from Brighid's family and neighbors to the villainous Earl were complex and personable enough to make you look forward to their scenes and they were each discernible in the interactions with each other.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,390 reviews2 followers
December 7, 2012
LOVED IT. Had been a bit skeptical about reading something about Ireland and Irish characters especially by non-Irish authors (I am Irish so I feel I have the right to be critical). Was I wrong? Everything from the historical aspect to the language (even the bad language - when she mentioned someone's bloody gob it made me laugh as it something I would say myself - gob is someone's mouth in case you are wondering). The Irish/Gaelic translations were spot on even down to the accents on the letters - well done to your Irish language expert. Could feel the hate the Irish had for the bloody Sassanachs (and believe me they did and some still do - our history runs deep and passionate). It made me want to pick up my pike and start another bloody revolution ...... well nearly. This book is book 2 of the Kenleigh/Blackwell series and I enjoyed the first one in the series just as much as this one (Sweet Release is Book 1). Can't want for the next book. I hadn't realized Pamela Clare wrote historicals as I am more familiar with her Suspense books but I am glad I discovered this book. Eireann go Bragh!!!

This is my Amazon review also ...
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews373 followers
October 8, 2012
The second book in the Blakewell/Kenleigh Family Trilogy. Another awesome story from Pamela Clare. While I prefer Ms Clare's Romantic Suspense books, her Historical Romances can definitely hold their own. I truly felt myself transported to 18th century Ireland and felt their struggles against the dread Sasanach. Brighid and her family are just simple Irish folks, living the life that they were born into. Jamie is a colonist, in Ireland visiting his "friend", Sheff.

I should mention I have both the paperback and an ebook copy. I read mostly from the ebook copy that contained the "complete" book that Pamela Clare wrote.

Definitely recommended to anyone who loves historical romances.

If you're already a Pamela Clare fan, or interested in learning more about her and her books, be sure to stop by our Pamela Clare Fan Group here on Goodreads!
Profile Image for TJ.
3,034 reviews207 followers
August 1, 2011
Incredibly well-written, this story of a young Irish peasant girl who is brutally taken from her family by their cruel English overlord and forced to play the whore in exchange for her brother's life, is gritty yet tender. Ms. Clare is kind enough to keep the heroine's virtue in-tack (at least until she decides otherwise) while still painting the horrors that were experienced by the Irish at England's hand with heart-wrenching realism, all while creating a wonderful love story that rises above and ultimately wins the day - Sigh..... true romance!
175 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2020
2.5 stars cause even though I like the ending, I still wish i haven't had want to read it in the first place. It was so slow! blah I pretty much pass over a 100 pages, and I believe I missed not a thing.
Profile Image for Amanda.
48 reviews7 followers
March 10, 2011
Ah yes.....picture it. A man who isn't afraid of hard work, back-breaking, long-into-the-night kind of work. His body is tanned and toned, every muscle and chord stark proof of the hours spent toiling in the fields. Yet, put him in a gentleman's dress....expensive tailoured waistcoat and breeches, hair tied back in a tight cue, and he fits right in. His manner is charming, witty and extremely intelligent. Brawn and brains....an enticing mixture in a man, one each and every female would be happy to have. At least, I would. And so does our heroine, Brighid, in Pamela's Clare's second historical entitled "Carnal Gift".

Jamie is visiting his friend Sheffield Tate on his estate in Ireland. Quite quickly, Jamie realizes that his friend has changed, and not for the better. While hunting, they come upon a group of Irish Catholic peasants gathered to bury a baby. It is the mid 1700's and the English are notorious for their cruelty to the Irish and Catholicism was banned. Sheff, in his villainous way, decides this group of "filthy Irish" need to be punished for disobeying the laws of the land. But wait.....Jamie spies the lovely Brighid and cannot help but be instantly drawn to her. Of course, he is not looking for companionship or that illustrious notion called "love". Jamie is there to sway many political figures into supporting the need for troops in the colonies in order to fight the French and their native allies. It is when Brighid's hot-tempered brother takes a stand against Sheff that he knows he must put a stop to Sheff killing these poor people. But Sheff, knowing Jamie well, realizes that his friend has taken a liking to the Irish beauty and insists on capturing her and "giving" her to Jamie as a gift. Being the honourable man that he is, Jamie will not force himself upon any woman. But Jamie knows that Sheff wants Brighid for himself...to use her, defile her body, and possibly kill her. Jamie will never let this happen.

I really enjoyed this book. Having read "Sweet Release", the first book of the trilogy, I already knew our hero Jamie, although he was just a child in that book. I already had the backstory and thus I was more connected to the characters. I liked how the setting moved from picturesque Ireland to the bustle of England. The other characters in the story were also well developed to the point where I wished for their happy ending as well. In true Pamela Clare fashion, the love scenes are HOT and the romance is touching. Although I enjoyed "Sweet Release" more, "Carnal Gift" is a great tale on its own...a tale of love, commitment and trust...the basis for all unions, even today.
Profile Image for Kim.
205 reviews
March 5, 2010
2011 edition with the "rest of the story". Could not resist reading the 100 pages that was omitted from the first print. Read this 2011 version as an ebook. I had read this book a couple of years ago but as with all Pamela's books you always want more, so when she said "I've got an additional 100 pages to go with Carnal Gift" yep I was all over that. I absolutely adore you, Pamela Clare. I love history and I love romances. When I read your books I want to go look up old history books to get more. I love it when that happens! There are only three romance authors who have ever made history come alive for me, Pamela Clare, Virgina Henley and Diana Gabaldon. Big shout out to Pamela for another homerun. "I Friggn Love You!!!" And I remember when I couldn't find your books in Books a Million, B&N, or Borders. And I remember pushing her books all over Amazon in lists and reviews. She's in the big leagues now baby exactly where she deserves to be.
Profile Image for Michelle.
320 reviews1 follower
March 15, 2022
I got bored...put it down, and simply don't want to pick it back up. There's no real chemistry between the leads, and everyone is just kind of...annoying. Like...I simply don't care. The villian is a caricature, there's no depth to him at all. He's simply a narcissistic, selfish, one-dimensional villian. This is my second book of Pamela Clare, and I think I'm done...her books have so much potential for me, but I get bored. For the most part, I'm aware it's a me problem not a her problem. She is a great writer, hence the 2 stars (instead of 1).
Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,810 reviews536 followers
March 23, 2010
If you hear this is "not the best" - don't believe it! Wonderful Irish storyline. I would not want to miss one single book in this series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 184 reviews

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