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Just Another Missing Person: A Novel

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MP3 CD Format From the author of the Reese's Book Club Pick and the New York Times  bestseller Wrong Place Wrong Time comes a new heart-stopping thriller in which a missing-person case unravels deeper, darker secrets that hit too close to home and can only lead to more danger for the detective and an impossible moral   What will she do ? There's a man out there. His weapon isn't a gun, or a knife. It's a secret.  22 years old. No history of running away. Last seen on CCTV, entering a dead-end alley. And not coming back out again. Missing for one day and counting . . . JULIA; The detective heading up the case. She knows what to expect. A desperate family, a ticking clock, and long hours away from her daughter. But Julia has no idea how close to home this case is going to get. Because her family's safety depends on one Julia must not find out what happened to Olivia and must frame somebody else for her murder . . . What would you do?

1 pages, Audio CD

First published August 1, 2023

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Gillian McAllister

14 books7,474 followers

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Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,688 reviews53.9k followers
September 5, 2024
It happened again! My mind was blown, and my last remaining gray cells burned to the ground, as if I had binge-watched the entire six seasons of Black Mirror in one go or had an Inception-Tenet-Interstellar marathon all in one day! This natural side effect comes with reading any of Gillian McAllister's mind-bending, intelligent, adrenaline-pumping, anxiety-inducing books. She's a master at bending different timelines, confusing our minds with multiple narrators' statements, and dragging us into a puzzle-solving frenzy.

But what sets Gillian McAllister's books apart is her unique descriptions, the banter between characters, and the emphasis she places on the importance of family, especially motherhood, in each of her stories.

"Wrong Place, Wrong Time," her previous work, rocked my world, and I was left awestruck, unable to find proper words to express my feelings in a coherent review. Words wouldn't suffice!

"Just Another Missing Person" is another riveting thriller that continues her trend of puzzling, enigmatic, and complex writing. You feel like a detective not only solving the mysteries she throws your way but also becoming attached to the three different narrations: Julia, a workaholic, honest police officer; Lewis, a caring father devoted to finding his missing daughter; and Emma, a single mom who would do anything to protect her son, even as she suspects his behavior.
The characters in this book are so well-developed and relatable that you become fully invested in their journeys. Julia, the dedicated detective, has her world turned upside down as she searches for the missing Olivia. Her relentless pursuit of the truth and the dilemmas she faces add layers of complexity to the narrative. Then there's Lewis, the father on a desperate mission to find his daughter, tugging at your heartstrings with his unwavering love and determination. And Emma, the fiercely protective single mom, whose struggles and suspicions add an extra layer of tension to the story.

The plot revolves around Olivia, a 22-year-old who disappeared without a trace, leaving behind many inconsistencies that rub Julia, the detective, the wrong way. During the investigation, she encounters a mysterious man who seems familiar, and soon she finds herself facing a difficult decision: to corrupt evidence to protect her family or risk losing her daughter forever by exposing the truth. And what if this case is connected to her past demons, the other missing women cases she still couldn't solve, all leading to her own destiny?

The plot is riddled with mysteries like Easter eggs that you have to uncover one by one, all interconnected. Just when you think you've solved the main mystery, the author throws another puzzle piece your way, leaving you screaming in surprise as you start theorizing all over again.

As I delved deeper into the plot, I found myself entangled in a web of secrets, lies, and revelations. The mysteries were like a chain of dominoes, each one falling into place and leading to even more thrilling discoveries. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, McAllister threw another curveball my way, leaving me reeling with surprise and admiration for her storytelling prowess.

The emotional depth and raw vulnerability of the characters added a human touch to the suspenseful plot. I felt their fears, their pain, and their unwavering love for their children. McAllister's portrayal of motherhood and the lengths parents would go to protect their offspring struck a chord with me, making the story all the more powerful and resonant.

And that ending! Oh, what a masterpiece! The cleverly woven threads of the plot culminated in a stunning revelation that left me in awe of McAllister's narrative brilliance. It was a satisfying conclusion that tied all the loose ends together and left me with a sense of fulfillment and admiration for the author's storytelling skills.

If you're looking for an original, intelligent, riveting, deliciously twisty, addictive, and exceptionally well-written thriller, you've found yourself a gem! This is easily one of the top five best thrillers you'll read this year!

A big thank you to Ariele Fredman, NetGalley, and William Morrow for sharing this AMAZING book's digital reviewer copy with me in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Profile Image for Maureen ( NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS).
1,597 reviews7,001 followers
May 30, 2023
22 year old Olivia was caught on CCTV entering an alleyway one dark night, but she never came out again - now here’s the thing, the alleyway was a complete dead end, no through way, just a massive brick wall- it’s as if she disappeared into thin air!

DCI Julia Day heads up the investigation team into this puzzling case, but if she thinks things are tough and unfathomable now, they’re about to become an absolute nightmare for her!

The author takes us on a journey - a very complex journey, and one where you won’t have a clue where it’s taking you next, because nothing here is black or white, but be assured this is a thriller with many twists and turns (as one has come to expect from Ms McAllister) and I don’t think you’ll be disappointed!

*Thank you to Netgalley and Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House, for an ARC in exchange for an honest unbiased review *
Profile Image for Lit with Leigh.
623 reviews7,832 followers
August 4, 2023
Writing: solid but A LOT OF COMMAS | Plot: intricate | Ending: OKURRRTTT


It seems like just another missing woman case (see what I did there 😂😜) but it's anything but when DCI Julia Day is instructed to frame someone to protect her own secret.


OOOOHWWEEEE!!!! So to be quite frank, I rarely preorder physical books because 1) they're very expensive 2) I'm cheap 3) If I don't like the book, I'll mourn the loss of the dollars I spent on it 4) I don't believe in returning books + I write in them sooo yeah! It's a commitment. Anyways, all that to say, I snagged this for $14 (very cheap in Canada) and I'm glad I did. I loved it!

In my opinny, this was def stronger than Wrong Place Wrong Time. Maybe it's because I knew to expect 36 commas per sentence, but it didn't bother me as much this time around. Although the streets told me this was a slow burn, I found the pace was much faster than WPWT and baby bombshells were littered throughout. Idk what it is about her books, but in WPWT and this one, she caught me unawares time and time again.

As I said, the comma abuse didn't make me wanna riot, but if I ever read the expression "All right?" ever again, I might scream. It was literally used twice a chapter. That's too many times. Also, like WPWT, she was loving the repetitive group of threes. Eg: "...She tells herself she is good, she is good, she is good." Again, I love an author who manipulates the prose to carve out her own 'voice', but sometimes she deployed this 3 times in one pages which is too damn much. Other than these gripes, her writing was solid af and quite impactful when it needed to be.

This book was very much police procedural with a moral dilemma. Some may question the validity of Julia Day's choice, but I give points to the author for explaining the legalities behind it. In fact, she did a great job throughout quashing any doubts I had about specific plot points except for one... No spoilies though but it involves Olivia, the misper. This was an intricate mystery that had me run it back a couple times to double, triple check.

While the mystery is quite mysterious, there's a significant focus on the characters as well. Although Julia is the MC, I found her character the weakest. The whole situation with her family was quite repetitive and I'm just never on board with a man who 20+ years DEEEEP into your marriage still has issues with your job and then blames you when he acts a fool. Either get on board or get tf outta the way is all I have to say. I thought Lewis' character was well-done. His all-consuming grief was demonstrated in a unique way and his motives are understandable.

All in all, I would recommend this to fans of Sharon Bolton, Jo Spain, Louisa Scarr, etc. If the overuse of commas will drive you crazy, might I recommend the audio? If you like the kind of thrillers you find on Kindle Unlimited (no shade, but you know what I mean) then maybe you will find this too slow and boring. And if you do, don't say I didn't warn ya!


Pros: simple mystery that was elevated by strong writing and intricate plotting, solid pace, loved the little reveals throughout, something about her storytelling always catches me unawares when the twists are revealed, interesting moral dilemma that could spark some juicy book club discussions

Cons: Julia's backstory got tiring real quick, too many commas and three-peats (she's good, she's good, she's good), never wanna read "all right?" again LOL


For some sick reason, do you want to hear more of my nonsense? Check out my podcast: Novels & Nonsense streaming everywhere.
Profile Image for Dorie  - Cats&Books :) .
1,097 reviews3,535 followers
August 10, 2023
This is a DNF for me at 50%. I am SO BORED, this book is very slow moving. I just don't like this author's style of writing and switching POV's. I know that everyone states that the second half gets better but I'm just not invested in this story enough to continue.

PROS: Interesting premise

*Slow pace

*Too many characters

*Repetition -- oh my gosh, so much repetition of what is in Julia's mind. they also keep asking each other "are you okay", not sure why that was repeated so many times but it irritated me.

*I did not like the main protagonist at all - couldn't connect with some of the things that she did and could think of other ways she could have handled this.

All in all I guess I was just not the right audience for this book!

I received an ARC of this novel from the publisher through NetGalley.

Profile Image for Jayme.
1,347 reviews3,471 followers
August 7, 2023
One of the important rules of being a detective: ABC
Assume nothing, Believe nothing, Challenge everything

That is-if you are a detective actually TRYING to solve a case.

But, what about if you are a detective faced with an impossible moral choice?

22-year-old Olivia has been missing for one day…and counting. She was last seen on CCTV, entering a dead-end alley and not coming back out again.

How could she have disappeared into thin air?

Julia, is the detective heading up the search for Olivia-but the criminal behind the disappearance has very persuasive weapon-he knows Julia’s biggest secret and her family's safety depends on one thing…

Julia must NOT find out what happened to Olivia -instead she must frame somebody else for Olivia’s murder.

Although NEVER bored, this began as a slower paced police procedural with excellent character development and an intricate, believable plot. It is mostly told from Julia’s POV, with a few others filling in some pieces of the puzzle as the story unfolds.

Just when you think you know where the story is heading-you will find out that you DON’T!

I loved all of the surprises and they don’t stop until the very LAST paragraph!

My only minor critique-the characters inner thoughts were often repeated three times in a row. It would make more sense if that were a personality quirk of one character-but they definitely would not all share that trait!

I am now looking forward to reading some of the author’s earlier titles that I missed!

This was a buddy read with Mary Beth! Be sure to watch for her terrific review to see if this was also a four ⭐️ read for her!


Thank You to the Chandler Public Library for the loan of this title!
Profile Image for Nina (ninjasbooks).
1,260 reviews1,009 followers
August 31, 2023
When I realized this would be a detective novel I almost wanted to skip it, since I’ve grown tired of them. I’m glad I did however, as this felt different. It didn’t follow the usual streamlined plot, especially since the detective had to cross boundaries no police should. I found myself liking the book and was fully engaged the whole time.
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,484 followers
September 11, 2023

I wanted to give this author another try after giving her last, Wrong Place Wrong Time three stars.

I thought it was a good police procedural, but moves a bit slow in the first half. Some unexpected twists and turns kept me reading because of my curiousity of what would happen next. The problem was that the author gets wordy and a little repetitive which had me skimming some of the fluff! 🐩

The twists come steadily in the last half. She throws some curve balls that had me reevaluating and trying to connect dots that were scattered amongst the different POV's, oh who to believe, the puzzle gets even more complex as unknown motives come to light. I just knew the house of mirrors was destined to fall!

Its not your usual missing person story and I enjoyed that, although the final twist left me questioning a few things and thinking hmmm........ 🤔

Local library loan/ pub August 1, 2023
Profile Image for Melissa (Sailing the Greek Isles).
4,906 reviews2,693 followers
August 1, 2023
3.5 stars, rounded up

I loved McAllister's last book (Wrong Place Wrong Time) and this one was good but not quite as clever and gripping. If you like a good police procedural, you should definitely pick it up. It has some excellent twists that honestly surprised me, so that's always a bonus when you're a jaded mystery/thriller reader like me.

Olivia has been reported missing. She had just moved into a new flat and is starting a new job. After a night out, she disappears, seemingly into thin air. The police are called in, including Detective Julia Day. While on the way to the crime scene, a man gets into Julia's car and blackmails her into planting false evidence. The information he has? Something about Julia and her daughter that they thought no one else knew. As Julia is working the case, it becomes more puzzling and the planted evidence leads them to an unexpected person.

There are a couple of turns this book took that I thought were very clever. And there were a couple of them that didn't really work for me, I honestly thought there were just a few too many twists after all was said and done. I know it can be kind of a balancing act for a writer, so I don't really hold it against her, but some of the things that happened needed my full brain power to piece together as they were a bit confusing (characters with two different names, and quite a large number of characters to keep straight overall.)

All in all, another clever suspenseful mystery from McAllister with some surprising twists.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book, all opinions are my own.
Profile Image for JaymeO.
469 reviews471 followers
August 1, 2023

“Family: people will do anything for it.”

Gillian McAllister’s eighth novel, Just Another Missing Person, is not just another missing person plot. While it includes a typical police procedural plot focused on solving multiple missing person cases, it stands out from all the rest through the incredible humanization of her flawed characters.

DCI Julia Day was unable to solve last year’s missing person’s case when Sadie disappeared. She blames herself for being distracted when her daughter accidentally wounded a mugger, leading to his consequential death. She may have missed key evidence because she needed to protect her own daughter from going to jail. When another woman is reported missing, Julia is tasked to find her. However, someone knows what her daughter did and blackmails her into planting evidence at the crime scene.

To what lengths will Julia go in order to protect her daughter? What happened to the missing women?

Each character in this thriller must grapple with the decision to “do the right thing.” They are fully developed and flawed in unique ways. However, they are all intriguing and I was invested in their individual quests to find out the truth. There are two major twists in this plot, one at around 50%, and the other near the end. Both are satisfying, but not over the top. I was very surprised to learn that McAllister is about to become a mother for the first time, because the plots in her books always involve protective mother characters, who will do anything for their children.

While I enjoyed Just Another Missing Person, it is not quite as spectacular as last year’s Wrong Place, Wrong Time. However, this being the third McAllister thriller I have read, I am convinced she is an extremely talented writer, and am looking forward to reading more from her!

4/5 stars

Expected publication date: 8/1/23

Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow publishing for the ARC of Just Another Missing Person in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kay.
2,183 reviews1,121 followers
November 9, 2023
I enjoyed the first few chapters and shouldn't have paused to finish another book. I could not get back into the story and already forgot most of what I read a day later, not a good sign! Other reviewers said it gets better later. This is on the slow side, not my kind of thriller. DNF 40%.
Profile Image for Ceecee.
2,419 reviews2,032 followers
May 19, 2023
DCI Julia Day gets a call about Olivia, a high risk missing person last seen on CCTV going into a blind alley and not coming back out. The case is utterly baffling and it’s going to get a lot worse, way, way worse for Julia. As this dedicated, everything by the book, police officer has to do the unthinkable in order to protect a close family member. She must frame someone for Olivia‘s murder, or the ‘Secrets Genie’ will be well and truly out of the box. The story is told from several perspectives but principally by Julia.

Well, she’s done it again! This is another cracking, dark, very well thought out thriller. As this is Gillian McAllister you know right from the start this will not be straightforward and that it will come with a multitude of clever and surprising twists and it sure does. Naturally too, the twists will be accompanied by plenty of tension and suspense. Although the pace starts quite slowly (for this author!) it builds exponentially and when the twists do start coming, they seem to sock you in the jaw much more forcefully. The plot is complex, you do need to concentrate which is no bad thing, and then all the pieces of the jigsaw start fitting together to give you the big picture which in my case, I don’t see coming.

The characterisation is excellent, Julia is really fascinating. She’s a complicated person with a complicated home life. She is in a caught between a rock and a hard place dilemma. One of the most compelling aspects of the plot is how her mind flits back and forth as she tries to navigate the turbulent waters. One of the standout characters is her daughter Genevieve, who is one smart teenager and I love the bond and sparky dialogue between mother and daughter . All the different perspectives work well, they contrast strongly against each other which adds yet another intriguing layer to the multi layered plot.

So, I think this is another best seller for this talented author whose books I find absolutely gripping. Highly recommended.

With thanks to Penguin Michael Joseph for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Irena BookDustMagic.
692 reviews826 followers
February 15, 2024
This was a book club pick for January.
I was excited to read this author again, as I previously loved her other two books, and because in the meantime her career skyrocketed (or so it seems to me).

Unfortunately, reading Just Another Missing Person was not a good choice by me and my friends. Out of five of us, only three of us managed to finish it, and not one of us gave it a rating higher than 2.
So I think in this case it’s a book, not us.

The biggest turn down was the way it was written. Some chapters were written in third person, some in second, with so many characters that it was hard to get into the book.
I couldn’t connect to anyone really, but I didn’t have trouble to judge that mum who threw her son to the wolves and I am still not sure if she was even aware of that.
Since that was the only case when I felt at least something, I will hang on it if anyone ask me how I feel about this book.

Also, I have to mention that the father of a missing girl sounded like a creep and gave me chills. It was like reading from perspective of an adult who is romantically in love with his daughter.

I couldn’t care about the missing girl as the author didn’t do anything to make us connect with her.
The only character I can say I was intrigued about was that young guy who dated the missing girl.

Unfortunately, this was a big let down for me and I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

I made a mistake for not picking up Wrong Place, Wrong Time instead, but now, after finishing Just Another Missing Person, I lost the will to give it a try.
Profile Image for Sharon Orlopp.
Author 1 book939 followers
August 15, 2024
Just Another Missing Person is a fabulous thriller about several young women who have gone missing. Many different points of views are shared throughout this fast paced, complex story. There are several characters that I thought could possibly be involved and then BAM, the plot twists caught me by surprise.

I listened to Just Another Missing Person on audiobook and the narration is fantastic!

At the same time, I am also reading a hard copy of The Girl in the Ice. Both of these books are based in the UK, and they involve women who are missing, abducted, and/or killed. Both books have police members who are influenced by others/are corrupt. Both have used the word balaclava. This was a new word to me; it's a ski mask type of hat.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,675 reviews9,133 followers
August 14, 2023
If you know me you know I NEVER don’t finish a book once I’ve started. But when you have someone who thwarts a mugging by doing what all young women are taught to do and swinging her keys at her assailant . . . and said keys just so happen to make the most unfortunate contact and land right in his jugular – that is called self-defense. You do not, as a highly skilled detective especially, destroy the evidence and leave the would-be mugger for dead so you can now be blackmailed in a new missing persons case. DNF at 49 pages . . .

I have said before I can only suspend my disbelief so much when it comes to professionals acting like idiots. Police, doctors, lawyers – nope. Act like you have half a brain. Drunken bimbo across the street of a train who is gone? Yep, get stupid. I love it.
Profile Image for Karen.
2,182 reviews654 followers
August 27, 2023
22-year-old Olivia is missing. One day and counting. Last seen on CCTV. Julia, the detective is heading the investigation. She thinks she knows how this will go – but…

She has no idea how personal this is going to get. Because the criminal at the heart of the disappearance is holding all the cards. He has an important secret. Julia’s most important secret. And everything depends on this secret being kept. Julia cannot find out what happened to Olivia – and she must frame someone else for her murder, or her secret will come out.

How do you overcome something like this?

I didn’t know how to feel. What would I do in a similar position?

This book grabs readers from the moment you pick it up. And that was my biggest mistake. I picked it up too late in the day, and missed a lot of good hours of sleep!

Now, keep in mind, Julia Day is a good police officer. She is committed to justice and doing the right thing. She has a spotless reputation.


There is this one cold case that haunts her.

And clearly, Olivia’s case is testing her moral codes.

The chapters are told from 3 POV’s: Julia, Emma and Lewis. I won’t say who they are because that would be a spoiler. As the tension builds, the three paths braid together, and it all starts to make sense.

Mostly, it keeps readers guessing. (Maybe a bit confused.)

There were points in the writing, where I found myself annoyed, but that could have been lack of sleep, or some minor flaws in the writing style…but…for the most part, the story was exciting, complicated and thrilling.
Profile Image for Linzie (suspenseisthrillingme).
534 reviews371 followers
August 31, 2023
Detail-oriented, black-and-white bound DCI Julia Day is on the case of the recent disappearance of twenty-two year old Olivia Johnson. Reported missing by her new housemates, she was last seen on CCTV entering a dead end alley. Entirely bricked in with only a lone entrance covered by cameras, Olivia walked in and never walked out, seemingly vanishing into thin air.

While the start of the case looks to be rather bewildering at first blush, Julia, thanks to twenty years of service, knows what this kind of case will entail—plenty of long hours, desperate loved ones, and often way too few answers. What she doesn’t realize at the outset, however, is that this case is poised to barrel headlong into her personal life, challenging her long held beliefs in ways she never imagined.

As the hours tick by since Olivia went missing, Julia gets down to business of searching for the young woman. Until, that is, she finds herself face to face with a stranger who knows things about her life that no one should know. Secrets that could not only mean the end of her life, but that of her daughter, Genevieve, as well.

What the stranger is demanding in exchange but his silence, however, will corrupt not only her career, but her very morals as well. Terrifyingly, Julia’s only option in order to protect her family is to frame an innocent—something she never, in her wildest dreams, ever thought she would do. Will she put her principles ahead of her family? Or is there nothing she won’t do to protect the ones she loves the most?

My mind is truly and utterly blown (in the best possible way) after closing the cover of Just Another Missing Person. From the winding, deeply intricate plot to the positively earth-shattering, gigantic twists, this novel wholly lived up to Wrong Place Wrong Time, in my opinion. And, if you know, you know, but that’s really saying something.

If you read (and loved) McAllister’s last novel, this one will likely compete for supremacy. After all, with a plot that could easily rival any Hitchcock film, it was both clever and deftly engineered. At the same time, however, it was so complex that I really had to focus in order to follow along. While this might sound tedious, it was anything but, instead managing to keep my internal armchair sleuth entirely flummoxed throughout. I do have to say, though, that that did give Wrong Place Wrong Time just the tiniest edge in terms of favorites, but just barely.

It was the first downright jaw-dropping twist, however, that turned this great novel into a truly fantastic one. That, of course, and all of those that followed in its wake. Even better, just like in Wrong Place Wrong Time, each turned this story on its head, creating a constantly morphing storyline that was accompanied by ever rising levels of suspense. And once all of the puzzle pieces slotted into place? Well, the revelations truly left me reeling.

What really had me spellbound, though, beyond the plot, of course, were the characters themselves. Fully developed with thick backstories, they each rang with an authentic complexity. From the grieving father to the police officer battling internally over a very tricky dilemma, it was a gift to be able to see it from all sides through multiple POVs. Naturally, this was just one more aspect that added beautifully to this finely layered plot.

Done and dusted, I am already wishing I could reread this puppy fresh. Well-written and shrewdly crafted, it was truly a ride and a half. From the story building slow burn start to the epic catch-me-if-you-can middle, even the conclusion had its very own twist, delivering an altogether shocking turn of events. All I know is, trust nothing and no one in this home run of a thriller and you might just be one step ahead of the game. Rating of 5 stars.

Coming out on August 1, 2023 so pre-order your copy now!

Thank you to Gillian McAllister and William Morrow for my complimentary copy. All opinions are my own.

If you don’t mind a potential spoiler, scroll down for my trigger warning.

Trigger warning: disappearance of a young woman, blackmail, police corruption, infidelity, stolen identity, mention of: assault, robbery
Profile Image for Jayne.
772 reviews465 followers
August 28, 2023
"Just Another Missing Person" was "just another book" that was waaay too disjointed and "all over the place" for my fastidious palate.

Told from multiple POVs in different timelines, I frequently found myself in a state of constant confusion.

I listened to the audiobook and although the book's full-cast narration was superb, perhaps reading the eb00k was the way to go with this title.

In general, I much prefer books with fewer well-developed characters than books with more characters that can be counted.

Keeping track of many characters was no easy feat in an audiobook with different timelines.

When the book ended, I appreciated and applauded the author's clever twists, but felt that the book's storyline could have been better executed.

2.5 stars.
Profile Image for Christina.
212 reviews73 followers
September 19, 2023
Amazing!!! I could not stop listening. I love it when a book is that good. I was working while listening and my kindle battery almost died ( audible for kindle ) I couldn’t believe it! I had been listening for 5 hours straight!!

I feel like there are so many sneaky plot twists that I can’t say too much without revealing spoilers. This is an amazing thriller. Gillian McAllister is a brilliant writer!
Profile Image for dani ༊.
140 reviews207 followers
July 4, 2023
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 4/5 stars

read if you like:
♡ multiple povs
♡ subplots upon subplots
♡ emotional thrillers

with a name like just another missing person, you likewise anticipate just another mystery novel - gillian mcallister is here to break the mould once again with this irresistible emotional thriller. much more than an investigation into a missing person case, this is an audacious inquisition of motherhood and the lengths to which a mother may go in the hour of her child’s need.

as 22 year old olivia is captured on cctv footage inexplicably vanishing into thin air, detective julia day is called upon to helm the investigation. with years of experience under her belt and a peerless work ethic, she’s more than equipped for the task. that is, until a secret julia’s been harbouring of her own is suddenly in danger of being revealed and the case gets all too personal for her and those she’s protecting.

it is dark, morally compromising thrillers like these which place the nature of motherhood in sharp display and in turn, prompt the question of what-would-you-do. we read julia’s morally abject actions with a mixture of dread, empathy and a sort of fierce condescension at times. for we would never acquit ourselves in such an unscrupulous fashion… would we? and yet, in having julia be otherwise such an upstanding, morally inflexible and by the book character, it does compel a re-examination of ourselves. it is in some self-contained way a defensible path which julia embarks upon - an arguably moral one - for her motivation is simply to protect her daughter, genevieve, and sacrifices, even those of our our own ethics, are an expedient of motherhood. flecked with these razor-edged examinations of goodness and rightness, every minute in which the case remains unsolved is weighted down with a sense of foreboding for julia’s soul.

a slow-burn whydunnit potholed with a plethora of misdirections and red-herrings which will cleverly trip the reader up, the final reveal swept the rug out from beneath me. leading us down blind-alley turns in a plot plagued by outwardly disparate puzzle pieces which obstinately rebuff any attempts to solve them, mcallister succeeds in pulling a fast one on seasoned mystery enthusiasts with a jaw-dropping conclusion.

➸ conclusion :
as a mother goes against the grain to save the future of her child every trickle of sand slipping down the hourglass counts in the one-of-a-kind just another missing person - and the inevitable downfall yanks us in as collateral.

thank you netgalley for the arc !
Profile Image for Maren’s Reads.
829 reviews1,300 followers
August 6, 2023
4.5/5 ⭐️ When 22 year old Olivia vanishes following an appearance on a CCTV entering a dead end alley, her case is turned over to senior detective in charge of missing persons, Julia, who is dealing with her own familial issues. When the missing person’s case turns personal, Julia is forced to chose between her career and her family.

After loving Gillian McCallister’s previous book, 𝘞𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘦, 𝘞𝘳𝘰𝘯𝘨 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦, I knew I needed to get my hands on her newest, and ASAP. It. Did. Not. Disappoint. With jaw dropping twists, multilayered plot lines, and a really interesting mother/daughter bond that helps to fuel the intensity throughout, this book was loads of thriller fun and incredibly hard to put down.

One element that stood out, apart from her obvious gift of writing the twistiest twists, is the way McAllister writes her characters. So often, what makes a good thriller is feeling as though the reader can see themselves in the shoes of those characters involved, McAllister executes this with perfection. I can very easily see myself in any one of the characters at the heart of the story. This helped me to feel connected on an emotional level throughout. And made those twists hit extra hard (which is always a plus).

I listened on audio, as I read along with the book, and I think this helped prevent any confusion between the timelines and characters. The three narrators, Joanne Froggatt, Justin Avoth, and Kerry Wotton did an exceptional job bringing this story, and these characters, to life.

𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞:
•domestic suspense
•multi layered stories
•twisty thrillers
•police procedurals
•dual timelines/dual POVs

Thank you William Morrow Books and Harper Audio for my gifted copies.
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
5,191 reviews3,187 followers
November 26, 2023
Did sheee…..????? Yepppp….. errrr… maybeeeeee….. Did heeeee…..???? Maybeeeee…. errrrrrrr…. uhhhhhh

You know when a book is DELIBERATELY trying to make it longer like we all have an infinite number of lives with only one book left to read on the entire planet. Sadly, I come across so many books which could have been so much better if they tell their stories and not count the number of pages they have to fit into. And yes, some books do end abruptly and would be so much better with a few pages more.

The first three chapters are good and I really got excited. However, after that most of the time I was like “why does it feel like I am reading a literary fiction?” alternating with “she does overthinks a lot …a LOT for someone who thinks she is super smart”.

No, not the one for the reader who picks up thrillers to thrill them in a one sitting read. Actually thrillers which do not thrill enough for a one sitting read ain’t thrilling enough.

Just not the thriller for me. The story seems so good still.
October 21, 2023
4.5 stars rounded up.

Just Another Missing Person is a solid police procedural - I really enjoyed this new and highly anticipated release from McAllister.

DCI Julia Day is investigating the mystery surrounding missing person Olivia who goes down an alley and never comes out - there are lots of questions surrounding her disappearance. An unsolved missing person case from a year prior also plagues DCI Day's mind.

This is full of twists, and from quite early on in the book too! It's engaging, a bit thrilling and really quite clever. Told in multi-POV, the pace of the book is great.

It features some strong mother/child themes and some tug at the heart string moments.

There are some interesting timeline jumps throughout so make sure you're paying more close attention than I often do when reading a novel or you may need to re-read a bit. In other words, this one you need to think a bit and I love that.

To those who loved Wrong Place Wrong Time (like me - best book!) and are thinking about checking this one out, it is a Police Procedural. If you don't like PPs, you may be bored and not enjoy so much. Or, if you're like me and your favourite genre is PPs, pick it up right away as it's a clever one.

⚠️ Please check for triggers and CWs online ⚠️
Profile Image for Creya Casale | cc.shelflove.
468 reviews385 followers
October 2, 2023
This book was straight fire. 🔥 Right off the bat, I knew it was going to be good after reading McAllister’s dedication to a former police officer who she consulted in writing this book. She is clearly a woman who wanted to do her story right, and she succeeded! McAllister offers multiple points of view. We follow three adults who all have one thing in common: the absolute desire to protect their children from harm, no matter the cost. I am not a mother, but it was so easy to imagine and feel a mother’s love inside of me while reading this book. That is some spectacular writing, and what’s more is that her acknowledgments share the following: “This year, I write them at thirty-seven weeks pregnant, about to find out whether this parenthood business I’ve been writing about for so long is all I thought it would be.” Like me, she must have already had some dogs she loved more than life or something, because I felt it! McAllister also served up a few unique twists, including two that I did not guess and which were entirely believable. This is not a thriller that will have you rolling your eyes; it is one that you will have you scared of the people around you. 🤣 Well done. Let’s go read her backlist now. 🤪
Profile Image for Peach.
400 reviews9 followers
August 10, 2023
This was not great for me. If I had to rate this on a scale of Taco Bell sauces, it would be less than mild. It would be “they forgot to put any sauce in my bag so now I have to eat this plain.” Just bland. It’s not twisty - it’s the flattest, straightest road in the midwest. The characters are strange, unrelatable, and their actions are eye-roll-inducing. Ominous tension? Nah, it’s as atmosphere-less as outer space. And a boggy marsh of endless inner monologues.

For the life of me, I cannot understand some of the narrative choices that were made in writing this story. The main POV is written in third person limited, of our protagonist Julia, which works perfectly. However, there are two more POVs that are both written in second person (i.e. “you”) and are each directed at a different character who we really don’t even know. If that explanation sounds confusing, that’s because in execution it really is. Yikes, it was a convoluted mess to try to decipher.

The story itself really wasn’t any saving grace for it either. I didn’t care much about anyone. The plot was meh. There were a few scenes that pulled me along, but for the most part I was having to force myself to read it. It was actually going to put me in a reading slump. I DNF’d this at 250 pages - which is just wild to give up after getting so far. That alone should tell you everything you need to know about my experience. I just couldn’t do it anymore and I did not care at all how it ended.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for giving me an advanced copy in exchange for my honest feedback. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Shey.
149 reviews97 followers
September 4, 2023
Just Another Missing Person is not just another missing person story. It tells the story of three parents willing to compromise their moral principles to safeguard their children, leading them to unveil their hidden, darker secrets. This is another McAllister book written in a non-linear style. At first, I found it confusing, as it was told from multiple perspectives with no visible timeline. But it was all part of her plan—an intentional creative choice, well-crafted to misdirect readers, and it effectively kept me around. I enjoyed how everything came together and how it started to make sense. I was convinced, and I found the motivations plausible after the truths were exposed. I loved that every character had an important role in this story, but Lewis's point of view was the most enjoyable for me. An incredibly intriguing thriller with a touch of playful illusion.
Profile Image for سارة سمير .
688 reviews454 followers
May 5, 2024
في البداية كدا احب اوجه كلمة شكر لقراءات 2024 على مجهوداتها العظيمة معايا من اولها وهقولها


نيجي بقى للرواية فهي ناقصها حاجة صغننة اااااااد كداهو


ناقصها لامؤاخذة رواية

شوفوا كدا وفي الأول عشان نبقى على نور هي الرواية تمام مليانة شخصيات ومليانة احداث ومليانة بقى جرايم بقى واختفاءات وكل حاجة
فبالتالي مش هقدر اعبر عنها اكتر من ابو السلاطين


الاحداث ايه بقى يا سيدي
دي واحدة ظبوطة امورة بيجيلها بلاغ من جماعة كدا ضاربين حاجة في الغالب عن اختفاء شريكتهم في السكن اللي هي اصلا ايه ما شافوهاش قبل كدا
شوف ازاي يا جدع
قوم ايه هي بتقرر تحقق بقى ما هي ظبوطة شطورة برضو بس حد بيبتزها بحكاية قديمة كدا
وبنفضل بقى رايحين جايين ما بين فسادها اللي كدا وكدا كظبوطة - ما هي امورة بقى وشطورة- ومابين بنتها النوغة الصغنونة اللي عمرها لا يتعدى ال 17 سنة .. معلش بقى استحملوها اصلها طفلة حبيبة ماما

المهم بقى الاحداث مشيت عشان ما احرقش عليكم حاجة والظبوطة الامورة ظاطت منها خالص ومش عارفة تلم نفسها وهي عايشة في كوكب وبنتها النوغة في دنيا تانية رغم مصيبتها وجوزها بقى حدث ولا حرج دا من كوكب في مجرة اخرى كائن هلامي من غير دم تقريبا


المهم بقى الاحداث دي بتتحرك ما بين الظبوطة - بالمناسبة اسمها جوليا شايفين كيوت ازاي- ومابين والد بنت اختفت ومش بنته برضو وما بين واحدة ياعيني مضروبة على قفاها ولا تفهم في الثور ولا في الطحين ابنها جاررها من رقبتها كدا واهي ماشية وبتعدي


الكاتبة كان عندها عقدة بتطلعها علينا تقريبا والامومة عندها مضروبة بالشوز القديم فتقرفنا احنا في عيشتنا بالكولكيعة اللي في حياتها
دي لو الامومة كدا ياستي مش عايزينها
نروح نعيش في غابة احسن والله بدل الهبل دا

المصيبة بقى مش في كل الهري دا .. المصيبة انها مصدقة نفسها اوي وفكرتها رواية بحق وحقيقي يعني
دي كانت بتقفل الفصل تقفيلة هروين او بانجو ايهما اقرب .. الشخصيات كلها ضاربة ودع باين وبيشموا على ظهر ايديهم وهما مش قاعدين مع بعض بس عارفين كل حاجة بتحصل بعيد .. قدرات يا عمي اماااااال
كمية كليشيهات .. دا اميتاب باتشان بذاااات نفسه ما ضربش كمية الهجايص دي قبل كدا في عمل واحد يا شيخة

لا ولا النهاية ما اقولكوش وياريت ما تطلبوش عشان ما نزعلش من بعض
حقيقي حقيقي يعني المفروض تعاقب قانونيا على القانون والقضاء المعاقين اللي ظهروا في الرواية
دا لو بجد .. يلا يا جماعة بينا كلنا نعيش هناك نخرج الشحنة ونقتلنا اتنين تلاتة وكله بيعدي عنديهم


طلب اخير يعني لو مافيهاش رزالة .. رجاء من اصحاب الجودريدز الكرام ياريت تعملولنا تقييم بصفر عشان نكمل البؤس والنكد اللي بيتحدف علينا من اول يوم دا .. ما هو مش معقولة يتحرق دمي من القراءة ويتحرق دمي تاني من التقييم اللي هيتعمل نجمة غصب عني والله


واخيرا شكرا لصديقتي ميادة المصري علشان صيحنا كتييير لما صوتنا راح الحمد لله

Profile Image for James.
Author 20 books4,127 followers
November 5, 2023
Just Another Missing Person is the second book I've read from Gillian McAllister. I enjoyed this one, too, as it had a twist I wasn't expecting. A detective tracks down missing girls, but one case she's been unable to solve. It happened at the same time as a deeply painful personal situation, and she worries it's her fault the case went unanswered. Over time, she learns there are connections, and her daughter is in the middle of it all. What's a mother to do? The characters were fresh and exciting. The tricks being played were immense. The writing kept my attention. Definitely will be reading more from the author.
Profile Image for Lavins.
1,130 reviews46 followers
August 6, 2023
2 stars

Jeez what a long, convoluted, boring book.
Soooo much chatter, so many existential questions what if this and what if that and is it good and is it bad and what to do and not to do and on and on and on...
The plot is so not obvious, it feels like they've shuffled the chapters and said good luck to the readers.

I honestly had to read a recap in the end to get what was all about.
For such a simple idea, this sure was complicated and very boring way of expressing it.

One girl is blackmailing the wrong guy, the guy hires someone to kidnap her, but someone else gets kidnapped.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,622 reviews

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