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Booktown Mystery #6

Murder on the Half Shelf

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“If anyone has the formula for a frolicking fun mystery down pat, it’s Lorna Barrett” (Roundtable Reviews), the New York Times bestselling author whose latest Booktown Mystery finds amateur sleuth Tricia Miles unexpectedly reunited with a man from a chapter of her life she closed long ago…

Stoneham, New Hampshire, is a haven to bookstores, including Tricia’s own mystery shop, Haven’t Got a Clue, but is sadly lacking in bed and breakfasts. Pippa and Jon Comfort’s Sheer Comfort Inn opens its doors to the public in a week and the couple has offered some locals a free night as a trial run.

But what should have been a pleasant overnight stay for Tricia becomes a nightmare when she makes two startling discoveries: Pippa’s murdered body in the backyard, and the fact that her husband Jon is actually Harry Tyler, a man Tricia loved—and believed dead—for nearly twenty years.

Now Harry is the prime suspect, but Tricia doesn’t believe him capable of murder, regardless of her own feelings toward him. And even though Harry’s led a life of lies, Tricia’s learning that Pippa had her share of secrets that some people may have not wanted revealed…

300 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 3, 2012

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About the author

Lorna Barrett

27 books1,727 followers
The immensely popular Booktown Mystery series is what put Lorna Barrett’s name on the New York Times Bestseller list, but it’s her talent -- whether writing as Lorna, or L.L. Bartlett, or Lorraine Bartlett -- that keeps her there. This multi-published, Agatha-nominated author pens the exciting Jeff Resnick Mysteries as well as the acclaimed Victoria Square Mystery series and has many short stories and novellas to her name(s). Check out the links to all her works here: http://www.lornabarrett.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 397 reviews
Profile Image for James.
Author 20 books4,128 followers
February 28, 2022
Murder on the Half Shelf is the 6th book in the Booktown Mysteries written by Lorna Barrett, offering a fun collection of tales based on Stoneham, New Hampshire, where murder is all too frequent. Given the bookshop settings and eclectic cast of characters, who wouldn't jump for joy over this series?

In this caper, Tricia and her sister, Ange, win the lottery to stay at a new B&B that's testing out its grand opening before its real grand opening. When they arrive, the other guests are all people they know (strangely, how did that lottery work?!?!), and the proprietors are clearly hiding a secret... namely, the wife, Pippa, has just been murdered in the backyard, and the husband is a dead ringer for a former love interest of Tricia - a man who died twenty years ago. What is going on? It's not double identity folks, it's a faked death, and Tricia wants to know why the louse left her years ago. Was he a scam artist? Did he kill his wife to get her insurance policy?

A great installment in the series. I liked meeting several other characters whom we've heard about but not yet interacted with. Plus, Ange's new tv show appearance was hilarious! I must say tho, I'm not fond of the relationship with Grant, the local detective, nor Nikki, who is now dating Tricia's other ex (Russ), as she has become a horrible character. I'm sure it'll get fixed in the next book when the truth comes out, but wow... Tricia needs to stop dating. All the men in her life are bad for her and not very admirable. Grant tries to do the right thing, but he's just an odd duck! LOL

I enjoyed the mystery. I loved the side stories. Pixie is my new favorite character, and Grace needs a nice kick in the rear! I look forward to the next installment, especially with that cliffhanger at the end!
Profile Image for Marge.
453 reviews4 followers
October 18, 2012
I have read this entire series but I will not continue it. The people in this town including Tricia are just awful, mean, and snarky. Even the 911 operator has an attitude. The author is writing Tricia's personality just like Katie's in her Victoria Square Mystery series, which I find very grating and distasteful. How can you enjoy a book when the main character is unlikable? She even complains that Grant brings a sandwich made the way he likes it and not her way - grow up Tricia.

Also, for a mystery expert and "sleuth" how does Tricia not realize that Nigela Ricita Associates stands for Angeli (Angelica) and Tricia?

Also the author has discovered that dogs need to be walked to relieve themselves and cats need to be fed constantly. Every scene has one or the other described in detail.

Profile Image for Stacy.
1,782 reviews
July 7, 2012
Usually, I enjoy the Lorna Barrett book sellers series, but Murder on the Half Shelf just wasn't quite as good as some of her others. It was still a page turner and held my interest, but I hate mysteries where the reader doesn't have a chance at legitimately figuring it out and this one felt like that. Also, the characters usually seem more real then they did this time around - perfectly normal people start behaving quite irrationally. Who knows, maybe I just wasn't in the right mood, but this one just didn't work for me.
Profile Image for Gina.
747 reviews16 followers
September 1, 2013
Murder on the Half Shelf by Lorna Barrett.

I finally made myself finish this book so I could return it to the library. I don't understand all the glowing reviews this book got from other readers. The main character is so unlikeable that even the other characters in the series don't like her. Tricia Myles is a 40-something woman that does nothing but whine about her life -- why can't she find a man? Why isn't she successful? Mommy and Daddy liked Angelica best, etc. A perfect example of why Myles is unlikeable is on pages 225 and 226. Myles is totally ungracious and even the few people in town that like her should lose some respect for her after this section.

Ginny was non-existent in this book and it's a shame. Besides Mr. Everett, his wife Grace and Ginny there just aren't any other characters that are likeable. It's so bad that even the self-absorbed annoying sister, Angelica, is becoming more likeable than Tricia Myles, the main character. This becomes more apparent when you read a book in this series after reading one of Sally Goldenbaum's Seaside Knitters books. I'm sure I'll read another book in the series, when I'm desperate for something to read.
Profile Image for Loretta Pontillo.
1 review1 follower
January 19, 2021
I am fascinated by these books. I cannot fathom how they exist.

I was lucky enough to find a first draft of one of the upcoming books, yet to be published, from the series, so I thought I'd paste it here.
Trish woke up the next day, ran four miles on her treadmill, then ate half a low-fat, sugar free yogurt. After finding her fifteenth corpse in five years, she was starting to wonder if she really was the “village jinx” as people so cruelly called her. She was just shrugging into her coat when she heard heavy footsteps on the stairs.

“Trish?” questioned a perfumed voice, and Angela appeared, wearing 6 inch Loubitans and floating in a cloud of Tierry Mugler. “I need you to take Sarge for his comfort walk,” Angela ordered. Angela shrugged out of her coat and opened up her giant purse. Sarge raised his cute doggie head. He was a cute lovable dog. “I have a meeting later on and I don’t have time to walk Sarge.”

“Fine,” Trish agreed, and shrugged out of her regular coat and shrugged into her comfort walking coat. She took Sarge and went downstairs, into Haven’t Got a Clue.

“Good morning,” greeted Mr. Everett. He was an old, lovable gentleman.

“Hello,” greeted Trish.

“How many copies of that new book should I order?” Mr Everett asked, then also asked, “Is that Sarge?”

“Yes,” affirmed Trish.

“Would you like coffee?” Mr. Everette offered. The coffee steamed.

“Yes,” agreed Trish. “Please pour me some coffee,” she requested. “I have to take Sarge for his comfort walk.”

“Wasn’t there another murder yesterday?” Mr. Everett enquired. “And do you want cream?”

“Yes, I want cream,” Trish admitted, and left without saying goodbye.

She was walking Sarge when she ran into Frannie. Frannie was dressed head to toe in Hawaiian themed clothing. Trish used to like Frannie, but this morning she realized she didn’t like Frannie anymore, so she just kept walking and didn’t say anything.

“Hello,” greeted a stranger. “Aren’t you the owner of Haven’t Got a Clue?” the stranger asked. He had handsome green eyes that reminded Trish of her ex-husband, who was very handsome and had given Trish a lot of money when he dumped her for absolutely no reason and obviously still loved Trish a lot.

“I’m Trish,” introduced Trish.

The stranger leaned closer. For a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her. How terrible! What kind of girl did he think she was? But then he looked away.

“Ugh, I just hate you,” he grated. “You’re bad at your job and the whole town hates you.”

The stranger turned on his heels and walked away. Trish never saw him again.

Trish was returning to her shop when she ran into the stranger again. “Maybe we should be friends after all,” he suggested. Trish noted with intense distaste that the stranger was slightly fat. Trish herself was thin. Trish didn’t want to be friends with anyone who was fat. She walked away and didn’t say goodbye. Didn’t anyone know how awful it was to find another corpse? It was awful for her! She hated finding corpses because it made other people be rude to her.

She walked back to the store, with Sarge trotting along beside her, cutely. He was such a cute doggie. Everyone liked him. She walked down the street past Don’t Be a Bonehead Paleontology Book Store, A Stork Gave You To Your Mother Biology Book Store, Better Rested Than Tested Test Prep Book Store, O To Poetry Book Store, Hand to Mouth Handicrafts Bookstore, and Why Are You So Fat and Ugly Fashion Book Store. There were cute flowers everywhere. It was a cute town and very lovable.

She went back inside her bookstore and shrugged out of her comfort walking coat. Mr. Everett hung it up on a peg for her because he was such a kind gentleman. For a moment, she thought he was going to kiss her! But he didn’t because he was such a kind gentleman. She shrugged into her shopkeeping coat. Mr. Everett gave her some coffee.

“I’m sorry I was gone,” she apologized.

“That’s ok,” he okayed.

A customer came into the stop. “See here, see,” he ordered. He had a New York accent. “My brother just got collared by the cops, see, and he needs some books to read while he’s in the clink. What do you recommend?” The customer leaned closer. For a moment she thought he was going to kiss her!

“Wait,” Trish commanded. “Aren’t you someone from my long-lost past?”

“No,” disagreed the customer, and nibbled on a cookie. Trish had to have other people buy cookies for her because the rude woman in the patisserie didn’t like Trish any more. That would have been ok with Trish since Trish didn’t want to get fat, but she needed cookies to give to her customers for free. She didn’t need to make money at her business since she was already rich.

Mr. Everett came over to help the customer, so Trish petted Miss Marple, who was a little gray cat. She was a cute cat. It was cute that she had a cat named Miss Marple. Miss Marple was the only living creature in the entire town who was never rude to her. Miss Marple was very lovable.

After the customer left, Mr. Everett informed her of some information. “A woman from the employment agency came about some employment,” he explained, as an explanation.

“Did you tell the woman that I need an assistant manager and that I’m willing to pay $1.50 over minimum wage?” Trish asked, seeking clarification.

“I did,” Mr. Everett affirmed. He was eating his breakfast, which was a bagel. Trish was disgusted.

The door chimed again and the chief of police came in. Trish couldn’t remember if he was her boyfriend or not. “Trish,” he named. “Did you find another dead body last night?”

Before she could respond, her vintage phone rang. It was a vintage phone and very lovable. “I’m going to kill you,” warned the voice on the phone. “I’m going to come to your house and kill you at 7:45pm tonight.”

“What did the caller say?” asked Chief Baker. “Also, do you want a cookie? I made cookies because I sometimes bake because my last name is Baker.”

“I don’t want a cookie,” Trish disaffirmed. She had lost her appetite.

“Do you need any help?” Baker asked. For a moment she thought he was going to kiss her!

Trish was furious. How dare Baker offer to help her? She was fine by herself! She didn’t need help! She was so furious she walked away without saying goodbye.

Angela reappeared. “Where is Sarge?” she perfumed.

“Right here,” Trish pointed. “Can you believe Baker wants to help me just because I’m getting death threats? He doesn’t think I can take care of myself! Everyone in this town is rude except for me!”

“Well, that may be true,” Angela clattered. “But listen to my news! I’m opening another business! Now I own four businesses! And I am paying $1 over minimum wage.”

Trish bit her lip. She didn’t want to let her feelings show. She made herself smile. “Well done,” she congratulated. Angela always brought out the worst in her. Normally she was much nicer. She was completely likable.

“Also,” Angela continued, “I got back together with Bob. You should get back together with Russ, or Baker, or Henry, or Christopher, or someone. You’re not getting any younger, you know. But men are rats, so you’re better off without one.”

“I guess you’re right,” Trish acknowledged.

“Be sure to remember what I said about men,” Angela reminded her.

Trish wanted a glass of expensive sherry. She deserved one, after the day she’d had! “I’ll try, but I have to figure out who killed that dead person. I think it was probably one of the women from the book club.”

“The last five times you thought it was a woman from the book club, it was actually a man in that woman’s life,” Angela counted.

Trish was livid. How dare Angela point out something like that? “Shouldn’t you be at one of your jobs?” Trish interrogated.

Angela was too fat to answer.
Profile Image for Mystereity Reviews.
778 reviews48 followers
July 8, 2013
I don't know what it is about this series that keeps me reading it. Tricia is a doormat who doesn't stand up for herself. Angelica needs a swift punch in the nose for being a selfish, self-absorbed narcissistic pain in the butt. Chief Baker can't seem to detect his way through a box of donuts. And the rest of the cast of characters are busybody gossips. So why can't I stop reading it? I don't know. I didn't figure out who the murderer was because there was little to no mention of them or their motive until the end of the book. As for the subplot, I figured out the source of the gifts from the beginning, it wasn't hard to suss out if you've read the previous books. So only 2 stars for this one, I'd have given it more if Angelica wasn't such an annoying witch and the police department actually learned how to solve a crime.

Profile Image for LORI CASWELL.
2,670 reviews302 followers
January 16, 2016
We return to Stoneham, New Hampshire just when a man from Tricia's past also arrives in town. Tricia, owner of the Haven't Got A Clue Mystery Shop and her sister Angelica have received a free night at the town's new Bed & Breakfast, Sheer Comfort. They join some other members of the Chamber of Commerce so the hosts can have a trial run before they open to the public. Pippa and Jon Comfort are new in town but it seems they already know some of Stoneham's prominent residents.

Of course Angelica couldn't leave her dog at home even though the inn has a strict no pets policy. As usual she cons Tricia into sneaking him outside for a comfort walk. That's when what should have been a relaxing overnight stay turns into nightmare. Sarge sniffs out a dead body in the backyard. Tricia has too much experience in this kind of discovery so it takes her only seconds to realize that Pippa has been murdered. If that isn't enough, Tricia meets Pippa's husband Jon and discovers he is actually Harry Tyler, a man Tricia loved and thought was dead for the past twenty years.

Harry needs to answer a lot of questions for Tricia but he has become the prime suspect in his wife's murder. Tricia may not have seen this man for 20 years but she knows he wouldn't murder his wife. There is much more to Pippa's story and Tricia can't help herself, she just needs to follow the clues and catch the real culprit.

Dollycas's Thoughts

Lorna Barrett is one of the best at writing a cozy mystery and I believe this is the best story she has written yet.

This is a tight, well written fast moving mystery with well developed characters readers have grown to love, including Miss Marple the cat and now Sarge the dog. We are also introduced to some new very interesting characters in this edition. I can't wait to see how Pixie impacts the next installment. You know characters are wonderfully created when you as the reader want to reach into the pages and slap one of them up aside the head. C'mon Grant, seriously!!

The story is also chock full of humor. Angelica has quite a harrowing experience but it had me laughing out loud and quickly turning the pages. Also when Tricia meets Pixie, priceless.

This wonderful mystery is filled with plenty of suspects, more twists and turns that a carnival ride, and a few surprises. Barrett has also gone the way of television drama. This book has a cliffhanger! Yes, a cliffhanger. I was already anxious for a return trip to Stoneham but Lorna this is just cruel :) I will be baking some of the delicious recipes included in the book while I wait not very patiently.
Profile Image for Debbie Mann.
608 reviews64 followers
May 13, 2022
This was the sixth book in this series and I’ve read the first five too. This was okay and I will continue to read this series as I do love the idea of a “Booktown”. That being said this was probably my least favorite so far.
Profile Image for Mia.
341 reviews14 followers
January 23, 2020
Poor self absorbed snob Trisha has so many problems. She owns her own business thanks to a helfty inheritance and money from a divorce, and she keeps finding dead bodies. Though this time she says a dog finds the dead body.
All she cares about is trying to find a man, and all the men she's encountered don't want to be with her. Probably because she's a total passive-aggressive bitch. Even in this book she was called a bitch two times. For good reason. EVERY SINGLE person she encounters, she thinks negative and disparaging things about their appearance and/or personality. no one is good enough for her and she feels she just has to constantly put up with people. That's probably why she doesn't have any friends, and has to consider people she's barely known, and has only a working relationship with them, her friends.
On a brighter note, when Angelica got hit by the microphone and then started the studio on fire, I laughed and laughed thinking it was some sort of Lucille Ball comedy. But then the author started saying how Trish was so upset and worried, I thought wow, are we supposed to actually supposed to have sympathy for these two drama queens? It's pure comedy.
The author thinks that Trish and her sister employing ex-cons makes them redeemable. She might want to think again. They're both so self-absorbed and self-centered, I have highly doubt people get past that.
Can't wait to read the next one so I can laugh at Trish's self-pitying and self-absorbed behaviors. What she really needs is a therapist. I'm also thankful I haven't paid a dime for any of these books thanks to my local library.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jackie.
809 reviews38 followers
January 14, 2020
I revisited this series to see if I wanted to return to it.. I don’t it’s still too dramatic for my tastes but still a decent book!
Profile Image for Patrizia.
1,730 reviews38 followers
February 13, 2018
Questo libro mi ha preso un po' meno dei precedenti. Sinceramente mi sembra che non siano stati forniti abbastanza indizi per capire chi fosse il colpevole, o almeno io non lo avevo proprio preso in considerazione. Poi sarebbe anche l'ora che la vita della protagonista non venisse sconvolta ogni volta da qualcosa...
Profile Image for Betty.
547 reviews54 followers
July 1, 2012
As the story begins, Tricia and Angelica, two sisters who own shops in Booktown, a revamped original part of Stoneham, New Hampshire, are trundling their way to the new Sheer Comfort Inn, where Angelica has won an overnight stay for two in a draw at the town Chamber. The Sheer Comfort Inn, a beautifully renovated Victorian home, has not been officially opened yet and is having a sort of dry run a week before opening. After a brief conversation with their hostess Pippa Comfort, Tricia becomes aware that Mrs. Comfort was expecting Angelica to be accompanied by Bob Kelly, owner of Kelly Real Estate and head of the Chamber of Commerce. As they head to their room, Tricia gets a glimpse of a slightly familiar man in the hall who suddenly turns away as though he does not want to be seen by her. Who would she know here aside from the other Chamber members who were recipients of the free stay? He looked like he worked at the hotel.

Love is definitely not in the air, but that doesn't stop a bit of running around among some of the residents. What is happening to romance in Stoneham? Angelica is angry with ex-boyfriend Bob, Mr. Everett is concerned about his marriage with Grace, Tricia is on the outs with Grant Baker, police chief and sometimes boyfriend/lover, too busy to see her, and more. Some friendships slip and jealousy rears its head. The mixed bunch of guests at the Inn don't seem to be having a romantic evening either. When Tricia takes Angelica's dog out for a walk a few minutes after getting to their room, Sarge sniffs out a body behind the fence and wouldn't you know it, the body is that of Pippa Comfort, last seen about five minutes before! What on earth could have happened? Naturally Tricia is faced with interrogation by Grant resulting in further distance between them after she reports the "accident". On the suspect list as the one who discovered the body, he can't be seen talking to her except about the case.

There are so many suspects for this murder and a lot of very interesting hobbies among the shopkeepers come to light. Nothing like a murder investigation to bring out the dirt, and this bit of laundry is sure to hang out someone to dry eventually. A lot of changes in this, the sixth of the Booktown Series. Lorna Barrett has served up another great mystery with old and new characters, a surprise from the past, good news and seriously bad news for Angelica in particular. Will she rise from the ashes of her career? Lorna Barrett's characters are believable, although possibly a stretch with one. When we get to know her better. we learn you not only can't judge a book by its cover, but the first introduction doesn't tell the whole story. I love some of the tongue-in-cheek names that show up occasionally in these books. Now I ask you, what could be more fitting than the Full Moon Nudist Camp and Resort?

Meanwhile, with the town beginning to think of Tricia as a jinx, who is sending her "gifts" in the mail with oblique messages? Who is always standing in shadow? Why does she have to find another body, fortunately one that is still breathing, on her next walk with Sarge, the dog with the great sniffer? So many questions to be answered and difficult to guess what the answers may be. Lots of twists and mixed emotions among the Booktown people in this book. Once again, a downright good read with recipes as a bonus. Even with all the many conflicts and resolutions in this book, all part of the mystery, this storyline does not falter nor confuse. Good, solid writing and a very funny last paragraph...don't peek, it won't make any sense unless you read the book! Four easy and tasty recipes included.
Profile Image for Juanita.
263 reviews8 followers
September 13, 2012
Not my favorite Booktown installment. I wasn't very happy with some of the secondary characters , and I don't see why Trish would be interested in continuing to see Grant. I understand that he could be frustrated that

On the other hand, I like the setting up for the future, and I'm glad Ginny (sp?) is doing well at the Happy Domestic.
Profile Image for Jeannie and Louis Rigod.
1,991 reviews36 followers
July 12, 2012
This series is without question earning my respect with each and every new novel published. I liked the series from book one, but the maturity levels now reached, make me feel, that I am almost reading a completely different series and loving it! I do suggest reading the entire series from volume one, "Murder is Binding" through this current novel, "Murder on the Half Shelf." I have heard that the first three novels will be put into one book in October, 2012...check that rumor out. Great idea if correct.

Without question, Ms. Barrett can write a solid, fast-paced, complicated, yet cozy murder mystery. What makes this series so attractive is the intense attention given to the very drawing of each character. Take for instance, Tricia's (our sleuth and book store owner,) physical appearance, to her personality, to her viewpoints of life, to the interactions with her family, friends, and co-workers, we realize that Tricia is a 'live' person (yes, I understand this is a fictional book,) that makes me, the reader, care about her. Tricia can make me angry, sad, happy, and even confused at times. Tricia is complex and each novel reveals new and varied dimensions to her character. As I finished this current book, past questions had been resolved, new questions opened, and even an exasperated, "What next?" sprung from my lips.

However, isn't that what makes this series so creditable? Tricia is believable and flawed. I am drawn into the situations right along with this fictional character and the pages slide by without any sense of time. Normally, characters drawn so completely are only found in the traditional British Murder Mystery, such as an Agatha Christie.

I love that this series is now in Hardcover, as I can keep it neatly in my bookshelves at a finger's touch away. My one regret is that we must wait so long for the next book out. However, I fill in the time by cooking recipes from "Recipes to Die For" by Lorraine Bartlett, not to mention recipes found in the book just read! Join me in this reading adventure!

Profile Image for Pixie Poe.
25 reviews1 follower
July 25, 2012

Tricia Miles, owner of Stoneham, New Hampshire's Haven't Got a Clue mystery bookstore, returns in Lorna Barrett's Murder on the Half Shelf, the sixth in her Booktown mystery series.
Tricia agrees to join her sister, Angelica, who has won an overnight stay at the new Sheer Comfort Inn. Tricia realizes this trip is going to be no prize when she stumbles across the body of Pippa Comfort, who ran the inn with her husband Jon. Things go from bad to worse when Tricia realizes that Jon is actually Harry Tyler, a man from her past who faked his own death and has been living under an alias. This means that Tricia can not be ruled out as a suspect, which puts a big wrinkle in her and police chief Grant Baker's relationship. Tricia is determined to clearer name and get her relationship back on track by finding the killer.

Besides the main mystery which will keep you guessing until the end, there are also some awesome side storylines and two new characters, Linda Fugitt and Pixie Poe taking up residence in Stoneham. I'll leave it up to you to guess which one is my favorite. I am already looking forward to the next one, as each book in this series just seems to get better and pull me in more.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
349 reviews8 followers
November 10, 2016
As always Lorna Barrett has given me an escape from the real world.
Her people are a true delight and the setting of the bed and breakfast makes you feel like you are truly there. And of course leave it to Tricia's sister Angie, in her totally self-centered way start the ball rolling in yet a fine fix for Tricia.

From the finding of the body, to the realization of who Jon Comfort is, to Tricia's still not finding the perfect replacement for Ginny. I just couldn't put my finger on who the murderer was. And the twist at the end, even though I should have expected it, it still came as a surprise. And of course Angie's recipes, well lets just say I am devoting a whole notebook to those. And I have to admit some of the recipes that I have made might just be gaining on the book.

On to #7 Can't wait for Mr. surprise and his role.

Profile Image for Kirsti.
2,465 reviews92 followers
December 22, 2015
A town with more than one bookstore? A town where the bookstores are divided up according to genre? Seriously, I want to live there! I have ONE bookstore in town, and ONE secondhand bookstore. This would be my own little slice of heaven!

Jumping into this series with book 6 was probably never a good idea, but my library is pretty limited with this series. Still, it sounded promising, and it lived up that promise. This was a fun mystery, and I had no clue who had committed the murder (admittedly, that might be because we were given very few clues) I enjoyed the journey there though, and that's what counts.

I'll definitely check out more from this author, I think I even have another of her books in my library pile. Four stars.
Profile Image for Darinda.
8,780 reviews158 followers
July 12, 2020
The 6th book in the Booktown Mystery series by Lorna Barrett. Tricia lives a small town and runs a mystery bookstore. The town has several specialty book shops that bring in visitors to the town. Tricia is also an amateur sleuth when it comes to local crimes. In this book, one of the owner's of a local inn is killed. Tricia gets involved, and she has a connection to the prime suspect. An entertaining cozy mystery. Light and charming.
Profile Image for Amy.
8 reviews1 follower
July 13, 2012
The series is still fun, but seems to be losing steam. I kept finding myself mad at the main character who has been drawn intelligent enough to not keep making the same mistakes.
Profile Image for Mary Ann.
1,763 reviews
May 5, 2019
#6 Booktown Mysteries

Tricia and Angelica, her sister, are still trying to find their way as sisters and still running their businesses. When Angelica wins a night stay at the newest Inn, she takes her sister along for the night and her little dog, Sarge. When they get to the room, Angelica gets Tricia to the dog out for his walk, when they stumble across a body, Pippa, the woman hotelier. She calls the police and her boyfriend, the sheriff, Grant Baker, comes out and then they meet the woman's husband, a man who used to date Tricia and then pretended to die over 30 years before. She becomes a suspect, too and Grant says he cannot be with her until the investigation is over. While all this is happening, her friends, Grace and Mr. Everett, are having marital issues and he asks her to talk with his wife to see if they can work out the issue. When she tries to get into the office to see her, the receptionist refuses to let Tricia in and calls her names and tells her to move on. When Grace learns of the problems, she calls Pixie on the carpet and then after Tricia sees Grace the next day, more problems with Pixie present.

This book is the introduction of Pixie and Linda and Michelle. They all come into the village and start becoming a part of the story full time.

Profile Image for LibraryCin.
2,472 reviews56 followers
November 24, 2018
3.5 stars

There’s a new inn in town, just about to open up, and bookstore owner, Tricia, and lunch counter owner and Tricia’s sister, Angelica, win tickets to stay one night at the new inn. Unfortunately, no one gets to stay that night, after one of the people running the inn, Piper Comfort, is murdered. She is, of course, found by Tricia. To Tricia’s surprise, it turns out Piper’s husband is someone Tricia used to date, and everyone thought he was dead!

This was good. I enjoyed it. I listened to the audio, and it was done well. For now, at least, I’ll continue on with the series (although I’m not impressed with Tricia’s newest employee!).
Profile Image for Kimberly.
270 reviews32 followers
August 18, 2019
I understand that cozy mysteries are often a bit silly, but I usually expect the silly parts to be kind of heartwarming. This book wasn't like that. Tricia is our not-very-likable narrator and a rather poor sleuth. The author for some reason tries to incorporate a cat and dog into the book, but I think she only really understands that dogs need to be walked and cats like to be fed. Tricia's sister Angelica is a terrible person and treats Tricia terribly, but it's hard to sympathize with Tricia because she loves to complain about it but never says anything or stands up for herself. Tricia's love life is also a source of fodder for the book, but I couldn't really figure out if I was supposed to like the current on-again/off-again boyfriend. At one point, Tricia asks him to get a pizza and he comes over with a sandwich instead, and it has ingredients that Tricia doesn't like. Seems like a jerk to me, but I am not convinced that the author meant it that way. As for Tricia's sleuthing skills, I made most connections way before she did, and was constantly irritated by how she decided to handle situations.

And as for the silliest part of the entire book: apparently "Booktown" Mystery means that the downtown of the village is just a series of bookshops - all of which specialize in a different kind of book, like mysteries, romances, etc. What? I love books, but that makes no sense and is the most ridiculous town set up I've ever heard. Needless to say, I won't be revisiting the Booktown Mysteries.
Profile Image for Cathy.
359 reviews12 followers
September 4, 2023
I really enjoy my visit in these books to Stoneham, New Hampshire. And all the characters in the books are very likable. But the endings leave you feeling like you are missing out on something. Was hoping they would get more exciting with each new book. But so far, that sadly has not been the case.
508 reviews3 followers
July 27, 2024
Tricia Miles has a reputation for "discovering" dead bodies in her town. It's a bit embarrassing for her, but maybe being owner of a mystery book store just makes it a natural coincidence. Fast-paced and fun read.
Profile Image for Ciara Wilkie.
414 reviews24 followers
September 8, 2019
These are some of my favorite cozy mysteries. I love the wide variety of characters and just the town itself. Always a good twist too.
Profile Image for Georgette.
1,902 reviews6 followers
July 9, 2012
This is another book in the Booktown series by Lorna Barrett. If you like “niche mystery” and books, this is a good series to read.

Trish is the owner of Haven’t Got A Clue, a mystery bookshop in Massachusetts. One bookshop of many- the entire town is made up of specialty bookstores, and a tourist attraction. Trish’s sister Angelica now runs a store in the town, and she ends up being Trish’s partner in solving crimes, unwittingly. This time, Angelica has won a night free at the new hotel in town- the Sheer Comfort Inn. The two sisters have barely settled into their night out when during a walk with Angelica’s dog, Trish finds the body of Pippa Comfort, who was one of the owners of the hotel. The search turns up Pippa’s husband, who Trish is stunned to recognize as Harry Tyler- her ex who disappeared over twenty years ago and was presumed dead. He’s immediately under suspicion. So are a number of people who won the raffle that the hotel was holding. One by one, the suspects are eliminated. In the meantime, Angelica is almost killed during a talk-show appearance hyping her cookbook, and Trish has her hands full with chatty gossip town-goers trying to get information out of her about the murder. Trish’s now-estranged boyfriend is the chief of police, and after telling her she is also a suspect, she cools things off between them for the forseeable future. Trish also has her hands full with her store, her part-time employee and his marriage issues, and her new hire, who’s doing a great job but is being courted away by another job. Sounds like a lot? It is. Throw in Trish getting mysterious items in the mail alluding to her past, although she honestly has no idea who could be sending her this stuff. Still more….one of the most disappointing things about this book was that there was so much upheaval going on around. There are character references of familiar Stoneham residents throughout the book, but none of them are ever followed through. Nikki, the town’s baker, is a friend of Trish’s who is now engaged to her ex Russ. There’s a misunderstanding between them and Nikki tells her to buzz off and stay away from her soon-to-be husband. This is quite upsetting to Trish, and yet it’s brought up- and dropped. No resolution. Angelica’s accident that could have killed her? It’s never really investigated or deemed suspicious, except by Trish. We never hear of any resolution with regard to what happened. Frannie, the gossipy older lady- she keeps sticking her nose into everyone’s business, and she drops a big bomb- then just- disappears. Michelle, one of the owners of the new bar/restaurant/tourist attraction in the town, supposedly hates Trish and is on best friend terms with Angelica, but she suddenly is buddy-buddy with Trish. There’s a scene toward the end of the book where Michelle acts rather oddly, which you are led to believe, is leading to a great revealation- or some part in this murder. Guess what? It’s dropped- never addressed. That’s really frustrating. None of the other books in this series have ever done that. I don’t know why it’s going on in this one, but I hope by the next one, this new writing plot- whatever it is or what’s it called, I could care less about-is gone.

Another thing I was heartily sick of in this novel is the fact that Trish is finally starting to come out from her sister’s shadow and stand her ground(Angelica was always the go-getter overly ambitious success- Trish went the quieter route to her life, and the earlier books touch a lot upon the fact that she always felt she didn’t measure up to Angelica). Then- half of the book has her mooning over her past with the ex who’s wife has just been murdered. Then she re-visits her broken marriage, her back-and-forth flirtation with Russ, and her now faltering relationship with the police chief. You have the feeling that she doesn’t feel like she can be anyone unless there is a man there for her to focus on. Trish is a great character, I would love one of these books to be her on her own, and not pining over the males that have come and gone in her life. After the ending Barrett throws at us, well, I don’t see that happening in the next book.

The end pleased me to no end. I had no flipping idea who killed the hotel owner. There was a revolving door of probable suspects, and when the big reveal came, it wasn’t convoluted, it made perfect sense. They introduced 2 new characters- a lady who starts out as an assistant manager at Haven’t Got a Clue, and a sarcastic punk girl who ends up being on parole for being a hooker, and who’s sentenced to working the phones at a non-profit organization. They end up switching jobs at the end, but not before both characters have endured themselves to you, and in the future Booktown books. So great job. And as usual, the book is a quick, enjoyable read. I just wish it flowed smoothly as it usually does. Not one of her better books in the series, but still a highly enjoyable quick read.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
878 reviews22 followers
March 14, 2018
In a quiet town filled with genred book shop, cafes and niche establishments, a vintage mystery bookseller has again been the finder of a recent corpse when partaking in the post opening event for a bed and breakfast. Bookstore owner, Tricia and her sister the culinary diva, Angelica then set out to find the culprit, whilst irritating the police chief (whom Tricia has been dating) and a slew of other town folks. A collective of quirky residents and visitors add into the stew. This is just the kind of quaint downtown I always want to stumble into, where everyone knows everyone and is eager to welcome you in.

It's a cozy night's read with some LOL's and twists. Barrett does well with her settings, characters and dialogue. This will be a series to add to my ever increasing shelf of bookstore mysteries.

Love the addition of plot line recipes added at the end.
Profile Image for Kelly.
228 reviews18 followers
July 9, 2019
Another Great Mystery by Lorna Barrett. Tricia Miles is again knee-deep in murder... now a web of lies intimately involves her. How will she sort fact from fiction? A Fabulous whodunit!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 397 reviews

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