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The Advocate #1

The Advocate

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For Sabre Orin Brown, life is good; she has it all...or would have, if only she could solve the mysterious disappearance of her brother. The search for her brother and her career as a juvenile court attorney collide when she defends a nine-year-old whose father will go to any length to obtain custody. Sabre finds herself immersed in a case with too many unanswered questions. Her quest for the truth takes her coast to coast and five years into the past. Confronted with mysterious clues and strange occurrences, Sabre is threatened by someone wanting to make her suffer the unbearable anguish of losing everything-including her life. As Sabre's passion to find the answers intensifies, she discovers a twisted history of desperation, deceit, and revenge. And she discovers how obscure and treacherous the truth can be.

308 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 5, 2009

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About the author

Teresa Burrell

31 books399 followers
Teresa Burrell maintained a private law practice where her work focused on abused minors. She has received several awards for her countless hours of pro bono work with children and their families. Burrell has also enjoyed a satisfying career as a teacher, working with children of all ages with diverse backgrounds and special needs. Now in semi-retirement, Burrell continues to educate groups about social issues impacting children and write novels, many of which are inspired by actual cases."

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 573 reviews
Profile Image for A.G. Lindsay.
146 reviews4 followers
January 12, 2013
I enjoyed this book, but it did seem that the author threw everything but the kitchen sink into it.

With the "mysterious past" of the parents, the kidnapping, the missing child, the missing/dead brother, bad cops in Atlanta, the FBI, Crazy Carla, the fire, etc. it was all just a bit much. However, the author did tie up (most, if not all) of the loose ends, and I found it a solidly written book. I consider it much more of a "beach read" -type of book than something you plan to exercise your brain with.

When I got it, the reviews lead me to believe it would be similar to The Client and but thought it was nice that it wasn't a total copy of that book. The jury is still out as to whether I would consider buying more books in this series, though.
Profile Image for JoAnne McMaster (Any Good Book).
1,335 reviews22 followers
April 12, 2012
Murder, attempted murder, kidnapping, missing persons, witness protection program, mobsters, stalking, mistaken identity, drugs, arson, mysterious phone calls, psychological breakdown. Did I miss anything? Neither did the author.
In effect, this could have been a really good novel. In itself, it might have been, except for the fact that the author found a lot of plot twists and decided to use them all. It was interesting at first, annoying later on, and tiresome toward the end. Maybe a tad less and it would have been better. It makes me wonder what is left to use in the ensuing novels.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lynda Kelly.
2,098 reviews97 followers
January 17, 2014
This got a little rushed towards the end as all the ends needing tying up were sorted out. I thought it was a tiny bit farfetched in the odd place but I did really enjoy the story and I'm going to stick with the series. I liked Sabre a lot although I thought her name was daft, especially when her brother had a normal name ! I thought that a little strange. I liked her relationship with her coworker Bob too. There was a whole chunk of the story missing, I thought, where she went to meet and stay with JP and it was a pity it was getting rushed through then.
I like the mention of her mum phoning her on her birthday at the time she was born-my mum does that and luckily I wasn't an early hours birth either but a respectable 09.58am !! I'd like to think Victor may make an appearance in a later story as there's unfinished business there. I was surprised that Sabre let her coworkers label Carla as Crazy. I'd have expected her to put them straight and be a bit more PC there.
There were some howlers of spelling mistakes which lost it a star for me. Faired and not fared and peaked instead of peeked (which she used properly later on),some misplaced apostrophes also and Sabre had one too many favourite mugs for my liking but that's just a personal gripe. All in all a great first one in the series.
Profile Image for Vicki Willis.
924 reviews62 followers
November 25, 2020
This was the oldest book on my TBR and because of that I wasn't sure I would like it. Well, I did like it! It was an exciting story with likable and unlikable characters. I liked the premise about a lawyer and her best friend working the juvenile court system. I thought the relationship between her and her best friend felt weird and not realistic. I did like the setting of San Diego because that is where I live.
It was a little hard to follow because the timeline was choppy. It seemed inconsistent with days and nights and whenever the MC changed locations. It also seemed unrealistic the flexibility she had with her schedule and time being a court attorney.
The ending was fast paced and not something I had considered. This one is the start of a series, but did not leave the reader with a cliffhanger. A good read!
Profile Image for Marty.
1,185 reviews44 followers
November 28, 2012
So many books and so little time. I received this from another web site to read and do a review. That being said, If I had not received this free, I would not write a review. But, that is what I agreed to do.
This was so over the top and out of control, at times I thought the story was on drugs. While I was pulled in at first, this went so quickly and far down hill I was glad when it was over.
There was way to much going on; this would be impossible in real life. Way to many things with endless dialog in real time that really could have been cut down.
I too am very familiar with the law and how it works, and know this is just convoluted and not at all reasonable. I know truth can be stranger, but nothing like this. Murder, kidnapping, witness protection, two hospital stays, dirty cops, etc. etc. The over use of dialog, certain words, repeats in the story as to who is whom when we just read about them. Plots and subs with everything tied up in the end and in a short period of time. If I were to read the second two books, they would have to be re worked to be of interest.
I would have liked to see the story toned down, less drama, hear about other cases from time to time, maybe tie up things "A year later,"
Profile Image for Jim.
1,106 reviews16 followers
June 7, 2014
Teresa Burrell's "The Advocate" is a spellbinding tale that features an intense plot that's fighting evil elements who prey on children. The protagonist is Sabre Brown, a child's advocate and lawyer. Sabre stands for those who are too young and cannot fight back for themselves. Sabre's newest case features the outrageous parents Gaylord Murdock, and Peggy Smith. These two are the parents of Alexis Murdock and Jamie Smith. Sabre must protect Alexis and Jamie from a man who just oozes evil in Gaylord Murdock. Peggy is a junkie that is barely functional. Taking place in San Diego the story must also travel to Atlanta for investigating the Murdock family. Sabre finds herself with allies on the Atlanta PD. Author Teresa Burrell's good guy characters are very lifelike and, very easy people to root for. Her bad guys characters along with some gritty and, tough dialog are easy to root against. The book has several twists and, surprise turns that grab the reader making the book very enjoyable and, difficult to put down. . This is the first book in Burrell's "Advocate" series. Second one I've read (Number 3 up shortly). Easily 5 stars out of 5. This is one of those books you do not want to miss. The series itself is not to be missed either. I'd highly recommend "The Advocate" by Teresa Burrell as a series to get into. A pretty good intense thriller of a series.
33 reviews2 followers
June 8, 2017
Two and a half stars

I really hate giving a negative review. And this book is not terrible. In fact some of the ideas in this book are interesting and even intriguing, but there are too many problems with the storytelling for me to give this a positive review.

The dialogue is not particularly good, people don't talk like these characters do in real life. The heroine, Sabre is too perfect. Her only flaw, and I do mean ONLY, is that she is frequently in denial that she's in danger. Some of the relationships are just absurdly unbelievable. Sabre's best friend is a married man. Their relationship is platonic, and there is no hint of sexuality between them, but they are closer than lovers and he practically centers his world around her. His wife is okay with this? If she has a problem with it, we don't know about it because we never see her. But since Sabre is so perfectly sensitive, giving, considerate, and kind it is hard to swallow. The biggest problem for me is there feels like there is a lot of filler to the story, which I supposed is meant to draw out the tension, but detracts from it. I won't complain about the overly convenient resolutions of two of the mysteries in the story, but I suspect some people would find it annoying.
Profile Image for Nancy Steinle gummel.
507 reviews94 followers
June 14, 2013
The Advocate, is the first book of a series by Teresa Burrell. It was a very interesting book, which i liked very much. It starts up with introducing us to Sabre, AKA as Sobs to her good friend Bob. She is an attorney for the juvenile court, as is Bob. Five years previously, her brother Ron disappeared. Sabre is assigned to Alexis and Jamie and a newborn infant girl. The baby's mother is a drug addict who is linked with Gaylord. Sabre must determine if the children stay at the Home or be returned to Gaylord. Her investigations are helped by Atlanta Detective Carriage. She learns there is a missing deaf little girl along with Elizabeth, Alexis's mother. Sabre is kidnapped by Gaylord who intends to kill her. Read the book to find out which clues are discovered, who all gets murdered, who gets away and the answer to a 5 year old mystery.
Profile Image for Jenni.
264 reviews
August 25, 2009
I'm a lawyer. Therefore, I try to stray from legal dramas, thrillers, etc. I save the legal drama for my office. But, then along comes a goodreads firstread prize and changes my mind completely.

This book was, in a word, breathtaking. The pace was impeccable and I was on the edge of my seat from page one. And, without giving anything away, just when I thought all was won there was one final twist. Burrell has an amazing grasp on character development and knows just how to play with the reader's emotions. My heart is still pounding from the last twist.

An excellent read. I didn't want it to end and I would LOVE to see this made into a movie - a wonderful thriller. Two thumbs WAY UP.
Profile Image for Avidreader Tiff.
292 reviews
August 6, 2010
I met the author during a visit to a local bookstore. She was very nice. I was very excited to learn her books are were available on the Kindle. Once I started I could not put this down! The mysteries just kept going and twist and turns were a fun ride! I look forward to reading her newest book the Advocate's Betrayal!
Oh and the coolest thing. She even signed a card for me for since I was getting her book digitally. She gave me a card that had a picture of the cover of "The Advocate's Betrayal" and said E-Reader and signed that for me. How cool!!!
Any way great read! I recommend to all!
Profile Image for Norma.
88 reviews24 followers
October 9, 2012
I really enjoyed this story. The characters were well developed and I just loved Alexis. I just wanted to take her home and love her. Sabre's character was also well developed. I loved the relationship between her and Bob. The story line kept me turning the pages as well as feeling every emotion the characters were feeling. The suspense continued to build throughout the story up until the climax at the end - what a shocker! I wasn't familiar with this author and got this book as a freebie. I noticed there are more in the Advocate series and will definitely be reading them.
Profile Image for Rachelle.
68 reviews5 followers
December 8, 2015
This one kept me from getting enough sleep when I had work the next morning! I'm sure #2 in the series will be as good.
Can't wait!
162 reviews1 follower
May 12, 2020
Sabre Brown is an attorney working in family court. In my experience as a teacher of vulnerable children, the children's attorneys I've known have been over-worked, unpredictable, and a little scary with their power to determine the course of children's lives. This story has given me a fuller view of one attorney's overwhelming, fulfilling life. While Burrell's story recognizes reality, she also provides a vision of how compassion and hope can thrive in the bleak world of child protective services. Once I got past the first few pages, I was engrossed. Alexis captivated me just like she did Sabre. I had to stay with her through all the trials and excitement until that final, satisfying resolution.
The next book in this series is definitely going on my "want to read" list.
Profile Image for Jordan Murray.
Author 4 books131 followers
December 1, 2021
Thank you to the author (via Bookstagrammers.com) for providing me a copy of The Advocate to review.

Sabre Orin Brown is a great main character, and her relationship with her coworker, Bob, is unique and heartfelt. The book itself is well written, with a sharp and succinct writing style. The story was also compelling enough to keep my attention and evoke a sort of investment in where things were going.

That being said, I feel like the story had just about every legal/crime thriller trope there is thrown in somewhere. Missing persons, gangsters, murders, domestic abuse, drugs, police cover-ups, FBI, kidnapping, arson, the Witness Protection Program… you get the gist. The story was still enjoyable, but at times I got distracted with the sensationalization of it all. The connection with Sabre’s ‘missing’ brother, Ron, to the Murdock case was specifically too much for me.

Regardless, I still enjoyed the book and I am really fond of Sabre’s character.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nic Harris.
396 reviews13 followers
January 21, 2024
This book was a great surprise. I loved the story, I work in child protection and I could definitely recognise aspects of this book which made it quite impactful for me.

The main character is fab. She’s intelligent, passionate and a great advocate for her clients. She also really cares. I enjoyed getting to see both the professional and personal sides of her and as the story went on it was great to see how these interlinked.

The plot is amazing, there were so many twists and although you could get a gut feeling that there were certain people you couldn’t trust, you just couldn’t be sure until near the end. It was a really intriguing story and I loved watching it play out.

The pacing was spot on and the writing really well done. I started this on Sunday lunchtime and just kept reading until the end because it was so good.
Profile Image for Gina Basham.
592 reviews3 followers
July 12, 2013
Thoroughly enjoyed this book. It had a nice fast pace. I enjoyed the information regarding the Child services - law, advocates, group homes. The book kept me guessing "who done it". I liked the characters and especially liked the friendship between Sabre and Bob. It is refreshing to see a friendship that won't be turned into a "we've loved each other all along - let's get married and fight crime!" I liked it enough to get the next book, finished that and will continue on with the series. I would recommend this book.
Profile Image for Heather.
1,528 reviews10 followers
August 15, 2020
I think I would have liked this better had I read it. And maybe I’ll read it before moving on to the next book. The narrator wasn’t a favorite. Most of the characters sounded the same so it was hard to know who was speaking. And hearing the narrator take a breath, swallow or lick her lips really ruins the story.

I saw the second book has a different narrator and the third book has another different narrator. I hate when books have different narrators especially when it’s the same characters. I’ll probably end up skipping the audiobooks and just read the books.
Profile Image for Beth Agejew.
93 reviews3 followers
November 4, 2013
The Advocate by Teresa Burrell will keep you on your toes. It is part thriller, part mystery and part courtroom drama. Ms. Burrell's characters are believable and easy to get attached to. I smiled and laughed with them and felt anguish with them. The story, itself, is a page turner. In fact, I spent several evenings promising myself I would read just one more chapter, and actually reading two or three more. Anyone who is a fan of suspense or mystery will thoroughly enjoy The Advocate.
Profile Image for Sheryl.
427 reviews112 followers
June 27, 2015
have had this book for quite awhile and never got around to reading it. I'm so glad it, I'm I glad I finally got around to it. It's a about a juvenile court appointed attorney who is assigned what looked like to be a simple case involving a pregrant woman and her boyfriend with two children. But this case turns into anything but simple! I loved the writers suspenseful style of writting. I read this book in one setting, it was a great read and I look forward to reading the series.
Profile Image for sillyslicker.
88 reviews1 follower
December 1, 2021
4 stars

Attorney Sabre Brown is representing the children in a domestic violence case, after they were temporarily removed, because their parents' argument turned ugly. Meanwhile, she is also trying to deal with the fact that her missing brother may never come back. Something seems off with the kids, which prompts a deeper investigation, and it now seems someone has it out for Sabre.

I loved reading about the day-to-day of going to court and dealing with clients. You don't often come across a story about lawyers who are appointed to represent kids, which is a role I appreciate. And Sabre's friendship with Bob was very fun and cute. The mysteries really had me invested, and while some parts were flat, and had me wanting to move on, things definitely picked up. There is a lot going on in this story, and the hits just keep on coming, for Sabre. The ending felt a bit rushed and I had a hard time buying something about one of the reveals, but I thought the story was interesting and well laid out.

Amazon currently has the e-book for $0.99, if you'd like to read it 😊

Trigger warnings:
child abuse, death/murder, violence, blood, stalking, mental illness

Thank you to Teresa Burrell and Bookstagrammers.com for providing me with a copy of the book!
Profile Image for Nancy Ahyee.
296 reviews12 followers
June 2, 2018
I am so glad this was a free read. I am amazed at the number of positive reviews for this book and even more amazed that the publishers and public liked it enough to make a series of nine books. I won't be reading anything else by this author.

Sabre Brown is a juvenile court attorney who is assigned to advocate for nine-year-old Alexis, who is removed from her father's care along with her half-brother and eventually their infant sibling (I can't even remember whether it was a boy or girl). Alexis's father Gaylord (yes, really) and his pregnant girlfriend Penny had argued over her drug use. She fell and hit her head on a table but accused him, and that's how the kids were put into child protection.

The writing style is stilted and reminds me of a high school essay. The author tries to develop the characters, but she just makes them more mundane. The dialog is completely unrealistic, and her attempt to "show, don't tell" just made the writing more tedious. Sabre's relationship with her best friend Bob is just weird. The author makes a point of saying they were never romantically involved, but friends with no romantic history don't call each other "honey" ALL THE TIME. I know it was a plot element for a time when Sabre excuses someone else for calling a friend "honey" because she calls Bob "honey," but that doesn't make it not weird. One more example...Bob greets Sabre one morning with "How's my post-pubescent nugget of love and carnality this morning?" And she smiles and responds with "Hi, honey. You sure know how to change a girl's mood." "Post-pubescent nugget of love"?!? And Sabre smiles?!? These are juvenile court attorneys! I would think that these types of comments would NEVER come out of their mouths.

Sabre also doesn't appear to have any common sense. When things are moved in her office and in her home, she sees suspicious vehicles, hears rustling in the bushes outside her office, she is warned by Bob and by a detective to be careful, it is suggested that she stay somewhere else, does she heed ANY warnings? Does she think any of these are red flags? No...she thinks she's being paranoid, and she never calls the police about anything suspicious.

***Some spoilers below***
Here are the things we learn about the characters because they're repeated over and over and over:
-- Sabre keeps a checklist in a notebook her brother gave her when she was 5 or 6 of things she'd like to do. She reads this list every single morning. The first thing on her list is to marry Victor Spanoli. We learn all about Victor but not because he's an actual character in the story. He's just on her list because she wanted to marry him when she was 5 or 6 and she's read it on her list and thinks about it every single day. Who does that?!?
--Sabre clears her morning calendar every day. No...really?
--Sabre carries stacks of files to and from work, tosses them into her trunk (how do they not get thrown all over the place?) and she leaves them on a shelf by security. Get a briefcase like a normal person. The author actually talked about the lack of a briefcase just as I was thinking, "why doesn't she have a briefcase?" She doesn't want to carry the heavy files from courtroom to courtroom, so she puts her stack of files on a window ledge by the security guy and goes back between cases to get the files she needs. Ummm...potential issues with confidentiality perhaps?
--She has lunch with Bob almost every day. So tell us about it once and then let it go. We don't need to hear them talk about lunch every single day.
--Bob smokes a lot. The author constantly points out that Bob lit a cigarette, Bob finished a cigarette, Bob put out a cigarette. And why did we have to suffer through all of the details of his smoking? So that at the end of the book when Sabre gets shot and Bob thinks she's going to die, he can pray to God and promise to quit smoking if she survives. (This also plays into the weird relationship/non-relationship they have going.)
--Crazy Carla calls Sabre's office sometimes dozens of times a day. At first, I thought Carla was a former client since they mention Sabre is the only one who can calm her down by talking about butterflies and green pastures. Then we find out that Carla is the former girlfriend of Sabre's missing brother Ron, and she's been hospitalized since Ron's disappearance five years ago. Well of course Sabre is the only one who can calm her down. She's the only one who knows Carla!
--This leads us back to Bob, the best friend, who apparently knows nothing about her missing brother. In five years, she's never told Bob about her brother's disappearance? My best friend pretty much knows everything about every part of my life. That's why she's my best friend. How is it possible that Sabre has never told Bob about her brother before when it pretty much defines her life outside of work and she carries a picture of him around with her?
--Finally, Dr. Steele, who is conveniently a dead ringer for Sabre's missing brother and is a new doctor at the hospital where Carla is being treated. The author creates the Dr. Steele story line so that when Ron wants to visit Sabre in the hospital after she's shot, he can do so by posing as Dr. Steele so he doesn't expose himself since he's in Witness Protection after testifying against some thugs in Atlanta. Just a little too convenient, if you ask me. And at one point, Dr. Steele asks Sabre to call him Corbin, indicating that Dr. Steele is his father. I do not know a single doctor who would ever ask a patient to call him by his first name.

There's more - oh, so much more - that is wrong with this book, but I have already wasted too much time on it. I strongly suggest you skip this one, and I certainly won't be reading the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Maryline Morais.
66 reviews3 followers
November 25, 2021
I enjoyed this book, but it did seems to have too much important info at the same time.... However it was a good book and good start for the serie!

I liked Sabre a lot and her relationship with her coworker Bob.

To read it (and understand everything) you need to be fully on it so its possible that I miss something because I was also reading another book....

It is possible that I go to re-read it? YES
It is possible that I go to buy other books of the serie? Probably
Profile Image for Carol-ann  Gibson.
154 reviews4 followers
March 16, 2024
Legal thrillers really are one of my favourite genres of books! I really enjoy the law aspect but also trying to solve the mystery behind it.
This is the first time where I've read a book based at juvenile court and I found it so intriguing!
The character of Sabre is really well written and one I enjoyed. The story has a great balance of mystery, law and a tense feeling throughout!
The only downside was that the ending felt a little rushed but that doesn't put me off reading the rest of the series which I fully plan on doing.

If legal dramas are your thing then 10000% recommend!
Profile Image for Val.
504 reviews
July 1, 2024
The first in The Advocate series. Sabre Orin, juvenile court attorney, defends a nine year whose father is hell bent on gaining custody, no matter what the cost.

Her brother disappeared five years previously and she is searching for answers. It was a bit jumbled up for me and quite rushed towards the end, but worth a try - if you like John Grisham, this is perhaps one for you.
Profile Image for David Highton.
3,282 reviews19 followers
January 13, 2019
A complex case in children's court drags lawyer Sabre Brown into a dangerous web, with a back story in Georgia and Dallas as well as California. A very neat ending, perhaps too neat. Just about good enough for me to try the next in the series.
Profile Image for Ferne.
1,381 reviews42 followers
January 4, 2023
Sabre Brown is an attorney. Her clients are juveniles, and she represents them in the Juvenile Division of the San Diego Superior Court. Sabre's diligence in her cases is vital for the safety of the minors. Current representation is on behalf of Alexis Murdock, age 10, and Jamie Smith, age 2. As of the night police were called to the home by a neighbor; the children are under foster care at Jordan Receiving Home. What will she recommend to the judge?

Twists came as further investigative steps were taken after conversations with parents, law enforcement, and the social worker unraveled family history, parent/child dynamics, and different aspects of the night that led to the children’s placement in care.

I love reading legal novels. I liked the characterization of Sabre Brown, except for her acceptance/tolerance of nicknames given to her by colleague Bob Clark.

Whether in the Education field or Family Law, the mantra is "What is in the best interest of the child?" It came as no surprise to learn Teresa Burrell has been an elementary school teacher and an attorney working in the juvenile court system, as dialogues in the novel reflect the realism of her experiences.

I look forward to reading more of this series.
70 reviews1 follower
April 10, 2024
this was not a who did it this was a WHAT did they do ugh had to keep reading until i knew lol
Profile Image for Amorina Carlton.
Author 1 book27 followers
January 29, 2024
This legal thriller will keep you rooted to your seat and turning pages long past your bedtime. Because you will need to know what the heck is going on, possibly against your better judgment.

One of my big no-nos when reading is kids getting hurt. Somehow when I read juvenile attorney in the blurb for this, I thought of someone who defends kids who have gotten in trouble, which is true. However, it’s also someone who represents kids or parents in abuse cases. So know that going in, just in case that matters to you! It did to me, and they started talking about it immediately. But it wasn’t graphic and was off-page, so I gave the book a chance, and I was hooked!

Sabre was clever, sardonic, and fun to learn about. Her storyline is the right amount of tragedy and hopeful to keep you coming back for more. Her hero arc is going to be amazing, and you can just tell!

The author developed in this first book a beautiful friendship between her and her best friend Bob, as well as the rest of the cast of characters, that will keep me and others coming back for more. Because in the long run, it’s the characters that keep people coming back to long series like this – the Advocate has 14 books already. I loved the platonic friendship between Sabre and Bob because so many people believe it’s impossible. And her heartbreaking search for her brother, and her relationship with Carla were beautiful in their tragedy.

The mystery surrounding Sabre’s client Alexis was so multifaceted and well-constructed. I guessed parts of it but never would have been able to sew all the pieces together. The clever development and true evil of the villains here are honestly terrifying. Having to see these horrible things must be so awful for these lawyers, social workers, and police.

Legal thrillers aren’t usually my thing, but I’ll definitely be seeing what happens next with Sabre, Bob, and the crew!

If you love a good thriller, ripe with mystery and intrigue, you’ll love this. If you’re like me, and you aren’t a big fan of children being harmed, it might not be the book for you. There are definitely worse books, I was worried at one point that it might involve young child molestation, which is a hard no for me, but it didn’t. Thank goodness. But it did not.

Content Warnings: Child Abuse/Death, Kidnapping, Foster System, Missing Persons, Car Accident, Violence, Stalking
Profile Image for April.
200 reviews16 followers
February 2, 2024
Cracking book

This is such a unique book!

Usually, crime books centre around the victim or the perpetrator, but this one centres around an Advocator in family court.

Sabre is a lawyer who deals with her fair share of emotional cases and it's brilliant to see such a strong, professional female in this position - mostly likely as a result of Teresa's own professional background as an advocate ❤.

Sabre also has quite a large personal issue... her brother has disappeared... and she can sense him everywhere..

This is a nail-biting book that hooks you from the moment you start reading.

I loved how we saw the inner workings of the judicial system with a 'behind the scenes' look at what the characters do for work, all while the drama of their personal lives unfolded!

This is the first book of The Advocate series, and Teresa really starts with a bang and leaves you with a fantastic ending, making you crave for more!

Cracking book, highly recommend!

🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟
Displaying 1 - 30 of 573 reviews

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