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The Portal #2

Daughter of the Spellcaster

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Has a spell been cast?

Lena Dunkirk is a practicing witch, Ryan McNally a wealthy playboy. Logic says mismatch, yet from the first they share a passion that defies reason, as if they know each other from another place, another time. Then Lena gets pregnant and runs for the safety of home.

Months later, when Ryan appears at her door looking to help raise their child, Lena doesn’t know whom to trust–particularly now that “guru to the stars” Bahru has taken an interest in her baby, offering gifts forged of magic.

Soon she and Ryan are sharing eerie dreams of ancient lands, while a vengeful demon plots to take possession of their child. As the moment of birth approaches, the demon’s power rises, forcing the hand of love to wield the blade that will decide the fate of a child’s soul–and the future of the world.

361 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Maggie Shayne

311 books2,536 followers
I live in the teeny, tiny town of Taylor, NY, (Alliteration Alert!) though my mailing address is Cincinnatus, my telephone exchange is Truxton and I pay taxes and vote in Cuyler. All of these are at least in the same rural county in the southern hills of New York State; Cortland County. There are more cattle than people here. The nearest “big” cities are Syracuse and Binghamton and they are an hour away, in different directions, and not really all that big by most standards, though they both seem humongous to me. I look out my window to see rolling, green, thickly forested hills, wildflower laden meadows and wide open blue, blue skies. My road is barely paved. The nearest neighboring place is a 700 acre dairy farm.

My house is a big, century old farmhouse. I moved in here after my divorce in 2006. Just a little over a year later, the house, which I had named, SERENITY, burned. It was 99% gutted, and I lost my two dogs, Sally, an 11-year-old great Dane, and Wrinkles, my 14-year-old, blind bulldog. This was the culmination of my Dark Night of the soul, which had seemed to hit me all at once in 2006-2007. My mother died that year, after a 14 month battle with pancreatic cancer. She was only 60. The youngest of my five daughters had left home that same year, and while that’s not a tragedy at all, it felt like one to me. Then came the divorce. And finally there was the fire--it seemed my darkest night wasn’t quite finished with me after all. I had lost almost everything before that point, and as I poked through the wet ashes and soot the next day, I realized that I had now been stripped all the way to the bone.

No better time to start over. (And no, I didn’t come to that realization that day--there were a few days of wallowing in pity first, particularly the day after the fire, when I hit a deer and smashed up my car, which I was practically living in!)

That’s when I started to laugh. Just sat on the side of the road as the deer bounded, uninjured and carefree, out of sight, and laughed. It was just too ridiculous at that point, to do anything else!

And from there, I picked myself up, and brushed myself off, and said, okay, there’s only one way to go from here. Forward. And that’s what I did. There I was at the age of harrurmphemmph, living in my one, mostly undamaged remaining room, with a dorm-sized mini-fridge, a futon, a TV, my cat (nine lives!) and a laptop. And not much else. (Though thank goodness the room that survived the fire, was a room that had its own attached bathroom!)

Since then I have rebuilt my beloved home, which really has become my haven, my “Serenity.” I share it now with my fiancé, Lance, and we have accumulated quite the little family together. “Little” being a relative term. We have a pair of English Mastiffs, Dozer and Daisy, who weigh 203 pounds and 208 pounds respectively, and a little pudgy English Bulldog named Niblet, who is bigger than both of them, inside her mind. We also have the aforementioned cat, Glorificus (“Glory” for short,) who adores her canine pups and keeps them firmly in line. And we've acquired a pair of stray cats as well, a mother and son, Luna (Lulu for short) and Butters aka Buddy. Lulu showed up pregnant during a lunar eclipse, had a litter, and vanished again. We found homes for all the kittens except one. Butters. We got him fixed and kept him. A few months later, Lulu returned, again expecting. This litter was born on the "Monster Moon." Again, all the kittens were spayed and neutered and placed in homes, and this time we got Lulu to the vet in time to spay her before the cycle could repeat.

Glory is not amused.

She has a story of her own, my old Glory cat, having been with me before the Dark Times descended, she went through it all with me, moved with me, survived the fire, and remains with me still. She's tolerating the newcomers. Barely.

My partner is an artist, a mechanic, a welder and an inventor, and the rumors are true, he is much younger than I

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Profile Image for Georgia ♥ .
420 reviews1,171 followers
August 14, 2013

The second book in the Portal Series by Maggie Shayne, about 3 witches who have to find their loved ones and overcome a thousand year old curse, presents us with the second couple that has to fight inner and outer demons and come one step closer to release them all.

No, they're not our witches...

That's more like it!!

Magdalena "Lena" Dunkirk is a born and bred Wicca. A practicing witch, devoted in her craft but with an accomplished career.

Ryan McNally lost his mother in the tender age of 11. He kind of lost his father too that day, because multi-billionaire Ernst McNally, unable to come to terms with his wife's loss, devoted his life in a spiritual journey with his guru, Bahru. He is a playboy, unattainable, irresponsible and self-centered. Or is he???

They share a distant past...
Many years ago, in land far away in the desert a harem slave fell in love with a handsome prince. She was executed for her love before her prince could save her. With her, were also executed her 2 sisters for daring to love the wrong men and hers sister lover, a warrior who in his fight to free them killed the King. The High Priest punished him even more, by stripping his soul and condemning him for eternity in Underworld. The 3 Sisters as they were dying, promised to reincarnate again and again until they return the warrior's soul and find their loved ones.

And a more recent one...
Lena and Ryan meet and their attraction and passion defy any reason. But miscommunications and past hurts tear them apart.

Lena 8-month pregnant finds herself fighting for the man who is her destiny, her child and a man who may be a demon. Is passion enough to build a life on it? Love can overcome all obstacles? Darkness is really only absence of light?

- Love is the answer.
- The answer to what? I don't know the question.
- It doesn't matter. It's the answer to every question there is.

The highly intriguing story that kicked off with Legacy of the Witch and continued with Mark of the Witch, in this book draws us deeper in the mystery and danger that surrounds the 3 star-crossed couples that defy destiny, time and magic for a chance in life, happiness and love.
Spirituality, religion and reincarnation are just a part of this multi-layered romance. The bleak atmosphere and the haunting (literally) surroundings add to the mystery and to the idea that evil is all around and you can't escape it.

As the rod is to the God, so the chalice is to the Goddess
The Craft rites, the tools and the symbols in this story are fascinating and make the "magick" part come alive.

And, last, YAY! for the epilogue!
I was waiting for

Now I anxiously await the next book...

We got teased that the final confrontation will require a team effort and everyone on board. Also the heroine, Lilia the only one present throughout the 3 books, seems amazing!

Profile Image for Anna's Herding Cats.
1,274 reviews313 followers
May 2, 2019

Reviewed for herding cats & burning soup. (posting to blog 7.8.19)
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2H1BLyp

Daughter of the Spellcaster turned out to be quite the letdown. A flaky heroine, a bunch of cheesy paranormal witchery, oblivious characters. It just missed the mark completely for me.

The Gist: Ancient souls come back around to right a wrong done to them. And a witch and playboy being the bodies they inhabit this go around. They just have to figure it all out before evil swoops in again and destroys them all.

Lena and Ryan. Lena and Ryan. Okay so starting with Ryan. I liked the guy. He's a good man trying his best to be there for his future baby. It's not a perfect circumstance and he doesn't really understand magic but he is trying his best to be what his baby mama needs. Including researching witchcraft when she doesn't answer his questions.

Lena on the other hand I wasn't too fond of. She took off when she found out she was pregnant without telling him, keeps acting like he's the bad guy, jumps to outlandish conclusions that paint him terribly but then overlooks actual bad guys and their motives. She was just ridiculous.

I didn't really feel their romance. It was basically him trying to make up for something he didn't do and her waffling between wanting to trust him and thinking he was trying to kill her or steal "her" baby and how he needed to earn a place in the baby's life. Ugh. A lack of chemistry or spark just topped it off.

The "mystery" of her childhood visions (aka past lives) coming into reality and not knowing who to trust was just okay, I guess. Centuries ago in a past life she and her then sisters were killed and now those souls are in present day finding their lost loves and trying to right the things done to them in the past. There were a lot of cheesy sayings and such added in. Ex--the rod is to the god, as the chalice is to the goddess. *eye roll* Things were rather predictable if you were paying attention (which the heroine was not)

Oveall, Daughter of the Spellcaster was not for me.

Audio Review: I DID enjoy the audio aspect of things, though. It was my first time listening to Megan Hayes and I thought she did a good job. Easy narration and pleasant voice. Did a nice job with different characters. I'd listen to another of hers for sure.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,008 reviews1 follower
November 6, 2012
Book 2 introduces us to Magdalena or Lena for short. Lena was Indira & Lilia's sister in her previous life, in fact she has been having visions of their time together since she was a young child and she often heard Lilia speaking to her like an imaginary friend.

As an adult, Lena's life has encountered some major changes since she discovered she was pregnant. Running from her job and her fledgling relationship with Ryan she moves to a vineyard with her mother to have her baby without telling him. Circumstances outwith her control have her confronting Ryan before she feels she is ready. Ryan doesn't react like she expects and before she knows it they are spending more time together and getting to know each other. After some strange occurences and bad visions, Lena is constantly on edge, she second guesses everything and everyone including herself. Can she learn to trust herself and Ryan or would that be the wrong decision?

I liked Ryan, he has a lot more depth and layers than Lena initially gives him credit for. Lena herself is a typical pregnant woman, her emotions are all over the place, her dreams and visions are even more pronounced than ever leaving her second guessing herself and those around her.

We discovered who the big bad is in book 1, so there wasn't any big reveal in this installment but there is development in the plot and it's set up perfectly for Lilia's story, which I am eagerly anticipating!

Thanks to Netgalley for the eARC.
Profile Image for xrysa.
143 reviews988 followers
January 17, 2013
This book was very good .
Lena , a wiccan witch , in this book had to fullfil her own part so as to free Demitreus .

A black cat messenger

Ιnexplicable weather changes


Strange people

Also in this book I loved Ryan.
He is not your typical,millionaire playboy.Well in the beginning he seemed to be but NO , HE IS NOT .

I cant wait to read the third book in this series !!
Profile Image for Michelle Leah Olson.
922 reviews116 followers
October 16, 2012
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Michelle L. Olson:

*eARC received from NetGalley.

If you follow my reviews, you know that I'm a huge Maggie Shayne fan. I love her writing, I love her worlds, I love her characters... This book most certainly did not disappoint. In fact, my exact words upon finishing the book were: "Unbelievably, amazingly, fantastically good!! Writing a review to do this justice may prove to be difficult. I simply loved it."

Even with that said though, let's try...

Daughter of the Spellcaster was a beautifully written Paranormal Romance full of hope, magick, intrigue and heart.

Lena and her mother are witches living in a tiny town in NY and getting ready to welcome their new addition - Lena's daughter, Selma's granddaughter - into the world. When Lena hears that a close acquaintance from years ago has died and left something to her in his will, she must leave the security of Havenwood to go to the memorial.

Ryan is a high society playboy who has just lost his father whom he's felt abandoned by pretty much his whole life. When the death brings his old girlfriend Lena back into his life with a bit of a surprise, he begins to rethink his priorities and his future.

The two embark on a journey to find answers to Ryan's father's lifetime quest while learning more about each other along the way. After so many years and so many misunderstandings though, trust is a bit hard to come by, not to mention the fact that there are dark forces at work undermining their growth each step of the way.

Maggie introduced some very 'human' characters in this installment of the Portal series. I loved everything about them and adored the way that Maggie painted the story with words, providing a vivid canvas of a tale that I won't easily forget.

I also adored how she tied together books #1 and #2 of the series and paved the way for book #3 in January; it was genius.

LITERAL ADDICTION gives Daughter of the Spellcaster a well deserved 5 Skulls. The Portal series has easily become one of my very favorite series out there, though that doesn't surprise me given the author. :) I simply cannot wait for book #3 to become available.

Profile Image for Cee.
982 reviews239 followers
Shelved as 'unfinished'
June 24, 2018
Disappointing after a wonderfully understated romance in the first Portal book. The blurb didn't necessarily appeal to me, but I had confidence that Ms Shayne might pull it off. I gave up halfway because I didn't care about the hero, the heroine, or even the mystery.

Some quotes from when I was reading:

Then Ryan turned his attention to the actual reason he'd crossed the room to begin with. The gorgeous female. He didn't look her in the eye but let his gaze stay lowered while he clasped her hand and brought it to his lips. ...
Then she was gone, hurrying through the ballroom in heels that should have made speed impossible, while Ryan kept his eyes on her ass the entire way. The dress hugged it tight enough to show what a really nice ass it was.

Sexual objectification. Every woman's dream.

He'd always gone out of his way to be very clear with every woman, right from the start, that he was not the getting serious type. He'd tried even harder to play the playboy for Lena's benefit. The more she got under his skin, the harder she played the role. Apparently she'd realized she was making no progress and walked. The ironic part was, she was the one woman he'd ever been with who might have had a shot at making him want to get serious. If she'd waited around, maybe...

Nope. You treated her like shit, gave every signal that you didn't want her, and now this privileged piece of cardboard feels like he was entitled for her to stick around? Even though he said he didn't want her to?
Profile Image for K. Anna Kraft.
1,139 reviews38 followers
May 21, 2015
One of the things that I really love about this series is that you can tell Maggie Shayne is writing about something she's really passionate about! The story is a fun ride with very well fleshed out characters that you really do want to see work things out, but even beyond that, this book is filled with examples of Wicca culture that one does not typically find in fiction. And that is because the rites aren't being cooked up by an outsider to serve the purposes of the story.

Now, the rest of my thoughts have been arranged into a haiku:

"Plunged into darkness,
Left astride a weary beast,
Left for centuries."
Profile Image for JodyL.
1,644 reviews5 followers
July 17, 2018
Lena left Ryan 8 months ago when she found out she was pregnant. They had only been together for the previous 6 weeks. Lena scried when she was a8 year old girl and saw Ryan. So she knew that they was meant to be together. But Ryan's standoffishness forced them apart.
Now they meet again because his father died. This series in motion a series of events involving Demetrius's spirit, a chalice, a special double sided knife, and visions from a past life.
This series has just sucked me in! I can't wait to find out what happens with Demetrius and Lilia!
Profile Image for Louis Henke.
78 reviews9 followers
September 14, 2019
I really loved Daughter of the Spellcaster (The Portal #2 - actually #3 if you consider the prequel). The plot development is great and continues beautifully from Legacy of the Witch and Mark of the Witch. Both the story line and the characters meld together as a whole but with many twists and turns that make it impossible to anticipate what happens next or the outcome.
Start reading at the beginning and enjoy. I'm on to The Portal #4!
Profile Image for Rachel.
851 reviews
August 18, 2021
Ugh. Right from the beginning I knew I'd like this less than Book 1. Lena was TSTL and didn't deserve Ryan. I never once understood her mistrust of him or the justification of not telling him about the baby. It made zero sense because he was a good guy. The author made Lena out to be a ditsy immature dreamer who misconstrued all the good things into bad, and bad into good. DNF and won't finish the series as I don't like the way the author writes "heroines".
Profile Image for Fefi.
999 reviews16 followers
May 25, 2017
Lettura abbastanza scontata,un po' lenta e solo il mistero della madre trovata senza conoscenza,mi ha portato a proseguire.
Lena,la protagonista, a volte,mi è sembrata proprio con il prosciutto sugli occhi: passa il tempo a divinare il calice e...niente,proprio non ci arriva a capire...
Però ho apprezzato il finale e anche che fosse una gatta nera a far capire alla strega come stanno le cose.
Profile Image for Nancy Segovia.
Author 12 books29 followers
September 4, 2019
Another great read

This novel continues the story of the three slave women - sisters and witches who were murdered in ancient Babylon. It focuses on Lena and her passionate love for billionaire Ryan and their baby. It has all the romance and thrills of the first book in the series and I can't wait to read the next book.
92 reviews1 follower
July 29, 2018

Ok so I had figured it out mostly before it unfolded. It was still a good read and now on to the final chapter
Profile Image for Emmaali.
2,247 reviews
January 14, 2019
No, non ci siamo. Argomento interessante ma con troppe cose che non mi sono piaciute, non credo leggerò i due della serie mancanti
Profile Image for Janet.
2,747 reviews24 followers
July 28, 2019
Powerful witches paranormal fans will love! This is another wonderful addition to the series. The secondary characters are just as well-written as the main ones along with a fast-moving plot.
860 reviews
November 4, 2021
Daughter of the Spellcaster

Good book. Unique and interesting characters. Loved the action and the romance. The storyline is good with some mystery. It is well worth a read.
68 reviews1 follower
December 14, 2023
My favorite thing about Maggie's writing, especially the epic witchy love stories is her writing. She actually writes as someone who practices which is important to those who are witchy. Her Portals series is one of my all time favorite and what turn me onto Maggie. Her books, are easy fast reads leaving you wanting more!! If you are looking for witchy magical with some🌶🌶 reading this is the series!! She's amazing author who writes romance for many genres!!
Profile Image for Tabatha Graves.
13 reviews
February 16, 2024
As usual I love Maggie Shayne. All her vampire series. And now her second witch book I read. Love the characters, the writing and the romance suspense of it
Profile Image for Kt.
798 reviews168 followers
October 22, 2012
Review originally posted on my blog: A Book Obsession..

It's the same old story, a girl meets a wealthy playboy and falls head over heels, gets pregnant and then runs when he continues to be a playboy. Only this time, the girl is actually a witch, and the playboy is the man who has been starring in her dream visions since she was a child. So when Ryan shows up at her doorstep wanting a role in both her and their child's life, she is hopeful, yet also wary. She's isn't quite sure who to trust, especially as it becomes apparent some force is bent on claiming her child. Who can a witch really trust but her own heart?

I really did not care for Lena's character at all. We are told that she is supposed to be this strong and independent woman, but I honestly didn't see any evidence of that at all. I realize that she is pregnant in this book, so some of her behavior can be explained off as hormones, but no where near all of it. She was quick to judge and suspect Ryan continuously throughout, and yet she was completely oblivious to the real threat making her seem absurdly naive. Even then, I still could have forgiven her behavior if she had been able to communicate at all with Ryan without seeming like a petulant child or stubborn mule. Perhaps I'm being too hard on her, but she just rubbed me the wrong way, especially since I didn't care for how she treated Ryan. Even her excuse for running off while pregnant with his child and keeping it a secret was incredibly weak. Granted, Ryan does try and push himself off as a carefree playboy, but if she had of taken even just one step back to look at his actions rather than his words, she would have seen to the kind and caring man underneath.

Aside from the great characters in the first installment, what I enjoyed the most was the mysterious magical aspects of the story and the tie from the past lives to the present. However, this time around those aspects just didn't come through as strongly. Yes, the tie to the sisters' past lives was there, but it just didn't suck me in like before. Don't get me wrong, things were still firmly rooted in witchcraft but nowhere near as shrouded in mystery like before, and I really missed that.

Unfortunately I just didn't enjoy Daughter of the Spellcaster near as much as the first installment. Between my dislike of Lena, and therefore the romance, plus the less impactful magical aspects it just wound up being a rather mediocre read for me. I'll definitely continue on with the trilogy as I want to see how the final installment plays out, but I have to admit that my excitement has dimmed just a little after reading this book. Hopefully this one can just be chalked up to a sophomoric slump and things will make a turnaround. That being said and despite my frustrations, I still would recommend this book to fans of the first installment as it does further the storyline and sets things up for the finale.
2,321 reviews38 followers
November 14, 2012
Daughter of the Spellcaster by Maggie Shayne

Daughter of the Spellcaster is the second book of The Portal series. Thier is three books to the series. Blood of the Sorceress the final book will be out in Feb. 2013.
I enjoyed book two a lot more than the first book and can't wait to see what happens next.
In Daughter of the Spellcaster it is easier to follow, but the suspense is good right up till the climax. You are never quite sure who is the good or bad characters. Who the ghost is. Will she have a girl or a boy?
In the beginning Bahru delivers a package to Lena and let her know her former client had died. He wanted her to have the package in private but do come to the reading of the will.
Magdalena Dunkirk is almost 9 months pregnant and she has not told the father yet. Now Ernst is dead and he is the grandfather to her child. Magdalena is a practicing witch and Ryan did not believe in it. She left him when she was going to tell him but brought about it in around way. Saying a friend was pregnant and had not told the father.
Ryan McNally is rich but his father is even richer. Everyone thinks Ryan is a playboy because thats what he wants them to think. His mom died when he was 11 and his dad pulled away. He was close to Lena and even thinking of marriage when she just left him. Ryan does not trust Bahru he thinks he is conning his father.
Ryan is shocked when he sees Lena at the funeral. Even more shocked when he realizes she is really rich.
Ryan inheirits most of his fathers possesions. Lena finds out that Ernst is the one she bought the old winery from and it is now paid in full. Her baby will recieve 10,000.00 when she thinks the baby is ready. She can't touch the princable but can use the interest in anyways she wants too. Bahru gets to live in the guest house of the winery for life if he wants.
Lena is seeing people with red eyes at different times. Then others see it to but think its trick of sun.
Lena dreams that Ryan is going to kill her and take her baby and discribes the knife.
Ryan follows Lena back to the winery and he can't tell her that he just inheirited that knife and it has powers.
No one knows who to trust when weird things are happening around the area they live. Lena dreams she has lived in another time and flashes back to it.
Lots of secrets, and trust issues to work out. Good drama,plot and characters.
I was given this ebook to read for free in exchange of honest review from Netgalley.
Publisher: Harlequin MIRA (November 13, 2012) 368 pages
Profile Image for Shirley .
1,942 reviews58 followers
November 26, 2012
I'm really loving this series. It's made me want to track down some of Maggie Shayne's other books and series. Daughter of the Spellcaster takes readers one step closer to revealing what exactly lies behind The Portal waiting to be freed.

Daughter of the Spellcaster is the story of Lena and Ryan. Lena knew from the beginning that Ryan was her soul mate, but Ryan wasn't ready for commitment and definitely not a child. At least Lena didn't think so. That's why she left him before he even knew he was going to be a father. Ryan finding out about Lena's secret is just the beginning. Lena spends much of the book trying to figure out exactly who she can and can't trust, including Ryan. Evil is lurking around them all and seems to have a hold on the people closest to Lena and her baby.

The danger that surrounded them and the fight against that unknown force made the romance between Lena and Ryan even more intense. Ryan had to prove himself to Lena and gain her trust. Watching the love grow between them and the power of that love was an amazing aspect of this book. There were impossible odds against these two and history had proven that love wasn't always enough. Their fight to overcome those odds turned this into a real page turner.

The romance in this one was a little different than the previous books. Mainly because Lena was close to nine months pregnant throughout the story. That didn't make the connection between Lena and Ryan any less intense or powerful. The attraction between them was strong and the pregnancy didn't detract from it, if anything it made it stronger.

This series is full of action, mystery, romance and even humor. The way the past and present are woven together is just an added bonus. The next book in the series promises to be even more intense than the rest. Blood of the Sorceress finally brings Lilia and Demetrius together and I can't wait to see what Maggie Shayne has in store for them.
Profile Image for BookAddict  ✒ La Crimson Femme.
6,826 reviews1,401 followers
October 18, 2012
Lena Dunkirk is the second sister of the Babylonian witches, trying to save the Lilia's lover Demetrius. Lena is a practicing witch with her mother, Selena, as her guide. Lena is a powerful witch since she was a little girl. She's seen the past and created fantasy stories about it. As an adult, she has left it all behind as whimsical dreams. This is, until she meets playboy, Ryan McNally.

In this past lover reunited story, Lena is stronger than the first sister, Indira. It isn't just about her power and faith, it's about her character. Lena seems to be able to handle her own problems. She is supposed to come across as a savvy independent woman. Or at least the reader is told this information. Lena is unable to demonstrate it. So far, she's knocked up out of wedlock, unemployed due to her resignation and she can't communicate to save her life. She comes across as a temperamental, emotional, insecure and paranoid female. Reading from her point of view can cause a reader to want to slap her upside the head repeatedly.

Ryan's actions make more sense. Even though he's painted as a heartless cad, none of his actions prove this point. This is the author's point, so it's good to see that Ryan's character is the way it should be. He is the heart of gold hero who will save the princess in the end.

There were no surprises in this story. Ms. Shayne set up all the spoilers/clues upfront for the reader to easily surmise the ending as well as the evil villains. In this book, more is revealed about the past and it still reminds me of the movie, The Mummy Returns. This story is an easy read and enjoyable regardless of Lena. This book is recommended for paranormal romance lovers who enjoy reunited lovers from past lives.

*ARC from http://www.netgalley.com/*
Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews619 followers
November 30, 2012
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy

DAUGHTER OF THE SPELLCASTER reveals a story of magic, redemption, and a love that spans across life times. I really enjoy the worldbuilding in The Portal series and DAUGHTER OF THE SPELLCASTER expands on this world by introducing more characters and exciting flashbacks. While rehashing the same event from the past in multiple books can become tedious, Shaye managed to keep my interest by adding more details and different character perspectives on that same event.

In romances, pregnancy usually happens at the end of the book, so I was excited to see how a blossoming romance would work with Lena being pregnant at the start. It could have worked better if Lena had been more likeable. As it was, there’s only so many reckless actions, irrational outbursts, and illogical conclusions that can be attributed increased pregnancy hormones.

Ryan’s character was more likeable largely due to his rational and level-headed behavior. He’s described as a playboy though he acts like anything but. He doesn’t even waiver when he found out Lena is pregnant and immediately wanted to be involved in his child’s life.

Aside from my issue with Lena’s characterization, I enjoyed the touching past life romance and liked how organically the present day romance unfolded. Overall, DAUGHTER OF THE SPELLCASTER was a bit lighter on action in comparison to MARK OF THE WITCH which was understandable since it had to set up a lot for the anticipated big The Portal Series conclusion in BLOOD OF THE SORCERESS coming out January 22, 2013.

Sexual content: multiple sex scenes
Profile Image for Lori.
22 reviews2 followers
November 11, 2012
I don’t like spoilers, so I’m avoiding them here as much as possible, while still giving an opinion.

Ms. Shayne knows the buttons to push on a mom, that’s for sure. I still remember being pregnant, and pretty much hating it, especially at the end with the round ligament pain, and the waddling, and the inability to sleep for more than 20 minutes at a time, constant bathroom breaks, and the heartburn!… Lena has it a little easier by the sound of it… until she has to start running for her life.

This book was interesting for more than a couple of things, but right off the top of my head, it was interesting to see the alpha male playboy hero was actually a nice guy pretending to be a jerk, while the heroine was strong, forthright, and asked questions rather than making crazy assumptions about what the guy was thinking. I liked it.

The same bad guy as in the first book wasn’t exactly bad, but he was more than a bit badder than before, and I was a little disturbed by how willing our heroine was to help him, despite his badness, though she did draw the line at giving up her child’s soul for him. It would be hard to buy this character if she weren’t so consistent throughout.

Like the first in the series, this story is compelling. The characters are unique and interesting, and the ending was satisfactory, though I had a few niggles about the protags’ lack of perceived response to the body count. It was there, in a kind of, “oh dear, shouldn’t have happened” sort of way, but there was no hand-wringing, nor any real comeuppance for the guys who misbehaved. Still, can’t wait for book three!
Profile Image for Yukino.
1,067 reviews
September 10, 2014

L'ho trovato più statico e un pò ripetitivo rispetto al primo.
Qui si parla della seconda sorella Lena, che in questa vita è un strega e da piccola aveva avuto la visione di quanto successo in Babilonia, ma essendo piccola pensava insieme a sua madre che fosse solo una sua fantasia. Questo fino a che da adulta incontra il principe dei suoi sogni: è il figlio di un suo cliente.

Da un lato mi è piaciuto lei che scopre di essere la reincarnazione della strega, il suo amore ritrovato, poi perduto, e la paura di entrambi di riconoscere l'amore e fidarsi l'uno dell' altra. E la storia accaduta anni fa..mi intriga proprio.
Ma allo stesso tempo l'ho trovato ripetitivo. Si incentra molto su questo senso di abbandono e di fiducia che per carità ci può stare..però è così per un bel pezzo..questo tira e molla mi ha annoiato.
La madre invece l'ho trovata mooooolto simpatica. Le visioni di Lena, il fantasma di casa..la setta sono tutti elementi che mi hanno spinto a continuare a leggere perchè hanno dato quel movimento alla storia.
Abbiamo qualche spiegazione in più su quello che accadde in Babilonia e capiamo il piano delle tre sorelle per riportare in vita Demetrius.

E' sembrato più un libro di transizione tra il primo e terzo libro, infatti la fine dà proprio l'idea che il bello deve ancora arrivare ^_^
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for BBMoreB ~.
783 reviews
May 16, 2013
As a huge fan of Maggie Shayne, I was very excited to learn she had written a Trilogy about Warrior witches and the men that love them. The first installment, Mark of the Witch, was an especially well-written introduction to this series. While you could jump right in and start with Daughter of the Spellcaster, I recommend you first read Mark of the Witch. Then immediately follow it up with Blood of The Sorceress. The final book is the capstone; it ties the series up perfectly.

As for Daughter of the Spellcaster, I felt this was the weakest of the three books. As a reader, I like to connect to the characters and get pulled into the story. I was not able to connect with neither Lena nor Ryan. Both were wonderful characters with lots of depth and strong personalities. The author does an incredible job with development and dialogue. There was just something that kept me, the reader, on the outside of the story. However, this book plays an intricate part in the overall tale and should not be overlooked.

Disclosure: This ebook was provided to me free of charge for the sole purpose of an honest review. All thoughts, comments, and ratings are my own.
Profile Image for Shai Williams.
860 reviews7 followers
November 16, 2012
Wow! It's not very often that on comes across a book that is fairly accurate when it comes to Wicca. And the reason that I only say fairly is that the element of fantasy was introduced. But it does a fantastic job of showing basic spellwork and explaining some of the rites.

As you can tell I am rather impressed by DAUGHTER OF THE SPELLCASTER. I just loved Lena, Ryan and Lena's mom Selma. All great characters portrayed with a deft touch. Rather then being one dimensional we get to see them in both great days and moments of weakness.

The plot itself is woven together beautiful with times of terror and of joy, and all with that touch of magic. One is never quite sure just what the next page will bring which keep me glued to the book.

I highly recommend DAUGHTER OF THE SPELLCASTER to anyone that enjoys their romantic suspense with that little extra. I rate this book a 4.6.

***I received this book at no charge from NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review. All opinions expressed within are my own.
Profile Image for Olimpia.
223 reviews4 followers
January 23, 2013
Daugther of the Spellcaster was such a great book. This is book 2 of the Portal Series. I loved it. Everything in it that I love, romance, suspense, mystery, magic and action.

Such a fast paced story. This was so intense and hard to put down. A great mystery had me wondering throughout who was "Evil" and who wasn't.

Lena (Magdalena) and Ryan together were perfect. True soul mates. Ryan, a playboy, cant get Lena out of his head even after so many months being apart. Finding out she's pregnant with his child, not only reinforces Ryan's feelings, but now he has to rethink his "playboy image" and what he wants in his life.

Huge decisions have to be made, and trust has to be earned and learned, and a timeless love is tested.

Great book. Can't wait to read the last installment of the Portal series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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