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A Needful Heart

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Matt Calvin has watched Gina sway up and down the doctor's office hallway once a month for four long years. It’s time to do something about this fascination he has with her. He knows he's not relationship material, but he doesn’t expect it to get that far. He just wants to talk to her, and put himself out of his misery once and for all. Things never go as planned, though, and when fantasy crashes and burns into reality, Gina pays the price.

Gina doesn’t blame Matt for her injury, but she is appreciative when he steps into her crazy life to help out. Proximity fires the sudden attraction between them and Gina can’t believe she’s overlooked the sexy carpenter for this long. Tattooed and intimidating, he’s not the type she's normally drawn to, but something about him tugs at her heartstrings.

When a dire situation develops and they have to save a little boy, Matt loses control of his tightly held emotions. Though his heart aches, Matt walks away, both for Gina’s safety and his own sanity. It’s up to Gina to convince him love can heal any heartache.

143 pages, Kindle Edition

First published July 19, 2012

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About the author

J.M. Madden

68 books934 followers
NY Times and USA Today Bestselling author J.M. Madden writes compelling romances between 'combat modified' military men and the women who love them. J.M. Madden loves any and all good love stories, most particularly her own. She has two beautiful children and a husband who always keeps her on her toes.

J.M. was a Deputy Sheriff in Ohio for nine years, until hubby moved the clan to Kentucky. When not chasing the family around, she's at the computer, reading and writing, perfecting her craft. She occasionally takes breaks to feed her animal horde and is trying to control her office-supply addiction, but both tasks are uphill battles. Happily, she is writing full-time and always has several projects in the works. She also dearly loves to hear from readers! So, drop her a line. She'll respond.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 183 reviews
Profile Image for Karla.
987 reviews1,105 followers
December 21, 2012
Update 12/21/12-J.M. Madden was true to her word and has given us an epilogue for Matt and Gina. If you bought the book you should receive notification about the update to the book or you can go here to download the PDF of the epilogue. http://www.jmmadden.com/apps/documents/

I love when an author listens to the readers. Thank you J.M.!!!

Review posted at: Swept Away By Romance

5 Yummy Stars!! Love me a tortured, sweet, humble hottie named Matt Calvin, and this heart NEEDS more of him!!

“You can’t choose who grabs your heart.”

I was amazed at the nicely developed story and the depth of the characters that this book offered. I love my possessive in-your-face alpha males, but there is something to be said about the tortured unpretentious hero, Matt Calvin is that and so much more. He is the shy guy, just living his life, trying to do right by everyone; he has no expectations when it comes to women. Raised by his abusive father after his mother left them, he knows nothing about love and relationships. He’s admired Gina Carruthers from afar, and when they literally crash into each other, he takes it upon himself to her care after she’s injured. The heat develops quickly between these two and it is unbelievably sweet and passionate!!

“Matt centered her in front of him. For a long time, he didn’t do anything but hold her there and pant.”

“With a sigh, he rested his forehead against her belly as if his emotions were too much for him.”

“Gina almost fainted at the look of his unrestrained passion.”

These scenes were beautifully written and really gave you an understanding of what was going through Matt’s mind when he became intimate with Gina. The author has a way of letting the reader feel along with them…almost too realistic and very overwhelming at times. Gina tries to hold back her feelings for Matt in fear that she’ll scare him away; he just doesn't know how to handle it and deems himself less than worthy. It becomes the basis for the story, the two of them struggling to keep their emotions in check, one wants to move forward and the other doesn't know how. There is also an additional story with Gina’s young neighbor Gabe, which plays nicely into the plot, as Gabe’s sad story mirrors Matt’s youth.

One issue that stopped me from giving this book 5 full stars was the abrupt ending. This book needed an epilogue!! You've become so invested in these characters and their past circumstances, that it would have been nice to see that their future happiness was ensured! One less sex scene…*cringe*…I can’t believe I said that since the author writes them so well, or a little less internal turmoil omitted…dedicate those pages to an epilogue…wah lah, the book would have been perfect! None the less, it was a freebie, but still would have been worth paying for.

If you haven’t read J M Madden, check her out. I really enjoyed her short read Second Time Around. She has an amazing ability to pack a big punch in a small package!

Dragon tattoo, pale eyes…sweet, humble, beautiful Matt Calvin

May 4, 2017
Finally got around to reading this one. I like shy heroes who are still all alpha.
I really liked the heroine and so adored her care and nurturing for Mat and the little boy. I don't like pushing away by hero so I had a rough time for a bit.
but all in all it was a pretty "safe "(gasp) with exception read for me.

hero celibate for 4 yrs because he's pining and crushing on heroine.
No reference to her sex life.. like I don't think she was celibate. Safety readers always have to have confirmation on hero but heroine is treated in a hypocritical way.
I'm really closer to equal.. so since no confirmation (unless I missed it) that would make this safe with exception
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,783 reviews2,830 followers
March 1, 2016
3.5 Stars

This book made me cry like a baby...


It also made me seriously want to give Matt a hug! He was such a sweet hero, but I will admit that the whole "Eeyore" thing got to be a bit much sometimes. He was also a TAD bit stalkerish. Which normally doesn't bother me, but four years of stalking seems a TAD bit troublesome!


In any case, I liked Gina, and the plot flowed nicely and kept me interested. I loved that there was no OW drama, and he wasn't a man-whore. The book needed an epilogue. The author does have a short five months later one on her website, but I would have liked one that went farther into the future, with kids, and Gabe etc.

Still overall an enjoyable read. I'll be sure to check out other books by this author.
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews429 followers
February 19, 2016
Wow...what a sweet book. I do love a gentle giant and love to see him get a HEA.

I felt so sorry for Matt and the life he grew up in. I hated that he felt himself unworthy to be loved. My heart was breaking for him. Gina was awesome. She was so strong and was just what Matt needed...love. I was happy to see Gabe also got a happy ending and a new family. Loved the epilogue...though, I would like to see them a few years down the road.

I have enjoyed everything I've read by this author so far. I will definitely be reading more.
February 9, 2015
I absolutely loved this book!! Matt was so tortured by his past it almost kept him from finding the happiness he deserved with Gina. My only complaint was the abrupt ending!! I soooo needed an amazing epilogue for this beautiful tortured hero. With an epilogue it would have been a 5+ star read for me.
Profile Image for sraxe.
394 reviews457 followers
November 11, 2015
There were many times I wanted to DNF...and I should've. What a waste of time this book was. I guess this book is okay if you don't mind the fact that the H, Matt, is a fucking stalker and has been stalking and watching the h, Gina, for four fucking years. I, on the other hand, don't condone that shit. I don't care how it's dressed up or downplayed, Matt is creepy as fuck. A stalker isn't cute. He knew exactly where she lived within a week of first seeing her. YES, SEEING HER, not talking to her or befriending her...simply SEEING HER. What the fuck. Oh, and that's not all. He also found out where she worked and manipulated it so that George, his pseudo-parental figure, would be taken to the clinic she worked at. Yes, fucking seriously!

You know, I get having a crush on someone, but any adult (and Matt is ~28 when he first sees her) knows watching someone intensley for four years is fucking creepy. And Gina is even aware of the fact that he watches her. She notes that she's felt him watching her over the years...A LOT. This shit seriously sounds like stuff out of a thriller novel/movie in which the main character relays feeling chills or prickles on their neck, the feeling that someone is constantly watching them. This shit ain't cute! (This creepy stalker Matt even goes all Edward Cullen at one point and watches her while she sleeps.)

The thing I disliked the most was that the author just had Gina brush it all away. The fact he knows where she lives? No problem! Thanks for driving me home!! The fact that he's been watching her? Oh, but he's so attractive and big and gorgeous!! The fact that he knew where she worked? Aww...why didn't you talk to me sooner!! And the fact that he's been watching/stalking her for four fucking years? "I think running into you was the best thing that's happened to me in a long time." And, yes, that is LEGIT her response when she finds out he's been stalking her and watching her for four years. She's just super okay with it!

Some might excuse it and say that that was after she got to know him and all...but what about their first meeting? She breaks her wrist and then passes out while he's driving her home. When she wakes up, she doesn't even trip up on the fact that he knows where she lives...and she wasn't the one to tell him! Instead, she's worried that he had to carry her into the house and she weighs too much. That wasn't all, though. After Matt brings her into her house, he goes ahead and makes himself comfortable, wandering around while she sleeps and cooking in her kitchen. Yeah, doing that for someone is nice and all...but coming from a friend, not your creepy stalker of four years who's a total stranger to you. And the author doesn't even acknowledge the fact that she should be freaked out having him in her house, being a single woman alone in her house with a man who's much, much bigger than her. And let's not forget that she's already injured and nursing a broken wrist. Oh, and coming off pain pills that made her woozy and vulnerable. There's absolutely NO reaction from her over any of this and it's ridiculous. She's seriously so TSTL.

And this four year obsession of his? We're told he didn't speak to her during that time for whatever reason...and now they're suddenly chatting like it's nothing? The author didn't even attempt to make him have a hard time speaking to her (stuttering, etc). It was all tell and no show becuase the author just constantly tells us he had a difficult time.

And the conflict of this novel also ties into this four year obsession of his. During the novel, he "allowed himself to admit that there was nothing he wanted more than to mean something to Gina Carruthers." And when it comes time and she says I Love You? He turns her away and freaks out and breaks up with her! What the fuck? So stupid! The author built the entire novel around the fact that he loves (read: is obsessed with) her. And then at the end? He just shoves it all away! Absolutely ridiculous. He bitches and moans through the novel how this (the relationship between them) means nothing to her, unlike how he feels about it. "Yeah, they had had fun together, but it didn't mean she wanted him to stay." Just...what???

I thought the entire "love" story was ridiculous. It was complete and utter instalove. Within days of first talking, they're already in bed. A couple of days after that? She says I Love You. It was literally a week between the time they first talk and to when she says I Love You. No joke! Their entire relationship, from talking to break up, literally lasts a week...and then she feels like her life is falling "apart around her" when he breaks up with her. A one week relationship.

There's also this one part that had me rolling my eyes to the max because it's something only a privileged person could say.

Matt was still kneeling in front of the toolbox, looking at the tools inside. “I’m probably not the kind of guy they expect to date their daughter.”

Gina scooted down two steps, so that she could lean in to catch his eyes. “Why do you say that?”

“Their lives, and yours, sound pretty pristine. Ordinary.”

She snorted. “Oh, please. Believe me; we’re not as ordinary as you think. My brother’s in the FBI, my older sister lives in Croatia right now with her military husband, and my mother likes to skydive. Little sis is a brainiac and already has scholarships to college. Dad likes to take off gambling a couple weekends a year. We all have our quirks. I think you may be surprised how well you fit in.”

Sorry, but your family's little "quirks" are incomparable to Matt's issues. And since when are like 90% of those things even "quirks" or weird things? So her brother's an FBI agent and her sister's smart? Oh, wow...how quirky!! Gina forgot to mention the fact that her family is loving (her parents loving one another and not being afraid to show it), she has a good relationship with her siblings, she's rich (her dad bought her sixteen y/o sister a car) and smart (honour roll and spelling bee medals) and privileged (photos and souvenirs from annual family trips while she was also going through cancer treatments). I thought it was really annoying how she brushed aside what he said about himself. Sorry, but her quirky and loving, privileged, nuclear family isn't the same thing as Matt's single-parent, abusive, alcoholic household.

Anyway, this book also served as a reminder of why I don't generally read erotica. C-word and p-word galore! I ended up skimming the second half because of the many sex scenes that filled it.
Profile Image for Deserie williams.
606 reviews6 followers
December 28, 2015
May Contain Spoilers!

4.25 stars! I love this hero! He was such an amazing loving man in his own way. Sure he had his insecurities moments and I wanted to shout to him stop it your perfect just the way you are but he was great:) The herione was great with him. She made sure he knew he was good enough and all she wanted and needed. I did think that this needed more. it was to short to really get into his past. i wanted to know more of his story. I also wanted more on gabe. Now we do get an epilogue but I wanted an epilogue to that epilogue. lol over all I enjoyed this.

Safety : hero wasn't with anyone for five years. he has been watching the herione but never thought he was good enough. he said that no other woman could compare. (Awe ). he wasn't a manwhore and wasn't really experience . he did seek out women for physical release but that's it. never been on a date (awe)never been in a relationship. he only kissed two women before and those weren't even great kisses. he never given oral and i think maybe never received it. if he did not much at all. Now the herione we don't get much on when she last had sex . just that its been a while.but some quotes i didnt care for. like when she was giving hero a bj it was said "she loved giving head"! yeah don't need to know that. also things like she loved sex and she was with different men and they would pleasure her. now all that is ok but it was said too many times for my liking. also since hero wasn't too experience I would of like her to be the same. but glad she wasn't a virgin. although in this case it wouldn't have bothered me if she was. lol this is just my personal opinion and I still very much like her:) There is some child abuse mentioned in here. it was really sad what hero went through with his stupid evil ass dad! also the next door neighbor kid gabe is being abused :/
Profile Image for Veronica-Lynn Pit Bull.
591 reviews16 followers
August 30, 2016
My review of A Needful Heart has to be taken within the context of…I’m not entirely sure how I came to read it. A Needful Heart is a sweet, slightly angsty conventional, contemporary romance – which is not a genre I generally care for. As best as I can remember, somewhere along the line I got confused and thought I saw ANH on one of the “Ex. Con hero” lists (I was wrong) - and then I got it on sale and it made it’s way to my “to be read” list and here we are. So I’m sure I’d give it more stars if it was a genre I was even remotely interested in.

Our hero, Matt Calvin, 32 year old carpenter and child abuse survivor is scarred from his past. He’s not a virgin but he’s never had an actual relationship – with talking and feelings involved – with a woman, either. He believes he’s flawed and unlovable and he’s terrified that all the abuse he’s suffered and seen combined with the intense anger that he feels makes him a liability. He’s afraid he’s capable of losing his temper and becoming violent himself; despite that he’s never had a violent or abusive tendency to date. But he’s a big guy, and he glowers a lot and looks intimidating and people generally tend to give him wide berth (he also has one seemingly tasteful tattoo – so I don’t know why it even gets mentioned, like it’s some sort of “thug stamp” – It’s not even on his neck!).

Even though he knows he’s not relationship material, that doesn’t stop Matt from developing a massive crush on RN Gina Carruthers, or from deciding that he’s finally going to try to talk to her after 4 years of surreptitiously ogling her from the waiting room when he takes his friend in for his monthly appointment at the clinic where Gina works. Matt finally places himself directly in Gina’s line of sight; but unfortunately Gina is a little klutzy and her nose is buried in a chart and she plows right into him, swan dives back and breaks her wrist.

Once Gina actually sees Matt, she SEES Matt – a really nice, really hot, sweet, gentle and troubled guy. Gina ia a great heroine; she’s strong, independent, stable and reasonably self assured. She’s attracted to Matt and she likes him and she makes the moves because she realizes hell would freeze over if she waited for him. Then there’s plenty of sexy times…and I mean plenty….I mean these 2 have the energy of bunnies…I wish I felt the chemistry – although even not feeling it, I will say the sex scenes seemed to be (FYI moderately explicit) well done.

But just when Matt is realizing he may finally have his heart’s desire and is figuring out how to wrap his head around that – the angst starts. It’s not all the long or drawn out; but circumstances arise which cause Matt to confront his past and really think about the kind of man he is. There’s a very nice, sweet HEA.
Profile Image for Tami.
234 reviews
October 1, 2012
Review originally found at The Indie Bookshelf

Oh my goodness! I do believe my Kindle is smoking! More likely, it is just J.M. Madden’s scorching writing. Phew! A Needful Heart was a hot, yet endearing read. Matt is described as a BIG, strong, tattooed man. I couldn’t help but think how yummy he would be, yet intimidating at the same time. Then, you add in the fact that he is a tortured soul and that was it. I melted into a puddle on the floor. What women wouldn’t want him in her arms…to…uh…hug and to…uh…console. Gina comes across as a gentle, nice, and easy-going woman. She is somewhat new to the area and she hasn’t heard anything about Matt, his father, and their rocky past. However, Matt knows about Gina. It only took one look from afar at a fair and he was hooked. He then spent the next four years seeing her at the doctor’s office and trying to muster up the courage to speak to her.

The circumstance in which Matt finally gets his chance to speak to Gina is not ideal and is actually downright unpleasant, but it starts something neither one of them expected. Matt is in disbelief that Gina is so open to spending time with him. Gina finds out that Matt is far from the intimidating (and almost scary) man she avoided getting to know. She is grateful for his help and she surprises herself at just how fast she falls for him.

Gina may not know about Matt’s past, but she does know about Gabe, the small boy who lives next door with his abusive guardian. Gina goes out of her way to look out for Gabe and to keep him safe the best she can. This is something that intrigues Matt and, I believe, makes her even more attractive to him. He eventually finds himself emotionally invested in the boy as well.

The attraction between Gina and Matt grows and grows until it’s combustible! The heat between these two is so intense. I was trying to pry my eyes away from my Kindle to catch my breath, but couldn’t do it because it was just too good. Yet, their connection was more than just physical. It was endearing and even though it had only been a short time, they were obviously made for each other and needed each other.

There is plenty of angst and plenty of issues, insecurities, and hardships to overcome before we can have a HEA, but what a ride it was getting there! I enjoyed this book very much and it’s one of those stories I found myself thinking about long after I finished. I have only one complaint about this book. I wanted more! I would have loved to get more of Gina and Matt and to read about how things progressed. Is it a sign of a great book when it leaves you salivating for more? Well friends, I would have to say yes.
Profile Image for Bukcrz.
292 reviews5 followers
March 5, 2022
Surprising I liked this book since I'm not usually into NA.
Heroine is just like any other contemporary character. Living alone, has a job and friends, and loving family. I guess her only flaw is that she's too perfect. However, her transformation from a sheltered girl's prejudiced to a crusader for someone in need was believable. The mundaneness of it made it even believeable for me.
Also, I love how the heroine stood up against her family's smothering. A lot of story was ruined for me because the characters just bend over when their family manages their life or love-life.
The hero, on the other hand was a typical NA character: full of what ifs, angst, and almost alone. The only reason I did not pass on this book is that the angst and self directed anger was not all over the place - in short, they're not page filler. I like how his life is unveiled as the story progressed as well. No info dump and his transformation was done stage by stage.
The best part of the story for me was the fact that their connection isn't insta-love/lust. Their attraction is there but their romance progressed as they get to know each other and that made me believe their HEA.
December 24, 2012
When I began reading this I wasn't sure I'd like it. Although I adored Matt and Gina, at times there was something a little off about the writing that never allowed these wonderful characters to reach the zenith of their potential. I found myself nit picking every detail because the story as a whole was not gelling for me. So after reading the first half, I decided to put the book down for a few days.
The second half was much better.
I feel like the tone of the book changed, enabling the sweetness of Matt and Gina's relationship to shine. Like many other reviewers I was slightly disappointed with the ending, so I was happy to learn J.M. has written a epilogue.

Despite its predictability, A Needful Heart was a romantic, if gauzy, story of overcoming past trauma to find love. While not an extraordinary read, it garnered enough of my interest to keep J.M. on my short list of up and coming authors to look out for in 2013.
Profile Image for starsaga.
772 reviews8 followers
December 3, 2013
Another exceptional book from J. M. Madden
This book plucked my heartstrings, I did not want it to end. I could read about this couple forever because they were just so adorable to each other. The idea of a Hero who loves his lady from far, not knowing whether to take a step toward making her even notice him just broke my heart. His self-doubt is so ingrained that it was a special woman who could bring him out of the sadness and into her sunshine. And the heroine was just that sweet and special. I sob, sob, sobbed just thinking about it. And the horrible childhood of the young hero, it was almost too much to take but this author somehow made it work for me. I have read every one of this author's books that I could get my hands on and every one of them is exceptionally good, I love her style of writing, I love her characters. J. M. Madden is a favorite author and a must buy for me.
Profile Image for Zemira Warner.
1,569 reviews1,234 followers
July 21, 2012
Oh,this book... Let'a check out this blurb and compare it with the book.

He just wants to talk to her, man to woman, and put himself out of his misery once and for all. Things never go as planned, though, and when fantasy crashes and burns into reality, Gina pays the price.

What actually happened-Matt is a carpenter who saw Gina like 4 years ago and he couldn't stop looking at her so he often goes to the hospital where she works just to see her. Stalker much? He grows some balls and suddenly appears in front of the girl and she trips and brakes her hand. Okay...

They hook up and Gina says I love you but he is like Hell,no! Why no,Matt? You were obsessed with the girl for years. I will tell you why-because of the unnecessary drama.

When an explosive situation develops and they have to save a little boy, Matt loses control of his tightly held anger.

Oh,he is such a tortured soul.

Profile Image for Hbeebti.
2,039 reviews50 followers
January 19, 2013
This story was completely and utterly sweet. Matt was like a lost hurt little boy. I just wanted to hug him. I loved Gina. She went out of her way to show Matt that he was worthy and then poor little neighbor boy Gabe. He abusive uncle made me sick and the way that Gina handle Gabe and comforted him and fed him was very heart warming.My only complaint was the ending was kinda abrupt and I wish there was an Epi or... Hint hint hint maybe another book about them in the future... Wink wink J.M. Madden (that would be great, don't you think?)..
Profile Image for Vikki ~ *squee* lite ~.
497 reviews185 followers
October 21, 2012
This book just didn't do it for me. For some reason both Matt and Gina seemed really flat to me - I just couldn't really connect at all. Frankly - the whole stalking thing for four years kinda put me off Matt. I know he was messed up from his childhood - but that was a bit over the line for me. I also didn't get the whole falling in love in a week thing - it felt way too rushed for me - and the ending felt really abrupt. I know a lot of people really enjoyed it - but it was a no go for me.
Profile Image for Penny Watson.
Author 12 books510 followers
November 5, 2014
carpenter/woodworker...so I'm adding to lumberjack shelf
also, gentle giant...wheeeeee!

WAY too many sex scenes, way too fast. In spite of that, it's a sweet story.

3.5 stars, rounded up
Profile Image for Amelia.
575 reviews19 followers
October 13, 2012
After reading many books with alpha, controlling men, it was refreshing to read a story in which the male character is strong, tattooed and vulnerable.

Matt Calvin is such a sweetheart with his 4 year crush on Gina. It made my heart melt to read how this huge, big guy is shy around her.

Gina senses this and finds herself helplessly falling for him. And I'm glad that she does not have a huge baggage of drama with her. Another thing about this book that appealed to me. Oh, and the fact that she tells him how she feels and doesn't pussyfoot around sensitive issues! So great to see the characters communicating! How refreshing! :)

And the fact that Matt doesn't even hook up with anyone during those years he crushes on Gina makes him even more honourable. I hate it when I read a book and the guy confesses that he's loved the girl for X number of years but during those years, the girl has had to see him hook up with anyone/ everyone who has the necessary body parts. So, Matt is truly a catch. And also in my Fictional Men Harem cause everyone needs a vulnerable, good with his hands hottie in their harem, right?

My one gripe? This book is seriously in need of an amazing epilogue. Seriously. That would've pushed my rating to 5 stars definitely.
Profile Image for Natalija.
1,072 reviews
July 31, 2020
I was disappointed in this book. I don't want to spoil and reveal the story, therefore, I'll just point out my main problem without giving up too much.

I skimmed more than half the book simply because I could not suspend my disbelief in order to enjoy it. One of the main things about the lead characters is that they have to be credible. While the plot was very simple, Matt's character was overdone and unrealistic and in need of some major toning down. As much as I love tormented heroes, there is no need to torture them for torture's sake.

With that said, I hope you enjoy it more than I did.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
September 28, 2014
What a great book! The story was told by both of the mc's Gina and Matt... I loved Matt, and Gina! Normally I will love the guy in the book but there is always something about the woman that annoys me but not Gina, she was awesome so that is pretty cool. Good story and did I mention Matt was HOT! Damaged from his past, yes... but HOT! and there were some pretty hot scenes between the two of them, but even without the steamy scenes it was a touching story!
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,049 followers
Shelved as 'zzz_dnf'
December 13, 2012
DNF ~ I was about 10% and I couldn't finish, Matt felt insecure, was described as a quiet-broody-lumberjack, not my type. Gina , plus she thinks his tattoo is kinda pretty !?!
Profile Image for Amber.
Author 29 books382 followers
October 15, 2012
Love this cover. A great hero... heroine a little too clumsy, both her actions and the things she'd say. Sweet and hot.
Profile Image for Melanie♥.
1,074 reviews1 follower
May 10, 2016
Lovely erotic novella about a damaged gentle giant and a loving nurturing heroine.
This carpenter hero was such a nice change from the billionaires who abound in so many books these days.
Profile Image for MARQUETTA.
1,146 reviews142 followers
December 27, 2012
What made my buy this book was the cover and the blurb. I felt like the story would be angsty and sexy and that was what I was in the mood for. If you put aside the fact that Matt watched Gina from afar for 4 years, it's a very sweet story.

I know that Matt's behavior will come off as stalkerish but I thought it was sweet. He didn't have the courage to approach Gina when he first saw her at the fair 4 years ago so he decided that seeing her once a month when he took his friend George in for treatment at the hospital where Gina works would be enough. He finally works up the courage to finally speak to Gina, a nurse, when he bumps into her, causing her to fall and break her wrist. Matt feels all kinds of dumb and that he's already hurt her before getting to know her.

Matt's background isn't pretty. He comes from an abusive and neglectful past. He's afraid to put his shit on someone else which is why he's avoided being in a relationship. He doesn't know what a healthy relationship looks like. He likes Gina, a lot, but thinks that she is too good for him.

The title, A Needful Heart, is very apropos. Matt needs goodness in his life even though he feels like he doesn't deserve it. Being around Gina is the one bright spot in his otherwise dark life. Gina never noticed Matt until he volunteered to fix her staircase and banister. Now she sees him daily and is finally taking notice of him. She finds him sexy and is attracted but as Matt slowly opens up to her, she realizes that she will have to take things slow. Matt's extremely skittish and Gina doesn't want to do anything that'd made him run away.

I liked the slow build-up between Matt and Gina. They are obviously very attracted to each other and their chemistry is explosive. Matt is very sweet and tortured. Gina is very patient and loving with him. The two worked well together.

Overall I enjoyed the story and the characters.
Profile Image for Cindy.
2,308 reviews168 followers
March 23, 2013
Touching spin on childhood abuse.

Most men that were physically abused as children sadly grow up to continue the cycle or like in most suspense books become a serial killer. Neither of those things happen with the hero Matt Calvin. Matt is a very large gruff and surly man who scares most who come in contact with him. What they don’t know is he is the scared one and has no idea how to have a relationship with either a woman or another person.

He’s done alright in his life after his abusive childhood. He doesn’t see it this way but he works construction and is very good with woodwork. For four years he has secretly had a crush on Gina who is a nurse. He never had the nerve to act on those feelings until one day they run into each other literally and her wrist gets broken. Matt’s fear of becoming like his father and hurting everything he touches are brought to the forefront with this mishap.

Gina has a kind soul. She went through having leukemia as a child and even though she beat it she is very clumsy and has had her share of broken bones. Gina finds herself attracted to Matt but see’s he is very skittish around her.

It was different to see the woman have to be the one to break through all the emotional scars that Matt was left with. Matt’s insecurities were not a easy wall for Gina to break down. And as she is trying to deal with a 32 year old abuse victim (Matt) she is also currently dealing with a young boy next door that is also being abused.

I really liked the story and though the author did a great job with the subject matter.. Ohh and the sex scenes are pretty hot too 
Profile Image for Amanda.
363 reviews
October 7, 2012
This book was quite the surprise. I initially purchased it because it was on sale for free and I have been reading a lot of paranormal/fantasy books lately and wanted a change. I devoured this book in one sitting.

I really enjoyed the story that Ms. Madden weaved. Matt was such a complex character and I think he was fascinating. Matt's change through this book was amazing to watch. The relationship between Matt and Gina was really well developed. It felt real and the author did a good job showing the reader the sexual tension and making the relationship work given the timeline in the book (on Gina's side).

The only reason this book gets a 4 and not a 5 star rating is the sex scenes. Sometimes, while reading a sex scene you read a section that just stops you. I've noticed this has become a theme lately with romance books and this book was no exception. Some of the descriptive terms used just don't flow and in some instances caused me to cringe and skip ahead to the end of that scene. This is 100% a personal thing on my part, but there are just certain words I hate reading in romance novel. This book uses those words.

Overall, if you don't mind the halting descriptor words in sex scenes and can effectively overlook that (which I did do), this is a really strong book. The romance that developed was really sweet and the characters are well thought out and written. I highly recommend it (for mature audiences only).
Profile Image for Kame.
795 reviews38 followers
March 31, 2016
Oh Wow

I thought I had read all of JM Madden's books. Last night I was battling insomnia and I picked up my Kindle and opened this book - thinking it was a title I already read in an anthology. NOPE. I had to force myself to put it down about 130am as it was my week to drive the High School carpool in the AM.

I do not want to call Matt broken, as to be broken I think you have to have been whole at one point. Matt never experienced love, compassion, a family. The fact he is not just huddled in a corner taking his agressons out on the world is just a testament to the man he is.

Gina is one of those people who just oozes healing. She must be an incredible nurse. She is caring to her bones and is the perfect one to introduce Matt to love.

I had tears in my eyes at points and I really did not want the title to end.

I am heading to JM Madden's website now to figure out if I missed any others. I am hoping there is a title with Monroe that I have not read yet!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 183 reviews

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