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Beyond #1

The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love

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In award-winning romance author Erin Quinn's exiting new paranormal series, a woman who can't die meets the man destined to kill her.

She Cheated Death…

Roxanne Love isn't human. At least not entirely. She tries to fit in but can't conceal her ability to defy death—not from the world, not from heaven's darkest creatures, and not from the Reaper determined to destroy her. Now Roxanne is on the run, her only ally a compelling, dangerous detective with secrets of his own. Against her will, she's drawn to his quiet strength and heated touch. But can she trust him with the truth?

…Until She Felt Death's Kiss.

Incognito as guilt-ridden cop Santo Castillo, the Reaper's plan is simple: get close to Roxanne, uncover the secret of her immortality, and cut it at the source. Yet with his borrowed body come emotions the Reaper hadn't expected. Now nothing is clear but his conflicted desire to protect the woman he came to kill. As destiny forces them to face an enemy hell-bent on using Roxanne to wipe out all of mankind, she and Santo must choose between love…and salvation.

396 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published August 27, 2013

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About the author

Erin Quinn

29 books244 followers
New York Times Bestselling author Erin Quinn writes romance for the thinking reader. Her books have been called “riveting,” “brilliantly plotted” and “beautifully written” and have won, placed or showed in the Booksellers Best, WILLA Award for Historical fiction, the Orange Rose, Readers Crown, Golden Quill, Best Books, and Award of Excellence. Go to www.erinquinnbooks.com for more information or follow Erin on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/ErinQuinnAuthor or twitter @ErinQuinnAuthor

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews
Profile Image for Sharon.
394 reviews17 followers
October 12, 2013
This book wasn't what I expected in a PNR! And I mean that in a good way. The reason I love urban fantasy is the darkness you find there. PNR usually skirts around the edges of shadows, but Erin Quinn went full force into it with her latest release, and I was running right behind her.

I don’t want to scare off the regular PNR readers, there is still a heavy PNR feel to the hero and heroine’s story and they get their HEA, but the collateral damage is harsh. The balance of good and evil is at stake and Roxanne and her brother are at the crux. I was actually surprised by the turn of events at the end of the story, even though it made sense. It was nice to see a PNR author go “there”. Can’t get more detailed or it will ruin the ending.

Roxanne and Santo are great characters who grow a lot during the story, but it is Santo who takes the prize. He is a reaper of souls and very low on in the demon hierarchy. He is neither bad nor good, just driven by the need to take souls. He's tried to reap Roxanne’s soul multiples times, but she always gets away. He decides to break the rules and possess a human body to discover why she can’t die, and finally reap her. Watching Santo go from an emotionally void creature to a human was amazing. I could feel his struggles and pain as his emotions for Roxanne were given substance.

The secondary characters are well developed even though some only play a small part. There are many sub-plots which get expertly woven into each other by the end. There is suspense, page turning action, heart breaking realizations and yes, there is hot sex .

I recommend this book to anyone who loves suspenseful PNR with a dark edge. If you aren't one for the dark side I think this would be a great chance to spread your wings and step out of your comfort zone.

4.5 "meat suit wearing" Sheep
Profile Image for Sana Zameer.
908 reviews124 followers
September 30, 2018
From the first page this book has captivated me. My first book about a reaper, I found it unique and refreshing. The world building was good and the idea of Beyond and the Love twins being doors to cross over, intriguing. The plot was good and well executed but it felt like the author rushed over a few parts.
Roxanne and Santo's relationship could have used a bit of build-up. The ending was abrupt and left a few questions unanswered. I wanted to know about how things went after. There was too much blood and gore left in the wake of the events. Other than that it was a really good paranormal romance and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Phoenix77.
347 reviews44 followers
July 27, 2015
It barely took two chapters for me to fall in love with this dark almost fairy tale story with major ideas on Life, Death and Love. Just the opening scene where we meet Santo was enough to draw me into his story as I wanted to know just how an otherworldly being could cope with the reality of being human. I adored Roxanne for all of her courage and strength even as her whole world came crashing down around her. Some reviewers have complained about a feeling of Insta-Love between these two, but I didn’t get that sense at all. Author Erin Quinn does a great job of laying down just how intertwined Santo and Roxanne were from almost her birth and it makes absolute sense that they were in love before either of them could name the emotion.

The world building of the story was good too, with the ideas that Heaven, Hell and other places were more than just where souls go when we die. It’s another plane of existence with beings all its own who have observed the human side with both envy and respect. Their plan to move from one plane to the next was horrible and their manipulations of both Roxanne and her twin brother Reece went to some upsetting places.

Besides the great romance and compellingly dark story, I had so much fun reading a book that was set in my own home town (or at least right next door). Landmarks for the characters are real places to me and it made the setting that much truer when I could picture exactly where they were. The climax of the story takes place in a shopping mall I’ve visited too many times to count and Roxanne’s family bar is placed in a popular district of the city I’ve frequented with friends. Too many of the Paranormal or Urban Fiction stories I’ve read give copious amounts of attention to cities like New York, LA or San Francisco. It’s about time that Phoenix got some of the drama (heck, we’re hot enough to be Hell for long enough during the year!).

The only thing holding the story back from being five stars for me was the lack of attention to the aftermath of all these events. Tragic things happen and there wasn’t much to indicate how any of the main or secondary characters would resume their lives afterwards. An epilogue of a few days or weeks after the resolution was really needed to maybe shelve those questions until the reader to could pick up the next book in the series.
Profile Image for RachelW (BamaGal).
746 reviews74 followers
July 23, 2017
Plain and simple, I enjoyed the crap out of this book. It wasn't standard PNR/UF, it was a new take with reapers as the good guys, assorted and creepy demons, and just different all the way around. The whole series is about the siblings in the Love family. This particular story is about twins Reece and Roxanne who can't die and stay dead, and opening a portal to a part of the 'beyond' where the scavenger demons and the worst of the worst reside.

Fresh, imaginative, well written. Recommended, and I'm off to the next book in this series...
Profile Image for Teja.
51 reviews16 followers
April 12, 2017
When you think you've finally found the right book to get you out of your reading slump...

... but then you step into the delusion land.

Profile Image for Melindeeloo.
3,210 reviews158 followers
July 25, 2015
4.5 stars - The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love was so good. There's a great intensity in the romance between a woman who has died five times, but who just won't stay dead, and a reaper who takes on flesh to catch the one that keeps getting away - and gets caught up in the human emotions that come with the new packaging.

The reaper, now occupying the body of cop Santos, and the heroine, Roxanne, are both appealing as is her brother, Reece, who has also died (and resurrected) with Roxanne five times. The way that story was split between Reece and Roxanne was very effective. There's a fair amount of discovery that happens in the thread following Reece after the siblings' most recent death which leaves the thread with Roxanne and Santos/reaper free to develop Santos' emerging humanity and to develop the relationship between the pair. I also thought that the background story into why's of why dark forces are seeking to use the siblings and why the siblings have the special relationship with death is interesting and I liked how it unfolds.

So, I really really liked The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love, and even though I can't really imagine where Quinn is going to take this series next I am looking forward to the next two books each starring one of Roxanne's other siblings - and cursing the fact that I have to wait until 2014 for the next one, The Three Fates of Ryan Love.
Profile Image for Lisa - (Aussie Girl).
1,407 reviews218 followers
September 9, 2013
Roxanne and Reece are twins with a secret, they have died four times and each time they miraculously come back to life. However their experiences of life after death are polar opposites, Roxanne feels warmth and the presence of one who waits for her while Reece only feels darkness. When Roxanne's Reaper assumes the body of uber hot but suicidal policeman Santo Castillo he is determined to reap Roxanne's soul once and for all. But when evil forces from Abaddon have both Roxanne and Reece in their sights and the Reaper is entwined with Santo's human soul the name of the game changes from possession to love to save the Earth and Roxanne from these evil minions.

I loved the theme of this story, the Reaper falling in love with his prey and the idea of the twins being light and darkness, the opener and closer of the portals into the hell like Abaddon. I'm not sure if it was the alternate POV between Roxanne and Reece but unfortunately the writing felt just a little disjointed and clunky. Also a lot happened in the final chapters and while I was satisfied with the ending it did leave quite a few questions unanswered... Is this the end for Reece and April and although we know Santo was now human had Roxanne lost her power over the darkness? The next two books in the series concern the other two human Love siblings but I still hope we get closure on the twin's story somewhere during these instalments. Over all a promising new series.

3.5 - 4 stars.
Profile Image for Borderstar.
912 reviews17 followers
April 15, 2016
I can't decide how to rate this one...I loved a lot of it which could have been up there in the 4.5/5 stars, but there were a couple of major gripes for me which stopped it from being an amazing read.

I really thought the premise was very interesting and a bit different and despite the two major issues I have with this story, I still enjoyed it and couldn't put this down. The characters, the plot and the pace were all good, I enjoyed the added dimension of different POV throughout and the baddies were pretty horrid and scary. The way the demons took over people actually reminded me a lot of The Host, esp for the couple that could feel the emotions etc of the person. The way that the bodies the demons are in are described reminded me a bit of the horrid Lessening Society in the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. I liked the way the story unfolded and we found out more along the way about Roxanne and Reece's relationship with death and Roxanne's relationship with the Reaper in particular...and I loved the descriptions of how he was there comforting her when she was in the darkness between dying and being resurrected each time.

My first issue though is that no matter the circumstances which are meant to explain their connection, it was way too insta-lust/love for me, as I felt we had only just got to know the characters by the end ourselves and yet they we declaring undying love! Everything rushed on through the book with one major thing after another, and because we kept jumping between 3 major POV throughout, I felt we didn't spend quite enough time gettng to know any one of them to feel enough - I did enjoy seeing from Reece's POV too as it added another layer, but I wanted more of everything. I did love the whole idea of the relationship between the Reaper/Santo and Roxanne but I just wish we could have seen it develop over a bit more time rather than about 3 days, which is the span of the book, to make us love them even more and feel it was more realistic (well as realistic as you can get in a world where there are demons and hellhounds that is!).

My second problem is that I felt the ending was rather rushed...it built up to this big ending and then it rushed forward to the finish, but I was left kind of going "oh"...although it was quite dramatic, in some ways it felt almost anti-climatic/deflating and it also felt like it went slightly on the mushy/gushing side when it came to the hero/heroine...

I personally think this should have been set over a longer time span with a slightly longer book and perhaps even over two books if needed as I feel like so much more could have been done with this world and these characters, but their story is over. The next in the series is about Ryan, Roxanne's oldest brother, so I don't know if we even find out how things sorted themselves out from the ending of the first book or if we just have to guess. Like what do they tell the police? What happens to Reece? What happens to the door to Abbadon? What happens to April? etc... Its not a cliffhanger, but I was left with questions which were never really answered.

I've just had a quick read of the excerpt from the next in the series "The Three Fates of Ryan Love" and it doesn't sound like it carries straight on from the last one from what I can tell, so I don't know if the outstanding questions from the first book are ever answered...the next one sounds interesting though, so I will definitely read it when it comes out next year.
Profile Image for Sandy M.
669 reviews34 followers
September 24, 2013
Erin Quinn became a solid, all-time favorite author of mine with her Mists of Ireland series. Every year a book in that series released, it was the No. 1 pick of my Top Favorites for that year. So you can imagine my excitement with this new book/series she’s written and is on shelves now. So if you’re in a reading slump or you’re just not sure what to pick up next, this story will deliver on every level.

First thing’s first – this book is entirely different from the Mists of Ireland books. Completely different. While I miss that haunting lilt of Irish paranormal of that series, this new one has its own feel with a cast of characters who take you to the edge of a world where those inhabitants want more than anything to break through into the human world. Roxanne Love is the key that might or might not prevent that, but getting there is full of danger, fear, and heartbreak.

Roxanne has led an interesting life so far – she’s died four times and come back to life each time. She tries to live a normal existence, but folks stare, gossip, and even threaten her and her twin brother, Reece, who has died and reincarnated right along with Roxanne. The reaper who has been assigned to take Roxanne’s soul each time she’s left this life isn’t about to let her get away again. This time he’ll take every step necessary to reap her soul. Including taking the body of a police officer who’s near the end of his rope. Once he becomes Santo the human, this reaper is nearly overwhelmed by the sensations and emotions swamping this new body of his.

And thus begins the readers’ love affair with Santo and Roxanne as they run from the demons who are also after Roxanne and as Santo strays farther and farther from his original goal, falling headfirst into all that is Roxanne Love. Though Santo has not been totally honest with Roxanne during their ordeal of keeping demons at bay, you can’t help but love him for the way he first protects and then loves Roxanne. His priorities where she’s concerned change page by page. But it’s not just Roxanne who makes him change. When the reaper took over Santo’s body, he also took over his memories, and those rock him back on his ass as he comes into contact with those in Santo’s life. The reaper in him is not prepared for any of it, but there’s something to be said for being human and he adapts the best he can.

Meanwhile, Reece has found himself amid the danger, bringing his dark side to the fore. I like the way the twins find themselves on opposite sides of this war to keep humans and their world safe. I was so up and down with the way he’s written – I’m glad he’s on the side of good like his sister, but his solution to the whole thing broke my heart. And when the action finally comes to a head, OMG it’s a good thing Roxanne has Santo. Surviving through the locusts, the ravens, the hellhounds, and the demons, I doubt she would have survived this if he hadn’t been there.

I like the sense of family from the Loves. There’s an older brother and another sister, and it’s the oldest, Ryan, whose book is up next. Though I miss that haunting voice I’m so used to reading from Erin Quinn, I’m already into this series and can’t wait to see what she’s got in store for readers. She never disappoints, as she proves with this brand new series.

See my complete review at http://www.goodbadandunread.com
Profile Image for Nikki .
809 reviews114 followers
September 12, 2013
This was such a great book…beginning to end! Santo, aka a reaper, has come to the human world to find out why one of his charges keeps coming back from the dead. He assumes the body of a cop who was seconds away from committing suicide and sets off in search of Roxanne Love. He never expected that when he took the body before it was actually dead that he would also get saddled with memories and emotions and a conscience. When he catches up to Roxanne and actually sees her in the flesh he finds that he’s hesitating to do his job and reap her soul. Instead he quickly finds himself on the run with her in tow as demons descend to do his job for him.

The world building was so well done in this book…complete, easily understood and really fascinating. I liked how unique the story line was. After reading as many paranormal romances as I have everything kind of blends together. But the usage of Roxanne and her twin brother lives in the opening and closing of demon entryways was something that was new to me. I also enjoyed how Quinn gives the demons personality therefore making it easy to slip a demon in there who is unlike the rest. Different. More human. The possibilities on where Quinn could take this world in future books is limitless!

Roxanne was a really well rounded heroine. She had major insecurities, not a whole lot of self esteem and yet she was loyal, loving and ready to jump into the fray to save innocent lives. She often trusted her heart even when her mind was telling her to get out. Santo proved again and again that even though he wasn’t completely honest with her that he was willing to protect her with his life…and actions do speak louder then words.

Regardless of how the Reaper came into the body he inhabited, he quickly took on the Santos mannerisms and had to deal with the onslaught of his emotions. He spent a large chunk of the book trying to deny himself the craving for Roxanne that he was having. Their love was magnetic, it took them both over completely. His reflective voice as he sorted through his new found thoughts and emotions was so spot on, so consuming, that I found myself lost in the book for large chunks of time. Did I mention he slipped into Spanish on occasion….you all know what a total accent whore I am. Wowzer. The sexual tension was perfect and it progressed at a believable pace. It was hard to imagine that the entire book took place over a quick span of time but since Roxanne had felt Santos protection and love every time she’d died I could understand her heart answering his call even when her brain didn’t quite get it.

The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love is action packed, smoldering with emotion and filled with a long distance love that finally has a chance to bloom. Santo/the Reaper may have started out the book wanting to take Roxanne with him to the afterlife but he soon craved staying with her on earth. I’m bummed book two isn’t out for months and book three isn’t out until 2015….How will I survive? Erin Quinn is definitely an author to watch!

I give The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love by Erin Quinn 5 stars!
Profile Image for Christi Snow.
Author 68 books745 followers
August 30, 2013
My Review:
I have never read any of Erin Quinn's books and honestly, probably would not have picked this one up on my own, but the publisher sent it to me and I was intrigued with the story line. It was good! This book is incredibly creative, unbelievably action-packed, with a really heartwarming romance story that was so filled with promise. At the same time, as a reader, you are wondering how in the world can this book end well??

The book description is a good one. I'm not going to get too much into the story line because I don't want to give any spoilers and there are a lot layers to the story as this entire world evolves and reveals itself to the reader.

I loved both the characters of Santo and Roxanne. Santo is new to being in a human body and as such is dealing with things like emotions and desire for the first time. Some of those moments in the book are so heartwarming as they shock him. He never expected to "feel" so much and honestly just doesn't know what to do with all that. It makes those early scenes between him and Roxanne just that much sweeter.

Roxanne is different. She's spent her entire life dying and coming back to life with her twin brother Reece (they've always died together.) She has no idea why and deals with a lot of guilt over the fact that she has this "get out of jail free" card for life. And while the dying has always brought a sense of comfort to Roxanne because of the "one" who waits for her in that moment of darkness, it's been just the opposite for Reece. The dynamics of it all and all the ins and outs were extremely creative and entertaining. It made for a great new paranormal world.

There are four siblings in this family who no longer have their parents in their lives, but in this book we really only see Reece and Roxanne. BUT there is an excerpt in the back for the next book in the series and it features big brother Ryan. I am really intrigued, because while there is a lot to this book, it's never revealed why Roxanne and Reece are the way that they are. And in the next book, it looks like Ryan has his own connection to the Beyond. I can't wait....

I received a complimentary copy of this book in return for an honest review.
1,122 reviews303 followers
January 9, 2015
The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love opens with the Reaper explaining his mission to reap the soul of Roxanne Love. When she and her fraternal twin, Reece, revived after their confirmed death by drowning, they caused a disturbance in both the earthly and supernatural realms. How and why they survived their deaths is a mystery the Reaper would like to solve, but he isn’t the only one. Evil demons also want to get their hands on Roxanne to exploit the power for their own purposes.

To get close to Roxanne, the Reaper takes the unusual action of reaping a soul just prior to the man’s anticipated suicide so that the Reaper can inhabit the still-living human body. In the delectable persona of Detective Santo Castillo, the Reaper experiences physical sensations and retains Santo’s memories. He also perceives human emotions that are confusing and enlightening and that become a part of the Reaper.

Author Erin Quinn manages to create such a sense of longing in the quiet narrative of the Reaper that I was completely captivated within the first few pages. Quinn's silky narrative has a noir tone that, with the subtlety of a whisper, pulls you into the story and makes the rest of the world fade away. The pull is magnetic, and you CANNOT put the book down.

At the pub where Roxanne and her brother work, Santo (the Reaper) is conducting surveillance when violence erupts in the form of an armed robbery with masked assailants. Santo whisks Roxanne away just as she is fatally wounded. He recognizes demonic involvement in the robbery and feels compelled to determine why. Rather than reaping Roxanne’s soul, he restores her with a kiss. Santo then hides Roxanne from both demons and human authorities investigating the robbery.

Quinn does a masterful job of revealing bits and pieces of the mystery during the almost non-stop action and tremendous chase scenes that follow. I enthusiastically recommend The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love to readers who enjoy a suspense thriller along with their paranormal romance.
- Delta
Profile Image for LoveYourShelf (LAB☺).
603 reviews30 followers
November 23, 2013
I really enjoyed this book. The storyline had an original feel to it and was not a typical PNR. It was not a light read at all, and some bad things happen to good people. Usually insta-love scenarios bother me but this did not have that feel to it even though Santo & Roxanne were only together a couple of days - this is explained way better throughout the course of the story which I won't reveal now and ruin. The ending had a lot of things going on at once and then ended a bit abruptly. Everything was explained well, but there were a lot of outside issues that were left hanging and me thinking "yeah but what about....". Even with that I feel this book was well worth my time and I look forward to the next one in the series. Hopefully some of those "open-ended" issues will be resolved or explained then, but even if not this was a great book.
Profile Image for harlequin {Stephanie}.
592 reviews27 followers
September 21, 2013
I loved the hints of darker world that peeked through in this book. I wanted more actually. I was forced to settle.

The three star rating was mostly for the love story. It had potential to be great and came out less than mediocre, with the instalove, but the writer wasn't mushy about it. After reading this I longed for a deeper connection between these characters. we get one, but it's explained rather than felt.

Lacked a strong villain as well.

I am looking forward to reese's book. he was more interesting than the leads. sad. overall a good read. not sure if I would recommend to anyone... unless, of course you have a deep obsession with Latin hunks. cha cha cha.
31 reviews5 followers
June 2, 2017

I liked the idea of the story line, but unfortunately the reality fell woefully short. I felt like there were two stories being crammed into one. Reece could have gotten his own book instead of making "appearances" in this one. It just slowed the story down and threw me off. I felt like I'd started reading one book and then found myself reading a different one that took place in the same world. Thus I found myself either skimming or completely skipping the chapters with Reeces point of view. To make it worse, I didn't feel like I'd missed out on anything that was vital to the story, further confirming my 2 different stories theory.
There were also things that didn't make much sense or weren't fully explained. For example, if Reece's death opened a door to Abbadon, why would his permanent death mean that the door couldn't be opened again? Was it his death that opened the door or was it the moment after his death? Was there a time limit to how long the door could remain open? Same thing with Roxanne. If her death closed that door, shouldn't her permanent death keep it from being opened in the first place? It just doesn't make sense to me.
Overall, I'd give the story 2.5 stars because I really liked the idea of the storyline and there were some good parts in there.
Profile Image for Barbara.
Author 10 books10 followers
November 9, 2018
Just a touch short

The premise of The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love enticed me to buy it. The character Santos kept me reading it. I can’t tell you the details of why it came just a touch short of fully satisfying without spoiling. It is a worthwhile read and you may find the ending perfect.
Profile Image for Darcy.
13.5k reviews514 followers
August 13, 2017
I found this one to be a bit odd for me. The whole bugs coming into the bar, the reaper taking over a person to see why Roxanne didn't die, to taking her. It all was too weird for me to keep reading.
Profile Image for Jennifer Brown.
496 reviews20 followers
June 8, 2021
3.5 stars rounded up

What an interesting concept! A reaper who has fallen for a soul he's meant to reap. There's so much more though: demons, possession, end of the world as we know it, twins having to save the world. Lots of action but room for love.

Overall would recommend
Profile Image for Abra.
579 reviews15 followers
May 24, 2019
I thought this book was really imaginative. The plot was interesting as were the characters. I definitely recommend it.
Profile Image for May Mostly Romance.
680 reviews73 followers
September 17, 2013
ก่อนเริ่มอ่านเราคิดว่า พล็อตของเรื่องนี้น่าสนใจมากที่สุดเรื่องนึงในรอบปี เรื่องราวของร็อคแซนด์ เลิฟ หญิงสาวผู้ที่ตายไปแล้วหลายครั้ง แต่เธอฟื้นคืนชีพกลับมาทุกครั้ง ความสามารถในการหลีกหนีความตายของร็อคแซนด์สร้างความไม่พอใจให้กับยมทูตตนนึงอย่างยิ่ง เพราะเขารอคอยวิญญาณของเธอมาหลายครั้ง แต่ก็ไม่เคยรั้งวิญญาณเธอไว้กับเขาได้เลย ความหงุดหงิดมีมากพอที่จะทำให้ยมทูตฝืนกฎและเดินผ่านประตูที่กั้นระหว่างพวกเขา มายังโลกมนุษย์ เข้าครอบครองร่างของมนุษย์ที่กำลังจะตาย ยมทูตตั้งใจว่า จะค้นหาความลับของร็อคแซนด์ อะไรที่ทำให้เธอไม่ตาย เพื่อที่เขาจะได้เอาเก็บวิญญาณของเธอไปสักที

เห็นพล็อตแล้ว เรารีบหยิบมาอ่านเลยค่ะ เพราะอยากรู้ (เหมือนยมทูต) ว่าอะไรกันแน่ที่ทำให้นางเอกของเราไม่ตาย แต่พอเริ่มอ่านคงต้องบอกว่า สิ่งแรกที่ผุดขึ้นมาในสมองก็คือ Meet Joe Black อ่านต่อไปอีกหน่อยก็ได้ความรู้��ึกของ City of Angels ตามมาอีก เรื่องดูจะเน้นไปที่ความเริ่มมีความรู้สึกของยมทูตที่บัดนี้ได้กลายเป็นซานโต้ คาสติโย (ชายคนที่ยมทูตเข้าไปยึดครองร่างเพื่อทำให้มีตัวตนบนโลกมนุษย์) มากกว่าการค้นหาความลึกลับของการไม่ตายของร็อคแซนด์

เราจึงผิดหวังหน่อย ๆ แต่พออ่าน ๆ ไป และเริ่มปรับตัวกับทิศทางของเรื่องได้ ก็เริ่มอินไปกับเรื่องค่ะ

นอกจากร็อคแซนด์ที่สามารถหลบหนีความตายได้ ก็ยังมีรีซ พี่ชายฝาแฝดของเธอที่ทำได้เช่นเดียวกัน อันที่จริงความตายทั้งสี่ครั้งของร็อคแซนด์ ทุกครั้งเธอและรีซตายไปเกือบจะพร้อมกัน และฟื้นขึ้นมาพร้อม ๆ กัน แต่รีซแตกต่างจากร็อคแซนด์ เขาฟื้นขึ้นมาพร้อมกับเสียงกรี๊ดร้อง ในขณะที่เธอได้พบกับ "เพื่อน" ในความมืดหลังความตาย ในขณะที่ทั้งคู่ทำงานอยู่ในร้านอาหารของครอบครัว โจรบุกเข้ามาปล้นฆ่ารีซ และร็อคแซนด์ ซานโต้ซึ่งรออยู่ที่นั่น (เพื่อหาโอกาสค้นหาความจริงว่า ทำไมร็อคแซนด์จึงไม่ตาย) จึงเข้าไปพัวพันมากกว่าที่เขาคาดหวังไว้ นั่นเพราะโจรไม่ใช่มนุษย์ธรรมดา หากแต่เป็นปีศาจที่ด้วยเหตุผลบางอย่างสามารถหลบหนีออกมาจากนรกได้

ด้วยสัญชาตญาณซานโต้ลืมภารกิจที่ตัวเองคิดว่าจะทำ กระโดดเข้าไปช่วยร็อคแซนด์ (ที่ตอนนี้ยังตายอยู่) จากเงื้อมมือปีศาจ และพาเธอหนีออกไป แล้วก็กลายเป็น "เทวทูต" ผู้คุ้มครองเธอในเวลาต่อมา

โฟกัสของเรื่องนี้แตกต่างจากที่เราคาดหวังก่อนอ่าน และแม้ธีมเรื่องจะให้กลิ่นของ Meet Joe Black อย่างยิ่ง แต่ก็ถือว่าอ่านได้สนุกนะคะ เพราะเราต้องการรู้ความจริงว่า อะไรทำให้สิ่งเหล่านี้เกิดขึ้นกับร็อคแซนด์ และรีซ อะไรทำให้พวกเขาไม่ตาย ซึ่งเมื่อเปิดเผยออกต้องบอกว่าเหนือคาด นั่นก็คือ

สิ่งที่เราชอบมากในเรื่องนี้ก็คือ การทำให้เราคิด คนแต่งไม่ได้ใช้วิธีบอกกล่าวตรงไปตรงมา เราไม่แน่ใจว่า คนอื่นจะรู้สึกรำคาญไหมนะคะ หรือคนอ่านคนอื่นจะได้ข้อสรุปแบบเดียวกับที่เราได้ไหม แต่การอ่านเล่มนี้ทำให้เราใช้สมองจินตนาการ และตีความตามความเข้าใจของเราเอง น่าแปลกเหมือนกันว่า มีหลายอย่างที่เล่มนี้ไม่ได้ให้ข้อสรุปเอาไว้ อย่างเช่น แต่เรากลับไม่หงุดหงิดนะ

ช่วงท้ายเรื่องเรารู้สึกอินไปกับเนื้อเรื่องมาก ฉากที่เศร้าเรารู้สึกลึกไปถึงข้างในเหมือนเราเป็นส่วนหนึ่งในเหตุการณ์นั้น ไม่รู้นะคะว่าทำไมการเขียนของคนแต่งคนนี้ถึงได้จับใจเรามากขนาดนี้ ทั้งที่เนื้อเรื่องก็ไม่ได้ถึงกับบีบคั้นอะไรรุนแรง (คือมีเรื่องอื่นที่ฉากดูรุนแรงกว่า แต่เรากลับไม่รู้สึกมากขึ้นขนาดนี้)

เรื่องนี้ให้คะแนนยาก ในเวลาที่อ่านเรารู้สึกเหมือนสัมผัสแก่นของเรื่องได้ และอินไปกับเนื้อเรื่องมาก ๆ แต่ตอนทีนั่งเขียนรีวิวตอนนี้ แล้วนึกถึงเนื้อเรื่อง เรากลับไม่รู้สึกว่า มีอะไรที่พิเศษเพียงพอ (เราเขียนไปก็ยังงงตัวเองไปค่ะ)

คะแนนที่ 67
272 reviews2 followers
July 20, 2014
Roxanne Love is one of the co-owners of Love's a bar and restaurant with her brothers and sister. But that isn't the most interesting thing about Roxanne, the most interesting thing -to at least some people- is that she has cheated death several times already along with her twin brother Reece. Roxanne is feeling very edgy one night while working and can't quite put her finger on what's going on. Then a dark and extremely sexy man enters the bar and into Roxanne's life and it makes her even edgier, but maybe not for the same reason.

The Reaper can't believe that one woman has escaped him not once but three times so far. Now he has a plan; Reaper is going to be right on the spot the next time Roxanne meets death and this time he is going to reap her soul and do his job. In order to make this plan work, Reaper needs a body and a guilt-ridden man and cop by the name of Santo Castillo is just the man to help him out. Reaper shows up just a Santo is about to die and takes over his body just to complete his mission.

However, when Santo meets Roxanne there is an instant attraction that confuses Santo. That night both Roxanne and Santo learn that someone much deeper is after Roxanne and wants her dead and to stay dead this time. Santo and Roxanne are on the run trying to figure out exactly what just happened and why. Santo figures it out before Roxanne, but only because of his knowledge of the Beyond and those that inhabit it. While Roxanne and Santo search for their answers, they are also picking through the minefield of attraction and passion that will not be denied. What seemed like a simple mission to Santo has become very complicated and has changed; now keeping Roxanne alive at all costs is the mission, even if Santo must give her up when this is all over and go back to the Beyond himself. When Roxanne learns the entire truth about Santo, she is more than determined to stay alive, defeat those after her and to keep the man she loves with her. But when Hell comes to call and death is the calling card, can Roxanne and Santo not only defeat their enemy but find a way to keep the love they found?

A woman who cheats death meets a Reaper, a love match made in Heaven or Hell? Roxanne and Santo learn the answer to that question in The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love. I was intrigued by the blurb and even more intrigued as I watched Roxanne and Santo dance around the attraction that hit them hard all while looking for who is after Roxanne for a very nasty reason. I loved watching as the Reaper who became Santo learned not only what emotions were but also how to deal with everything Santo felt. I felt for Roxanne, first so confused by the attack on the bar and then with the realization of what was actually happening. Roxanne and Santo just about steamed off the pages even before they actually gave into the passion and flamed hot once they did. I will say there is one very sad part at the end but I say that the love Roxanne and Santo found will give her the ability to overcome even that. The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love is gripping from the beginning and filled with deadly suspense and hot passions, just what else could you ask for?

This book was reviewed by Jo for Joyfully Reviewed (JR), and was provided by the publisher/author at no cost to JR for the purpose of being reviewed.
Profile Image for Delta.
1,935 reviews24 followers
September 15, 2024
Captivating paranormal romance with a sexy noir flavor...

The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love opens with the Reaper explaining his mission to reap the soul of Roxanne Love. When she and her fraternal twin, Reece, were revived after their confirmed death by drowning, they caused a disturbance in both the earthly and supernatural realms. How and why they survived their deaths is a mystery the Reaper would like to solve, but he isn’t the only one. Evil demons also want to get their hands on Roxanne to exploit the power for their own purposes.

To get close to Roxanne, the Reaper takes the unusual action of reaping a soul just prior to the man’s anticipated suicide so that the Reaper can inhabit the still-living human body. In the delectable persona of Detective Santo Castillo, the Reaper experiences physical sensations and retains Santo’s memories. He also perceives human emotions that are confusing and enlightening and that become a part of the Reaper.

At the pub where Roxanne and her brother work, Santo (the Reaper) is conducting surveillance when violence erupts in the form of an armed robbery with masked assailants. Santo whisks Roxanne away just as she is fatally wounded. He recognizes demonic involvement in the robbery and feels compelled to determine why. Rather than reaping Roxanne’s soul, he restores her with a kiss. Santo then hides Roxanne from both demons and human authorities investigating the robbery.

Author Erin Quinn manages to create such a sense of longing in the quiet narrative of the Reaper that I was completely captivated within the first few pages. Quinn's silky narrative has a noir tone that, with the subtlety of a whisper, pulls you into the story and makes the rest of the world fade away. The pull is magnetic, and you CANNOT put the book down.

Quinn does a masterful job of revealing bits and pieces of the mystery during the almost non-stop action and tremendous chase scenes that follow. I enthusiastically recommend The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love to readers who enjoy a suspense thriller along with their paranormal romance.
Profile Image for Lisa.
913 reviews26 followers
September 14, 2013
This is the first book in a brand new series my Erin Quinn. I am so glad to see her start another paranormal romance series. Book one is a real page turner. Even though the first book in a series is a lot about world building Erin doesn't make it all about that. She builds and she tells the story. Roxanne Love and her twin brother can't seem to die. Well they die but don't stay that way. Roxanne and her sibling own and run a bar together. Roxanne and her twin Reece are working the night a a sexy mysterious and dangerous looking guy comes in. Shortly after all hell breaks loose and that guy saves Roxanne's life. Her brother isn't that lucky. Turns out the sexy guy is the reaper as is the grim reaper. He's tried to reap Roxanne several times and he can't manage to keep her. He's come to find out why and takes on the body and soul of a cop named Santos. What he didn't expect is to take on Santos memories and feelings. A reaper isn't supposed to have feelings. He can't help the pull he feels toward Roxanne. When the attack at the bar happens though it's not a robbery in the traditional sense. There are creatures from the beyond and it's like the plague or something. Now they have to figure out how to fight the devil himself and his minions and find Roxanne brother Reece and figure out why Roxanne and Reece can't seem to stay dead and what it might mean in the long run. This story is fast paced and action packed. You'll be a little scared but won't want to stop because the whole mystery of what's going on is going to keep pulling you to the end. Erin Quinn does what she does best. She keeps you guessing right to the end and you will only get part of the answer and probably more questions. She keeps you coming back for more. I can't wait to see what happens in book 2 when she tells Roxanne's brother Ryan story. An amazing new series by Erin Quinn. Well worth the investment to read this book.
Profile Image for Michelle Leah Olson.
922 reviews116 followers
August 16, 2013
Our Review, by LITERAL ADDICTION's Pack Alpha - Michelle L. Olson:
*ARC Received from the Publisher in exchange for an honest review

In my honest opinion, The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love was one of the best books I've read all year. Thrilling, captivating, full of suspense, heart, drama & action... Just a fabulous read!!

Roxanne Love and her twin brother aren't quite... normal. They've died multiple times now, and for some reason, each time they come back. The rest of their family is protective of them, the community is interested - and a little weirded out - and they, themselves, just try to live their lives running their family bar. Unfortunately all of that goes to hell when the bar is broken into and they're murdered.

Santo is a reaper, one of many reapers from the beyond, but after having Roxanne slip through his fingers one too many times he's determined to snag his prey. No matter what... What he doesn't count on is the effect she'll have on him when finally face to face with her, or the full gravity of the situation as a whole and what's at stake when the pieces start to fall into place.

The Five Deaths of Roxanne Love is like the best action packed paranormal romance and romantic suspense all rolled into one with a hint of horror to round things out. Erin once told me that she liked to take stories that scared the shit out of you and add smut to make them even better. This book does exactly that and you will not want to put it down. I sat down with it one Saturday morning and didn't go to sleep that night until I flipped the 416th page. So, so good!!:)

Profile Image for Kelly at.
1,138 reviews13 followers
September 27, 2013
Roxanne Love has died 4 times now. She is not afraid to die because he has always been waiting for her. But when she died this last time he was not there. Roxanne doesn’t have time to worry about that right now she has bigger problem. Hellhound size problems. Roxanne’s only chance of survival is to trust the sexy, dark stranger that has not left her side since she was shot at her restaurant. But is he really what he says he is?

Santo Castillo is not who he seems to be. He is something much more dangerous and his sights are set on Roxanne Love. Only problem is that he was not prepared for the very human reaction he has when he sees her. Santo has figure out if he is going to be able to finish his mission or has something changed in him forever.

I really, really enjoyed this book. I love Roxanne and Santo. Roxanne is a sweet girl that when push comes to shove will fight till the end to protect what she loves. Santo is fun to read about. He knows what he is, but fights the changes that are taking place. I could go on, but then I would give you spoilers. So I will say you need to put this book on your to be read list for sure.

And I can’t wait to see what happens next to the Love family.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

Review will be posted at www.books-n-kisses.com .

Profile Image for CoffeeTimeRomance andMore.
2,045 reviews163 followers
December 31, 2014
As a twin, Roxanne Love knows how it feels to be linked to another person on a level few can understand. Yet, she and Reece have a more bizarre connection. They have both died and come back. Not just once. On three separate occasions.

Reaping the soul of Santo Castillo is amazingly easy, considering the man wants to be dead so badly he is ready to eat his gun. What he does not anticipate is how his and Santo’s feelings are now intertwined and focused on one thing–Roxanne Love.

His only goal in taking over Santo is to find out how he keeps getting cheated of Roxanne’s soul. Now all he can think about is how to keep her alive. Somehow, she is linked to a gate between here and the Beyond. A gate that, if not closed, will unleash unimaginable horror upon the Earth. The odds are stacked so greatly against them that Roxanne and Santo cling even to the smallest kernel of hope, knowing it will take nothing less than a miracle to survive the impending battle.

When you merely exist on the thin thread between life and death, very little else matters. For Santo, death is a welcome reprieve from crushing despair, until the moment when he is in Roxanne’s presence. Then you can almost feel him come alive. This story drags its characters through the bowels of hell while driving them closer and closer together, making you savor every moment of happiness in all the turmoil.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

- See more at: http://www.coffeetimeromance.com/Book...
Profile Image for Niquie.
459 reviews18 followers
February 10, 2015
I wasn't actually planning to write a review for this book and I kind of waffled because I wanted to but I didn't take any notes, but I really liked it so here goes short and simple:

This book was unexpected. It didn't really feel like a romance, even though it definetly was a romance. It was nice how almost reasonable everyone was. Nothing felt dragged out too.

I was a little put off when Lucifer and God etc were real, but luckily they never appeared in the story (thank you Erin Quinn).

The idea of what happens when a reaper body snatches, and even the way the portal to the beyond opens and closes was pretty interesting.

I thought the ending was a bit lacking of closure for characters outside of the main couple (it just ended so fast), but this is book 1 of a series (trilogy?) so hopefully some closure will happen in the next book (like Ruby and Ryan's reactions to the ending).

Final Ratings: This was a really decent first book and a pleasent surprise from an author I've never read before (who I know will now read everything she's written and get sick of quickly). I liked this books so much I tried to get my dad to read her, but he called it corny and quickly gave up.
21 reviews1 follower
May 13, 2016
Roxanne and her twin brother have died multiple times (both of them together) and come back to life. Nobody knows why, and it's annoying a certain death reaper. He comes to the mortal side to figure out what's going on and eventually harvest her (Roxanne's) soul. This sets up a paranormal plot involving demons escaping hell, hell-hounds, etc. etc.
Usually I save 1 star ratings for books I don't finish, but I did finish this one. I just do not like the book. It was very boring, not a lot of new material, and the romance was very forced (there was no real chemistry between the characters). I feel like the romance was just thrown in to make the book fit into the romance genre. The characters were blah, the plot kind of obvious, and the writing was ok. I will not be reading the rest of the series.
Sometimes books have great characters or a really good plot but the writing is bad. In this case, the writing was decent, but the other stuff was just not interesting.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 57 reviews

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