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Just a Little #2

Just a Little Embrace

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Gone are the days of police patrol. With ten hours to go before completing her job shadowing project, seventeen-year-old Julie Little’s assignment has switched gears, and now she’s required to start living the lifestyle of every man (and woman) in uniform. Under Luke’s command, Julie is obligated to complete her remaining hours through early morning exercise training. And despite her distaste for physical exertion, Julie’s crush on her mentor continues to grow by leaps and bounds with each passing day. And just when she’s certain that she’s making progress in her relationship with Luke, Julie learns that the new guy in town has taken an interest in winning her heart… and as far as she’s concerned, there’s only room in her heart for one man… even if he still hasn’t figured out that they’re meant to be.


First published January 1, 2012

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About the author

Tracie Puckett

32 books555 followers
Tracie is an award-winning stage actress, an international bestselling author, and the proud mother of two beautiful boys.

Her debut novel, Breaking Rules, was selected as one of iBooks Best of 2014 in Young Adult.

In the rare occasion that she's not playing matchmaker to fictional characters, you can likely find Tracie zooming down the hills of America's greatest roller coasters!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews
Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,288 reviews331 followers
May 28, 2022
In Book #2 Julie has now completed ten hours with the police station and during this time has gotten to know Luke a lot better. However, instead of the crush leaving her though it has only intensified and it looks like that despite Luke wanting to deny that he has feelings, he certainly does for Julie. He better hurry up as some new neighbors Derek and Hannah have moved in next door to Julie and Matt and Derek has his eyes on Julie. He wants to get to know her better. Hannah though has hated Julie from the get-go and at the end of this book, we will learn the reasons for that. It also makes the end of this book have an OMG NOOOOOOOOOO moment as you are like this can't be happening, not now anyway. Unlike the other books in this series, book #2 does end on a massive cliffhanger that will have your heart feeling like it has been pulled from your chest and broken into a million pieces. Out of the four books, this was my favorite book as it had a bit more emotion to it and packed a punch unlike the others which were clean mindless YA reads, but at the same time just like the other three books in this series - it was a quick read.
Profile Image for Paulina Vera.
Author 3 books31 followers
September 16, 2012
Reseña original en: http://delapicesconcarbonytinta.blogs...

Las segundas partes nunca son tan buenas como la primera

Lo comencé a leer con cierta reticencia: ¿y si era igual o peor que el primero? ¿y si me aburría mucho?
Pero no me arrepiento de haberlo leído , para nada.
Just a Little Embrace es un mar de diferencias con su compañera anterior: esta sí tiene más corazón, más sentimiento… más credibilidad.
Julie crece un poquito y aunque sigue con ciertas tendencias parecidas a otras protagonistas de libros YA (que se la pasan suspirando por el chico que no las quiere y son muy obvias con lo que sienten), nuestra protagonista comienza a tener maneras y reacciones que le admiro y que nos demuestran de que esta chica, podría ser aunque sea muy poquito, una protagonista un poco más fuerte y más de armas tomar que el resto.
Y nuestro chico dorado no es un príncipe azul como otros o un chico malo que, con el pasar de las hojas, se vuelve tierno. No, mis señoras. Este chico es un testarudo, un idiota y un ególatra máximo. Y lo amo por eso. Porque es distinto, refrescante y más desesperante que muchos “tira y afloja” que he leído.
Esta segunda parte de la Serie es fresca, ligera de leer, divertida, sentimental y con un vuelvo en la historia que te hace quedar con los ojos abiertos como platos, que definitivamente te deja pidiendo más.

"—Una cosa es tener un estúpido enamoramiento, Julie —dijo él—, pero otra cosa es intentar y manipularme para creer que en verdad me preocupo por ti."

Puntuación: 3.5 /5
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,386 reviews52 followers
February 12, 2017

Just A Little Embrace de Tracie Puckett sigue la misma linea que el libro anterior : una historia tierna, juvenil y sencilla de leer.
Al tener tan pocas paginas no tiene mucha profundidad o el mejor desarrollo pero esta bien para cuando quieres leer algo rapido y ligero.

2.25 Estrellas!
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,906 reviews1,373 followers
April 8, 2015
Downloaded for free from Amazon.co.uk

Well, Julie continued to be a bit of a whiney bitch in this instalment, but there were at least a couple of twists in this one
The thing that redeemed this book a bit was the fact that
6 out of 10
Profile Image for Evey.
1,178 reviews192 followers
August 10, 2015
1,5 stars

I just wonder why did I even bother with this one. Situations were ridiculously unbelievable, the insta-love was insufferable, romance was overall cheesy and everything was ludicrous. It's so short that there is almost no room for development, which makes the attempt of bringing up a mystery and an actual plotline fail miserably. And don't get me started with that crappy soap opera ending.
Profile Image for Kaleigh.
32 reviews4 followers
August 5, 2013
All I can say is WOW! I am in love with this story! I had such a hard time putting down these books and read all sevel "Just a Little" books in two days!

Julie frustrates me throughout the entire series, but then again so does Luke...he can be so stubborn and a pain in the butt.

I love this series and I look forward to #8!!!
Profile Image for Deydra.
200 reviews
June 8, 2015
Estuvo bien... me gustó más el primero, definitivamente
El final, no sé qué pensar sobre el final D:
Quiero leer el tercero... pero no me anima mucho, en realidad :/
Profile Image for Carolina.
147 reviews14 followers
April 17, 2015
Como un libro tan corto puede tener tantas emociones???!!!
Profile Image for Rosa.
259 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2013
Las secuelas nunca han sido de mi agrado, eso es todo lo que diré.
Ah, también: ¿Porqué en la vida la autora decidiría hacer lo que hizo? Absurdo, cruel.
Profile Image for Sarah Davis.
153 reviews30 followers
May 30, 2013
this book was just as good as the first one. It does drive you crazy though. just because Luke won't come to terms with his feelings for Julie, but it's what makes you want to read the others
Profile Image for Louise.
108 reviews5 followers
April 18, 2015
Does Luke really die? It seemed that way. why did the girl whose father killed Julie's parents want to kill Julie?
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for M.
323 reviews91 followers
July 20, 2016

Wow, for a short story this book sure packs a punch! It was a fluffy read and I felt I just really needed a contemporary and fluffy read after reading so many sic-fi and paranormal books. The covers in this series are simple however, I do find them effective, with different facial expressions for each they capture the emotions that go on in the books.

Julie Little has now finished her assignment of working at the police station however she must still undertake the fitness aspect of being a in the police force, with Luke as her mentor. But, with so much time being spent with Luke, Julie just can't help her feelings slowly developing even to the extreme of not wanting to be away from him, however he is six years older. Additionally to add to her problems, new next door neighbours have arrived bringing along an annoying little sister vying for her cousins attention. And to top it all off, they are a little strange and pestering. With no one to turn to, Julie must venture on her own, through good and bad.

Julie is a character whom I have come to like more, especially in this second instalment. She initially comes across as a girl who gets everything she wants, when she wants it and so does not take kindly to rejection. However, in this story we see the emotional side to Julie's character allowing us to see her through her struggles and enable us to justify our perceptions surrounding her.

The plot I found went extremely quickly, with some scenes I would have liked to have been explored more. There were additionally few significant events that occurred throughout the plot meaning you were only waiting till the last quarter of the book. At the end of the book though, when looking back on the minimal events that did occur in the earlier stages of the book you realised how they escalated to the end result. And boy, was that one ending. I just... ahh! It was capturing and emotional, definitely one that will pull on the heartstrings.

This is a short story that will definitely want you craving the third instalment: Just a Little Sincerity.
Profile Image for Diane Ehlers.
Author 5 books39 followers
August 16, 2014

Originally posted on Paranormal Sisters: http://paranormalsisters.blogspot.com...

In Just a Little Embrace Luke show's he has mix feelings towards Julie. He has a war with himself and it's easy to see that Julie has caught his interest but he knows that he shouldn't cross that line. Yet Julie won't let him walk away so easily and I don't blame her, he's confusing her and boys can be annoying that way. So she's constantly trying to figure out if he's into her or not.

Along the way, new neighbors have moved in and we find out their history falls into Julies past. When I found out my jaw dropped and that twist gave this book such an amazing tone, so much depth, I couldn't stop reading! Julie knew there was something fishy when the sister (of the neighbors) was all over her cousin Matt, in just a matter of seconds.

Now I like this new element in the storyline, however, it brings another boy in Julies life....So commence love triangle....Though Julie's heart is only for one man and she's willing to fight for him no matter how hard he tries to push away. But that new boy is going to try to win her heart anyway and sometimes it gets tiring when you fall in love with one guy and then the author brings in another and you're like, come on! haha

But overall I really enjoyed this! And oh my god, that ending tho! I was dying to find out after it ended like that!! Definitely have you on the edge of your seat! If I didn't have the third installment I would have seriously died after reading that cliffhanger! Seriously!
Profile Image for Lanie.
1,055 reviews69 followers
July 10, 2016
What sort of decent legal guardian lets their kids go out a 4 in the morning with some random as dude? Because he's a police officer it's ok? Never mind that he's obvious likes her & everyone knows it. Or that he's several years older & she's underage. He police dude so all this inappropriateness is ok?

& what kind of legal guardian lets a kid go out all alone, in the rain, without even asking where the hell she's going?! Just a "be back by midnight" what the fuck?!

Fuck that shit. This novella is definitely going under the "shitty parents" shelves.

The main character is just as annoying as the 1st story. I hate this spoiled brat. This is the kind of jackass that thinks it's ok to hurl a rock at a person while professing to care about him. -_- & somehow that's ok, because she's a chick? If Luke had thrown the rock, everyone who be freaking out about what an abusive bastard he is. Like so many other "heroes" in teen romances. But she gets to do it cause she has boobs?

Stupid spoiled bitch.

Again. Fuck this shit.

But at least there was a TINY bit more of a plot in "just a little embrace" so it was SLIGHTLY better then book 1.

Only slightly.

1.5 stars

recommended for teen girls who like chick lit, but don't really know decent literature. They might like it, but I certainly don't. But! I got books 1-4 free from Amazon, so I'll be reading them all. If for nothing better than snark value.
2 reviews
October 28, 2013
Just a Little series
These books are extraordinary I loved them! This series, let alone this book deserves a review that I know I can’t give. Author Tracie Puckett really puts a lot of thought and detail into her writing. I really enjoy it. Julie, the main character, really puts up with a lot of emotions. Coming from a girl somewhat Julie’s age I can relate to these emotions. These books amazed me.
The way that Puckett writes is just awesome. She writes with such passion. I know that she hooked me on to this series and I can’t stop reading the books! The way that she ends each one and makes it lead into the next book, hanging the subject just in the right spot for you to want to read on!
I recommend these books to anyone. In my opinion I think that even some boys would enjoy Tracie Puckett’s writing. They are such easy reads. In my opinion the series is at a perfect reading level for fourth grade girls. I know that I will continue reading this series because it is so enjoyable, and recommend it to anyone.
Profile Image for Bjärkê.
17 reviews2 followers
May 7, 2015
This book definitely sent me on an emotional rollercoaster between Luke and Little. It was truly a dramatic ending. I didn't know what to feel. The kiss was a complete cliché timed occurrence, at least in my view because of the situation that was currently being played out. It didn't seem to work out logically how that would appear in reality - I mean blood and kisses - No! But it worked for the book because sometimes things just don't need to be realistic to be believable. All in all I really enjoyed this one and the cliff hanger .... well you know how those make you feel right?!
Profile Image for FucKhsia.
404 reviews15 followers
May 11, 2013
Nuevos personajes que destapan el pasado, como dice Luke "Mantente siempre alerta" no es bueno confiar abiertamente en las personas y menos si son "recien llegados"

El final me dejo :o yo y mi debilidad por los protagonistas masculinos sumado al pasado de ellos estuve a punto de largar el llanto

igual que el anterior es de lectura super rapida y fresca
Profile Image for  Fernanda ❤ .
96 reviews18 followers
January 2, 2013
Me gusto. Creo que aunque es una historia bastante corta se disfruta o al menos yo lo hize. El final esta de infarto y ojala pueda leer el 3 lo mas pronto posible para saber que pasa! porque no puede terminar asi jeje

Una lectura corta y entretenida :)
Profile Image for Penny.
69 reviews
Want to read
November 6, 2022
This is the second in the series and I must say I still going with it - I'm enjoying the characters Luke and Julie and the story line is going places that's still keeping me hooked. 4.5 stars only because I wanted to just keep reading and they ended at the worst/best times!
Profile Image for Paola Sánchez.
58 reviews
January 4, 2013
WTF?! No me gustó, ni me hizo sentir nada, todos se aman porque sí y ya. ¿Y el final? Un asco.
No creo que lea el siguiente.
Profile Image for Becca.
Author 12 books355 followers
May 29, 2016
Es muy corto, pero muy bueno aunque odie el final... Luke :(
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sofía Sonrisa.
4 reviews6 followers
January 6, 2013
Me gusto pero no tanto como el primero.
El final me mal sabor de boca leeré el siguiente pero a ver que pasa.
Profile Image for Elizabeth Barone.
Author 32 books171 followers
January 17, 2013
What a cliffhanger!

Between the intensifying romance between Julie and Luke, and her mysterious new neighbors, this installment of the Just a Little... series was even better than the first.
Profile Image for Toni.
Author 4 books22 followers
January 16, 2013
So this is the second short story in Just a little and it was more than just a little sad. I'm never good with endings like this one.
Profile Image for Cayla.
55 reviews1 follower
June 30, 2013
These short stories rock my world. I love Julie and Trigger. I cannot stop reading these. They're my little escape from reality.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 53 reviews

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