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Guild Hunter #0.4

Angels' Dance

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The gentle teacher of angelic young, and the keeper of her people's histories, Jessamy is respected and admired by everyone who knows her. Yet, born unable to soar into flight, she has spent thousands of years trapped in the mountain stronghold of the Refuge, her heart encased in painful loneliness...until the arrival of Galen, warrior angel from a martial court.

Rough-edged and blunt, Galen is a weapons-master at home with violence, a stranger to the sweet words it takes to woo a woman--but he is also a man determined to claim Jessamy for his own, to dance with her through the skies denied her for so very long...even if their exhilarating passion proves as dangerous as the landscape of war and unrest that lies before them.

Angels' Dance previously appeared in the anthology, Angels' Flight.

128 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 1, 2012

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About the author

Nalini Singh

232 books26.1k followers
I've been writing as long as I can remember and all of my stories always held a thread of romance (even when I was writing about a prince who could shoot lasers out of his eyes). I love creating unique characters, love giving them happy endings and I even love the voices in my head. There's no other job I would rather be doing. In September 2002, when I got the call that Silhouette Desire wanted to buy my first book, Desert Warrior, it was a dream come true. I hope to continue living the dream until I keel over of old age on my keyboard.

I was born in Fiji and raised in New Zealand. I also spent three years living and working in Japan, during which time I took the chance to travel around Asia. I’m back in New Zealand now, but I’m always plotting new trips. If you’d like to see some of my travel snapshots, have a look at the Travel Diary page (updated every month).

So far, I've worked as a lawyer, a librarian, a candy factory general hand, a bank temp and an English teacher and not necessarily in that order. Some might call that inconsistency but I call it grist for the writer's mill.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 332 reviews
November 18, 2018
I really enjoyed this read. I can tell I'm going to enjoy this series. The world build up was amazing and all the characters have already stolen my heart. I would have given this book 5 stars but as much as I loved Galen and Jessamy and man did I love them, I felt they spend to much time apart. I would have liked more relationship build up. Still over all a really good read and I can't wait to see where this series is going to take me.
Profile Image for Choko.
1,378 reviews2,661 followers
October 20, 2016
*** 4.25 ***

A beautiful, gentle story about the Angel who could not fly and the overpowering warrior who could see deep into her heart and see her as more than just a crippled creature, buried in her books and surrounded by her small pupils as a shield. When the new Weapon-Master Galen first came to the Refuge, his powerful and memorable physicality stole Jessamy's breath. She was the keeper of histories for a reason. In her third millennium, she was one of the oldest angels around and still, because of her disability, she has long ago stopped imagining that she could find a mate, a lover, a man who can see beyond her twisted and useless wing. There had been male angels who had showed her interest, but she had seen the pity in their eyes and she could not let herself settle for that. It would have truly destroyed her spirit.

Galen had never before been in the Refuge - he had been raised by his warrior angel parents and had refused all coddling by other caregivers. His mother was the only woman whose approval he had wanted, but she had been as hard as her blade and viewed him as another soldier in her army. Thus, when he transferred to Raphael's territory he first met the one angel most knew since childhood, the likelihood of her being their teacher very high, since she is the only one truly bound to the place the younglings were safe to grow to adulthood. Jessamy was a vision of grace, beautiful and regle, so fragile, he was afraid she could brake in his large and blunt hands. Galen knew he was a brute, people even called him barbarian, but he was not stupid, he knew a treasure when he saw one.

" ... "As he rode the air currents with her slight weight in his arms, what he felt was nothing he could name. It was simply there, a quiet, deep knowledge, a sense of inexorable rightness." ..."

This is a beautiful, gentle and endearing love story. I have loved Jessamy since the first time Nalinin introduced her to us in book 2. The infinitely patient and loving teacher finally is able to fly, even if only in the arms of Galen, the warrior who stole her heart. This was a beautiful addition to the world of Guild Hunter. Not a story that is needed as a plot development, but a story for giving us another look at the place where angels have their young. A gem which should be on your to read list if you are a fan of the series.

I wish all happy Reading and may you always find your wings in the pages of a book:):):)
Profile Image for Blacky *Romance Addict*.
486 reviews6,510 followers
February 9, 2017
“Romance,” she said, turning to head back to the house, “is a matter of interpretation.”

Nothing from the man at her side, not until they were behind the closed doors of her suite. “No matter what the interpretation,” he warned, his body held with a rigid control that told her he was on the finest of edges, “it’s not what I’m going to give you tonight.”

I think this is my favorite novella from this series, I actually loved it more than some full length books from here :DD
Nalini Singh is just <3
Profile Image for Jo.
957 reviews229 followers
October 14, 2016
“I’ll love you until my dying breath, give you anything and everything you want.”

Galen is a weapons-master, a warrior who understands violence. He’s rough around the edges, and blunt in his honesty. And when he decided to join Raphael’s ranks he never expected to fall for a gentle teacher, one who couldn’t be more different than him. But Galen is determined to claim angel Jessamy, he just needs to convince her to give him a chance.

Jessamy is a broken angel. With her disfigured wing she will never have the ability to fly, and so has spent thousands of years trapped on the mountains of the Refuge. But despite the pain in her heart, she has made a life for herself, teaching the angelic young, and being the keeper of the angels’ histories. But loneliness continues to be her best companion. Until a warrior angel from another court threatens her safe little life.

“I can carry you anywhere you want to go.” That was why he was so strong, so big—he’d been born for her.

Galen definitely stole the show for me in this novella. I loved this gruff and honest warrior, and the way he noticed Jessamy as a woman, when most just saw her as a teacher. How he was able to see and understand the pain she felt because she couldn’t fly, and how he would take her in his arms and fly her around for hours, was amazing!! And I loved how possessive and protective he was over her, he had me swooning all the way.

No matter what she’d argued, what she knew to be the safe choice, she was a woman who ached for something that might well break her forever… and he was a beautiful man.

I did like Jessamy and how sweet she was with all the angel babies. But for a woman who was several thousands of years old, she seemed a bit too naïve to me. I didn’t like how she had to have time to sort out her feelings for Galen, not knowing if it was only because of gratefulness. But I did like how once decided, she was all in.

His selfishness was only a small one—he wanted her to need him, want him, for himself. No one in his life had ever cared for him just because he was Galen.

The romance was really sweet, and I love how hard Galen pursued Jessamy. And that angel dance – so hot!!!

Galen looked the angel up and down. “Bluebell, you couldn’t take me if I was blindfolded and had both hands tied behind my back.”
“Bluebell?” Illium narrowed his eyes. “That’s it, Barbarian.” Throwing two of the knives to Galen, he picked up two of his own.

I loved that this novella played off a few hundred years before Angel’s Blood. It was so interesting to see all my favorite characters, and how they were back then. And we saw how Illium got the nickname of Bluebell :-D And meet beautiful Aodhan before he was broken. He was so sweet and it’s so sad to see him like this knowing how broken he is now :-(

A very interesting novella, with a lot of insightful moments. Highly recommended to all fans of this series.

Profile Image for Sharon.
506 reviews301 followers
May 29, 2017
This was lovely. I accidentally read #2.5, the 5-page novella about Jessamy and Galen before this #0.4 and I thought it was eh. However, I’m SO glad I finally read this one because this 128-page novella truly made me realize how amazing these two characters were. This novella was perfectly-paced and just incredibly soothing to read.

Galen and Jessamy. *cry* They’re so sweet and romantic.

I am definitely excited to read the rest of the novellas about the other side characters now because this novella really shows how much care and consideration Nalini Singh put in her characters – main or side. I’m giving it 4 stars because it was highly enjoyable.

Things that you might want to know (WARNING: Spoilers below)
Is there a happy/satisfying ending?
Love triangle? Cheating? Angst level?
What age level would be appropriate?
I'm usually not a huge fan of novella (especially ones that are about stuff that happened BEFORE the first book), but because I am officially a Guild Hunter fan, I feel like it would be unjust to not read every single story there is in this series.
Profile Image for Elise ✘ a.k.a Ryder's Pet ✘.
1,314 reviews3,030 followers
May 11, 2017
A cute story, however that doesn't change the fact that I found it boring. Galen and Jessamy is a adorable couple, but not that interesting. Although, it was interesting to see how Galen became Raphael's weapons-master.. Oh, and of course, we got some scenes with my man, Raphael.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,833 reviews747 followers
September 10, 2019
I’ve not read any of the books in the series yet, I thought I’d read these short stories first. I don’t think they will be spoilers, but a quick introduction to what I assume to be important side characters. This one is about how Jessamy and Galen met. I actually think this might help me remember all these side characters when I start the first book.
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,347 reviews1,235 followers
October 2, 2020
1st Read - May 2013
2nd Read - August 2016
3rd Read - August 2020

I read this story as part of the Angels' Flight anthology which contains 4 Guild Hunter novellas.

This was hands down my favourite novella in the Guild Hunter series and I absolutely loved Jessamy and Galen's story. Jessamy was born with a deformed wing and in spite of the best efforts of the healers she has never been able to fly, she longs to feel the wind on her face and for the rush of flying but when someone takes her it just brings home the fact that she will never be free to fly whenever she wants to so she has refused to fly with anyone since she was a child. Jessamy has contented herself with keeping the angelic histories and with teaching the young angels but she leads a fairly solitary life apart from the time spent with the children. She has never even left the refuge to visit any of the places she writes about in the histories.

We know Galen as one of Raphael's seven but this story is set long before the first book in the series and shows Galen's transfer to Raphael's territory as the new weapons master. From the minute he sees Jessamy he knows he wants her and he will do whatever it takes to convince her to take a chance on him. Their romance was so sweet and they make an absolutely adorable couple. I loved the way Galen was so patient with Jessamy and how he works so hard to woo her but what I love most about him is that he puts his jealousy to one side to ensure that Jessamy makes the decision to be with him for the right reasons. I've always liked Jessamy's character, it can't be easy to be the only angel who is unable to fly and it has had a huge effect on her confidence. She has always believed that nobody would be interested in her so she pushes people away before they have the chance to hurt her but Galen shows her how good things could be if she would just let him in. This story left me with a huge smile on my face and I don't think it could have got any better!
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
October 3, 2016
This was more like a full length novel than a short and as a result the characters had more time to mature and flesh out. We first met Jessamy and Galen in Archangel's Kiss and the gentle teacher with the malformed wing instantly became one of the side characters I liked most. As a member of Raphael's Seven Galen holds great interest for me as well.

In this story we see how those two unlikely partners became a couple. Jessamy put one hell of a fight against Galen's seduction. It was both fun and heartbreaking to see. They both have so many hurts in their pasts ;( However, this isn't just a love story. We got to see how Illium got his nickname, see a bit of his ill fated romance with a mortal girl, how Galen became part of the Seven, New York at it's very beginning. It was a insightful story that helps to understand these strange winged overlords so much better :)
Profile Image for Elle ♡ [semi-hiatus].
665 reviews93 followers
June 3, 2021
Well that was cute. I can't believe I'm only just now getting around to reading the novellas and short stories in this series.

Galen and Jessamy have never been that intriguing to me, most likely because they were already paired up when we meet them so there wasn't the fun of wondering who they'd end up with. This novella starts 400 years before book 1 of the series. Jessamy is the sweet historian and teacher of young angels at the Refuge and several centuries old. She also has a malformed wing and can never fly. Galen is Raphael's weapons-master and leader of his aerial armies and only a few hundred years old.

Nalini really brought Galen and Jessamy to life in this novella in a way I don't feel like she has before. Galen held my interest from the first page. His terse, blunt, warrior ways were much more endearing in this novella. I loved seeing him find his place in Raphael's "court" for lack of a better word. It was fun seeing his initial meetings with Dmitri, Aodhan and Illium and how their relationships grew over time (as well as the origin story of Illium's 'Bluebell' nickname!). I also loved understanding Jessamy's past and seeing how she got to be where she was (spinster historian) and then how opening up to Galen completely changed every part of her life for the better. I've read about some virgin heroines in romance, who hasn't? But Jessamy takes the cake for oldest virgin at 2,600 years old 😅 lol. Thank God for Galen and for him not being intimidated by the shell Jessamy had built to protect herself and seeing her for the amazing woman she is.

Also this:
"It's impossible," she whispered at last. "The distance...even you can't carry me that far."
"I can carry you anywhere you want to go." That was why he was so strong, so big--he'd been born for her.

Just that casual little sentence of Galen thinking he was born so big and strong to be Jessamy's wings 😭 Gah, they were just so cute together and I honestly want more. Jessamy is obviously amazing with children and would be the best mom of all time so I hope that happens for them at some point whether it's through adoption or not (malformed wing or not) I know they'd raise an amazing angel 🥺🤍
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews924 followers
March 29, 2017

** Read as part of Angels' Flight.

Angels' Dance is also published as a single title.

If you have been reading the Guild Hunter series then you have caught glimpses of Galen and Jessamy, but in this novella, they shine.

I have been wanting their backstory for sometime. Galen is one of Raphael’s Seven. We get glimpses into him and what he does, but here we find out their is so much more to him. I loved Galen. He’s fierce, loyal, protective, and honorable. Jessamy is the teacher of angelic young, a library, and the keeper of angelic knowledge/archives. She’s fragile, strong willed, and has a strong heart.

Reading about these two was exquisite. They matched perfectly. The sexual tension was amazing. The writing is magnificent. The scenes are so vivd bring the characters and world to life.

Angels’ Dance was a beautiful crafted novella. I loved everything about this one.

Rated: 5 Stars

Profile Image for Luzmila✨.
746 reviews62 followers
December 22, 2020
Reto PopSugar 2020: 3. Un libro con una gran frase inicial.


Me encanto!! Galen y Jessamy fueron super cute🥰

Una duda que me quedó es ¿qué pasó realmente con los padres de Rafael?
Si bien te lo explica es como muy raro u no llegué a entender bien🤦🏻‍♀️
Espero que en los libros siguientes se conteste esta duda.
Profile Image for Jo ★The Book Sloth★.
485 reviews442 followers
August 28, 2014
5 Sweet Stars

Where the full novels in the series tend to be on the angsty and dark side, this novella is more on the sweet and idealic one. This makes it all the more special.

Jessamy has managed to keep some innosense and compassion despite the millenia that she's been alive and the cruelty she's witnessed from angels, vampires and humans. I liked how despite the fact that she was hurt by her parents' refusal to see that the condition of her wing wasn't all she was, she never resented or hated them.

Galen was also so much fun. I love warriors and Galen is exactly that. A big brute with little patience for games and no subtlety at all.

This novella is a beautiful start to a unique series by Nalini Singh.
Profile Image for AvidReader.
1,321 reviews285 followers
November 10, 2018
A re-read.
Can’t get enough of Nalini singh’s book. Such an amazing story teller.
I loved the delicate, intelligent beauty that is Jessamy and brute-rough beast of a commander Galen. Their chemistry and love was very beautiful. It was interesting to read the ‘before’ life of so many main characters like Raphael, Illium, Aodhan, Dimitri etc.
Profile Image for Sheila Melo.
1,837 reviews46 followers
July 5, 2019
Novella Prequel to Guild Hunter series

This novella is about Galen a 275 year old angel who is the weapons master for the archangel Raphael. He meets Jessany, who is also an angel and is the historian and teacher. She is over 2500 years old but has lived a solitary existence because she has a deformed wing and thus cannot fly. When Galen meets her he is determined to court her and become her lover. This story is amazing. For such a short story to paint such a vivid picture of the Guild Hunter world was unexpected. I loved this intense story between the two. Both Jess and Galen are emotionally damaged and their relationship allows them both to heal. I loved that their relationship is allowed to take time so that by the time the story reaches its end, there is no doubt these two are perfect for one another. ANGELS' DANCE is a prequel novella to Singh's Guild Hunter series. Rating: 4.25.
Profile Image for Paraphrodite.
2,593 reviews51 followers
August 23, 2019
Re-listening in preparation for Archangel's War


Re-listening in preparation for the new book.


4.5 stars. It's really great to go back to the beginning of the series and revisit some of the most memorable characters in the series. Although I can't help but wonder how the angels keep from getting their feathered wings all smelly and dirty.....hehehe...
Profile Image for Nicole P.
784 reviews
February 4, 2018
I'm becoming greedy and curious. I want to know more about the Guild Hunter world and Raphael's Seven. So this novella, although short, was a glimpse into the angel world, the Refuge and how Jessamy, keeper of angel histories, came to find her true love, Galen weapons-master and one of Raphael's Seven. Jessamy was ethereal, wise and almost fragile. Galen was the perfect alpha male, all brute strength, stubborn and protective.

And now I want to know more...
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,371 reviews29 followers
March 7, 2014
3.5 stars. Thought I'd check out this series, beginning with the opening novella. I like Singh, and I enjoyed this book, but I couldn't quite get into her world of angels, archangels -- who are far more lethal than mere angels -- and vampires. Maybe I'm not in the right mood for this type of thing. Those angels come in all colors, folks! Blue wings, bronze wings, gray wings, white! Diamond bright wings, monarch butterfly wings... The brain boggles at the thought of a winged army of 'em!

Our heroine Jessamy is about 2,200 years old, an angel who can't fly, born with a deformed wing. She is the librarian for the Cadre, writing their histories, remembering things about them they'd rather be forgotten. She is also the teacher, working with little angels. She lives at The Refuge, a stronghold city on the mountain.

Archangel Galen comes to The Refuge to serve as Raphael's weapons master. A warrior from early childhood, Galen is blunt and brash, never prevaricating or playing social games. He is about 350 years old, hard, strong, and fast -- with his red hair, I imagined a Scottish warrior, but with gray wings. Taller than Jessamy -- and she's no shrimp.

A credible and touching relationship develops between the bold but lonely warrior and the repressed but warmhearted teacher. I liked Galen. His mom starved him emotionally, so he was deeply content to sit in Jessamy's kitchen while she baked a cake. Sweet. He takes her flying. She loves it, having been earthbound all her life. Eventually, some sizzling sex rocketing through the sky. A long separation, but it's sweet, with love-letters exchanged via courier angels.

Galen, Jessamy, Raphael, Ilium, Jason, Dimitri, and a few others thwart a political coup attempt, a takeover plot to hide the "sleep death" of an archangel, Alexander. Umm...I think maybe he's Alexander the Great, of history books? Lol.

Ps. We see a lot of Ilium, Raphael, Dimitri, and Jason. I guess they will all get a book. Ilium is already falling for some mortal in the village. Raphael is depicted in Jessamy's long memory as a childhood friend, but the once-playful and loving little angel is becoming colder and harder ever day. I'm assuming he needs to fall in love before he falls for his own mythos.
Profile Image for Marru Aguilar.
48 reviews1 follower
February 20, 2013
Galen puedo decir que me sorprendió y que era un poco de lo esperado en el sentido de que sabía que algo grande tenía que tener en su historia este “barbaro” pero tampoco me imagine que en su brutalidad y crudeza podía ser el hombre romántico y tierno que una no se imagina pero que a la vez es con quien sueñas de pequeña.

Jessamy por de mas la que mas mal me ha pegado. Después de creerla una mujer inteligente, bondadosa y algunas otras cosas me decepciono con tanto trauma y además trabas tan tontas para no dejarse arrastrar por algo que estaba más que predestinado a ser.

La historia es bonita y en cierta manera tierna a la vez que atrapadora y cautivadora por el hecho del nuevo ángel y adquisición a las filas del arcángel Rafael que te pierdes en ello sin saberlo pero también te regresa a los que pasara o porque cuando te vuelve a mencionar a la mayoría de los personajes que aprendes a querer con el paso de los libros y los que amaste desde el primer momento en que tan siquiera leíste su nombre (Illium, Naasir y Jason jaja)
Profile Image for Iva.
634 reviews99 followers
March 8, 2015
BEST NOVELLA EVER! Do I have to say - Nalini Singh, you are a goddess - again? Never stop writing woman, never! I can't really wrap my mind over how this author can write about charaters with such precision. Angel and vampire, whether hundreds or thousands of years old, or maybe mere mortals with such small lifetimes - she manages to set the mood and the right environment and give them the right frame of mind and thinking. I'm constantly amazed by that. Galen and Jessamy are both angels with deep knowledge that comes with long age, and the development of their story is not something you will find anywhere. It's so simple, but so profound, I don't have the words to describe it. Almost like a fairytale about a proud and strong warrior and woman that brings his to his knees. I just want to always be under this spell.

"As he rode the air currents with her slight weight in his arms, what he felt was nothing he could name. It was simply there, a quiet, deep knowledge, a sense of inexorable rightness."
Profile Image for D.B. Reynolds.
Author 39 books2,343 followers
January 14, 2013
Nalini Singh's writing is as lush and elegant as the angels she writes about. I loved this book, loved the passion between Jessamy and Galen, and the glimpses of Raphael when he was just establishing his territory and still gathering his Seven.
Profile Image for Gabby Sterling.
8 reviews2 followers
November 6, 2018
Nalini Never Disappoints!

I gave this novella a 5 star rating first and foremost because I love Nalini Singh. Simply put, there's nothing the can write that I won't love! She has this sophisticated style of writing that is just so satisfying to read. I couldn't put any of her books down for too long.

I have also always loved the storylines and the characters in the Guild Hunter series. I love the world created around these magnificent mystical creatures; angels, vampires, and the like.
Before entering the Goodreads world, I stumbled upon the first novel Angel's Blood in a book store. I fell in love and I bought and read 3 more books in the series before falling off my reading. I have since decided to continue reading and I decided to read this novella before diving back into the next novel in the series: Archangel's Storm.
I recommend reading EVERY SINGLE book in this series! 👍👍👍👍👍
Displaying 1 - 30 of 332 reviews

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