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Dark Secrets #2

Out of Sight Out of Mind

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Everyone has secrets. Some are stranger than others.

Madison Albi is a scientist with a very special talent – for reading minds. When she stumbles across a homeless man with whom she feels an inexplicable connection, she can’t resist the dangerous impulse to use her skills to help him.

J is a non-person – a vagrant who can’t even remember his own name. He’s got no hope, until he meets Madison. Is she the one woman who can restore his past?

Madison agrees to help J recover his memory, but as she delves deeper into his mind, it soon becomes clear that some secrets are better off staying hidden.

Is J really the man Madison believes him to be?

Evonne describes J, the hero, in terms of chocolate:
J would be the last perfect liqueur in the battered box at the back of the fridge. The contents is a mystery, but on biting into it there is a breathtaking rush of fire, spirit and power.

336 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 28, 2013

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About the author

Evonne Wareham

10 books38 followers
Evonne Wareham writes romantic suspense set in her native Wales and in favourite holiday destinations in Europe. She lives on the South Wales coast, where she walks on the beach, watches the rain and procrastinates.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
1,148 reviews38 followers
March 6, 2013
Haunting and utterly mesmerizing, this delicately interwoven tale is a deliciously addictive treat!

Beautifully interweaving classy contemporary fiction with a paranormal twist this supremely singular book oozes originality and uniqueness. Like nothing I have encountered before, Evonne Wareham has created something enchanting and quite extraordinary. Madison Abi’s gift of being able to read minds is certainly an interesting element within this atypical novel - being both a blessing and a curse. When she stumbles upon homeless vagrant ‘J’ and makes the decision to take it upon herself to recover his memory…unforeseen troubles rise to the surface. Intoxicating, spellbinding and profoundly thought-provoking this is a book that is deeply captivating with a colorful cast of characters.

Fresh, original and multi-layered this story is magnetic and intensely hypnotizing. I was so impressed by this wonderful tale of heated passion amid a character-driven journey of rediscovering the past. The delicate supernatural, atmospheric ambiance makes this profoundly evocative read believable and captivating. Anyone seeking a sensational encounter and gloriously assured narrative will be enlightened by this.

“What were you dreaming about?’ his eyes skittered away.
He shook his head. ‘Don’t recall…”

This romantic suspense with a clever paranormal twist is an exciting, unpredictable story full of twists and turns that keeps you guessing throughout. Astonishing and startlingly shocking moments add to the dynamic drama and electric tension of the storyline, making the inspired complexity of the plot as acute as any mystery. Blindingly brilliant and indisputably exceptional I am overwhelmed by this remarkable book!! Beguiling and personally I feel quite a bold, ambitious story; this impressive book transcends other works within this genre.

*I was sent a paperback copy of “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” by Evonne Wareham to read and review, from ‘Choc Lit publishers’. I would like to thank Choc Lit for this opportunity*

Profile Image for Tara Chevrestt.
Author 25 books308 followers
February 25, 2013
A romantic suspense with a paranormal twist, but when I say paranormal, I don't mean vampires or shape shifters or such. I mean...mind reading.

The heroine can read minds and when she meets this homeless and bedraggled man in an alley and feels a weird connection to him, she thinks she's hit the jackpot with a perfect subject to experiment on and gets a lot more than she bargained for. * I appreciate this homeless man twist. Parts here made me think about how quickly we judge others by their appearance when in reality, we know nothing about them or why they are in the situation we are in. *

There's lots of shocking and dirty secrets revealed as the end comes near. Elaborate plots in which it's hard to tell who is one whose side. Even in the end, I was a tiny bit confused by some things. Was the gov't in on it? Did they want it too? Why did they permit this and that... I was left with some questions.

I really enjoyed watching the relationship between her and Jay unfold though. The sex was great--not too much, not too little.

The story keeps you guessing. "Whose side is he on? Did he know about this? Who is responsible?" The entire tale is like neatly made bed in the beginning and very slowly you pull back the covers, inch-by-inch, sheet by sheet. That last 3/4 especially are WOWZA!

And I'm going to be very careful not to reveal much more than that as this is one of those stories in which the less said, the better. I'd hate to ruin it for someone.

I was very surprised by the turn of events. This was NOT a predictable story in any way. I confess in the middle there for a while, my mind began to stray. I feel like it was made a little longer than it needed to be, took too long to get to the point at times. Thus, four stars.
Profile Image for Jan.
852 reviews267 followers
March 9, 2013
Distinctive and unconventional this is a savvy supernatural/ sci-fi romance with a difference. No vampires or werewolves but mind reading experiments, laboratories and scientists somewhat reminiscent of Fringe (the tv series)
Maddy Albi is an influential scientist at the pinnacle of her career in the field of mind experimentation, she can enter peoples heads and feel their feelings and share some of their thoughts, and when she is accosted in an alley by an injured down and out man she uses her skills to determine that he's no real threat. She helps this mystery man she knows only as J and when she discovers he's suffering from amnesia the temptation to use him to further her research and at the same time help him recover his lost memories, is too great to resist and they begin building a tentative relationship based on breaking down the barriers holding back his past.
When she finds that beneath the grime is a man she is very much attracted to, despite her reticence to get emotionally involved with anyone, a relic of her traumatic past she has to call on all her reserves not to fall in love with him, after all neither of them know who he really is or whether he can be trusted and even with her unusual talent she is finding it impossible to breach the wall that's keeping his memories at bay.
What evolves is a complex tale of mystery and suspense coupled with passion and romance to satisfy even the most enquiring reader. J is a complex and desirable hero but deeply mysterious with a sinister past waiting to be revealed. The tension builds until what seems to be a slow paced story begins to hurtle towards a complex and exhilarating finale. Definitely a romance for the discerning intellectual bookworm.
May 6, 2013
This was the second book I’d read by Ms. Wareham and, like the first one, it began with lots of suspense that had me turning the pages. I like the way that she built upon the suspense and made me continue to guess what was going on with Jay. I really did think he was just going to be a homeless person who’d suffered a memory loss due to a beating. However, as the story unfolded it seemed obvious that he was somehow part of some deeper mystery and maybe even something sinister. The pacing was spot on and I liked the way the author built up to Jay and Madison’s first love scene. It was ideally placed.

There was an array of secondary characters in this book that also kept me guessing about their motives and how exactly they tied in with Jay. He was a character I was rooting for probably more than Madison, although while reading it I definitely hoped they had a future.

As this is high on suspense I can’t give too much away but will just say that the last thirty pages had me worrying about a happy ending as it didn’t look like there’d be one. However, the last chapter tied up all the loose ends and I liked the way Ms. Wareham chose to end this story.

If you’re a fan of romantic suspense, this is a great pick for you.

Originally posted at: http://www.longandshortreviews.com/bo...
Profile Image for Julie.
2,428 reviews38 followers
April 15, 2013
A tightly-plotted romantic thriller simmering with heart-pounding tension, pulse-racing danger and sizzling seduction, Out of Sight, Out of Mind is the second mesmerizing novel from the UK’s answer to Karen Rose: Evonne Wareham.

Dr. Madison Albi is no ordinary scientist. She has a special talent for reading other people’s minds and delving into their thoughts. Walking back home after a night out, Madison stumbles upon a homeless man with whom she forms an instant connection. Beguiled and fascinated by the sudden bond which she’s formed with this man, a determined Madison decides to get him off the streets and to take him home with her so that she can delve deeper into this shocking mystery. But there’s a catch: the man who has Madison so intrigued has got no idea about who he really is and can remember absolutely nothing about his past! Madison is determined to use her skills to help discover the truth about this man’s identity – but she is unaware of the secrets her unexpected house guest is hiding – and of the dangerous enemies lurking around every corner determined to destroy them both…

Madison is adamant that she will not rest until she discovers the truth about the man she has taken into her home. Christened by her as ‘Jay’, a determined Madison sets to work and starts trying to answer some of the questions that have been puzzling her about his identity. But all her efforts prove groundless. Why can’t Jay remember anything about his past? Why can’t she got to the bottom of this mystery? And why is her extensive medical knowledge failing her in this regard? But more worrying than the plethora of questions which Madison has about Jay is the burgeoning attraction that has flared up between them…

Madison doesn’t have the best track record when it comes to relationships. Her last one ended in tragedy and Madison had vowed to give affairs of the heart as wide a berth as possible. Although every rational bone in her body is telling her not to fall in love with a man who cannot remember who he is, Madison soon realises that resisting Jay is easier said than done!

But is Jay the man Madison believes him to be? Or is he hiding a secret from his murky past that is so devastating that it could put her in the greatest of dangers?

Having loved Evonne Wareham’s award-winning debut novel, Never Coming Home, my expectations for her second novel were pretty high and I am pleased to say that I was not disappointed. Out of Sight, Out of Mind is a fast-paced paranormal thriller full of exciting twists and turns, nail-biting intrigue, heart-stopping drama and breathless suspense that I found absolutely impossible to put down.

I loved Madison who was a strong, intelligent, tough yet vulnerable heroine whom I couldn’t help but admire and Jay was an enigmatic, mysterious, attractive and highly desirable hero who is simply irresistible!

Chilling, provocative and not for the faint-hearted, Out of Sight, Out of Mind is an engrossing and enjoyable romantic thriller from a writer whose star is firmly in the ascendant: Evonne Wareham!
Profile Image for Megan.
469 reviews188 followers
March 6, 2013
Madison is a scientist who has a special gift – she can read minds, delve into minds, explore them and feel someone’s emotions. One night Madison runs into a homeless man, and is struck by their connection, which is stronger than she’s ever felt. Madison is drawn to this connection and so she brings him home, desperate to make the most of his connection to use her skills on him. Jay, the homeless man, can’t remember anything about his life – he has no idea who he was, how he became homeless and can’t recall anything before three months ago. As Madison attempts to use her skills to help Jay retrieve his memory and remember who he is, it soon becomes apparent that there are secrets buried deep in Jay’s mind that might be best left alone…

This book is addictive! I could not put it down or tear my eyes away from the pages, and when I had to put it down for cooking or sleeping I could not stop thinking about it – I was even dreaming about the storyline and trying to figure it all out in my head!

Evonne doesn’t give away all of her secrets of the book at once, but instead it all unravels and unfolds as you progress through the book, so I was left guessing, and then re-guessing as I learnt a new piece of information, and every time I was wrong! The best thing about Out Of Sight Out Of Mind is that I had absolutely NO IDEA which way the book would go, or what direction it would take me in next.

The characters are brilliantly drawn. Madison in particular makes a fantastic lead woman. As we often learn new information at the same time as she does, I found myself mirroring her emotions – gasping in shock and my heart pounding when there was danger. I really warmed to her and I was willing her on to find out and discover all that she wanted to. Jay was cleverly written! I grew to really like him, and I wanted to read on to find out who Jay was. But throughout I still had a lot of questions in my head; would he find out who he was? What would happen if they found out? Are they in any danger?

The relationship between Jay and Madison was wonderful, I really enjoyed their interactions and Evonne had beautifully written this in amongst their journey of discovery. Not only was their personal interactions such a joy to read, but their scientific interactions were so interesting! I loved the mind-reading aspect of the story and it is not something that I have read as part of a book before so I found it new and exciting, and for me I was hooked! I don’t want to spoil it, but let me just say, this book is a journey that you will want to go on!

Out Of Sight Out Of Mind is a perfectly written book containing danger, mind reading, romance and passion. It is compelling and thrilling, with some VERY GOOD twists and turns along the way that will have you guessing and re-guessing! A brilliant novel from Evonne Wareham, and I can’t wait for her next release!
Profile Image for Serendipity Reviews.
573 reviews370 followers
March 20, 2013
Originally posted on www.serendipityreviews.co.uk.
I had wanted to read this book, ever since I heard the premise. Reading minds would be the most amazing skill to have, and the main character Madison can do it with ease. The book is told from alternate points of view in third person, with other minor characters sporadically interspersed. The best way that I can describe this book is a strong contemporary with hints of paranormal in it. If I didn’t know better, after reading this I would think that mind reading was very much the norm in our society. At times the prose went a little over my head. The scenes written in the laboratories lost me a little and I found I had to reread them to get my head around the procedures Madison planned to carry out. The author has clearly carried out in depth research to create authenticity by providing such detailed descriptions.
Madison is a really strong female character who doesn’t take no for an answer. She is completely in control of all aspects of her life and she isn’t willing to let go. Jay comes across quite innocent at the beginning of the story; you can’t help but feel sorry for him, although I’m not sure I would’ve taken him home! As Jay finds his feet, his mysterious hidden past really makes him rather gorgeous. I mean seriously, he sets the book alight. No wonder Madison fell for him. His past is very cleverly written. The author had me visualising so many bad things before I found out the truth.
The romance between Madison and Jay just sizzles off the page when they finally get together. All the original coldness and aloofness, builds with sexual tension, until it finally melts away quickly. This book is set in London, but it had such a cosmopolitan feel to it, I often felt like I was in New York instead. It was only when the characters spent time in Wales, that I remembered this book was set in the UK.
The first half of the book took me a while to get into, but once the romance began the story really took off for me. As information was revealed I was stunned by the twists and turns the plot took. We found out who the real Jay was at the same time as Madison and it really added to the drama of the book. The second half of the book is fast paced and a real page turn as you rush to find out how it will all end.
Oh and the ending! That was just perfect. Like the ending of a swoonsome romantic film. I loved it so much. It’s the kind of ending that stays with you.
On the whole I really enjoyed this book. Strong characters, unusual premise and roller coaster ending.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,216 reviews37 followers
October 2, 2014
Out of Sight, Out of Mind was a strange read for me. I didn't really like it, was constantly like what is going on? But at the same time understanding, but not understanding why I care or why anything was happening. It was just...missing something.

Madison is a mind-reader of sorts and she works in this lab and the book starts off with her walking home and feeling a power down this dark alley. She needs to find it and see if it is what she has been looking for her whole life, if this power is what she needs. Why? I have no idea. The whole power things and what she needs and whatnot was not explained very well. It was just...I didn't really care. It was like cool you are a scientist, you are taking in this homeless man cause you want to study him and he is letting you since he can't remember anything about himself so...

The whole first part of the book is just Madison and Jay doing mind experiments to try and break through the wall in his mind so he will know who he is. It was kind of boring and I just didn't get why Madison was so intrigued with him. They both are attracted to one another, but they try not to do anything about it. Again this was missing something. It was a romantic suspense, but it didn't really follow through for me on either aspect. You keep getting glimpses of the bad guys, but they were written like they were supposed to be creepy pervs, but it didn't feel real to me. Like they didn't really seem like real people.

So when you find out what is happening, who the bad guys are and what they are trying to do I kind of just felt like okay....so? Like I didn't really understand why this was such a terrible thing. Are there that many people out there with mind reading powers? Is this a big thing? Would this really be this terrible terrible thing if someone bad got ahold of what they are doing? Maybe I just didn't understand what exactly they were doing. It didn't seem like a big deal to me, but the way the whole mind reading thing came across was just blah in the story so...not a very good book. It does get more exciting by the end as they try and defeat the bad guys, but still not so good. When Madison finds out who Jay really is she is instantly super angry, then not so much, just all over the place. I didn't get it. I didn't understand why she would react like that to him and why everything just went crazy there for a bit. Oh well. Not the book for me.

This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland
Profile Image for Bella.
530 reviews220 followers
April 20, 2013
Madison Albi has a special ability, and not only being a scientist but she can read minds. After coming across a homeless man who she seems to feel a very strong pull too, and to use her ability to help him she is not sure if its safe. J does not know who he is, he can’t even remember his name but once he meets Madison things might change. Can she being back his past and help him? Does she getting more into J’s head and find things that maybe she did not want to find or things that might have needed to be left alone? Is he really the man she though he was?

I loved it, it was captivating and addictive! Wareham did an amazing job keeping me hooked. I loved the paranormal twist in this one is made for a more exciting and page truing read! I loved Madison’s gift, reading minds, I mean who wouldn’t! I really loved each character in there own way they all made for such an original and interesting read.

Madison fights with her troubled past relationships, vowing to give it a break but when she meets this man, J , she is not sure she can not fall for him. When she gets more into his head she sure finds out a whole lot more then maybe she planed on finding. Madison, was one strong character and so tough and smart, a hot combination all us women want! It really made me enjoy the book that much more, I always love to read about a strong heroine!

This is one read you will not want too miss out one. You will get hooked form page one and fall in love with this entire book has to offer. Paranormal, Romance and Mystery are just some of the few categories this one is in!
Profile Image for Lilee White.
29 reviews22 followers
March 21, 2013
WOAH, I was totally not expecting that.

This book promised me ROMANCE, MYSTERY, PARANORMAL- mind reading, and SECRETS. Boy did it deliver on all counts, especially the Secrets aspect of things.
There were secret organisations, totally huge, unexpected mysteries about who Jay really was. I was trying to guess the outcome of this book and what secrets Jay really held but the truth was way, way off the assumptions I'd made.

The Heroine of this book 'Madison' was really quite refreshing. A strong character, who when faced with difficult decisions and unexpected surprises kept her cool and faced it all head on. This made the book all the more enjoyable.

Evonne Wareham is an absolutely brilliant author who not only captured a whole new side to the paranormal but also cleverly interwove romance, suspense and mystery throughout keeping me hooked and reading this till I was completely finished.

An absolutely worthwhile read!

*I was sent a paperback copy of “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” by Evonne Wareham to read and review, from ‘Choc Lit publishers’. Thank you very much for this opportunity.*

Profile Image for Becky.
270 reviews4 followers
December 1, 2014
I read this as part of a library book club. If I'm honest the blurb on the back sounded a bit naff, but I tried to free my mind from all expectations. Although entirely based around mind reading and therefore completely unrealistic (in my view) by the end I did sort of care for the characters. Sort of. I don't think that the sex scenes added much and I actually felt that their inclusion made the relationship between Maddison and Jay less meaningful. I read the second half quickly not because I was particularly enjoying it but because I wanted to get on to reading another book - not what you want! It was "ok". I appreciated the references to Wales and Tenby, a redeeming feature that could relate to. One sentence summary - A female mind-reader falls for amnesiac Jay.
Profile Image for michelle.
7 reviews
July 28, 2017
4.5 stars – Evonne Wareham‘s Out of Sight Out of Mind was a romantic suspense that kept me reading. I really enjoyed it :)

A novel with a paranormal slant is not one that I would typically pick but I’m glad I decided to give this a go. Although there are technical aspects of the paranormal in the story, the author only delves just enough into it to give the novel a good background.

The romantic tension between Madison and J were there from the get-go, and developed well throughout the novel. The romance and sexual tension between them were well-paced and will get you yelling at them to just “get on with it”. What finally eventuates, are pages of sizzling romance which are classy-ly crafted. Together with a story that had unsuspecting twists right to the last page, the book was quite difficult to put down.

A great read if you’re into romantic suspense.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
246 reviews1 follower
June 20, 2024
I may have rated this book more highly had it not been for the unnecessarily descriptive sex scenes. I recognise that the two characters at the heart of the story needed to have a very deep romantic bond as the story would not have worked without it but it was just way over the top.

One does have to suspend disbelief to enjoy this story but that’s ok. Whilst the ability at the heart of the story is completely fictional, it would be a brilliant asset to police services around the world. Criminals might as well pack up and go straight as they would have no ability to lie or dissemble.
257 reviews
June 30, 2024
A tense, complex psychological thriller

Madison is a scientist who focuses on the mind and memory. She has her own skills of feeling what other people are feeling. One night she encounters a vagrant and is drawn inexorably into his situation and tries to solve his amnesia.
Lots of nebulous science about telepathy and the second-guessing of secret organisations. Tension ramps up as Madison falls for her mystery subject and becomes involved in something more dangerous.
Some twists and turns, secrets revealed and double-bluffing before this story reaches its satisfying end.
2 reviews
April 16, 2024
This book is well written with a great flow. There is a good story line and believable The characters are imaginable and that makes it a good read. The sex is titillating and gets a bit long in verbal illustrations but fits the story and so would draw in younger viewers if they were introduced to this writer. Bit Mills and Boonish but with better and more solid characters.
Profile Image for Eirlys.
1,578 reviews12 followers
June 16, 2024
Enthralling read

An incredibly thought provoking story. A woman alone at night, hears a noise coming from a nearby alley, only to find a badly beaten up man on the ground. Helping him begins a bizarre chain of events. Deceptive characters lead the reader into a maze of twists and turns.
Profile Image for Angelika Belko.
254 reviews2 followers
August 23, 2021
This one was an interesting read. I was quite surprised how easy it was to go through this book. I just don't fully get what genre this was supposed to be. It wasn't really a thriller, but not a romance either. I guess it was just somewhere in between. But, still very intriguing.
Profile Image for Trudi Starling.
47 reviews
June 28, 2024
A rare and wonderful book

A most unusual story, incredible but credible simultaneously, beautifully crafted and a joy to read. Brilliant plotting, fabulous descriptive and I can't wait for more.
14 reviews
July 14, 2024
beautifully written psychological thriller

Yup, definitely gripping and addictive. Couldn’t put this down once started. Gripped immediately, romance and fantasy mixed in with a fast paced thriller and totally recommend.
Profile Image for Michelle.
633 reviews4 followers
March 24, 2024
Mindful moves

When you bring work home you just might find love also, an interesting read featuring sci to elements and a feel good love story.
Profile Image for Nix.
280 reviews5 followers
September 15, 2024
Thriller. Romance. Deception. Mind reading at a scarily complicated level. Connections that shouldn’t be possible, but made believable by the author.
Profile Image for Sharon Goodwin.
842 reviews141 followers
March 30, 2013
I have to admit I was a little bit nervous about reading Evonne Wareham’s second novel having loved Never Coming Home (one of my Top 20 Fiction Reads for 2013). Would it live up to my expectations?

Out of Sight Out of Mind gets off to an exciting start … no preamble but straight into the action! Madison Albi just couldn’t resist the call of another mind … on the edge of a dark and dirty alleyway. ‘J’ is in bad physical shape. Madison just has to take him home so that she can see if the connection was for real.

A conversation in the lobby between concierge Scott and his sister Sandra tells us a little bit more about Madison. This hooked me in … I wanted to know much more than they shared

While Madison and ‘J’ are trying to overcome the barrier in his mind, in another location, we’re given glimpses into The Organisation. This tantalising sojourn gave me many more questions than it gave answers! Who were they? What did our characters mean to them? Why was an intimate relationship so important?

The attraction between Madison and J is there from the start. I loved this!

“This man was seriously built, seriously hot, and her banked-down hormones were rearing up and sniffing the breeze.”

This tells us a lot about Madison and portrays our animal instincts beautifully The sensual tension between them really does sizzle and sparkle.

J is such a thoughtful and sensitive man. He reads Madison’s body language, alert to every nuance … and responds in reaction to what he intuits. At one point when we’re with The Organisation, his best mate doesn’t seem to like him very much and this puzzled me. With J’s nightmare and this knowledge … my mind was led down many different scenarios!

Written in the third person adds so much more depth to their relationship and the plot. I found it so easy to identify with our characters and become wholeheartedly involved.

Wareham is a master of intrigue and suspense. Once again my notes are littered with questions and exclamation marks. I just had to keep turning those pages, waiting for the time when that barrier in J’s mind fell apart so that we could know the truth … had to find out what part The Organisation had to play in the whole plot. What a plot is!

The plot for me was very believeable. We know there are parts of the brain that well, we know nothing about … and there are people in the world with different ‘gifts’ and ‘talents’. This is pivotal to the story. The romance and the science weaved through each other to make this a book I couldn’t put down.

I’ll finish with the last words I wrote in my notes:

Wow, wow and wow. An author who knows how to build tension … both sexually and action-wise!

I would like to thank the publishers for providing a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Pamela .
1,426 reviews77 followers
March 6, 2013
This book has all the elements of the suspense-romance genre with a heavy dose of paranormal - the mind-reading kind. We're introduced to the two protagonists of the novel, Madison, a scientist and a mind-reader, and Jay, a derelict that Madison comes across who doesn't know who he is or where he came from. Upon discovering he shares her mind-reading abilities, Madison decides to take him in, cleans him up, gives him a place to stay, and with his permission, takes him to her research lab for mind experiments in hopes of discovering who he really is. Unfortunately, it's taking months to reach a breakthrough which frustrates them both. If that's not bad enough, they're both fighting their attraction to each other, but eventually do which turns into a long-term relationship. Ultimately, Jay finds himself falling in love with Madison. Does Madison love Jay? She seems to be and just when you think she'll tell him, they discover Jay's true identity. Once the truth comes out, Madison's feelings for Jay take a complete nose-dive (which doesn't last long). This is when the story becomes very interesting.

I thought the beginning of the story to be quiet intriguing, apturing my attention right away. Unfortunately, I found a third of the novel rather boring and redundant; from when they start the never-ending experiments all the way up discovering Jay's true identity, all of which I thought went on too long. With respect to the "Organization," a little more information about who they exactly are would have helped with the story.

As much as I liked the premise of the novel and the characters, there was nothing special that stood out for me. Otherwise, a well-written novel with twists and turns thrown in to keep you guessing to what new discoveries we may learn.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Alana Muir.
Author 1 book18 followers
May 28, 2013
I got this book from a free Candis giveaway, and for a free book it was okay. It was a reasonably entertaining story. But to me, it felt a little bit like a sofa bed. A sofa bed is both a sofa and a bed, but isn't very comfortable in either form. Likewise, this book was a thriller and a romance, but failed to really make me believe either one. It was alright.

My one note to the author, and especially to the editors/publishers: the word "breath" is not a verb. I expect basic spelling errors in a self-published novel, but this is supposed to be a "properly published" book, and that error was made more than once. Very amateurish.
158 reviews1 follower
December 18, 2013
not really my kind of book. but it was written well and the main characters are very strong. the book does have a very good ending, which has left me thinking "what happens next? is there a follow on from this story" even though this is not my type of book I still want to know why jay has just run off!!
7 reviews1 follower
June 19, 2013
I absolutely loved reading this book and am hoping very much so there is a second book.

I could not put this book down, it was full of suspense/romance/love and more. Mind reading was very intriguing and absolutely wonderful.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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