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Seven Faceless Saints #2

Disciples of Chaos

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In this thrilling sequel to Seven Faceless Saints, perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Kerri Maniscalco, Roz and Damian must face their destiny as the world crumbles around them.

Damian Venturi isn't aware of it yet. But as small shifts start to crack the foundations of the Ombrazian power structure after the Rebellion's attack, cracks are beginning to show in Damian's own facade. Uncontrollable anger is bubbling to the surface and can't always be pushed down. Can he keep everyone safe, even from himself?

Rossana Lacertosa should feel victorious. She accomplished everything she set out to do, and more. The Rebellion's attack set countless prisoners free and brought attention to the unfairness in the Palazzo's structure. And Damian is back by her side where he belongs. Yet the war with Brechaat rages on and government officials are hellbent on keeping the status quo.

Then an Ombrazian general arrives from the front lines, and orders dozens of arrests, shipping Roz and Damian's friends up north. Determined to free those who matter most, Roz and Damian set their sights on Brechaat. But their journey is dogged by strange magic, and Damian shifts further from the boy he used to be.

The complications of love, magic, faith, and war will keep readers eagerly turning the pages as they head towards the gripping conclusion in the Seven Faceless Saints duology.

384 pages, Hardcover

First published February 20, 2024

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About the author

M.K. Lobb

4 books438 followers
M. K. Lobb is a fantasy writer with a love of all things dark— be it literature, humour, or general aesthetic. She grew up in small-town Canada and now lives by the lake with her partner and their cats. When not reading or writing, she can be found at the gym or contemplating the harsh realities of existence.

Her debut novel, SEVEN FACELESS SAINTS, releases Feb 7, 2023 from Little, Brown. The sequel, DISCIPLES OF CHAOS, is to follow in 2024.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews
Profile Image for M.K..
Author 4 books438 followers
September 17, 2024
Giving myself 5 stars for effort because writing this book was like pulling teeth and then using them to stab myself in the eyes. Bone apple teeth
Profile Image for ShannonXO.
560 reviews162 followers
December 21, 2023
Okay, yes, yes, and yes! I'm obsessed with how this duology ended! It is both romantic and heart-breaking and full of so many new twists and turns and reveals that kept me absolutely riveted. Also, I don't know what it is, but there is something about Lobb's writing style that just scratches a very specific itch in my brain.

Anyway, all that to say, if you liked *Seven Faceless Saints* then you will LOVE its conclusion.

Thank you to MK Lobb for letting me read early!
Profile Image for Alina.
122 reviews7 followers
May 19, 2024
I wanted to give 3 stars BUT THE END…despite there are still some holes…IS SMTH! I WAS ALMOST HAVE A TEAR! And I rlly like the idea of the end that sometimes u just have to do what u must
so I’ve ended with 4 strong stars and thinking about some points too🤭
Profile Image for Anaum Ali.
170 reviews9 followers
June 3, 2024
*collapses in sobs of happiness*
next time i dont feel like reading a book, im just gonna quit instead of forcing myself to read it. I am never putting myself through that again. 😭
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,279 reviews49 followers
April 4, 2024
I enjoyed the first book, but, sadly, the 2nd book was very trope-y with the whole good character spirals down into the abyss of becoming a bad person and the ending was the whole 'love can conquer anything' trope even thought I wasn't really convinced that they loved each other. It felt forced.
Profile Image for akacya ❦.
1,424 reviews289 followers
February 19, 2024
2024 reads: 40/250

2024 tbr: 23/120

i received an advanced review copy from the publisher via netgalley in exchange for an honest review. this did not affect my rating.

in this sequel to seven faceless saints, roz and damian face their destiny as the world around them collapses. damian is losing himself to chaos, making it harder to keep everyone else safe. roz, despite her accomplishments, can’t feel satisfied yet, as the war with brechaat rages on.

this book had the perfect amount of drama and action. i absolutely loved getting patience and chaos’s backstory and how this tied to roz and damian’s story. this was heartbreaking in the best way. i absolutely loved taking this journey with damian and roz, and while i’m sad to say goodbye, i cannot wait for whatever m.k. lobb writes next.
Profile Image for Heather.
911 reviews56 followers
March 30, 2024
I've been super sick and not keeping up with reading or Goodreads... I guess I'm just gonna guestimate when I finished reading this cause Audible's a bitch. Just keep your secrets!

This duology is so underrated. I hope more people discover it. And it would be great if Fairyloot or whoever does a special edition of the second book, cause COME ON. Now I don't have a matched set!

The first book seemed to tie up some loose ends, but in the second book, everything quickly unravels. There were so many exciting scenes: a prison break; visiting a super spooky underground library that is so vast and its collection is so engrossing that people will just lay in the floor and die because they can't stop reading; sneaking into enemy territory; sleeping in a cheap motel and sneaking into each other's bedrooms to sexually frustrate one another (lol); and unleashing the powers of the gods!

I love the sci-fi/fantasy mix of having magic-powered firearms in this duology. I don't see enough of that. I love that the heroine is a kinda butch bisexual and kind of a bitch and you can't tell her nothin. I love that the hero is so into her, she's absolutely the only thing in the world he cares about.

Some of the events are just destined to occur, so you know what's coming. But some things were shocking. I might have cried. I was sick so I don't remember if I did for real, or if I fought it off to protect my sinuses. But probably I did.

Anyway, I loved this so much. I'm just going to buy whatever this author writes. She knows her stuff. If you want a unique fantasy with politics, religion, rebellion, and romance, here ya go. And it's queer, too. A+
Profile Image for Shannon  Miz.
1,337 reviews1,075 followers
February 20, 2024
Another solid sequel here! We pick up where we left off, with a lot of fighting and messy political turmoil. And some magic, which let's be real, is the last thing politicians need. (I will say, one of my favorite parts of this book was the political and war commentary, which felt incredibly relevant in today's global climate.) I enjoyed the characters, though perhaps a bit less than the first book- Damian has undergone some unfortunate changes, and while it makes perfect narrative sense, it made me sad for his character, and for Roz having to watch it happen.

I loved that the world-building was taken to the next level in this installment, and a lot of my questions from the first book were answered. As always, I loved the ensemble cast that accompanied our main characters, and there was certainly a ton of action and adventure to keep the reader on their toes. The ending was both satisfying and narratively appropriate, and I can't really ask for much else!

Bottom Line: Satisfying duology is satisfying.

You can find the full review and all the fancy and/or randomness that accompanies it at It Starts at Midnight
85 reviews
June 15, 2022
a sequel to SFS?? we should all be afraid but turned on
Profile Image for Ally.
234 reviews302 followers
February 20, 2024
3.5 rounded up, got an arc through Edelweiss

This one didn’t grab me as much as the first, I felt the plot of book one was a bit more purposeful overall and that this one was just kinda ambling from one plot point to the next instead of having an overall cohesion. That being said, I think this was a fitting conclusion. It managed to surprise me; I saw the first “plot twist” coming a mile away and then got smacked upside the head by the second one which I very much had not, and I liked that! I thought the mythology overall was interesting and the last 15% or so of this one really sucked me in. It was still good, I enjoyed it well enough and was the ending the series deserved, the author is undeniably creative and I’ll be interested to see what else they come up with in the future, I just felt I enjoyed the first a bit more.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,345 reviews156 followers
February 2, 2024
I absolutely loved the first book in this series. It had everything I like and want in a book and it most of all had an amazing hero. I fell a little bit in love with Damian in the first book and after the finale, which was epic, I was really curious what was waiting for us in this second book. So, when I saw this book on Netgalley I didn't hesitate and requested a copy. I'm incredibly thankful that Titan Books decided to accept my request.

I have to admit that I needed a lot more time to get into this sequel than I had hoped. The first half of the book wasn't really my thing. I understand that important things were happening and I also really enjoyed exploring the world and learning a little more about the Saints, the mythology, the world this story takes place in and we also got the chance to get to know some side characters a little better. But, it wasn't gripping me as much as the first book had.

And then the second half of the book came. I reached that point where I almost couldn't stop reading. I was really curious what was gonna happen next and there were a few reveals I saw coming but worked out even better than I had thought they would. And the closer we got to the finale, the more I had to force myself to not start reading faster and faster. Because this author once more delivered a heartbreaking, action-packed and wonderful finale.

Due to the plot, which I don't wanna give away here in case you're not seeing all the plot-twists coming and don't wanna be spoiled, this book didn't really cater to my Damian loving heart. I guess that's also partly why it took me so long to really get into this book. However, I absolutely love Roz's character growth in this book. She's learning so much, growing so much and eventually does what needs to be done even though it does cost her a lot.

It's a pity this is only a duology. I totally would have loved another book in this series!
Profile Image for PB.
451 reviews49 followers
March 29, 2024
Read my review of SEVEN FACELESS SAINTS (#1) here!

I really enjoyed reading Seven Faceless Saints last year and so I was looking forward to this sequel and actually cared about what will happen to Roz and Damian and their friends after book 1. I enjoyed the bit of murder mystery in Seven Faceless Saints which was sadly missing from Disciples of Chaos and although the stakes are a bit higher, I thought the plot was slower and the buildup was longer than the climax which isn't until the last couple of chapters. Admittedly, I'm also sad to have figured out the "big twist" earlier on and would have loved to see a longer execution of the action sequences.
Overall, though, I still enjoyed M.K. Lobb's writing and am excited for her next novel, To Steal From Thieves.

If you enjoyed Seven Faceless Saints, this is a solid conclusion for the duology.
Also, if you're a fan of Shadow and Bone, I highly recommend you check this series out, I think you'll enjoy the world!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced reading copy!

Amazon Associates links:
Buy yourself a copy of Seven Faceless Saints (#1)
Buy yourself a copy of Disciples of Chaos (#2)
Profile Image for Anna.
208 reviews4 followers
April 9, 2024

For the longest time I had the same issues (if you want to call it that) as with book one: Well written, good characters, solid plot and yet something was missing. And I couldn’t really pinpoint what it was, but nonetheless the book did a thing in the second half. Especially the last 20%.
Did I cry ? Maybe. Was I prepared for it? Absolutely not.

I feel like what made this book slightly better was for one, I read it shortly after finishing Seven Faceless Saints, and then two, the change of scenery as we were exploring the North and Brechaat as well as the introduction of new characters, which added a lot to the dynamic of the group and the story.

Roz and Damian’s thoughts and dialogues did end up often revolving around the same topic, which was understandable, but also…



One might argue the ending was questionable, and I would agree to a certain extent, but my heart is pretty happy the way it is.
A great sequel and ending to this duology.

I’m also intrigued to read more from the author.

Kinda mad that *a certain book box* didn’t do a fancy edition of this book to match their Seven Faceless Saints one…but well.

Thank you Titan for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for jana (jude duarte’s version).
117 reviews20 followers
March 25, 2024
This was so perfect. I cried, I laughed, I felt so many emotions when reading this book I almost exploded. The world building with just two books was perfection. Every moment was exhilarating but perfectly placed.

The romance broke my heart and put it back together so many times that I lost count. I'm going to miss these characters and this world I became so immersed in. Even though this book has elements we've seen in previous series it's fresh in an unexplainable way. The writing is beautiful (i was legit highlighting every line in kindle) and experienced despite this being the sequel to a debut. Roz and Damian have my heart, like no joke I would die for them. Finishing this book was so bittersweet because of that and I wish I had millions of these books to just lose myself in.

M.K. Lobb you have just created an utterly devoted reader to your books.
Profile Image for Alissa.
482 reviews35 followers
August 9, 2024
I’ve been struggling to know what to say about this instalment to the duology. I think it was a satisfying conclusion and well executed but I dont really have anything to say about it. It didnt quite capture my attention as much as the first. I will say my one criticism for the first was that characters seemed to change their minds too quickly but that was not an issue in this one, which was good to see. I’m surprised more people aren’t reading and talking about this. Its a good duology with a complex and interesting world and im keen to read more from this author. Her next book looks very fun 😅
Profile Image for Dee Hancocks.
415 reviews7 followers
January 8, 2024
Disciples of Chaos has plenty of action, twists and drama. We pick up right where book one ended and then go on an epic adventure. This includes a deadly library and a ship during a storm - both scenes were my fave parts of the book. It was hard to put this book down due to the fast pace and wanting to know what happened next. The backgrounds of the Saints Chaos and Patience was gut-wrenching to read. I would say this book was more politics heavy and war focused, it missed the mystery element that worked so well in the first book. Saying that this was a satisfying ending but also bittersweet. Thank you to NetGalley and Titan Books for an E-ARC. This is a voluntary review of my own thoughts.
Profile Image for mars.
62 reviews2 followers
April 8, 2024
“i would do anything for you,” he murmured. “if you demanded it, i would wrench the saints from heavens one by one.”

"roz." his voice was soft. lightly amused. "i've loved you since the first day you showed up at my house, strode inside without being invited, and told me we were going to be friends. i've loved you even when i shouldn't. i've loved you to my own detriment, and still the idea of trying to love anyone else is frankly horrifying. i'm not going to pretend it won't hurt, knowing you don't remember things the same way I do, but being without you would hurt far more."

books do it better.
Profile Image for Aly.
2,979 reviews
April 9, 2024
This was an entertaining sequel, with adventure, new friends, and some Chaos. I liked getting to know more about the gods and saints, as well as getting a bit more romance. I thought this wrapped up very nicely, but it would be fun to read another book set in this world with new lead characters.
Profile Image for Ângela.
273 reviews4 followers
September 25, 2024
I'm much more of a fan of book 1 but it was a fine conclusion to the duology, the ending was kinda of a stretch to be honest and I wish we had spent a bit more time explaining the worldbuilding instead of repeating the same information time and time again
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,685 reviews213 followers
April 8, 2024
Oh, this was such a good sequel, and I have zero regrets about devouring it. My love for Damian and Rossana will continue to grow forever and ever.
Profile Image for pinky.
409 reviews71 followers
Want to read
August 25, 2022
more damianroz hello HELLO HELLOOOOOOOO
Profile Image for Gabrielle (belle.bookcorner).
789 reviews180 followers
February 20, 2024
Actual Rating: 3.5⭐

Disciples of Chaos is the sequel to Seven Faceless Saints and also the final book to this duology.
This book finally answers some of the questions I had in the 1st book.

Unlike the 1st book which focusing about the murder mystery, in here we finally got to know more about the Saints, especially about Chaos and Patience as well as the people living in the north.
Not just that, a few new characters addition and a rescue mission are also thrown inside which kept this book interesting until the end.

While I like most things in this book, there a few that I wish could be more.
I wasn’t really a fan of the romance because it seems that Roz and Damian relationship didn’t really progressed until the last few chapters.
I also wish there’s more chapters from the 3rd POV to get to know him but it only has a few throughout the story so I didn’t feel connected to that character.

So many secrets are kept hidden and it’s finally out in the open by the end of this book. I admit the ending is quite heart-breaking.
The last 20% had me holding me breath not knowing what kind of ending the author had in store.

Overall, I really enjoy this duology as a whole. Although, one thing I would like to suggest is re-reading the 1st book before diving into this one because it started right after the end of the 1st book.
I’m looking forward to read more books by this author in the future!

Thank you to TBR and Beyond Tour, Netgalley, author and publisher for giving me an e-ARC of the book and for having me on this book tour. I’m leaving this review voluntarily!
July 30, 2024

What a heartbreakingly, beautiful conclusion to this duology.

When I finished Seven Faceless Saints I had a vague idea of where this was going but in no way did that prepare me for the emotions I’d feel.

I honestly really enjoyed the plot of this series, it didn’t fully focus on a lot of romantic moments but you could still feel the love between the two main characters and what they would do for each other and that was so hauntingly beautiful. I am happy that they were content in the end as I was really expecting things to go a completely different way.

I enjoyed the magical element to these books and how it wasn’t too crazy to understand. I struggle with some stories as they can be hard to follow along but this was written so well that I found it a breeze to keep up.

I have to admit that it took me a couple of days to fully get into this one compared to the first one but once I was about 50ish pages in, I was flying through. I was all over the place with my emotions and connections to the characters as I could see what was happening and I just wanted to scream. The frustration I felt was insane, I just wanted things to be so different for Damian and Roz as the story progressed. However, their ending made up for the stress I felt throughout the book.

Overall, this series was really interesting and definitely worth the read for those whole like fantasy with a dash romance with some rebellion against the patriarchy.
Profile Image for Jessie.
418 reviews1 follower
February 20, 2024
Disciples of Chaos takes place almost immediately after Seven Faceless Saints and despite me reading SFS and enjoying it a year ago, I could have done with a refresher. There were a lot of questions I had with the world building when the book began but luckily Lobb is smart enough to focus on Damian and Roz and the ramifications the events of Saints (with the exception of an additional POV that, in my opinion, wasn't really needed).

While Saints was mainly a murder mystery of sorts, Disciples of Chaos is a large departure. The world expands and the follow up focuses more on the war and powers that be who are dictating the terms of a war that, as our crew slowly begins to find out, is largely destroying the very people it allegedly is trying to hold up.

The book is extremely propulsive. There is constant action and our protagonists are almost constantly in some sort of peril. Damian was my favorite character in the first book but he is largely changed after the events of the first book which was a bit of a bummer. The romance wasn't really as prevalent in this book other than some truly lovely lines of dialogue and few and far between moments. The beginning was a little slow for me but the second half of the book is packed with revelations, twists and drama.

I wish I could say I loved the ending and there were definitely aspects of the ending I enjoyed. It was maybe a bit too bitter versus sweet for me and didn't feel as resolved or earned as I would have liked.

I recommend reading this duology together, one book right after the other instead of taking time in between books. I think that would enhance the reading experience. Overally, this is a clever and well written duology that I definitely recommend if the idea of an Italian/saint based fantasy world appeals to you.

Thank you so much to the publisher and NetGalley for letting me read an E-ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Bree.
56 reviews11 followers
December 19, 2023
Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for sending me this eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I loved Seven Faceless Saints and was excited to read the sequel and it did not disappoint! The Disciples of Chaos was such a good ending to the duology and was everything I could have hoped for. It was action packed and fast paced, with lots of twists and reveals. We also got more world building in this book and got to see more of the history of the saints. I loved learning more about Patience and Chaos and their impact on the world. The ending was so well done. It felt bittersweet and made my heart ache.

If you enjoyed Seven Faceless Saints you will love this sequel. I am definitely going to recommend this duology to anyone looking for their next read!
Profile Image for Laura Newsholme.
1,185 reviews7 followers
January 16, 2024
This was a much better read for me than the first book, because the plot and narrative felt streamlined and purposeful. Having established the characters and the world already, the author had the freedom here to focus on the story, which I found a much more enjoyable reading experience. What I didn't love, however, was the arc of the main characters Damian and Roz. I found their relationship hard to read - it felt abusive and although I know that there were reasons for this choice, it still didn't sit well with me. Overall, this conclusion was satisfying and I will check out M. K. Lobb's next release.
I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
March 2, 2024
I was undecided rating wise. But in the end I settled on 4 stars ( maybe 3.75) .

I have to say this book went into a direction I wasn’t expecting. The author teased an unhinged Damian in her teasers but it happened in an unexpetced way for me. Anyway I’m a fan of every version of Damian so , he can do whatever he wants lol

I loved Roz , her strenght was so inspiring.

““I’ve been here the whole time. Every version of me is yours.”

Profile Image for Chloe.
687 reviews70 followers
Want to read
December 1, 2023
First off, what the actual heck?

Secondly, this was everything I wanted in a sequel. An absolute joy to read despite the complete emotional anguish it brought me. Impeccably written and utterly rageful, its a gut punch of a book in the best possible way.

And let me tell you, the ending? The last line? Perfect.
Profile Image for Vanessa Rose.
46 reviews
February 24, 2024
I am so glad that I read this duology. I will be forever changed for the better.

While the world-building was not very strong in this series, the depth in which the characters and relationships were crafted is truly remarkable. These characters made me laugh and cry. And I will probably reread this again just to laugh and cry once more.

“I could never forget you. You exist in every part of me.”
Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews

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